HURAL ENTERPRISE Published E v e r; Wednesday, B i H lbkbt L A lmos Zez Conf rey M izes Salads and Songs EDITOR AND PCB IISHER Wednerdsy, June 2, 1926 II a year in advance Arrearages. 1 2 X C * month Advertising, 20c an meh ; no diacoun for lim e or apace : no charge (or cow poaition orciauge«. na "Paie-for Paragraphs.'• Io a Use. < a advaniaing disguised aa new a Use Printed Stationery Zez Confrey, famous composer ol the muslcil classic, "Tbs Kitten on the Keys," la I hatted by h!> frlenda as the most versatile ol America's popn lar song com­ posers. Those who know him say be ran mix a salad a t a aong oddity with equal suc­ i cess, which saying consider­ able since his Uncle Sam and His Nephews, the States, Are Collecting Over a Billion Dollars in Yearly Tolls on Motor Vehicles and Fae FARM ERS N O W IS T H E T IM E TO P L A C E Y O U R O R D E R S FO R R E P A IR S More Than Meets the Nation’s Billion Dollar Highway Building Bill— Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief of the (J. S. Bureau of Public Roads, Tells Striking Details. Check over your harvesting machinery for Deeded repairs and By JUDSON C. W tL L IV E R advise us at once of what is needed to put your baryeating ma- Am erica has reverted to the ancient system of collecting tolls w herew ith to build and m aintain highways. In 1925 these tolls am ounted to >1,094,000,000, collected through m otor licenses, gasoline taxes, property, corporation, income production and other taxes on autom obiles, autom obile m anufactures, the petroleum industry, etc. In the same year $1,003,000,000 was spent on ru ra l roads, portrayal of the It took near a century to build $20,000,000,000 w orth of rail- deiigbtfui prank« roads. A highw ay system costing th a t m uch will be created in feline frisking over twenty years at present it rate, chinery in good condition. The sooner your order is placed the better service we will be able to render. HILL & CO. Halsey Write your answer on printed statiouery. Yonr individuality ami • Zez Confrey. your personality are bound t o ! of a certain young make for your Bucceae. Send your tbe Ivories has been recognized as the rnsse are some of the high points I answer on printed stutionery and model of American syncopation. But Mr. Confrey has other "flrsta" j presented by Thomas H. MacDonald, you will be known as you would In his repertoire, his acquaintances Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agriculture. In an In like to be. Your message will declare. Country bred, be Is a Judge tervlew on highway development mean more and will receive more of borae flesh, and also knows a good “The equipment of this continent cigar. attention, if written on printed ! The simple life le Mr. Confrey'i Idea with modern roads has been the most provision of a public utility stationery which we can furnish ! of happiness. Every so often Manhat­ •mazing that any community ever accom you at moderate prices. tan gets too crowded for him and b e: pushed In a similar period," said Mr (24 miles, were to be Included In the national system, eligible for Federal aid. Nearly «very mile of that 2,866,- 0(1 was a candidate tor designatloa as a Federal highway. But In the end the system was laid out as a truly na tional one. "When the map was published It showed nearly the 200,000 miles of designated routes. Since then 4(,485 boards a train for the country an d . MacDonald. "Historians say the miles of these roads have bean Im­ the companionship of a certain mur- Ronian Empire was hald together by proved, nearly 13,000 more are under muring broek. Inevitably be comes highway system, radiating from construction, and over 2,000 hare been Official Notice back with one of the merry tunes for 1 Rome to the Provinces. But America approved for early beginning of work. i has converted a continent Into In addition to that many states hare Notice is hereby given th at in which he le noted. A bachelor, Zez keeps open house neighborhood within a few years, accordance with chapter 265 of tLe for hie friends. I f he Invites a few o f) “Thia accomplishment really repre- built, without Federal