Shop Tbe Court«<’ » ^ / ¡ f Ibany-^/yirectory «. . . ?o‘dy t’ wear and M illinery Spoon River Sparks daughter, Mrs. Joint Wi banks last week. /7 \\ m c l 117 Broadalbin a t , Albany Ib is is good advice; “ It you live ill Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in th at tow n." But in these automobile days many re­ siding; elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. T hose who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms nam ed below ready to fill th eir require­ m ents with courtesy an I fairness. A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers and p and all occasions. blow er phone 458-J. Of the five senses—hearing, feel­ ing, seeing, tasting and smelling— tbe sight is the easiest destroyed, , 'Duywla-i oltH Imlha uow. 50 and 7.5c per dozen. Allow for and it is a terrible thing to lose postage H all's Moral and Music Shop, your sight. Whenever anything ¡8 W estside greenhouse products. wrong with with your eve» have them examined at once. Delays p E M K A L TIR E SHOP Tire Vulcanizing- B attery re are often dangerous. charging. 221 W. Second. E d Falk, Prop. Meade & Albro pastburn Bros.— t wo big grocery I J e w e le r s , J stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good m erchandise at the right Optometrists and Manufacturing prices. Opticians Eplite Cafeteria and confectionery ALBANY Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . P O K D SALES AND SE R V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P uli . ak M otor C o . OREGON. Albany Creamery Association M anufacturers of C ’ortiuiller Furniture Co., forni* LINN BUTTER ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. a n d B u y ers o f Eggs P U L L E R GROCERY, 285 Lyon A F a r m e r s ' C o -o p e ra tiv e C re a m e ry (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries F ruits Produce Phone 263 R •I (B y an B n terp iise R ep o rter) Mr». R. E. Bierly and Edna Falk were Brownsville caller» Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison visited Friday afternoon at W. IL Kirk’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stralev were Albany callers Tuesday. J. H. VanNice filled his silo with clover last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steinke went to Albany Friday. Mrs. Alex Snodgrass and Mrs. Edna Bike were Shedd visitors Wednesday afternoon. Several from this community attended tbe Military tournam ent at Corvallis, Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Falk and Cecil Bilyen were in Harrisburg on business Monday. Mrs. Joe Elliot and sons accom­ panied by Miss Grace Kirk were business visitors in Albany Friday. The carpenter work in this com­ munity is progressing rapidly. C. B. Gibson's were at M- B Stone’s Thursday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Falk and daughter Deluna were Saturday afternoon callers at Herman Stienke’s. Gus Toedtemeir is back in school again, although it was necessary for him to write his exams with his left hand. Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugene i visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs M icbael Rickard. Grocery—Bakery E verything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice 1923 C hevrolet T o u rin g 1926 D odge S edan Olds Coach, 1925 2 Ford Coupes Je w e tt T o u rin g , 1926 I F ord T ru ck , 1 to n O verland T o u rin g M WANTED 100,000 Pounds Cascara Bark Mrs. E. I). Isoui and daughter When in Need of an Outside PRINTER, See FRANK TAYLOR & SON Albany, Oregon Willard Service S ta tio n WJIiards We serve all makes and sell ______ Under new mmagemen L. M. Taylor, Prop. 121 W- Second, Albany. If you enjoy a good meal, • md know i good meal when you get it, Y ou'll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. O ur aim is to please vou. PA RA G O N CAFE ALBANY G EO - M. G IL C H R IST FA R M LOANS at lowest rate of in terest Real Estate Insurance Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. W m BstSf, RooniS, First Savings Bank builning, Albany Why suffer from headache? Have your eyes examined Dr. Setti T. French ( with F. M. Frencn & Son 2 Jewelers Optometrists, Albany 5 reclam ation service will pay half the eost of in v estig atin g th e w ater supply for the Vale irrig atio n project. W ater will be obtained from the M alheur river. The cost of th e probe w as e sti­ m ated a t S500O, ! I * . ' • t‘ ‘ T ‘ P o r tla n d U' 1 I an d r e tu r n * Lee Ingram visited at Springfield ; and Eugene Sunday. F o r tu e F r id a y , S a tu r d a y and S u n d a y —re tu rn lim it Tuesday ■ Large crowds of people visited at both cemeteries Sunday and the graves were beautifully decorated. A-; Pine Grove Points £ (By Special C orrespondent) ¿ ! « » . <■•17' 15-day roundtrip ticket« on sale daily at slightly higher fare permit stop­ overs. 