^/pbany^7)irectory J i l c Court <*»y Shop . Ready-te-wear e-weai and M illinery -Mrs, C. L. Fox 117 Broadalbin s t , Albany T h is is good a d v ic e : " I t you live in A lbany, trad e in Albany ; if you live in sotqe o th e r town, tra d e in th a t to w n ." b u t in th ese auto m o b ile days m any re ­ sid in g elsew h ere find it advisable to do at lea st p a rt ol th e ir buy ing ui the larg e r town. ldiose who g o t o A lbany to tran sac t b u sin e ss w ill find th e firm s n am ed below ready to fill th e ir re q u ire ­ m en ts w ith courtesy an 1 fairness. A lb a n y Floral Co. C ut flowers and plant«. Floral a rt for every and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-1 T Ju y « la d olds bulbs now . " 50 and 75c ocr dozen Allow for postage H a ll's F loral and .Music Shop. W estside g re e n h o u se products. f ’E N T R A L T IR E SH O P c h arg in g . T ire V ulcanixiug- 221 W. Second. B a tte ry re ­ .Ed Falk, Prop. LY-istburn B ro s.— Two big grocery stores, 212 W. F irst and 225 South Mam. Good m erchandise at tho right prices. l / ’Hte C a fe te ria a m i c o n fe c tio n e ry Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. We make our own candies. W . S. D uncan . P O R D SALES AND SBRVlCE Tires and accessories Repairs . K i r k -P o l l a k M otor C o . tV irtm ille r F u rn itu re Co., futni- A ture, rugs, linoleum stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-43.5 w est F irst street, A lb an y , O regon. F I L L E R G RO CERY , 235 Lyon A (Successor to S ten b erg B ros.) Groceries Phone 2t>3K F ru its Produce U O L M A N & JACKSON Grocery— B akery E v ery th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice Alford Arrows Miss Lucile H arnden has been visiting in Eugene this week. (By an E n te rp rise R ep o rter) -Mrs. Ly man Palm er accom pan­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred B u rk h a rt of ied her m other, Mrs. M. C Bond Salem sp en t all of last week at and Mr. and Mrs. Balt Bond to their tarm . Condon, Sunday. They drove Ly Lee In g ra m and dau g h ter T hel­ way of M i'Kenzie pass. ma m ade a business trip to Albany Friday. I M M Mr. and M rs. H a rry M ason of A lbany called at the E. D. Isom home M onday. Mrs. Joe Cersovaki and A nna If you break yonr glasses D on’ T heresa are spending m ost of their W orry! Pickup the pieces. We tim e in P o rtland at the bedside of can m atch th e m —and possibly im Mrs. C ersovski’s m other, Mrs. prove on them . O ur experience H eitzm an, who is very low. Falk's. with thousands of eyes have made Mr. and Mrs. A. E. W hitbeck Charles S traley and fam ily spent us experts in th a t conditiiou of enjoyed a v isit from th e ir nephew, Sunday afternoon at G. J . Kikes. yours. Our new address is 318 Mr. Leon Sprague of, P o rtlan d the Mrs. E. S. M areters accompanied last of the week. west F irst Street. by her Eon i.ynian, went to Albany Most of the people from this W ednesday on a business and com m unity attended the celebra­ pleasure trip. tion at H arrisb u rg S a tu rd a y . Lee J e w e le r s , Miss Grace K irk and Mamie O p tom etrists and M anufacturing Ingram entered a float in the p a ­ F alk visited at L. R. F a lk ’s T h u rs­ rade. O pticians day afternoon. E. D. Isom and fam ily accom­ ALBANY OREGON Clarence G illette and fam ily panied by M r. Isom 's au n t, Mrs, spent T hursday evening at Cecil W- E . Burton » f Portland and M rs. Bilyeu’s, M inerva Cooper of T angent and Mrs. E dna Rike spent Tuesduy the la tte r's g ra n d d a u g h te r, Miss at H erm an Stienke home. Mary Cooper drove to Eugene S un­ M anufacturers of Jennie Nicewood was a week-end day afternoon to call on the A. F. Robuett fam ily, Beverly Isom guest at H. J. F alk 's. stayed for a few days visit with her Several from this com