aid, extensive sections which are Included within General Laws of Oregon for the the boys over for a midnight supper, sents the Inauguration of a new sys this national system. In fact, these vear 1923 section 2, Ib e a re a w it h - ! be does the cooking himself. Invlta- tern of taxation: a system of licenses state contributions aggregate 65,000 3 • ’ - — to — his ••— ■- little — -■-------- are — and excises levied against particular . ____ . „ I tions lively dinners paruc in tbe present boundary line, of goufht gr# two t(>i or cl„ , „ of property, the miles, so that approximately two- thlrds of the 200,000 mile national school district No. 72 io Linn which Is partial. Darflal. Ko are' high which Mr. Confrey is are »roceeds being dedicated to highway highway system has already been Im­ proved. County, Oregon, has been, by ord­ bis friends. His recipes for the two development "For 1*25 state taxes on gasoline Uncle Sam as Road Supervisor er of tbe County Court of Linn follow: aggregated $163,000.000. Add to tkat Sauco. Along with all of this, there la the $2(3,500.000 for automobile registra­ Couuty, Oregon, declared to be u Royal Eggs With Mushroom cup e v a p o ­ l i *««• tion and licenses; $160.000.000 as Federal supervision over construction r a te d m ilk d i l ­ weed control district for the year S P a e p it p er property taxes on the 20,000.000 auto­ and maintenance. When Uncle Sam u ted w ith 2 % c u p m e a t atock mobiles; $161,430,709 as the Federal helps build a road he reserves au­ 1926, for tbe destruction and pre­ 1-1 p ou n d raueb- room s tb sp . e v a p o r a te d m a lfo e a la considerably more than the entire to divide the cost of a bridge. In m ila C rea m y s a la d feat United States Senator Wadsworth, Amount spent on country roads. such cases the Federal authority has dreealn* ropubllcsn. even If they split tbe repub­ "You observe that I have not in­ repeatedly mediated differences and C o m b in e th e c h e e s e , n u ts, e v a p o r a te d m ilk , p in e a p p le Ju ice an d s u g a r , and lican party and elected a democratic cluded the government's expenditures secured construction. Let me men­ blan d in t o a e m o u th m a ss. C u t p in e a p ­ candidate, who, they said, would be ple c ir c le s In ftalf. S p re a d c h e e s e m ix ­ of nearly $100,000,000 In Federal aid tion some Instances. less dangerous because "he would be tu r e on a s lic e o f p in e a p p le an d ureas to road building. In the eight years Missouri has been a state for over tb e o th e r h a lf c ir c le o f p in e a p p le on from 1916 to 1925 Inclusive, the Gov­ a century. Divided east and west by in tbe minority at Washington." to p o f c h e e s e a s o n e w o u ld a s lic e of bread In m a k in g a s a n d w ic h . C ut d ia ­ ernment has contributed $4(0,000,000 i the Missouri river, communication ba- The announcement followed a con­ m o n d s o r t r ia n g le s fr o m g r e e n an d red to help the states build roads. That two sections has been 11m ference of representatives of the Anti- m a n g o e s an d p r e ss In to th e e d g e o f la considerably less than halt of what , tween the H A o f e l o ' e r4 6 a a A v a «« ♦ a a « th e c h e e s e m ix tu r e b e tw e e n th e p in e ­ Ited, to ♦ the state’s disadvantage. Four Saloon league, the W. C. T. U., the pro­ ap p le L ay tw o o f th e p r e p a r ed p i e c e the country spent on roads In either bridges across the river were required p in e a p p le on a c r is p le ttu c e le a f. hibition national committee and Meth­ or S e r v e w ith c r e a m y s a la d d r e s s in g T h is 1924 or 1925. Moreover, In the same In the national highway program, and eight years, while the Government Federal co-operation with the state of odist laymen of the New York con­ s e r v e s five. wag distributing that $460,000.000 to Missouri has made them possible. ference. Great chefs are born, not made. the states. It collected $973,000,000 In Two are completed, the others are un­ Internal revenue taxes on motor cars der construction. The four w ill cost British Golf Title Won By Swvvtaer. Kurely If ever do they rise to the Thus It appears twat wederal con­ a little more than $2.000.000, the Fed­ heights In their Mulrfleld, Scotland.