1. Convenient trains going and returning. * < '. & .if £ I., E. Eagy and Floyd Nichols and their families attended the military tournament at Corvallis, T. H. MacDonald, who I» chief of Saturday. the bureau of public roads of the A. F. Robertson and family, United S tates D epartm ent ef Agrlcu). ture. with the Ora Albertsons and Joe Elliots, drove to Marion Sunday and visited Rev. and Mrs. S m ith ' and Clarence Higbee and family, j Mr. and Mrs. Jean tndw alladcr of Eugene spent tbe week end rt the farm. MRS, LANDES NAMES NEW POLICE CHIEF S eattle, W ash. — Mrs. B ertha K. Landes, president of th e S eattle city Mrs. Rosa Overton of A lbany! council and wife of H enry Landes, visited Mrs. Haynes the first of the I dean of science in the U niversity of week. W ashington upon her re tu rn from a fortnight’s vacation in C alifornia, nnm- A large number of Tine Grove . ; ed the man to be appointed police people attended the g r a d u a tin g ex hlef when she becom es m ayor of So* ercises a t Halsey Friday evening. In itio June 7 and published a program S e v e ra l a ls o a tt e n d e d tb e B u cea- cf reform - The city, she w arned, must be clear of vice and corruption unit laureate sermon Sunday evening. perhaps a btt more. Ce.oiain William II. Searing, named Mr. and Mrs. Frank McManus of Corvallis, Mr, and Mrs. A rthur for police chief, “ Is best quallfli tl to Springate of Harrisbuig and I!>-i t j carry out quietly anil efficiently the necessary reorganization, build up the Haynes and family were Sunday d epartm ent anti give tin- prom ised law guests at E. E. H avers, enforcem ent," said Mrs. Landes. C aptain S earing held tho office of R. K. Stewart of Pleasant Hill police chief when Dr. Edwin J. Brown visited his sister, Mrs. .1. W. Rec­ becam e m ayor four years ago. Browa tor at lialsny, Friday and S atu r­ rem oved Searing and appointed W il­ day and spent Sunday with bis liam 1!. Severyns, a lawyer. Strict enforcem ent of the prohihiticn daughter, Mr«. Hover, returning law through an augm ented sta ff of to his home Monday. secret Investigators; more flexible Mrs. Simons of Eugene visited control of traffic, and abolition of tho nt W. G. McNeils from Wednesday riancehall girl, w ere changes In the policies and m ethods which Mrs until Friday. Landes announced she would put Into Mrs. Mae M arkham and Miss effect. H ISTO RY IN CAKE Alford Arrows (By an Enterprise Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wbitbeek went to Albany Thursday of la.-t Notice is hereby given th at pursuant week. to an order of sale made and entered in Mrs. E. D. Isom, daughter Bev­ the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, Dept. No. 2 on erly and son Carl and Ralph Me the 30th Day of April, 1926 in th at cer­ Neil attended the m ilitary tourna­ tain suit therein No. 13688 where!« John ment at Corvallie Saturday. Ottnian, Eniina Ottnian his wife, Elida Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis and Barnes unm arried, Carrie L. Beadle, W. E. Beadle her husband, F lcra Page u n ­ children of Lebanon spent Sunday married, Frank T. Ottm an, M illie R at the Chester Curtis home. Ottnian bis wife, Louis B. Ottnian u n ­ Mrs. John Rolfe is on thy sick married. Deltia M. Ottnian unm arried, lilt. Louise Bartlett unm arried, Grace Bur­ dick. A. W. Burdick her husband, and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Robnett and Charles W. Mellen and M innie W. M el­ daughter Doris and Mr. anil Mrs. len his wife were plaintiffs and Lnlu C. E. Mercer of Eugene visitel at Ten Eyck, Harvey Ten E yck her hus­ band, and C am e M ills unm arried were the E- D. isotn home Sunday. defendants and appointing and direct­ Philip Cogswell of Portland ing tbe nndersigned as sole referee to spent the week end with his father, •ell the real property hereinafter de­ B. E. Cogswell. scribed, I, the undersigned referee will, E. D Isom »nd a crew of men on Saturday, the 5th uay of June, 1926 at the hour of 1 o'clock p. tn. of said have been constructing bunkers at day, at the front door of the courthouse the Porter