NTERPRI A g rc u ltu re H o r t e u 11 u r © L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events anti Progress in Linn CouTitv VOLUME 15 Harrisburg Bridge Dedicated S a tu rd a y was a big day for H arrisb u rg . The occasion being the dedication o f th e new bridge th a t spang the W illam ette river at th a t poiut, and forms a link in the great Pacific highw ay. W hile the bridge lias been com pleted and in use for some m onths, it was not form erly dedicated u n til S atu rd ay , when w ith befitting ceremonies it waB given over to th e use of the public. T he celebration was not unlike th a t of an old fashioned F ourth of Ju ly celebration T here were p a ­ rades, speechm aking, footraces, baseball and other sports and d an c­ ing. A big basket d in n er at noon in a nearby grove was also one of the principal events.* T here were autom obile carcv an s from P ortland, A lbany, Corvallis, Eugene, Junction C ity and m any persons were present from all the neighboriug towns. HALSEY, OREGON WEDNESDAY JUNE 9. 19.'6 Seniors Give Good Program Hotel Under New Manager The closing event of the 1926 grad u atin g class of the local high school was enacted in the Methodist church last Thursday evening iu the presence of a full house. The program was a well balanced affair and enjoyed by all present. T hom as Palm er who made the second highest average in grades for the four year course delivered the address of welcome. Class history was by Velva H adey; pro- phecy, Agnes H a \e s, grum bler, Leroy S traley; “ je ste r,” R alph Mc­ Neil; poem by R uth Quim by fol­ lowed by a verse by Eunice Sylves­ ter about various members of the class; advice to juniors, Thomas Miller; class will, Helen W illiam s; and the valedictory by Roberta Vannice, who had made the h ig h ­ est average for the four yeais. T he clo«ing num ber was a soDg by the class, entitled, “ We d o n ’t like to say goodbye,’’ w ith Miss Roberta V annice at the piano Graduates Feted NUMBER 6 Surprised on Birthday D a iry P o it 11 r y W ool Camo Meeting at Halsey After the class night program at Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Forster were The local M ethodist church has tiie M ethodist church T h u rs d a y , very delightfully surprised Weil- for the past two summers put on a cvcning the graduating class was litaday evening when members of ten t meeting in Halsey. Last year entertained at a 'w o course lunch-J the fam ily began to gather in ' it took on more than a local aspect eon at the home of Mr. and M rs. • help Mrs. Forster celebrate her in th a t tho churches a t Peoria aud Lyman P attou. Place cards d e - ' birthday. Tha presentation of Lake Creek co-operated while it corated w.th blue and gold candle- a new electric cleaner, a gift from was attended by people from Shedd sticks which carried out the class ' all the children was a feature of T angent, Brownsville and H a rrir. colors marked each place. A fter i. the evening. Refreshm ents were burg. the luncheon the evening was served. Those present were Mr During the year the Linn C ounty passed pleasantly in guessing and Mrs. Chas. Falk jr. and fam ily Holiness Association has been o r­ games and conversation. R esides. H . W. Stienke and fam ily, Mr, ganized aud it seemed to be in the the senior class, Mrs. Irm a Shot- and Mrs. Algie Sweet and Mr. and minds of the executive com m ittee well, Mrs. Inez Fret,land and Mr. Mrs. Fred Roberts and daughter to continue the work begun in H al­ all her tim e to the restau ran t busi­ and Mrs. Eldon Cross were guests. Lucile, all of Eugenp. The other sey this vear, only m aking it a ness on Second street. F orster of county affair. The present mem­ Mrs. Johnson is thoroughly reno­ Geo. Laubnor 40 Acre Tract Sold T ujunga, C alifornia and Mrs. bership of tiie association is one 1 Preston Newton of Portland were vating the entire building and a d ­ hundred-eighty five. W hile it was 1 lie -lit acre tract of land adjoin- unable to be present. ding some new equipm ent and fur­ organized in Lilin county, there highway at the north edge' nishings. Another bath room is iug IT the . 