m unity a t­ an d B u y ers o f Eggs o u s in , Doris R oboett. tended the dedication of th e bridge A F a r m e r s ’ C o -o p e ra tiv e Emery R ickard spent last week at H a rrib u rg S aturday. at the home of his uncle Jess Je n k s H iram Bierly has returned to C re a m e ry of T angent, looking after things this neighborhood. w hile Mr. Je n k s and his fam ’ly Mrs. E. E. C arey anil children wore away. were visitors at Cecil B ilycu's F r i­ 1923 C hevrolet T o u rin g Meade & Albro Albany Creamery Association LINN BUTTER 1926 D odge S edan Olds Coach, 1925 2 Ford Coupes Je w e tt T o u rin g , 1926 I F ord T ru ck , 1 to n O verland T o u rin g WANTED 100,000 Pounds 136 F erry street, A lbany, ^Po m ake rocm fo r Phone 127J our s p r in g * slock, w ill sell o rg a n s a t alm ost y o u r own prices W e m u st have m ore room . D av en p o rt M usic H ouse. Cascara Bark H ighest Cash Price A lbany B argain H ouse Secbnd an d Baker Phone 411J Lake Creek Locals (Enterprise Correspondent) Miss Jennie Nicewood sp en t the week end with her frieud Nellie Falk and together they sp e n t S a t­ urday in H arrisburg. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. F alk m otor­ ed to the S antiam -C assadia road near Foster M onday. Miss G race K irk spent the week end w ith her friend E va H u lbert of A lbany. Mr. and Mrs T. W. Love and Miss Mabel Lacey were dinner guests a t J. P. I'em pleton's T h u rs­ day. E sther Seefcld visited W ednes­ day night with N ellie Falk. Lvm an M arsters who has been teaching school in W ashington is a t the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S- M arsters for a va­ cation until the jOth of this m onth when he will leave for Palo Alto, C alifornia, where he will attend the S tauford university this su m ­ mer. E rnest and H erm an R aster and Mrs. K arl Gengenbacli and c h ild ­ ren of P o rtland were called to the home o f C. L. Falk sr , S aturday night on account of illness of their m other Mrs. C. L. Falk sr. M-ss G ertrude G engenbach will rem ain there for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W esley W inner rtf Topeka, K ansas who bad been a t­ N otice o f A n n u al tending the banker's convention in Preparations are being m ade to School M eeting San Fraucisco stnppe»l for a short build a new school house in Dis­ W hen in Need of an O utside visit at M artin C um m ings home. tr ic t No. 50. A lbert W e s tis b a u '- P R IN T E R . See Notice is hereby given to the W ednesday. M rs. Cum m ings anil FR A N K TAYLOR & SON ing tho gravel for the cem ent work. legal voters of School D istrict No Mr. W omer are cousins. A lbany, O regon A num ber of people gathered at 50, of Linn County, S ta te of O re­ O ur neighborhood was well r e p r e ­ the school grounds T hursday a fte r­ gon, th a t the A nnual School m eet­ ing of said D istrict w ill be held at sented at the H arrisb u rg bridge noon, when L. R. F alk and son S ta tio n C harles, assisted by A. L. and H. the school house; to begin at the dedication on S atu rd a y . We serve all makes J. F alk successfully moved the hour of four o'clock afternoon on W i l l a r d s 0 . G. C oldiron and fam ily have and sell ______________ the th ird M onday of Ju n e , being as their guests his b ro th e r, Dr. old school house to the hack p a it U nder new m anagem en the 21st day of June, A. D. 1926 Coldiron and son K enneth of Pond of the school yard. The old build­ L. M. T aylor, Prop ing will be worked into a play This m eeting is called for th e Creek, O klahom a. 121 W. Second, A lbany. shed. purpose of electing one director for The wild black berries are ripe If you enjoy a good meal, 3 years; one clerk for one 1 year .m il know a g 1 invil when you get it, now. You’ll be back, tor y o n 'll not forget it. and