FACE 4 KLRAL E N T E R P R IS E m u z» ». »avrag repioiy ana tae eootracis use ly would be fully completed this fall W hile prospects Immediately follow­ ing the heavy bloom Indicated that Hood River valley would have a large pear crop this season, the young fruit has dropped In such quantities that growers now predict lets tonnage than last season. young rainbow trout will be carried “ I want to assure you of my ap over in the state fish hatchery on the preciation of the splendid vole that post, oo the republican ticket. McKenzie river for distribution in the A Scream on the Screen With For state senator, L ido county, fall or winter, according to Matt Ryck- that tbe people of your vicinity man, superintendent of state fish gave me for joint Senator in the 1000 I.augbs! Willard L. Marks received the un­ hatcheries. Additional ponds at the recent primary. It is my earnest divided support of the republicans, — IN— »ybeat0« Hi-speed McKenzie hatchery recently installed bepe th at I may be able to be of and the democrats placed tbeir i-nabie the officials to retain the trout Krakei real service to tbe pc pie of yonr faith once more on Sam Garland until they reach a length of five or S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Industrial concerns in Oregon dur­ itcliou and tbe district ai a Sam forgot to file bis name with six inches. 212 E ast First st., Albany whole.” the county clerk at tbe proper time ing the past eight months have paid Abolition of capital punishment, personal injury damages to workmen, Phone 879 and it didn’t appear on tbe ballot based on court Judgments, aggregating shifting consideration of application with but was written io often enough to $900,000, according to figures made for pardons from the governor to a Paid-for Paragraphs C h arles M u rra y insure him a berth on tbe fall bal­ public by the state industrial accident state board of pardons and paroles and creating a state board of control to (ieo rg o S idney commission. (5c a line) lot. be composed of the secretary of state V e ra G ordon Revocation of the quarantine order and two appointees, are proposed in a In tbe race for representative of F or R ent : 100 acres of good resulting from tbe foot and mouth die K a te P ric e Linn county, L. L. Swan won bigb ease in California two years ago was petition for an amendment to the Ore­ pasture, four miles south of Hal- place in a three cornered race and recommended by members of the Ore­ gon constitution submitted to the state sey. E. A. Starnee, Shedd, R 1. Leave Portland at 5 p. m . Satur­ department at Salem. The secretary of Next Sun.— Mon. -Tues.— Hector Macpherson beat Tucker by gon state livestock sanitary board state has referred the petition to the day, Tuesday and Thursday. May 30—81- -June 1 7 votes on tbe republican side and Tbe recommendation was sent to Gov­ attorney-general for ballot title. It Leave H arrisburg at 2:30 p m Pasture to rent by mouth. Phone Monday, Wednesday A Friday Albany tbe democrats filled in the ticket ernor Pierce. will go before the voters at the gen­ 29, Halsey. H. O. Kennard, watermaster, in co­ eral election in November. Phone Portland 8226 by w riting the names of Aliyo operation with tbe state engineers Halsey depot, Swift A Co. The secretary of tbe Interior has " Eason and Helen V. Crawford. office, is making a hydrographic study Portland, care Auto Freight Ter. Republicans Nominated Strong I Th, rppubiicailB nominated H of tbe Malheur river to determine the submitted a favorable report on tbe Red raspberries for sale. E. minu«. land tax bill in congress, re­ Russ, 8 miles east of Halsey. Ticket, Democrats Did Tlieir Best A. Rennioger of Albany and tbe return water that will be available f./r grant H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T moving tbe most serious obstacle to democrats named J. D. Isom lor use when the Vale Irrigation projec t the passage of the bill, according to a Will surely appreciate your patronage telegram received front W. H. Gore of of this Is constructed. Tbe primary buttle of the cam­ county commissioner Retail prices of food in Portland In Medford, chairman of the committee ROAD FUNDS ARE ALLOTTED paign of 1926 has passed into po­ county. creased one per cent in April and 3 appointed by the county Judges* asso­ per cent between April, 1926, pnd ciation of Oregon to work for the pass­ Idaho to Get Largest Allotment Halsey Railroad Tima litical history, and after the smoke North April, 1919 according to figures of the age of the measure, which w ill re­ for Forest Highways 8onth has settled and the noise subsided, 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. bureau of labor statistic«. Since 1913 turn over $5,000,000 to the state of Washington, D. C.