1 ____ .1 > a are probably forty from Benton of Halsey and owned by Geo Cornett Farm Near Shedd is Sold am ong im provem ents scheduled. county who are members and sever­ Laubner has been purchased bv al from Lane county. The asso­ Frank K inney, prom inent realtor T he J. B. C ornett farm of 54 ciation is not a church, b u t it has Stage Driver Gets a Jolt of Eugene. acres located a short distance east as its aim the helping of all Mr. K inney, no doubt will be of Shedd, was purchased the first churches. As the Y. M. C. A. is State traffic officer Bloom after able to tu rn this place in a short of the week by T. E. Bevens of organized from members of all following one of the big stages for M arried in Portland time at a nice profit. Salem who expects to occupy the churches for a specific work, so the several miles on the highway last The Laubners expect to locate in Miss G ertrude P orter, d aughter place as a homo as soon as im ­ Holiness association is organized Charles S traley and fa m ily , Le- T hursday decided th a t the speed Halsey. of ex-senator and M rs. F. H. P o rt­ Roy Straley and K arl Bramwell was a little too fast and after provements in the buildings are from all churches for the purpose er, a form er Haisey resid en t and a and family and m other, Mrs. Al­ stopping it near H alsey, asked the made of quickening and deeping sp irit­ native of Linn county, was united bert Miller were among the people driver to go talk the proposition Will Attend Summer Camp Mr. C ornett was foruieriy a ual life. in m arriage at the home of her who went to Eugene Sunday to over with Justice of the Peace, prom inent Shorthorn breeder of By such an organization, strong p aren ts in P ortlan d la st week to E. hear the sacred concert by tb s new Bert C lark. A lter hearing both Ralph McNeil and F. Buford th a t district but is now u n k in g his workers can be secured and more L. M cKalson of P o rtla n d . chimes in the C hiietian church a t sides Mr. Clark was also covinced Morris will leave Monday for F o rt home at K lam ath Falls. people from the outside «will be Stevens, at the m outh of tne and assessed a fine accordingly. th a t city. brought together. M rs. Bramwell Entertains Club Columbia riv r, where they w i l l ! Brownsville Chooses Picnic Queen The old records of the church re­ spend two weeks with Rat. A. 249, | veal, while it is still vivid in the Mrs. K arl Bramwel! en tertain ed Miss E m m a Howe, freshm an of minds of the old tim ers here the Coast A rtillery of the Oregon N at­ several members of th e Purity Past ional G uard. Mr. Morris has a Brownsville high school, was elect­ cam p m eetings th at were held at Noble G ra n d ’s club at her home commission as Second L ieutenant ed queen for the pioneer picnic, to E van’s ferry, near Lake creek, Fred Skirvin and fam ily of Mar- she is superintendent, to a picnic last T hursday afternoon. Follow ­ and will have charge of the range be held Ju n e 16, 17 and 18, in a R obert's bridge, B r o w n v i l l e , quam were guests a t the home of a t S m ith ’s grove near I’eoria Tues­ ing the business session and a soc­ section during the encam pm ent. popularity contest held by the Keeney farm , Peoria and M ary's Mr. S k irv m ’s brother, T. J.S kirvin day. T w enty-four youngsters were ial hour refreshm ents were served J . W. Rector who is a registered American I-egion A uxiliary. The river. and wife Sunday. present and the day passed in by the hostess, assisted by her pharm acist, and Mrs. Morris will a tte n d a n ts to the queen will be Ju n e 17-27 there will be a revi­ J . W. E vans of Lake Creek re­ playing games and swim m ing. At have charge of the drug store d u r­ M uses Lois H enderson, Virginiu m other-in-law , M rs. Mae Miller. val of the old tim e cam p m eeting, noon lunch was served. Mesdames Shelton, Clarissa T indle and Alice when the people will meet nt the Members present were Mrs. turned home from the Corvallis Bramwell, Coleman and Johnson ' ing M oriss’ absence. Cochran, G overnor Pierce fias Gourley grove, iust east