to offer for sale w arrants to A large delegation of Farm ers O ur aim is to please vou. raise money to build a new house Union m em bers from Sweet Home and the tran sactio n of business us (By Special Correspondent) visited Lake Creek S atu rd ay even­ ual at such m eeting. ALBANY ing. T ogether w ith th e Pine W . G. McNeil and fam ily and Dated thia 7th day of June, 1926 G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T Grove union they gave a very in te r­ Mrs. Agnes McNeil attended the A ttest: esting program Mrs. Jones of funeral of Rev. Wood a t Corvallis W- R- K irk, D istrict Clark Rev. Wood M. B. H arding, C oairm an of Monmouth, sta te secretary of the Sunday afternoon. at lowest rate of interest. farm ers union anil Mr. W eddle of was an Evangelical m inister and Board of D irectors Sweet hom e, who is president of preached at Pine Grove about 20 Rea! Estate Insurance the Linn county unions gave v tty years ago. Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. R a b b it» a» S w im m e rs W m ' B a in . Boom 5, First Savings Bank An Investigating n atu ralist reports interesting ta lk s -on the work of A. 1»’. Albertson and fam ily visit­ builning. Albany th a t rab b its are good swim mers and the order. M usic end song added ed nt the Dinwiddie home near have a very real fondness fo r the wa­ to the pleasure o f the evening a - te r and th e sport they find In a good P hilom ath Sun'lav. swim. He says he has been hidden In did the bountiful repast served at Mr. and Mrs. N. E. C handler Mr. the woods and watched rabbits run the close of the m eeting. W hy suff-r from headache? on a high bank and dive fa r out In Pehrssyn of Pine G love was c h a ir­ were among those from this vicinity H ave your eyes exam ined the w ater, swimming about and shak­ who attended the program given ing the w ater from th eir eyes. In a man. by the Farm ers union at Lake human fashion, then shaking the w a­ Mr. and Mrs. H enry M unger and ter out o f th eir furry coats a fte r the Creek F riday evening. W’»b W swim, exactly as a dog does. Prior fam ily were S unday g n e e t. of Mr. and Mrs. J. S u itar. A num ber from th is vicinity a t­ to th a t discovery he had known ra b ­ bits to tak e to the w ater when p u r­ Mrs. A A. Jones and daughter tended tb>- dedication of lb s H a ris, Jew elers O ptom etrists Ji sued by a dog, but had not known they Miss M arie re tu rn e d to th e ir home burg bridge S aturday. chose the w ater for sport when they bad a day off from play and relax ­ in Cor vail ia W ednesday after T here will be a chicken pie sup­ A lbany » ation.—Ohio S tate Jo u rn al. speeding several day* a t the Mar- per a t the school. house Friday Y V a ld o Anderson & Son. distrib- • ’ u to rs and d ealers for M axw ell, C h a l­ m ers, E ssex H udson & H np m o b ile cars. A ccessories, a polies. 1st A B roadalbin. Wiliard Pine Grove Points PARAGON CAFE FARM LOANS Dr. Seth T. French F. M. Frencn & Son Mrs. Blood and sou Edwiu »ere Corvallis visitors W ednesday. Mrs. Estes Bass and children visited Mrs. Eagy W ednesday. Mr. and Airs. Bert Haynes were (By an Boterpiise Reporter) A lbany calleis T hursday. H aying is well begun in this Floyd Nichols had business in neighborhood. A lbany Friday. A ndy C hristensen and family accompanied by Mrs. W illiams were Sunday visitors a t L. R. A u d ie n c e O n ly Ju d g e Highway Garage a n d sh e e t m etal w ork, tin a n d gravel roofing, general jo b b in g in tin a n d gal- vanizeil iron w ork, m etal s k y lig h ts and c ornices, puuips of all kinds. evening, after which the Corvallis cham ber of commerce will furnish the program for the evening. The supper will be sold cafeteria style, and the proceeds given to the com­ m unity club and orchestra. Spoon River Sparks The Alford students were all successful in the state ex a m in a ­ H aro ld G . M urphy 1‘rop. tions which were taken th e 13th Phone 665 nd 14th of M ay. Merle Kropf W e n ev er close ed the class with an average of agneto electric co . 