RURAL ENTERPRISE Published Every Wednesday, B y H ubert L. FROM PALETTE TO MORTAR BOARD A lmo . n The Weakness of Cornelia FARM ERS A Short Story by H . Irving King w /rR S . CORNELIA WALTON was a EDITOR AMD PVBL1SBBR a better financial juggler in the coun­ try. High finance had made m assed attack s upon her and had been re­ pulsed w ith laughter. One of her fa ­ f 1 a year in advance vorite methods of Increasing h er store Arrearages 12%c a month was to get hold of some piece of prop- 1 erty, or block of stock, which some Advertising, 20c an inch ; no discount Check over your harvesting machinery for needed repairs and business man w as going to w ant very (or tim e or space ; no charge for com- much and then when the tim e of bis oosition or c janges. advise us at once of what is needed to put your harvesting ma­ w ant came, hold him up. M " P a l d - f o i P a r a g r a p h s , ’' t e a 11ns. T here w as th a t little single-track chinery in good condition. The sooner your order is placed the a d v e r t i s i n g d is g u is e d a s n e w s . railroad she had out West. She hud better service we will be able to render. bought It for a song; It had not paid I for years, and there was no prospect I th at It ever would pay. She had held ; B R IE F G ENERAL N E W S it four years now a t a dead loss. I Some of the Wall street crowd laughed Th« French senate ratified th e Lo­ when the widow purchased the Glen­ carno agreem ent for European peace dale and H yker's F alls ra ilro a d ; but and arb itratio n by a vote of 272 to 6. the wise ones shook th eir heads and The Mosul agreem ent between Tur wondered “w hat old Cornelia w as up key and G reat B ritain has been sign to now.” T hat road w as a specim en; ed. T urkey and B ritain thus have ef of late she had had several nibbles fected a solution of the territo rial and for IL oil dispute of long standing Mrs. W alton had only one w eakness The Presbyterian general assem bly —th a t w eakness w as h er daughter, adjourned in Baitim ore to m eet next Rosalie. She hum ored Rosalie in ev­ ery way and would have spoiled Iter, year in San Francisco. S eattle had had it been possible to spoil such a been a contender for the honor of en nice girl. So when Rosalie w anted to tertain in g the 1927 assem bly, but join the Moncrieff girls, her form er withdrew. schoolmates, in a trip to E urope on Confirm ation of the reappointm ent which they were being taken by their of T. O’Connor as a m em ber of the Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited mother, Cornelia s a id : "C ertainly, shipping board may be contested in my dear. Mrs. Moncrieff Is a safe the senate by a group headed by Sen­ chaperon, d o and enjoy yourself.” a to r W esley L. Jones of th e state So Rosalie w ent—and th a t is how site of W ashington. happened to meet Montgomery Spring­ er. “M onty” S pringer w as a form er A lbert Stum p of Indianapolis, Ind. H arvard a th le te ; he w as not only good was nom inated by the dem ocratic state looking but a good fellow in every convention to oppose S enator Jam es Young women a rtis ts turn from th eir Jars of color and p aint brushes to way—even if his fa th e r w as old w e will serve will prove none too W atson, republican, for the six-year assist p lasterers In sotting ornam ents in place ato p huge pylons which adorn Simeon Springer who had am assed term in the U nited S tates sen ate in the the m ain en tran ces to th e P alace o f A griculture and Food P roducts, of the big for your appetite after you several millions by executing deals vast exhibition buildings which form s a p art of the g re a t Sesqul-C entennlal N ovem ber general election. which, while w ithin th e law, w ere so once taste it. In fact you’ll wish A surplus of alm ost 9300,000.000 for in tern atio n al Exposition being staged in Philadelphia from Ju n e 1 to close to the line th a t It took a su r­ December 1 to celeb rate th e 150th an n iv ersary of th e signing of th e D eclara­ you could find room for more. th is fiscal year which ends Ju n e 30. veyor to run tlie boundary. Rosalie o r about 9100,000,000 m ore than e sti­ tion of Independence. Climbing ladders and walking along rick ety scaffolds and Monty met a t Naples and by tlie Try some at home for dessert. is n othing new to th ese young lad es, but each tim e they do it th ey g e t a ! . V Z time they had reached Interlaken in m ated by P resid en t Coolidge, is in thrilL ¿ ¿ L U d E The way the family will enjoy it Sw itzerland they discovered th a t they sig h t on th e basis of th e condition of were In love. th e treasu ry a t the end of May. will make your heart feel glad. f” t’C-V yJV When Rosalie returned home from Late Market Report her trip abroad one of the first things Wives Can't Slay and Gat Compensât! she did w as to tell her little story of No Compensation for Husband Slayers love and Monty Springer. Mrs. W al­ W ashington, D. C. — Wives cannot ton listened in silence. If th ere w as Portland kill th eir husbands and collect sol one person in the world whom she W heat—Big Bend bluestem , hard hated more than another it w as d ie rs ' adjusted com pensation, Comp­ tro lle r G eneral McCarl ruled. The de white, hard federation, 91-39; soft W ashington, D. C.