— Oregon w ill re­ the casuality list shows u large 15, 12;45 p. m. the retail cost of food In Portland has Oregon, being distributed among 18 ceive a larger share of the $7.600,t)0Q 16. 5:15 a. m. 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag number. Some are only slight)' risen 41 per cent. counties in amounts equivalent to fund appropriated by congress fur rqa<$ 34. 4:08 p, in. 31, 1:34 p. in Sag injured and will be ready for ser­ The port of Coos Bay recall failed taxes lost on revested grant lands. construction in national forests dur­ Nor. 14 and 16 stop to let off passenger vice again in a remarkably short from south of Eugene. by more than 300 votes. The renom- The senate committe on public lands ing the fiscal year 1927 than any other time, while others are more seri­ Brief of Resume of Happenings lnation of A. H. Powers as the regular has already made a favorable report. state except Idaho, the United Stales No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfieb points. candidate for port commissioner was forestry service has announced. ously wounded and will not Le Passengers for svuth of Eugene rhouli the Week Collected for assured. North Bend piled up a ma The Oregon allotment is $1,097,077 take train N a 17. beard from again. Jority against tbe recall while Marsh of the whole sum, of which $680,591 is Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal Our Readers. Frederick Sleiwer of Pendleton field broke about even sey i t 7 s. in and 12:15 and 8:1k p m to be devoted to highways and $516.- Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a, m anuck ran into a confectionery on the tial grade by decision of postoffice Haugen bill, 224 to 154, placed the ouaiest corner In the city. authorities. The offices affected are house on record as once and for all Washington, D. CL— The Watson; county candidates for United Stater Nels K. Bue, 64. employe of the Boardman In Morrow county, Cochran definitely disapproving of such legis- Parker bill for settlement of railway Hughes Not Candidate fer Qovtrnsi eenator and governor respective!) Cast Oregon Lumber company, was in Washington county; Malin In latlon. They asserted both bills were labor disputes was signed by President New York.—Charles E. Hughes, ex swept tire atate in the republican I njured fatally at Enterprise, when he Klamath county. Marcola In Lane similar in principle and that the house Coolidge who said In a statement that secretary of state and one time govsr <11 from the mill tram to the dry kiln county and W estfir in Lane county. primary. had demonstrated conclusively it although he would have preferred a nor nt New York state. Issued a state nun "T ra il to R ail” is the title of the would not pass any measure embody­ "more definite declaration for the pos­ mont saying he was not a prospective Steiwer led his ebnest opponent, •j I , KT u , ,'1 1 *1 u the u ip m iH fl u u t) Slight decreases , in rates of i l the celebration to be held in Eugene ing an equalization fee to be levied sible protection of the public,” ha be­ candidate for the republican guberna Kobert N. H ta n lleld , in cum bent, Consolidated Electric company, with August 19 and 20 to mark the com on basic farm commodities. lieved there was Involved an issue of torlal nomination. Hughes' name bad in tbe etnie» ide count by more] »-adquartera at Canyon City, have pletion of the Southern Pacific com Congressman N. J. Slnnott of the I "first public Importance,” that of en­ been put forward informally at a meet­ been ordered by the public service pany’s Klamath Falls-Eugene line and