PAGE 4 KLKAE BA J lín rM Ib L The old fight ' to rem ove the j & ck l.~i.-._ son n cniiBfv county i'l.iiHhnnuu courthouse fr..m from Jackson vllle to Medford will soon be revived. Petitions will be circulated throughout the county to have the rem oval issue placed on the ballot at next fall's elec­ tion. I ing . .v * runs of . chinook L. . Salmon . in the the Columbia riv er this year will be m ade I by Hugh M itchell, field rep resen ta­ Now come» a sparkling Comedy tive of the Salm on P rotective a s s » ciation. B ecause of the advanced sea­ Drama of Life in a Desert Town son it is believed possible th at snow F ilm s , D e v e lo p in g and w ater and seepage from irrigation dis- ti Hood River, C urry, Jackson, Jose­ tricts may have brought large am ounts W ashington, D. C. — The closing P r in t in g phine. L'matllln and W asco are th e six of alkali into the Columbia river earl-1 ch ap ter of th e futile struggle by the Brief of Resume of Happenings counties in Oregon from which ier »ban usual and th a t this m ay have shipping in te re sts of the Pacific no rth ­ In before 4 p. m. out i t 8 s . m With a wonderful cast including cherries may be shipped into Cali­ turned back the salm on schools. w est to prevent sale of th e ir only fast the Week Collected for of 2nd day following fornia, under the term s of the quaran Revenues derived in 1925 tim ber freight line to the orient to th e Dollar tine placed by th a t sta te on Oregon Our Readers. sales from the 22 national forests of in te re sts of San Francisco w as m arked fr u it ,ii and W ashington, which com­ by a touch of grim hum or when P resi­ Edwin Sm ith, foreign in v estig ato r of prise the N orth P acific district of the dent Coolidge decided to intervene at CfiCRlPD Five proposed am endm ents to tlie the federal bureau of m arkets, who United S tates forest service, totaled the last m om ent only to learn th at city c h arter carried a t a special ele has Jilst retu rn ed from a to u r of *861.004, which is a substantial in­ the U nited S tates shipping board had tlon at Woodburn. Europe, advised Hood R iver grow ers crease over the sales of 1924, which signed the ag reem en t of sale a few Open Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 A district convention of Lions clubs th at all fru it should be packed the totaled *680,000, according to figures m om ents before. Next Sun. — Mon.—Toes.— ■ was held In C orvallis T hursday, F ri timing season free from spray resi­ compiled in the d istrict fo rester’s of­ S enators M cNary and Jones called June 6 — 7—8 J i day and Saturday. dues. fice at P ortland The 14 national at the W hite H ouse a fte r th e com­ The Black M arble & Lime company forests in Oregon produced *628,004 of m erce com m ittee, by m ajority vote, The grand lodge of Oregon, Odd Fcl A lb a n y 1 1 lows, m eeting at Salem, voted to hold at E n terp rise will em phasize lime pro­ t h : ; sum. w hile the balance, or *238,- had passed a resolution condem ning duction, It announced at a m eeting of td'l, was derived from the eight na­ the sale. They read th e com m ittee's • i th eir next year's session a t A storia. expression to the p resid en t along with K lam ath F alls voters in Ju n e will the cham ber of com m erce in th a t city. tional forests in W ashington. Tell Us What You Know the telegram of the northw est bidders be called upon to p ass on a *30,000 Im m ediate construction of kilns, hy­ dratin g p lant and aerial tram w ay Is | offering to pay »2,500,040 m ore for the bond issue to be used for school p u r­ planned. Adm iral O riental fleet than R. Stanley While we shall endeavor to do poses. aybestos Hi-speed i D ollar had bid, and discussed th e feel­ our part and to give the people or Deficiency ap propriations ag g reg at­ Plane No. 2 of th e A laska m ap p irr ing in Oregon and W ashington against Brake) thia community th» best local ing *77,500 were authorized by th e expedition, en route from San Diego the proposed sale a t some length. S E R V IC E S T A T IO N paper that it is post-ible to publish sta te em ergency board a t a special Cal., to A laska, crashed into the w ater At th e conclusion of the interview m eeting held a t Salem. of Coos bay h alf a mile north of tb in a town of this size, we want t- Mr. Coolidge sum m oned C hairm an 212 Last h irst st., Albany A brown bear w eighing 160 pounds coast guard station. The