gravel pit, preparatory of Linn County, Oregon at Albany. Ore­ gon offer and sell at public auction to to hauling gravel on tbe roads of tbe highest bidder for cash in hand, this district subject to confirmation of said court all Rev. and Mrs. Tate of Peoria ate the following real property, tow it:— Sunday dinner at the J. II. Rick- All of Block 19 ef S. W. & s. S. rd home. Hayes' Addition to the Town of Halsey in Linn County, Oregon. Mrs. Amber Roberts and child­ Dated and first published May 5th. 1926 ren of Toledo visited at the bom» FR A N K RICHARD, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mich­ Sole Referee. ael Rickard. T asting & T asting, Attys. for Pills. Hewitt A Sox, Attys. for Defts. Mrs. Davie of Albany visited her To Beverly visited at the home of her ■ister, Mrs. \V, C Si Ue;s in Al-i bany Monday afternoon. T Accessories, b prlies. 1st & Broadalbin. «3.90 C. E. Mercer of Eugene and Carl Isom attended tlie baseball game in Albany Monday afternoon. Cecil B ily e u an d L a w le ig h Like helped R. B, Miller last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bierly and family were Sunday evening visit­ IM P E R IA L C A FE , 209 W. h in t ors at H. J. F alk ’s. -*■ Harold G. M urphy Prop. Phone 6i»5 A. L. Falk and wife spent tbe W e never close greater part of last week at Yahacts IV lA G N E T O EL E C T R IC CO. and W aldport. Tboy returned -L’ A p u ih C O BA TTK R IFS Friday, having had a very nice with the famous Diamond-Grid plates priced to suit the consum er. 423 W Firs? trip. |en ami money a n best whan Highway Garage Mrs. Charles Straley and daugh­ busy. Make your dollars work in our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate First aud Baker Albany, Ore. ter Geraldine and Miss Mearlr- B ank . Under governm ent supervision. Straley celebrated their birthdays HOWARD SRIGLEY at H. L. Straleys Monday evening. V IA ltlN E L L O PARLORS •I" (A beauty aid for every need) Birthday cakes and ice cream were St. Francis Hotel heartily enjoyed. Prop. W inifred Rose Edith Bilyeu was a caller at J^OSCOiC AMES HARDW ARE Cecil Bilyeu’s Suuday. Mis» Ellen VanNice came home The W inchester Store from Monmouth Friday evening in T i l l ; MARTIN LUDW IG SHOP time to attend the graduation ex­ Agnes Chandler were home from Geo. L. Hurley. Proprietor and ercises. Her »ister Roberta being Monmouth for the week end. Manager. Warm air furnaces, plum bing Miss Pearl I’ehrssou has finished a graduate. Miss Ellen spent the and sheet niet^t work, tin and gravel week end with her parents, Mr. her term of school at Moro. Oregon roofing, general jobbing in tin and g al­ vanized iron work, metal skylights and and Mrs. J. H. VanNice, returning and arrived home Monday evening. cornices, pumps of all kinds. to Monmouth Monday. Highest Cash Price Dean Belyeu attended the gradu­ 136 Ferry street, A lbany. Phone 127J Mr. and Mrs. Herm an Stienke ating exercises at Harrisburg F ri­ A lb a n y B a rg a in H o u s e motored to Lacomb Tuesday after day eveuing. o make roctn for our spring Second and Baker strawberries. Wednesday t h e y stock, will sell organs at almost Phone 411J Miss Anna Heinrich ami Fre 1 your own prices. W e m ust have more made a trip to Sweet Home room. Davenport Music House. Heinrich came up from Corvallis after cherries. They were accom­ to spend Sunday at their home I V a ld o Anderson & Son. distrib- The s ta te e n ^ n e e r has entered Into panied by Mr. aDd Mrs. C. L. ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, C hal­ here. mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. a co n tract w hereby th e U nited S tates Falk jr. U U L M A N W JACKSON 7s R EFE R E E S SALE OF REAL ESTATE BRIEF GENERAL NEWS A report from Genova states that Brazil has abandoned its right to veto, which hindered G erm any's projected entry into tho league of nations. W illiam 11. Clover, form er chairm an of the federal trad e comm ission and nationally known new spaper man, died at hi» hem e tn W ashington a fte r sev­ eral m onths' illness. The Rev. W. O. Thom pson was elec t­ ed m oderator for the P resb y terian chnrch a t the general assem bly of the church in Baltim ore. He received 385 votes ngainst 382 for the Rev. Laps- ley McAfee. Bishop William M ontgomery Brown, deposed bishop of the P ro testan t Epis­ copal church lost his fight to have the courts of the sta te of New York re­ view th e action of tho church au th o ri­ ties In deposing