i RURAL E A g r c u 11 u r e H o r te u ltu r© L iv e s to c k U eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County P a ir y P o u ltry W ool Pioneer Picnic June 1 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 and returning by way of Lebanou Prof. Cornish of the Oregon Agri* aud Brownsville. ( B a t a w i w c o r r .a p o a d .n e .) A M. Templeton, president of cultural College d livcred t h e c c m - Miss Ida Mitzner spent the week ' er, Washington, visited at the J. The school year draws to a close p , . mcnceiit addr* ss to tLe Halsey "26 end in Portland Mr. aud Mrs. James Drinkard ,k_ *«_____l , | Pioneer association was in town with her sister A. Stephenson home on Memorial graduating class last Friday even­ Am anda at the North attended the gun club shoot held at the end of the week and many Tuesday in the interest of the big Pacific day. at Corvallis, Friday, Saturday and students have made good records pioneer picnic, held tnnually at ing at the Methodist church. The Evangelical institute. I in many ways. speaker taking as his subject, Brownville. I Mrs. C. P. Stafford returned Sunday. r ,„ ;i , eu . ii ,i Student8 >n high school who re- . iaees Gladys Hadley, Ellen Tuesday after a few days visit with ‘‘Beacon Lights” and bringing out Mr. Templeton says that interest t ceil L. Shot well, senior medical i . . . . i • , ceived certificates of altendance on in the picnic seems stronger than Vannice aud Irene Quimby »11 of the Stafford family at Eugene and Ktn,u,,i , p ,i the ideals ami objects in life. student at Portland, is one of , • s . l . . . r account of being neither tardy nor I he l.incoln medal offered for whom are Monmouth students and [on the Mohawk w hoh? ‘i I ”™ ^ ’ ^ s e n t for the year were: Jennie usual. The first day has been giv­ the best Lincoln essay was given Ted M itzner of W. U., attended Ruth en over to the Ladies Auxiliary of An eight pound girl was born at who has been elected to member- j Nicewood, Irig McPh at this time. Miss Roberta Van- commencement exercises here F ri­ the American legion who are spon­ h° n ra rr a ? „ S turt“vant’ Georgina Clark, Fracis the Brownsville hospital on June 2 ern t’" nice was awarded first place in the day evening. soring th at days program, which tern t> Alpha Omega Alpha. M r.. Nortoo „„„ H#nry Kjrk g to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bierly who contest and presented with the ill feature a large parade of floats 1 tie W. F. M. S. of the M. E. reside east of Halsey. bhotwell receives bis degree at U. Norton degerv„ special u). ntion m eial. Miss Lillian Reynolds won church will meet at the country to be entered by the various organi­ , being neither absent nor tardy for zations and business firms. On second place and had such a fine home of Mrs. J. H. Vannice T hurs­ Mr and Mrs. J. C. Standish went Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Parker and ( the past five years. Those receiv- ess iv sue only lost first b y a small day afternoon at 2:00 p. [m. Cars to Salem Wednesday to attend the the same day, the queen, now un­ childten drove to Cresswell, ’ Mon- ing the certificate of attendance iti der process cf selection will be margin. funeral of Mrs. Bertha Standish will be on hand at the church to day. I ;he seventh and eighth grades wore crowned, and a short address to be The eighth grad« graduates also take the members to the meeting. Ross which was held th a t day. u "’"ian Koontz and Gertrude Rob. made by Governor Pierce. Misses Mearle Strsley, Pearl Herman received diplomas at this time. Mrs. Ross was a former resident of ins. Those given credit for perfect O. W . Fruro, Jess Cross and Pehrsson and Grace Kirk were Liun county and a daughter of On Sunday evening Rev. Robert The principal feature of the i attendance in -— the --------— intermediate second day will be an address by among those seen at the m ilitary j — Parker of the Methodist church Clate Smith chaperoned a couple John Standish. tournam ent at Corvallis Saturday.[ grade* were: Vivi»n Frutn who baa W. G. Paul, an international delivered an inspiring and m aster­ of trucks of lambs to I’ortluod Mist Irene Applegate of Eugene made the tecord for fo ir years, lecturer, traveler and newspaper early Tuesday morning. ful Buocahuie.Ue sermon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill, Mrs. and Dr. Titus were guests at the Donald Bramwell and John and correspondent. Another interest­ Thursday, June 3rd will be class Mrs. L. H. Armstrong enter­ Dr. Marks home Saturday evening. B n Holt and children and Mrs. Eloise Smith and in the primary ing event scheduled for the second n ght. Here is the program: tained the Loyal Women’s class of I he two Doctors attended the T. P. Patton drove to Sodaville room, Jean Sturtevant, Donna day is an old fiddlers contest. A Song, “ Welcome,” by the class the Halsey Church of Christ last wrestling match at Albany the Monday afternoon for an outing Mose, Arthur Moss and Frederick liberal prize will be given for the Salutatory, Thomas Palmer Friday afternoon. After the busi- same evening. and to partake of n little soda Robins. H istory, Velva Hadley best old time fiddler over 50 years ness and devotional meeting was water. Ernestine Coleman who gradu of age. If you can qualify for Prophecy, Agues Hayes Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor over light refreshments were serv. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foote and Grumbler, Leroy Straley ates from the eighth grade this this event, get out your fiddle and were visitors at Albany Thursday. ed. About fifteen lad i’s were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. term led her fellow students in an tune 'er up and be there on the Jester, Ralph Mi Neil present and a very pleasant after­ Mesdames Karl Bramwell, Mav Sturtevant and family drove to average of 94 3 10. Song . 17tb. You stand a chance to win. noon was spent. Miller and M. M- Ward drove to Lebanon Sunday ufternoou and The Albany chamber of com­ Poem, Eunice Sylvester and Senior Hunk day was carefullv Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Albertson Pine Grove cemetery Thursday to visited at the home of Mrs. S turte­ Ruth Quimby merce has been given charge of the and children and Harvey Wallace, work at denning up their cemetery vant’s brother, Jobu Temple and observed by the senior students third days program and promise* Advice to Juniors, Thomas Miller M r. and Mrs. O. J. Albertson and lots. Tuesday. Mrs. J O. Cross was family. Will, Helen Williams taken aa chaperone and they spent some interesting events. children and .Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Mr. and Mrs. George Tycer and \ aledictory, Roberta Vannice Mis O. W. Frutn drove to the day somewhere along the banks Elliott and sons motored to Marion 461 to Graduate at 0 . A. C. Song, “ We do Liketo Say Good­ Sunday morning where they at. Brownsville Thursday to see hoi huby of Portland arrived Sunday of the McKenzie river. and Spent several days at the bye.” daughter, Mrs. Wesley Holloway tended church services at the The senior class to receive de­ Lula McNeil who was in school The graduating class consists of Friends church of which Rev. R who has lately contracted the home of Mrs. Tycer’s parents, Mr. grees at the 5 7th a n n u a l at Halsey most of the winter but and Mrs. John Bressler. th e following: Agnes H a y e s , C Smith is pastor. The day was whooping cough. , finished the term at Pine Grove, commencement Monday. June 7 at Roberta Vannice, Vglva Hadley, spent renewing acquaintances as Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross and a Miss Gladys Hadley, who has visited Mrs. Coleman’s room F ri­ O. A. C. numbers 4G1, according Eunice Sylvester, Ruth Quimby, the older members of the party been attending school at , number of relatives picniced at day. Mon­ to a report by E. B. Ixm on, regist­ Helen Williams, Thomas Miller, and the Smiths were friends and mouth, has been selected to teach Sm ith’s Grove at Peoria Sunday rar. While not the largest class Miss Grace Kirk and Mrs. L. II. Thomas Palm er, Ralph McNeil, neighbors in Kansas some tw enty, the Harmony school the coming [afternoon. Among those present in the history of the college, it is Leroy Straley and Frank Koontz ■ Mrs. E. A. P. LoFollette and son Armstrong visited in various rooms near the top of the list. term. five years ago. George Cross, of Corvallis. Mrs. Wednesday. Thirteen glasses will hold re­ Mrs. Nora Coleman and daugh­ Mrs. Lloyd Putm an and three M attie Umstead and daughters, Mesdames a . W. Foote, Robert unions on the campus in connec­ children of Ashland arrived in ter Ernestine and Mrs. Inez Free­ .Mary and June and Mrs. H. D. Halsey W ell Represented Parker and Mrs. C. J. Straley tion with the commencement pro­ Halsey Friday morning nud was land expect to occupy the residence Stright, all of Portland, Mrs. Liz­ visited In the fourth, fifth and gram, June 4 to 7. One or two re­ met by Mrs. Putm an’s father. J. B. of Miss Nettie Spencer during the zie Cross of Crawfordsville and J. sixth grades and the prim ary room maining members of the golden Many Halsey citizens were in Howe and taken to Brownsville for coming school term. Miss Louise 0. Cross and wife of Halsey. Friday. attendance at the fourteenth an­ jubilee class of 1870 will return, Seefeld will room upstairs. visit at the home of her parents nual m ilitary tournam ent held at while the silver iubilee class of Do People Know! Mr. and Mrs. Arley Cutnmiugs Mrs. Wm. H. Wheeler went to Corvallis Saturday. M any New Subscribers 1901 is preparing for an extensive were among the Halsey visitors at Eugene Monday and on Tuesday The event receiving the most Other classes to Do people know about th at team get-to-gether. Mr. the m ilitary tournam ent at Corval- During the month of May there of horses or th a t milch cow or any convene are thoee of 1885-6-7-8, favorable mention among the had her tonsils removed. were a laige number of new sub- other property which you want to I9O445-6-7, and 1928-4-5. spectators was th at of the co-ed Wheeler has received word that she lis Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote of scribers added to the Enterprise dispose of? cavalry troop in the feature ride, is doing nicely. Red raspberries sor sale, 6 cents reproducing