big seap lar O’Connor of the shipping board to the impress upon our readers that it h Phone 379 was in charge of and driven by Lieu­ executive offices, presum ably to ask impossible for the editor to h< was shot four miles east of Silverton ten an t W M. Dillon. The b ear had been bothering farm ers w hether the whole tran sactio n m ight everywhere and if you know of in the Abiqua d istrict. Mrs. A lbert M. O rllley of P ortland not be reviewed. O 'Connor appeared was reappointed a m em ber of th e state anything which would help to in the com pany of C om m issioner J. H. More than 400,000,000 feet of pine boost this section of the country o r luAiber was m anufactured in K lam ath board of inspectors of child labor. W alsh and inform ed the president that an item of new«, tell it to us am county during 1925, th e payroll aggre­ She will serve for a term of four he had exercised the discretion confer­ years. Governor P ierce also reappoint­ red on him to direct final signing of it will be appreciated. Otherwise gating *700,000 a month. ed S eth L. R oberts of P ortland a m em ­ the sales contract a sh o rt tim e before. much that is of interest and heir W heat head cutw orm s have destroy ber of th e sta te board of accountancy. Leave Portland at 5 p. m. S atu r­ Thu3 the last hope of the n o rth w est ed 40 acres day, Tuesday and Thursday. must of necessity be overlooked. A nderson of Boise. Idaho, . . . , of w heat n e a r Pendleton i Mrs. F red m iu eiau u m nuise, luano to block the sale w ithered and died. and in addition ruined approxim ately wag knied in stan tl ch a rle a M artin Leave H arrisburg at 2:30 p. nt M IK E ” OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST ÒALt Ur VtòòtLò TO DOLLAR SIGNED Kodaks- Sally O’Neill William Hairies Charles Murray Ford Sterling Halsey Pharmacy G LO BE TO RRANCE econditioning Shop R Portland-Brownsville. Trucl Harrisburg 1 Li(le Halsey Boys Complete Courses / I I nzar c u n t n f 4 A A » 20 p er cent of 400 acres more. I Mouday, Wednesday u j i . . . . i boost iroin Ercell1C. Sneed s | m of H al.ey , and frolI1 , 1600 , 2000 for clty com K lam ath county court has advertised patronage bassy here has been asked by the state is a candidate for graduation. He * miss loners lost at the election in for bids for grading of the last sec­ dep artm en t to Investigate and tak e expects to receive the degree of ' Baker. tion in K lam ath of th e W eed K lam ath necessary disciplinary m easures in Halsey Railroad Time bucbeilor of science in chemical | The Elsinore theater at Salem, con. Falls highway, a 3.8-mile section south connection w ith rep o rts of A m erican N orth South prohibition agents of th e sale to A m er­ eugiueering. Sneed is a first lieu­ pleted recen tly by George G uthrie at from M idland to th e s ta te line at J2, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, i2 :O9 p . m. icans of beer aboard th e G erm an 16, Calor. T he project will cost approxi­ 5:15 a. ni. 15, 12;45 p. in. tenant in the R. O. T . C. and took a cost of approxim ately »250,000, was m ately *20.000. cru iser H am burg in Los A ngeles h a r­ 18, 8:16 a. ni. flair »33, 8:12 p. m. flag form ally opened to the public Friday Mrs. B srtlia K. Landes, who will be* part in senior class football. 34, 4:08 ó. m. bor. F ighting am ong a herd of cows b e­ come inaypr of S eattle, June 7. 31, 1:34 p. ni. flag night. came so i ferocious v iu v iu u o ucoi n ear Mllwaukio, iviuwuuKl'J, Inform ed persons here said th a t no N°s. 14 anti 16 stop to let off passengers Because of a d ip h th eria epidem ic ai a fter they had fed upon g(J0 gal,ons from south of F.ue^ne. "dtplom atip incident" would result Vo. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield the state train in g school for boys at of m oonshine mash poured ou( b> from th e ease, which Is reg retted points. Salem, no new w ards will be adm itted sh e rlff Mtt„ 0 „ d deputieH. ag t() ftlRrni equally by both governm ents. Passengers for Siuth of Eugene should t u ^ h e in stitution for an indefinite tho countryside, with a result that Although the G erm an w ar vessel, take train No. 17. Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal- neighbors of th e place called jn help with its ex tra-territo rial rights, Is not H aying is now in full sw ing a t I to round up th e beasts. at 7 a. m and 12:15 an.l 8:15 p in directly subject to A m erican law, it Is scy Leaves Brownsville at 7:10 a. m. anil - j Board! Boardman This i, from two to three The P1„ ly w lggly com pany of O re. generally agreed by both parties th at 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. W ashington, D. C.—On the basis of W ashington, D. C.—W ith P resident I weeks earlier than usual. T here is a | gon> which operates stores in various reports from «08 Identical mills, each alleged bootlegging would be a viola­ i n ^ l ^ *hr-“ at “m° UDt CheOt tion of th e courtesy under which a le g i X i o n aaricu, u r T t a"" '• « «>»• with production of m ore than 6,000,- foreign w arship was allow ed to e n te r Outgoing M ail 000 feet, the lum ber cut of the coun­ w hluali» ihei r . l«»les a t Roseburg, The W ashington cut (151 m ills) was diate agreem ent in sight and w ith ville joes on to Crawfordsville blll to appropriate »376.000,000 for the « - 3 , “A 8al0Unt ° ' G rants P ass, Medford, A shland and 5,037.000.000 feet, against 4,552,000,000 th eir crops in dire need of m oisture Holley and Sweet Home. disposal of surplus crops , b * ' ‘ U o th er S outhern Oregon cities. The q«w feet tho previous year. the N orth P latte valley w ater contro­ A fter discussing the legislative pro ° W ' Kobertson <* K lam ath Falls ta riff would have increased the exist­ B ightepu m ills in Idaho reported an versy assum ed an om inous aspect. gram with P resident Coolidge, s e n a te ’ ,ltadS “ t5 0 '0u0 com pany th at will ing ra te s of th e corporation. Increase from 670,000.600 feat to "87,- Some leaders in th e fight fear tha lenders ap parently were as far a t sea *reOt e,|Ui,’nient “ o ar Bandon for the W hen Com pany K, the St. Helens 000.000 feet. T here was a general in­ more radical farm ers will reso rt to vio a s ever on th e probable d ate of the I l" 'rpo8e c i a ttra c tin g gold from th e unit of th e O regon n ational guard crease in w estern states and decrease lance, which was openly Intim ated adjournm ent of congress. I “ ceau beach sands. leavas for encam pm ent next month In the south, with the exception of when S ecretary of th e In terio r W ork E stim ates ranged all the way from :r“ in crop P rospects continue gen th ere will b . »100 in th e com pany m.-c., Louisiana. A rkansas and M ississippi, and R eclam ation Com m issioner Mead June 10 to July 15, with farm relief | *rU lr K<>ud ,n O r«gon Kain during fund, as th e St. H /'lens cham tier of t h e total rep o rts, in 26 states, repre w ere hung in effigy here * legislation and the French debt aettle I ,h ** I,a8t week was sufficiently heavy com m erce has appropriated ,5 0 from sent 40 per cent of the to tal lum ber The disagreem ent betw een the val m ent adm itted to be the principal fcor-j to be of m a‘«” ',al benefit, though some the tre asu ry and appointed a commit production. ley farm ers and officials of the Irriga Tiers to an early adjournm ent. j d istric ts still need m ore m oisture. tion project cam e over paym ent of tee to raise an additional »50. Those who took th eir problem s t o ' Mrs. A. Mabel Sim klns of McMinn- operating and m aintenance costs of A ID T O B E A U T Y Oregon had th e low est infant nior the president wero S enators C urtis of »Hie was named president the project. ----- ----------- - of the , P ta llty of all th e sta te s in the union K ansas, the m ajority leader; t — Reclam ation C om m issioner Mead E. O. sisterhood tin for v/regon O regon ai a t me th e in 192S- according to th e sum m ary of ------* floor icuucr, holds th at all past dues m ust be paid, a sw orth of New York, rh alrm an of ' ‘••losing session of the three-day con provisional b irth , d eath and infant ■' Í? , M * ! while the farm ers claim all paym ents the republican steerin g com m ittee, and . vcntlon of th e order a t T he Dalles m ortality figures for th a t year, com­ °f -Massachusetts, chalrm au o , ' ¡ red Bennlon. U m atilla county piled by the d ep artm en t of comm erce should be deferred until a reclassifica­ tion feature of the recen t om nibus Mr c “ I 7 ° n a " ° nfll • ««' nt. has received word th at his ap and Just issued t« tb« public. The w ater bill, providing for dow nward re ­ ra te s was 51.2 p er 1000 of population adjustm ent of about »23,000,000 on con for Oregon. ' v ; , ” “ r : - ............. .......... .. struction and o th e r charges levied Com m ercial fisherm en took 87,324,- STEPH EN SO N . against 13 w estern projects, is made. pounds of fish from the Colum - parliam ent. The rem ainder of the leg '» b ile C hris P eterso n of N orth row Pow - der w as h unting u few days ago he bla rlv er d u rin « th e H -m onth T U S S IN G & T U S S IN G islatlve program waa left to th e lead I a la w tln ir M aw 1 ____ a Indiana Republicans Oppose Court ran Into a group of four cinnam on sta rtin g May 1 last y ear and closiez •ft. Indianapolla, Ind.