of Halsey. Nellie F ru m , Mrs. Belle G orm ley, hospital Monday. Mr. E vans is acted as chnperones. been invited to crown the queen Mrs. Addie Moody, Mrs. Mae M il­ suffering from stomach ulcers. Graduates From Normal 'This m eeting is not of oue church Rev. J. C. O rr and wife of Inde­ and there is not the least doubt but hut the m em bers of the association ler, Mrs. Louise T aylor, Mrs. E s­ Mrs. F. O. Salm on and children V ere Byron Higbee, of Halsey is w hat he w ill he there. T bs gov­ th er Bond, Mrs. S arah F. W ells, returned horn« Monday from E u ­ pendence spent M onday afternoon are members of following churches: w ith H. L. Almon at the E n te r­ among tjje students of the Oregon ernor has m ade a splendid record Mrs. M ary Gray, andalso the h o n ­ gene where the children had been Evangelical, Free M e th o d ists, prise office. Mr. Orr is a cousin of Normal school a t Monmouth who in this line of work during the past or guset, Mrs. F . Buford Morris. M ethodist«, Presbyterian, South attending school. Mr. Almon. graduate a t tho end of the spring three years. The next meeting of th e club is M ethodist, U nited Presbyterian, Mr. and M rs. C harles F alk, Mr. term , June 15. The standard scheduled for June 25 at the home Ercell C. Sneed, recent graduate Salvation A rm y and C hristian A l­ and Mrs. H erm an Steinke and of Mrs. Em erson True. in chemical engineering a t O. A. course at the norm al covers tho M ay Rains Kill Young Pheasants liance. th eir families and Mr. ami Mrs. G. C ., has accepted a position in the work of two years and entitles the Halsey is highly favored in be­ J. Rike spent Sunday afternoon F ifty per cent of the Chinese chem ical laboratories of the A m eri­ graduate to a state certificate lead­ Public School Note* ing selected as tho seat of the picnicing up the Calappoia. can Trona Corporation at Trona, ing to a life certificate after 30 (pheasants hatched in the Willitm- county cam p m eeting and it is hop­ (Enterprise Correspondence) Miss W illim ina Corcoran who C alifornia and is leaving soon for months of successful teaching in "tte valley during M ay were killed ed to give the Association and vis­ Oregon. The elem entary couisc, Î by cold rains, according to a re ­ Tuesday and W ednesday the last has been a p atien t a t the state (hat place. itors such a welcome th b t the g a th ­ which covers three terms of resi­ port made S atu rd ay by the state school tests were given. Bessie tuberculosis hospital at Salem for ering will he continued here from Nellie, A rdith and B a rn e tt Sneed dence work, entitles the holder to Reynolds and G ilbert H ayes who some tim e will be brought home game commission. C onsequently, year to year. of Marshfield arrived S aturday and an elem entary certificate which, were unable to tak e tlie state tests goon. Mr. Corcoran has an open the commission reports, sportsm en will spend some tim e a t the bom.' with renewal is gooit for two years. on account of illness will be given air house completed for her. wifi have a poor season this fall. Patronize Home Industry! of theirgr& ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. them on T hursday and F riday, Miss Isabell G u llifo rJ, a d au g h ­ N. T . Sneed. H arry Bressler was a business Picnics were the order of th e day ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E . G ulli- F riday . High school students ford, who was born and raised iu Rev. John B. Coan, S u perintend-I visitor in A lbany. Tuesday. choosing T riangle lake as th eir des­ Halsey was Married June 5 to L. ent of the W esley liosjital will oc­ cupy the pulpit both m orning and Pine Grove Church tin a tio n , where they sp en t th e day W . H oughteling in P ortland. evening a t the M ethodist church boating, swimming or hiking. A Sunday school 10 a. rn. Mrs. J . T. McNeil moved in to next Sunday. The subject for the very extensive and bonntiful lu n ch ­ Preaching, 11 a. m. Rev. Gil eon was spread a t noon with sev the Cummings house near the M m orning sermon w ill be, “ C hrist’s M inistry of H ealin g ,’’ and a gospel