—Jesa Sweetser, tribution to roads as compared to the eral contribution being nearly $1,000,- profession by dint stocky young bond broker of New contribution of people who make and 000. of perseverance. York, won the British amateur golf In Europe and use the cars and the gasoline has Getting Bridges Constructed been decidedly modest. championship, shattering defenses the East a chef “Another bridge that has a peculiar “But, while Federal contribution Is which have guarded that cherished with the truq Importance, both locally and nation­ only about 19 per cent of highway ex title from Americans since W alter gastronomic In­ pense, It has accomplished results al­ ally, has been needed for generations Travis won It 22 years ago. Sweetser stinct Is treefl- together out of proportion to Its across Raritan bay. New Jersey. It Is Jealously, beat Alfred Simpson of Edinburgh In tn-ed amount F irs t it was an Incentive to one of the links In the chain of com­ the 3(-holv finals by the Imposing lie expects and the States. The Government required munication between New York city acore of six up and five to play. The obtains the treat­ them to Invest as much as It con and the country at large. In 1924 trlbuted. Then the Government takes New Jersey had some $700,000 of Fed­ young American, by his victory, be­ ment of an am­ bassador. H I s part In a general supervision of con- eral aid allotted to her roads and In comes the second of his countrymen dishes are the etructlon and a share In determining 1925 over $1,000.000. So the state ever to have won the British amateur pride hlf of routes. So we have built roads on agreed that this Raritan bridge should crown. Travis was the only other master, b« to H. Gsdojiait. better standards, and have got them be built, costing about $4,000.000. from across the seas to capture It. boasted of ta organized Into a truly national sys­ Federal funde made up about one- friends In the cafee and bazaars. tem Instead of forty-elf;ht state sys- third of the amount. The bridge, over s»>«e and a hail long, is now nearly Such a chef is Haroutonn QedoJInn. terns. Late M arket Report »Mompiunmem or m a u y import**? sometime chef to the family royal ol U n ifying tbe Road System highway development.* the hhedlve of Egypt, now the owner "Some day It will be realized that According to the American Petro­ of a bizarre gold coast restaurant In this was the most valuable contribu­ leum Institute, the gasoline tax was Portland Chicago. In bis forty-three years as » tion. Driving from Boston to New W heat— Rig Rend bluest em. hard chef extraordinaire. Usroutoun's word York, a man may pass through four first Imposed In 1919 in Oregon. It has now been adopted by all the whit«, hard federation. IM S ; soft has been law In the cuisine« of three states. Every one might have a states except New York. Illinois, New white, western white, $1.43; hard win Egyptian princes and one princess splendid highway system; but If these Jersey and Massachusetts. The ten­ ter. northern spring and western red the mother of the hhedlve. When did not articulate at the state lines dency has been continually to In­ $1 IS. Lord Kitchener was elrdsr of Egypt, the trip would be almost Impossible crease the rate of tax per gallon. As Hay—Alfalfa, $1660019 ton; valley before the trouble In the Soudsn, Thanks to the systematization under late as 1921 gasoline taxes for the en­ Federal Influence, country roads are tire country were only shout $5,000,- ♦Imothy. $19019 50, eastern Oregon Ilarontoun cooked for him. One of Kitchener’s favorite dishes as superior to stats boundary lines as 000: In 1922, $12.000.000; In 1923. al­ timothy. 121 60022. according to Haroutonn. was schlsch era railroads. most $37.000,000: In 1924, $79,000,000, Rutterfst— 61c shippers' track. "The Federal highway act of 1921 and In 1925, $142,967,749 ksbb. a dish made from milk-fed baby Eggs— Ranch. 