96 7-9 while the other two, Velda PIIILCO B A T T ER IE S with the famous Diamond-» irid plates Curtis and B e rth a (Jornely were Priced to suit the consum er. 42.5 \\ Firs close behind with averages of 94 8-9 I »ui a n d m oney are beet when nd 92 5-9 respectively. The sixth busy. M ake y o u r d o lla rs w ork in tade stu d en ts all m a d e g o o d our sav in g s d e p artm e n t. A lb a n y S t a t e B a n k . U nder g o v e rn m e n t su p erv isio n . rades too. First and Baker A lbany, Ore. IVI A R IN ELLO PA RLO RS Miss Lillie R ick ard ’s school HOWARD SR1GLEY (A beauty aid for every need) closed Friday with a jo in t picnic St. F ra n c is H otel Prop. Winifreil Rese with a neighboring d istric t on the banks of the W illam ette river. D O S C O E AMES H A R D W A R E K eith H ayes spent Monday and The W inchester Store Monday night with C arl Isom. C. E. M ercer and A. F. R obnett rT H E M A RTIN L U D W IG SH O P of Eugene sp e n t S aturday night at Geo. L. H urlev, P ro p rie to r and E. D. Isom 's. M anager. W arm a ir fu rn ac e s, p lum bing M P E R IA L C A F E , 209 W Fir»t tin Cummings home. San Francisco —and other northern California points. Fast, co n v en ien t service daily; travel in all-steel safety coaches, well-light' ed and ventilated. R oom y, w ell-u p ­ holstered seats. Meals at low cost; eat in the lunch car on trains 13 and 15. o f S cen es T h at " C o ” Aa a rule, It is eusy for the author to discover before rehearsals draw to an end where the weaknesses. If any, of his play exist. It Is a peculiar thing th at a play which reads well often acts badly, and vice versa, w rites Cos­ mo Hamilton In the Saturday Evening Post. I have noticed many times, with my own work and with the work of other men, th at there are certain scenes which seem to be extraordinarily amusing on paper, but which have only to be put to the te st of rehearsal to drop head first Into the pit In which, in less expensive days, the orchestra tuned up. It Is, too, quite Impossible to ascertain, until a play has been well rehearsed, w hat lines are to be cut, w hat entrances altered and w hat exits are to be brought about with greater or less rapidity. It has been proved again and again how hopeless it is to make u true es tlninte of a play's appeal to an audi­ ence until It faces one. There are few authors and even few er directors who d are to prophesy exactly how a play will take. Scenes which have been rehearsed for laughs and which have appealed to all concerned as be­ ing extremely funny during rehearsal may be received w ith stony silence by the people In front on "the night." O ther scenes which appear to be trivial and unim portant may go with roars of laughter, while tragic mo­ m ents and those In which the whole dram a of the play has been worked up to a high pitch may fizzle like damp gunpowder when put to the final test O nly One N ight On the “San Fran­ cisco Express.” Or go on the “Oregon­ ian” or Sou th ern C alifornia Express P e o p le H a ve L earn ed V alu e o f T h erm o m eter A man named Galileo lnventeil a therm om eter In 1502. The liquid was In an open vial, and there was no mark or scale to show tem peratures. A fter a while a mark was used show­ ing the tem perature of snow and a n ­ other for the heat of u candle. flu lf a century Inter a man found he could make a therm om eter of n glass tube with a bulb on one end, so by sealing the other end you could carry the thing about. Another half century or more passed, and F ahren­ heit became Interested. He developed the therm om eter until It was a