—Gun b attles be­ Simeon Springer. Many a Joust w ith clslon was given in th e case of Mrs. white, 91 40; w estern white, hard w in­ tween federal dry ag ents and boot­ sharpened spears had they ridden in Florence E. W illiams of Vernon, Penn., ter, and n o rth ern spring, 91.32; w est­ leggers. m oonshiners and rum runners the un fair fields of finance and each who, McCarl said, was given a sus ern red, 91.30. have resulted In 141 casualties since had felt the sting of the opponent’s H ay—Alfalfa, 918.50019 ton; valley prohibition becam e effective, th e of­ steel. peuded sentence for killing h er hus­ “Why, m other," cried Rosnlie, see­ band, W illiam C. Williams, w ar vet •imothy, 9 1 9 0 19.50; e a stern Oregon ficial figures show. ing th a t Cornelia still rem ained silent timothy, 921.50022. B ecause of th e grow ing fatality list. when tlie tale of the little rom ance «ran. To pay the com pensation to a m B u tterfat—41c sh ip p ers’ track. A ssistant S ecretary of the T reasury was concluded; "don’t you approve? beneficiary uuder such circum stances E g g s—Ranch, 24027c. A ndrews lias ordered Ills enforcem ent W hat do you object to in Monty?” would be co ntrary to th e law and the Cheese—P rices f. o. b. Tillam ook; men to use th eir revolvers and rifles “Oh, the boy is all right,” replied public interest, McCarl said. Triplets. 27H e; loaf, 28&c p er lb. (only In em ergency, and not to shoot Cornelia. “I know all about him. Well, my dear, If you w ant to m arry C attle—Steers, good, 98 25®8.85. ( except in self-defense. • Postal Revenues Register Big Gain. him you shall. I have never denied H ogs—Medium to choice, 913.50® Forty-nine prohibition officers have W ashington. D. C —R eflecting the you anything you w anted yet.” She 915.75. been killed In line of duty, while 92 genera] prosperity of the country, post smiled grim ly; she w as thinking of \\t Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice. p erso n s evading or resisting a rre st receipts at 60 selected cities during the row Simeon Springer would kick 911012.60. have been killed- Two dry officers up when he found th a t tils sou w ant­ May Increased 3.98 per cent over those have been shot th is year. Dalla» Rob­ ed to m arry her daughter. In May a year ago, the receipts total Seattle. e rt was shot In a raid n ear Fresno, And Simeon did kick up a row — ing 928,546,638 and 927.464.861 respect W heat—Soft white, w estern white, Cal., and V. E. G rant was killed chas­ an aw ful row. H e called C ornelia all lvely, the postoffics d ep artm en t a n ­ 11.41; hard w inter. 91.36; n o rth ern ing a liquor vendor n ear H enderson­ so rts of hard nam es and declared th at nounced. no penny of his money should ever be I spring, 91.36; Big Bend bluestem . ville, N. C., recently. * 'x - x - spent to hang gewgaws on the daugh­ 91 38; w estern red. 91.35. K entucky, W est V irginia, Georgia. Helen W ills Is Operated Upon. H ay—Alfalfa, 926 tim othy, 923; Alabama, T ennesseo, N orth and South te r of “th at old she-plrate, W alton.” If Monty persisted in m arrying Ros­ P aris. — Miss Helen W ills of Call tim othy P. S., 920; do. mixed. 926. Carolina, w here m oonshiners operate alie lie, Simeon, would leave his fornla. American tennis champion, was B u tte r-C re a m e ry . 38®40c. in rural d istricts. Is the most danger­ w ealth to an orphan asylum. Monty Eggs Ranch. 26®31c. operated on at a hospital here for ap­ ous te rrito ry of th e country for gov­ had inherited his share of his fath er's pendicitis a fter she had become III Hogs Prime, 915.75® 16.20. ernm ent offieprs. More dry agents obstinacy; the discussion became ex­ and had been forced to cancel h er ap C attle—Prim e steers. 98.0008.25. have been killed in th ese sta te s than ceedingly acrim onious; a t its close pearance in tennis m atches. Physi­ C heese—Oregon trip lets. 24c; W ash­ in any o th e r section. Monty left the house. He went right cians said they believed she was su f­ ington trip lets, 21® 22c. Most of th e slain officers lost th eir off to Rosalie, of course, and told hor Good trades allowed fering from uppendlrltls and an Im­ lives raiding stills and bootlegger alt about i t But w hat did he care? They would get m arried anyway. Ho m ediate operation was necessary. It Spokane. •aches. Several w ere m urdered to pre­ Itnd enough money of his own to buy w as announced Inter th at the opera H ogs—Good. 914 50015 35. vent th eir giving evidence nt trials. a