the famous “ Algerian Mrs. L. H. Wallace and daugh­ Cresswell spent Saturday at the list, also many old subscribers re­ Few if any do. a bex, you pick them, I.ogan newed theirs during the month. F an tasy ” which was ridden while ter, Miss Grace, and mother-in-law home of David and A. W. Foote. The quickest way to sell your berries 4 cents a box, you pick We thank vou. the O- A. C. 50-piece m ilitary Mrs. Putm an, were here from property or stock, is to describe Ira them Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spring and E . Russ, 3 miles ssst at band played. The girls were cos­ Portland Saturday as guests of children of Foster and Mrs. Wal. conveniences, qualities etc, through the berry sign. No Sunday busi­ tumed in the beautiful dress of the Mrs. W allace’s parents, Mr. and lace W adtli and children and Mrs. Holiness Church Services the columns of the Enterprise. ness. desert riders. Mrs. J. W. Rector. Anna Alexander all of Sweet Home Another interesting event was The next all day m eeting ef the J. W. Evans of Lake Creek has visited Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Forster the aerial exhibition by the 321st Lion County Holiness Association Sunday. been on the sick list for some time. observation squadron under the will be held in the Methodist church Jack C urtis of near Peoria was a Miss Dickey Dryden is here from c m m ani of the f imous flyer, Oak- at Halsey, Tuesday, June 8. visitor at the Corcoran home Sun­ Oregon City visiting her grand­ ley Kelley. A parachut« leap from Rev. F. W. Launer pastor of the about one mile high was also a mother, Mrs. D. F. Dean and aunt day. W illiam Corcoran one of the Evangelical church in Albany will graduating class of 0 - A C., also Mrs C. P. Stafford. success. preach in the morning service and •pent Sunday with home folks. Not the least of the attractions 0 . B. Stalnaker and wife were Rev- J- W- DeYoe, pastor of the Misses Emma and Grace John- Leslie Methodist church in Salem by any means, a t the tournam ent, here from Corvallis Sunday, visit­ s»n of Pine Grove spent Sunday will preach in the afternoon was the Aggies’ m ilitary band con­ ing at the T. P. Patton home with Ernestine Coleman. sisting perhaps of 60 pieces. evening services. Mr. and Mrs. Claron Gormley The military officers on duty at returned to their home in Coquille C. J. Straley and family took in the college have explained that the Monday evening after visiting over the military tournam ent at Corval- Church o1 C h ris t military tournam ent is not a hid the holiday with friends and rela­ lis Saturday. fur militarism. Instead, it is given tives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wells and each year to show the degree of daughter Genevieve drove to Eu- j Mrs. Jess Sawyer of Tacoma, training given college men who gene to attend the graduating ex-1 form the basis of America’s citizen and Mrs. Adolph Cbavio ot Olym­ ercises at Eugene Bible University pia made a short visit at the home army. and witness the graduation of their of their brother, Geo. Maxwell, last son and brother Lawrence. week. ^ t o f p r o o f y ^ o s ie r u to m a tc h cocry costum e, in the season s s m a r te s t colors, $1.50 Mrs. Wilson Carey cam s from A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Salem Sunday and attended the W. F. Carter on May 81st. baccalaureate s e rv ic e s a t t h e “ You have a much better town Mrs. Wileon Glass and Mrs. church. She m then continued on t< to I Sunday School 10. . i „ r lu . n -, j . ■'-..„.V... »us c» cvuiinnea tbau I supposed.” T h at’s the ver­ o Fred W ashburn of Portland, sisters E.dgenH with h„ gQn C|ffor<, c#rev Preaching 11. dict of a man who had passed of Amos Ramsey, spent the recent Miss Mearle Straley returned Christian Endeavor 7. through Halsey before but had holiday at the Ramsey home. from a viait with her friend Miss Preaching 8. not had occasion to stop until this ' A ton, weighing eight pounds Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. week. People passing through on j was boro to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Helen Pearl of Springfield Friday. the highway get a very poor idea Barber May 30th at the R. L. Bil- Philip Forsler is building a con­ M . E. Church of Halsey, because only a sm a ll1 yeu home. crete curbing in front of his prop-j Robert Parker pastor. portion of the town cau be seen. ' erty this week. Sunday school, 10. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Craig ol But the wbol*' story is not told David Foot“ and wife and Mr. Preaching, 11. Emmett, Idaho, enroute to Cali- when they se ■ ti e town. Tber° Junior League, 2:80, Mrs. A. W. Foote and son Walter never was a better class of people, iornia called at the Stafford borne and Miss Roby Schroll enjoyed an Epworth league, 7. Preaching, 8. to live among and do business with ' Saturday. outing and picnic dinner at Soda- Praver-mceting, Thursday, 8. ’ban those of Halsey and vicinity. M j s . E. A. Putm an of Yancouv- vjlle Monday, going over by way Bible S tu ly 1 u^sdajj 2. Better Town Than He Supposed i,. o r m en, in y u a in an fa n c y co/ors, 35 to 75c oontzq K GOOD * A .G O O D S ^