—The republican April 1, th is year, according to a rc la w y e r s In addition to farm relief and the beers, one of which he killed with a sta te convention here unanim ously It weighed 500 port of E. L. Ballagli, m aster fish w. r F rench d e b t bills which will be press long range rifle. H'llsey an(| Brownsville adopted th e platform proposed by the pounds. den for Oregon. W ashington s total cd by th eir proponents Include the resolutions com m ittee placing the catch was 12.665,622 pound* pud that Oregon • ix registered H olstein cow s were arm y and navy air service expansion party in Indiana on record as "unal­ of Oregon was 24,658,311. stolen recently from the George Me m easu res; the *82.000.000 federal aid terably opposed" to A m erican adhe R eports received by th e W est Coast road bill; the Dill m easure for radio i art farm n ear H arrisburg _ T h eir c ar­ slon to the world court, favoring en­ L um berm en's association for the week casses were found about a mile from I ----------------------- nm s control and the Copeland coal bj’l. actm ent by congress of farm relief leg­ the McCart home and the itldos were pnded M b 7 12 »howed th at 109 mills islation and urging m odification of • •- --------- 1 produced 116.012.279 feot of lumber. the prim ary law and repeal of the ib- Laundry sent Tuesdays sold 129.778,652 feet and shipped 133,- sent voters' ballot. The platform made Igency H ub Cleaning Works 674,833 feet, ag ain st 114,627/16 feet no direct reference to the prohibition produced by 108 mills. 120.564.138 t issue, but stated that "we favor strict A B E S P L A C E sold and 107,176,233 feet shipped tor enforcem ent of all laws." the week ended May 15, an Increase on all Item s for th e cu rren t week Action on Shoals Bids Abandoned. D E L B E R T S TA R R W hat la believed to be the largest W ashington. D. C.—All hopes for ac in stru m en t ev er recorded In Curry tlon on various private bids for the E uneral Directsr and Licensed county is th e m ortgage given by Clay governm ent's »150,000.000 Muscle hm Balmer ton Mark, tlm herm an of Lake countv ghoals project at this session of con I o r th e P o u ltry D e p a rtm e n t o f o u r E u g e n e l a d y a s s is t a n t Illinois, to th e N ational Bank of ti U nder thia young wom an's skillful g reat was abandoned when Republican Brownsville, Oregon Republic of Chicago, and Calvin Fen hands the front of the A im inistration leaders decided against th eir considers W a re h o u s e - B est P rices. A P re m iu m P a id fo r tre s s of Cook county. Illinois. In th< Building of the Sesqui-Contennial In tlon before adjournm ent. sum of *540.000. T his is believed to tern.H ional Exposition A ssociatior F a n c y H e a v y H e n s an d B ro ile rs UKtakiv takw’s on a delightful aspect be th e prelim in ary step looking to th 23 Moroa Killed In New Uprising sta rtin g of logging operations by Mark i3ie direct» g ard en ers w here to place Manila. P I.-T w e n ty -th re e Moro, W . L. W R IG H T upon hia C u rry county tim ber hold tta em ail tree» and shrubs about th« and one m em ber of th e constabulary Ing, largely of cedar, which consists great slucoo build him ¿ba is doint were killed la th e third uprising m h er share to m ake the big cel"bratior of close to 26,000 acres of the 160th anniversary of the sign recent days In the province of Zin Investigation of the posslbll!ty„that Saw of the Dev!»ration of Indep. nJ anao according to Lianao advices Harrisburg, Ore. reaching Bar*. large Q uantities of a tta ll may be halt 1 ester a nuccctat. GERMAN SHIP SELLS 3EER IN U. S. PORT FARM AID LEADERS LINING DP FORCES DREGGN, WASHINGTON TIMBER GUTS GROW farmers are aroused l o ^ n l K ^ U r ‘nWMhln< Tlmb" — "> Your Home Paper Halsey Rural Enterprise X year fo r^ d o llar h v v u barber SHOP Firsl-class Work J- w ^ M o d e rn Barber Shop WE WANT YOUR C H IC K E N S T. J. Skirvin Seed <§ FUNERAL DIRECTOR