lispie. eral gallons of ice cream to finish E. parsonage this week. message will be given in the even- Prayer m eeting Thursday 8 p. in, off w ith. And though each mem- Mrs. W alter Stafford cf Eugene iug. m em ber o, the party trie d to do and Mrs. John H aines of O akland, Church of Christ am ple justice to all th e tem p tin g C alifornia were dinner guests at Mrs, W ilte r M cClelland and dishes set before them , so much the Stafford home Friday. M rs. F ran k G ray are leaving for had been prepared th a t supper was P ortland for a visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Frauk McCaslin T hursday, Mrs. McClelland will served before the crowd returned and Miss Marie Sneed all of P o rt­ join her husband at P o rtland and home. land motored down to H alsey S a t­ Unquestionably sm art styles at decidedly less The fourth, fifth, sixth and urday afternoon and spent Sunday they will continue on to Cam p M eeker, C alifornia where they wi¡ I than city prices. Come in and see the genuine seventh grades spent th e day at th e at the home of the ladies’ parents, reside. M cKercher mill and picnic grounds price reductions, dependable qualities and truly Mr. and Mrs. N- T. Sneed. Ercell adjoining. Many of the parent« Lyman M arsters who has been Sneed of O. A. C- «Iso spent S un­ Favored styles of the season. One Day Sale Only were present and a very pleasant d ay a t home and Mr»- Sneed re ­ principal of tbe school at M ineral, day was passed by all. turned w ith him to witness his W ashington tbe p ast w inter came borne Monday. H e expects to go Sunday School 10. The prim ary room with their g raduation to Stanford university in a couple 1 Preaching 11. teacher, Mrs. Cross, sp en t th e day Mr. and Mrs. F. Buford M orris of weeks for a six weeks course of i C hristian E ndeavor 7. at the swinging bridge between are m oving from the E sther Rike study. P reaching 8. Sports Coats #16.75 for >19.50 to >22.50 styles Brownsville and Crawfordsville. bouse on F rst street to the Mrs. Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. M any parents were also present Charles Poole and W illiam Cur- Sm art Dresses #10.75 for >14.75 to >16.75 styles Addie j-eeper house today. with the youngsters. Many good Leeper has stored her household lii of Lebauou drove over Sl“ u rd ’ ' 100 spring and sum m er dresses. $16.75 to >19.75 th in es to eat wera in evidence and goods in the second story of the | and w‘ re lbe Bueets o f Mr. and M . E. Church R obert Parker pasior. 125 fashionably new trimmed hats 3.95 to 6.95 so far, no casualties have been re­ building and will make her home Mrs. Bert C lark. M rs. Clem who Sunday school, 10. ported f r om over-eating. wRh hef d ao g b l, r j IoJ. j By. has been stayiog with Mrs. Clark 150 most popular women’s coats 18.75 and 29.75 Preaching, 11. Miss A m anda M itzner, who ha« er e v ’n A lbany. Mrs. Rike will returned home with them . Junior League, 2:30, rn ,ro from been atten d in g the N orth Pecifl; retu r"IQrn m Corvallis soon eoon to oc- M rs. Bert Louden returned to E pw orth league, 7. her borne a t P ortland F riday after Evangelical institute at Portland, copy her home. Preaching, 8. came borne Friday. Her vacation Mrs. Nora Coleman treated tbe a visit with relatives here. Praver-rneetinz. T hnrsday, 8, will last until October, Jun io r E ndeavor Society, of which (Continued on page Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 2. On Tuesday of th is w< ek Mrs E valyn Johnson form eily of Sail Diege, C alifornia, to ik charge of the Halsey hot»l and will operate it for the next year under lease. The hotel is an old established one and well known to the travel­ ing public, having been owned and managed by Mr. and Mrs. G rant Reynolds for th e past several years. Mr. Reynolds who has had active charge for the p»st few m onths will retire to private life, and Mrs R ;ynolds will continue to devote - Local and Personal Mention - ONE DAY SALE— FEATURING Coats, I )resses and Hats Direct From Wholesalers Monday, June 14th M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon 9