him a s a bishop of the church. The long colonial w nrfare In Mo­ rocco which Bpqin has been waging for years and which F rance has been .irrylng on for a y ear apparently has come to an end with the su rren d er of Ahd-el-Krtm, leader of the Rlffian rebel». D eserted by tribal followers, the Moorish chieftain placed himself. Ills fam ily and property under protec ’.ton of France. Coolidge O rder Up to Com m ittee. W ashington, D. G Five of the lead ing Jurists of the sen ate w ere desfgnat d by the Judiciary com m ittee to In­ quire Into legality of the president'» ' iccu tlv e ordi r designating state, county and m unicipal officer» aa fed- ral prohibition agents. The quintet appointed as a sub com m ittee Includes ' n .i'crs Cummins, republican, Iowa, hairm an; Borah, republican, Idaho; Goff, republican. W est V irginia; Walsh, dem ocrat. M ontana, and King, dem ocrat, Utah. T his replica of historic Independ ence Hall in Philadelphia I t a fine ex am ple of tbe b ak er’s art. It was made by the chef of one of Philadelphia’» leading hotels to advertise the Sesqul- C entennial International Exposition, which will open In th at city June 1 and run to December 1 to celebrate tbe l.'.Olb anniversary of American In dependence. T he "S tate H ouse” Stands on a table at the entrance to tt>» n-ain dining room of the hotel. April Production H ighest Since 1919. W ashington, D. C.~ American mana- factoring production tn April was th a g reatest for any m onth since the war, he d epartm ent of com m erce announc- I In every m ajor Industry, save gi'iiulture and leath er, product, on .gurus for April reached new high ir is , the Incrca ten ranging from 9 o 157 per cent, Tho April record was the b< st for any m onth since the boom y ear of 1919. Travel in co m fo rt k a n d sa fety Southern Pacific Lines Clay P. Moody Agent V s BURBANK CACTUSES GROW THORNS AGAIN S anta B arbara, Cal.—W h e n L u th e r Burbank, late plant w izard, perfected tho spineless cactus a large lot h ere owned by 8. G. and J. L K elley w as planted to the d e sert grow th and 'housanda of persons m arvelled at th o plant th a t grew w ithout th o rn s anil bsaring delectable pears. In tho last few weeks, since Bur- hank s death, spines have appeared on the cactus and the city of Hanta B ar­ bara served siotlco on th e ow oers of the patch to d estroy them an weeds. T hesa who believe in th e super­ natural a re speculating us to w h eth er or not the plant w izard's passing h a s anything to do with It. FUNDAMENTALISTS BEATEN Dr. B rougber of O akland, C alifornia It Elected P resident. W ashington, D. C.—T he u ltra funda­ m entalist faction of th e northern Bap­ tist convention suffered an overw helm ­ ing defecat when Its ticket for of­ ficers of the A m erican B aptist foreign m issions society, the only election in which th ere wag a contest, was de­ feated, 1708 to 481. The w inning tick et was headed by Carl E. Milliken, ex-governor of Maine, and represented tho conciliation group of the convention. A resolution, providing for a six- m onths' tru ce on controverted sub­ jects betw een fundam entalists and m odernists, was adopted. R«v. J. W hitcom b B rougher of O ak­ land, Cal., was elected president of tho convention. The expected opposition from funda­ m en talists to the election of Brougher, did not m aterialize. W hipping P ost Law Reduces B urglary W llm lngtnn, Del.—D elaw are's d rastic whipping post law. credited by the n a ­ tional bureau of casu ally and Insur­ ance u n d erw riters with having reduc­ ed the s ta te 's burglary and th eft In­ surance ra te s 33 13 per cent, will func­ tion again in June. John F. Fee an d Thom as Kelly, both of Philadelphia, were sentenced to 15 y ears' Im prison­ m ent and the maximum of ID lash es for highw ay robbery. W et Bill 1» O ffered In M assachusetts. B o sto n —A bill calling for n Mlate. wide referendum on the question of m odifying the V olstead a c t so as to perm it the m anufacture, sale and d is­ tribution of beverage liquors to con­ tain m ore than one-half of one per out alcohol, yet to bo non intoxicat­ ing, was filed In the house by R epre­ sen tativ e Roland D. Saw yer of W are. P resident Signs Alien Bill. W ashington. D. C - The bill to per­ m it adm ission to th e U nited St a tee of aliens who served with th e A m erican forces In the world war w ithout regard to im m igration quoin restrictio n s v i s gnod by Praajdest Coolidge.