p rac­ tical Instrum ent, and by 1714 he had established bis now famous F ah ren ­ heit scale. T hat was over 200 years ago, says Good H ardw are, yet people ore Just realizing how actually useful this In­ strum ent Is. For centuries it was looked upon with su p erstitio n ; a w ore of years ago school children could tell you the owner of nearly every th e r­ mometer In tow». The incubator, and then our scientific dairying, cooking and gardening, brought the thermom­ eter Into common use. Therm om eters are an Im portant Item now. They a re In demand every day of the ypar among folks who have learned a little about their uses. Many people demand a specially de­ signed therm om eter for each »lllfer- ent purpose. M is u n d e rs to o d An old negro named John Jones, upon leaving A tlanta, Ga„ went to his bank, a negro Institution, and had his book balnnced, which showed a balance of $200. Landing In Cincinnati, (he old darky Issued ii check on the A tlanta bank for $200, payable to a Cincinnati hank In a few days the check was re­ turned marked "Insufficient Funds," whereupon the Cincinnati bank sent an Inquiry to tb s A tlanta bank about the old negro'a account and the bal­ ance they showed on the pass book, against which no checks had been la- sued. The following reply was re­ ceived : "Gentlemens—We don't mean th at John Jones ain 't got sufficient funds, hut we mean th at our funds are In­ sufficient."—Forbes Magazine. B e tra y e d F re n c h Secret» M ajor Esterhazy became notorious through his connection with the Drey­ fus case. It waa he who accused D reyfus of being the w riter of the famous “bordeuu," allege»I to have been sent to certain German military officers, revealing French military secrets. In tw o Colonel Plcquarf, head of the Intelligence bureau of the war office, made discoveries pointing to M ajor Esterhazy ns the author of the "bordeau." Investigation was mud»- and It was believed that Esterhazy li-rged D reyfus' handw riting and was the real traitor. He was not con vlcfed, however, but was forced to leave France and la said to have died lo England In 1923. r ' ip / ■ i n 1 Ï ■ WJ X - ¿ , " ""y rn David K. E. Bruce, son of S enator Bruce of M aryland, who w as recently m arried to Alisa Mellon, d aughter of S ecretary of the T reasury Mellon, and one of the w ealthiest heiresses In tha world. HOME IS DYNAMITED; EX-HUSBAND IS HELD Hillsboro, Or.— Percy Cana was held In Jail h ere for investigation In con­ nection with the dynam iting early S un­ day m orning of a house at F o rest Grove In which h is divorced wife w as sleeping. Mrs. Cane sustained Injuries In th a back and nervous shock In th e explo­ sion which virtually m ade a w reck of the home of h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Milne, corner Second and F ifth streets, F o rest Grove. Mra. Bello Milne, the g irl’s m other, who w as tho only other person in the house a t th e tim e of th e blast, received severe shocks. D ynam ite or rock pow der w as plac­ ed under th e bathroom of th e Milne home som etim e during S aturday night. It la believed. Cane surrendered him self to the po­ lice and stoutly denied any know ledge of th e explosion. OREGON BANKERS MEET Income Tax Favored If Neighboring S tates Com m it Themaelvea. G earhart, Or. — J. E. Montgomery, president of the Bank of S outhw estern Oregon. M arshfield, w as elected presl- d en t of the Oregon B ankers' associa­ tion at the closing session of (he an­ nual convention here. Declining to Indorse the proposal un­ qualifiedly for a sta te Income tax re­ form, the association w ent on record for such a reform In Oregon taxing m ethods only If neighboring states com m it them selves to levy taxes on In» time« from Industry and Intangibles cot now m ade to help support th eir governm ent.