suburban c o tta g e ; he would get a tlo n bad been su ccess', t. Reo six touring, will trade for cows. 1918 Butck six for sale. C attle— S teers, good, 97.0008.00. Many of those killed by governm ent job and lie tlie architect of his own officers, prohibition officials said, were fortunes. Cornelia, who had been for less resistin g arrest. listening, I regret to soy, walked in on connection m oney the lovers. “Don't you worry, chil­ P. PA PM A N Prop, dren," said she. “Come around to­ F ic tio n a n d F r y in g Pang morrow night, Monty. It will be all If the stories of B rlllat-Savarln, which It is proposed to publish In com­ right by th at time. Your fath er Is— mem oration of his centenary, reveal e r—tem peram ental. He'll get over it or I miss my guess.” tlieir au th o r to tlie world as a suc­ Simeon Springer scowled fearsome- cessful w riter of fiction ns well ns a gastronom er, he tuny perhaps he re­ l.v when a clerk told lilm thnt Mrs. garded as repaying the Interest which W alton w as outside w anting to see some famous novelists have taken in I him. “Show her in," lie growled sav­ m atters of the table. Balzac took a agely. “I suppose, madam,” said he, keen Interest In cookery, as befitted a "th a t you have comp to see me about man of gigantic appetite. So also did my son and your daughter.” ” 1 have come." said Cornelia, calm ­ George Sunil, whose cookery must have been pretty good, since It was ly taking a seat to w idth she had not n p u te d to he as exciting ns her ro­ been invited, “to talk with you about mances. Joseph Conrad, as he ad­ the G lendale and H yker’s F ulls ra il­ m itted in connection with a cookbook road. You w ant it as a link In thnt w ritten by Sirs. Conrad, gave a high little P. T. & R. system you are build­ place In his esteem to the culinary ing up. The X. N. A G. people w ant arts, w ldle George Meredith left a It ns a link In th eir system. They book of cookery recipes In his own have offered me three hundred thou­ handw riting which figured In a book­ sand dollars for It. I will let you se lle rs catalogue some years ago and have it for two hundred and fifty may possibly yet appear In p rin t.— thousand, but I w ant som ething to [ boot.” M anchester Guardian. Sim eon's features relaxed. The possession of th at road m eant success Socrateg in A r t for his system —Its acquisition by the The B ritish museum has recently X. N. A O. spelled failure. “It is a come Into possession of a statuette, bargain, m adam ,” said lie, and then, eleven inches high and In very good anxiously, “w hat was It you said you condition, th a t Is considered by arche­ w anted to boot?” ologists to be alm ost certainly a por­ “Your son for my daughter." tra it of Socrates as he walked and "M adam,” he cried, “you are trying talked In th e streets of Athens. It to hold me up!" p o rtray s the fam iliar coarse face, the "No, I am not," said c rn e lla : “ I rough heard and th e snub nose, hut am giving you the he-t of a business \ I the result Is not grotesque and there ileal, and this is the first tim e you , Ver u . . : „ ¡, ,, e can be no doubt as to th e Intelligence get the b e s t I of th e sculptured figure. The statu- Simeon Springer—and yon know it." | ette Is supposed to date from a pe Simeon thought rapidly. Rosalie j riod about a century Inter then Soc­ was a nice girl, she would be rich an I rates. If so. It Is the earliest por he had got the best of a deal with . may c o m m u n ,« ,, w„ h Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army a, the trtHf of him, for all the other busts Cornelia Walton —that was a great, • W lnte Shield Home. SM Mayfair .venue, Portland. Oregon. In existence belong to tlie Roman pe- g reat t h l n j . . b e could afford to he NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR REPAIRS W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 9 , 1920 HILL & CO. Halsey HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S 5 3 5 ,0 0 0 V. The Big Dish of Ice Cream E. 141 KILLED DURING DRY ENFORCEMENT Clark’s Confectionery * u, « w TT z.x > Chick Starting Milk Mash LI P P l* Q Baby Chick Scratch JL\ V>1 1 Egg Producer viz Sii Triangle Egg Mash « w A ttractive prices on Shell, Bone Meal and Eine and Coarse Grit M Z ai 4z O. w . F R U M HALSEY GARAGE Dealer in HUDSON & ESSEX Cars Two Cars for Sale or Trade Wrecking Shup BIG CHICKEN PIE SUPPER WE WANT YOUR C H IC K E N S For the Poultry Department of our Eugene M arehouse. Best Prices. A Premium Paid for Fancy Heavy Hens and Broilers Pine Grove School House T. J. Skirvin Seed (° Job Printing JUNE 11,1926 1 ersonal Service by an Experienced Printer Bung our Next Order to the Enterprise • • Program by Corvallis Chamber of Commerce Supper 6:30 - Everybody Come J - Parts : riod.—London Bost, gengruua. ' “Well,' ta k e 'h .m ,” he --J •••••••••••••••••••a Any Girl in Trouble I j