eastern Oregon district voted In favor couraging an industry- to adjust rela­ ing of the republican state committee titan 10,(MX). commission. tions between employer and employe here. "Klatawa" Is the name of the pageant of tbe bill. On the democratic side, Bert E. Representative M. E. Crumpacker without the intervention of the gov­ The second annual Jersey Jubilee, to be staged. A prize for the best Haney won the nomination ovci Oregon Man Wins at Oratorical Meet Elton Wulkins for United State« sponsored by the Clackamas County name for the celebration was won by of the Portland district and W . C. ernment. Jersey Cattle club, was held at the Mrs. E. F. Judkins. Hawley, whose district comprises the W ith presidential approval of the Moscow, Idaho,— Ralph Bailey of tht Ciuckaiuas county fair grounds at Reports received by the West Coast W illam ette valley and coast counties, act, the railroad labor board. In exist­ University of Oregon won the annua Canby Saturday. Lumbermen's association tor the week voted against tho bill. The Washing­ ence for six year«, was abolished anti northwest oratorical contest here. H it Forty acres of land. Just outside the ended May 16 showed that 108 mills ton delegation gave only one vote tc a new system provided for by t|)s e , subject was "Heroes in the Battle ol city limits of Klamath Falls, were produced 114.627.416 feet of lumber, kill the bill, this being cast by Repre­ labllshment of conference groups, and Life." The other contestants wepe leased for an aviation field which will sold 120.564.138 feet and shipped 107/ sentative Albert Johnson. The other adjustment boards within the Industry Lawrence Seltzer of the University of accommodate airplanes from all sec­ 175,223 feet. This brings production four, Miller. Hadley, Sunfmers and and the creation of a board of media Washington and Don Carey Smitn of tions of the coast. lion whose five members are to be the University of Idaho. The winner for the first 20 weeks of 1926 to 1,983,. Hill, supported the measure. Idaho's two members, French and appointed by the president. received the $100 prize. 230.519 feet, feet sold and Tbe members of the Methodist Epis­ Smith, stood together in favoring the Hailed by the railroads and unions copal church of Corvallis dedicated a 9.059442.032 feet shipped. The Taylor memorial committee of bili, so the three northwest states as favoring It as a treaty of peace, tt was now place of worship Sunday. The new building cost $120.000 and is mod­ Pendleton hat cabled A. Phimister a whole gave seven votes for It and criticized by opponents as not suffi­ ciently protecting the public Interest Proctor, noted sculptor now In Rome, three against. ern In every respect. to begin work at once on a bronze Members of the state emergency WAGER STARTLES TEXAS board were called to meet in Salem equestrian statue of the late sheriff of Um atilla county, killed several Tuesday to consider applications for Ma Ferguson Bets Governor’s Offloe J- W S T E P H E N S O N . deficiency appropriations aggregating years ago. The statue is to be finish On Prim ary Vote ed by 1927 and will be unveiled at approximately $70,000. Dallas. Tex.— Texas politics is agog Taylor Memorial park during the 1927 The Oregon state championship over developments In the gubernator­ round-up trapshooting tournament will be held ial campaign, climaxed by a unique LAWYERS Cereal crop conditions In Oregon on st the Corvallis Rod »nhs Roosevelt highway ta Curry r a u i 052.000 feet, a total of 3973 cars of the northwestward with his family Inn, 2 miles north of Albany on ly defeated Elkiue of EuReoe for • y. Division Engineer Chandler of order«, or a total of 103.298.000 feet; and such belongings as he could trans highway. Lets go. port and his exact whereabouts Is not Harriaburg, Ore, Graats rase said the work » i s two thin was 82 per cent of the normal kuewn. Your Home Paper Halsey Rural Enterprise RAIL LABOR BOARD 1 year fo r^ d o lla r ENDED BY NEW LAW BARBER SHOP First-class Work TWO BIG DANCES T TUSSING & TUSSING UMBLE INN Thursday, May 27, A Modern 1 Barber “V Shop • AB ES PLACE D E L B E R T STA R R Saturday, May 29 J FUNERAL DIRECTOR