24©27c. W ith good prospects that the "gas" lamb. Prince Jamlel, another of hlf required that a complete nation reach- Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tlllsmooh; masters, was particularly fond ol tag system of roads be designated tax will be adopted soov by states within two years, as the roads to which do not have It now and with Triplets. 1764c; loaf, 2$Hc per lb. dried cream and honey, a preparation which Uncle Sam would give assist the gallonage rates being Increased ic Cattle Steers, good. $6 2508 86. which Is one o f Harontoun's sealously Ilogs .Medium to choice. 111.SO© guarded secrets. Prince Sasd Pashu ance. It was found that there were other states. It Is calculated that this 2.1(60(1 miles of highway In the tax alone will soon raise $200.000,000 II IS. was a keen admirer of « confection eountry. Of these 7 per cent, or 290, a year, quite possibly duiVag 192A Sheep— I.smbs, medium to choice. Ilarontoun makes entirely out ol flour, butter and nuts. «11 012 60. In msny of his admirable dishes. GASOLINE TAXES BY’ STATES Haroutonn uses evaporated milk Oaa Taa Oaa Ta* Ueattls. Stata» t t r O»U C ollection» S ta te s par Oak C »Hecti«n» 1925 W heat—Soft whit«, western whit«, which Is simply freeh cow's milk 1925 IMS 1SZS sterilised In cans and with sixty p«r A ï* 1 2.140. H l 2 N. H. 1 • 100.009 1163; hard winter, t i l l ; northern Ark I.M S.9H 4 Nona N J. cent of the water removed Because Ari». 444 2T» t N M m s spring Rig Bend bluestem f l 31; west 13? ISO of a homogenising process through 12,1«*» Cal. 9 N T. Nenä era red I t 17. 1.444.SII Col 1 4 N . C. B.3T3.043 which evaporated milk la put. tht Conn. l.t c ì.M Ì 2 n a «0T.3UI 1 H ay—Alfalfa, »2« timothy. |2 |; fat globules In tbe milk are broken 2M .H0 Dal. Ohio 9 1 9 13» I4 i ru . î 914 ,tOS 4 timothy P B, $20; do. mixed. $2$. Okia. » 143 BIT up Into microscopic particle« and die O rk Oa 4 411.314 • » 4 I 3 U .U 3 R utter—Creamery. Mid40c. trlbuted throughout the milk, where Hah« F in n » 1 1>«.«?! 3 I9.too.oce Non« lit R I 1 190.434 Eggs Ranch. 21 © lie they remain In homogeneous suspen­ IM . 1 TM 4SI 2 S. c . t » 19S.7M sion. lrwa s n s 4P4 Hogs Prime. $15 26015 6«. 2 8 O. 9 1.993 l i i K ma . Term. S 2.271 »H 1 3 “ 3 453 Cattle - Prime »leers. $3 0008 86. This breaking of the fat globulei 1 040 »MJ 2 1 Kr. Ta*. 1 744.007 1 JS9 541 2 U ta h •7&.KS Cheese Oregon triplet«, 14c, Wash glvea a distinct buttery flavor to every Me 2.000 »CO Vt 2 1 &19 30» drop o f the evaporated product. • Md Vu Ington triplets. 21012c. 2 i.O ll )U 1 » sm ;« W wto N «ne 1 oen 0 9« M — S flavor which ordinary market milk W V«. Minn 1 H l 444 1 1.ISÄ 790 st* does not have. Hsrontonn says he Mich. W1«. • •« • -x>» i 9 ».447 »>4 Spokane. M k» A 1 400 9n • I.M M M uses evaporated milk In preference to • 1'laC a t d a . ■Äo 4 4«t) 1 1 Hogs--Good. |14 10016 I I . T»7 614 market milk to the preparation of nil L. t m .-»e 9 • C a ttle -Prime steers. $7.60 0 8 60. X eK 1 DM.«*» s o r ts of baked dlshee as well as In Total 9142,9(7,749 N «s. « • 11.211 cqokjpg H A LSEY STATE B A N K Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited The Big Dish of Ice Cream we will eerve will prove none tco big for your appetite after you once taste it. In fact you’ll wish you could find room for more. Try some at home for dessert. The way the family will enjoy it will make your heart feel glad. Clark’s Confectionery DRY LEADERS ARE MILITANT Kerr’s Chick Starting Milk Alash Baby Chick Scratch Egg Producer Triangle Egg Mash Attractive prices on Shell, Bone Meal and Fine and Coarse Grit O. \Y. F R U M HALSEY GARAGE Good trades allowed Dealer H U D S O N & E SSE X in Cars Two Cars for Sale or Trade Reo six touring, will trade for cows. Wrecking Shop 1918 Buick six for sale, Parts connection for less m o n ey P . P A P M A N Prop, We want your Complete line of Albors Brothers and Brewster's C H IC K E N F E E D Fleece Twine and Wool Sacks T. J. Skirvin Seed (g Job Printing Personal Service by an Experienced Printer Bung our Next Order to the Enterprise 2 Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with Enwgn Lee of the Salvation Army at , h, W hile Shield Home, MS Uavfalr avenue, Portland. Oregon. *9