^y//^bany-£7)irectory rPlic Courtesy Shop A Ready-to-wear and M illinery Mrs. C. L. Pox 117 Broadalbin st , Albany Pine Grove Points Alford Arrows Mr and Mrs. : >tr«!«f't «;>■ 1 t S in - day at Lacomb A R E / (B y Special C orrespondent) W 11 Kirk Alpi fainilv spent (Bv an Enterprise Reporter) Mr. and Mra. N. E. Chandler Tuesday a t , , »¡calc a t II ilf i.w t's ! Chester Curtis and Litu.ly spent Mr. aud Mra. Chut. Nichols. Mr. grove which w IS RÌV, t) bv ttl il ja m T T ' ; . Sunday at the Henry Brock home •1 » < • • and Mra. Frank Gibaon and son daughter who tioiched teacliirn» John, McNeil and Carl Nichols at at Lake Creek. ooi Mrs. Anna Riggs of Portland tended the Jersey jubilee at Albany Ann ng those who attended liiej /■¿¿Hi « visited at the J. H Rickard home Wednesday. recital given by Mrs. J o s Cm --: \ , *. J i 5 J*’ ¡4 % Sunday. Floyd Nichols and family were S i tu id a y mg were: V». R J* flàìra»*«* ef*j‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and K irk’s, G Albany visitors Saturday. ikp’e. 11. J F a IL' s . «laughter Beverly went to Albany W. D. McLaren and family were »':co an I tIi« ,Mi"- Monday. in Albany Friday. In a V an Nice, Mrs 3 «ft ’ ,'w Guests at the Michael Rickard A. I, F a lk a n d daughter Mrs. 1 •w »**•»*« '•* 4 ' ■ Pupils of the Pine Grove school » who were neither absent nor tardy borne Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E . C a r e y ,‘ K. E . Bierly and fatniit < • I during the entire term were Delta Beals of Portland, members of the a n d th e Mi:-»e ■ A 'll llll'l F ; Gosjiel team who held service? st Falk. and Helen Haynes and Robert d h postage H all's Floral and Music Shop. the Methodist church in H arris­ Hover. W estside greenhouse products. burg, and Mr. aud Mrs. Rav- The community meeting has been 1 RAL riB E SHOP mond Rickard and Clare Tteu Tire Vulcaniziug- Battery re- postponed until tho 11th day of How B utler F at in holm and family of Denton iliarging. 221 W. Second. June, as the program committee county. i.d Falk, Prop. M ilk Is Broken U • ■ could not get the program desired l^ a s tb u r i* Bros.— two big grocery Miss Vera Bond and H. H How­ for the 4th of June. stores, 212 \V. First and 225 South ’ •íxni D«> you know wlint tho ard of Albany visited at F. II. Main. Hood tuerchan lise at the right Mrs. J. A. Johnson aud daugh lioniqgvnls.aiitin men,,»:? prices. Isoin's Sunday evening. Miss Ninety-eight out ters were Albany visitors Tuesday. Bond aUo spent the week-end there of 100 h o u s e - Adams ot D arrington, N. Ip lite Cafeteria and confectionery A m erican School girl to J. W. Goin, county cattle tu ­ attending the recital at the Halsey wtves to whom Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ as a eandldato for tha the question re ­ ings. Courteous, elFicient sendee. berculin tester was in this vicinity Christian church Saturday nigh’. uitli Award. The Amort- V/e make our own candies. cently was put Wednesday, but did not test many io,I T eacher Award was W. S. D uncan . J e w e le r s , Miss Lillie Rickard spent t! c adm itted t h e y tho Hoard of D irectors cattle as word bad been received couldn't answ er week-end at uoroe. P O K D S A L E S A M ) S E R V I C E Optometrists and Manufacturing entcnnlal tuternntlonal Cun j.eu? that the government inspector * 1 ires a n d accessories Opticians i tu I ’hlladclphla as a tribute Curl Isotu spent Sunday with But here It Is R epairs would be h»re Monday, and the utli aud t aehers of tho na- explained by Miss ALBANY OREGON. Carl Sperling. K ir k -PO ulak M otor C o . ■s Adams Is a candidate for majority of the people preferred to Jleta 11. Given, n L t dytte, the highest gift Deo Rolf of Wendling visited bis food nuthnrlty do­ have him test their cattle. 'EV irtrailler F u rn itu re Co., furui- nds ot tho Girl Remits, fh o lure, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges ing r e s e a r c h father, John Rolfe, recently. 1 rice.illy for exceptional The Pine Grove school closed Albany Fuoeral directors. 427-433 west First vsork at the t'nl- or r-u in ln ln r lusfile a liltu- Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe and verslty of Chi­ street, Albany, Oregon. Wednesday. Miss D annan gave • helping pin ■ irlans to Creamery Association the pupils a picnic at Sm ith's Deo attended the strawberry fa ir cago. Did treatm ent to Injured lire- p i I.E E K GROCBBY, 285 Lyon “Iloniogen 1 x a- M anufacturers of grove, at whith about 55 were at Lebanon. (Successor to Stenberg Htos.) tlou,” says Miss Groceries F ruits Produce present. Qlveu, ‘'is tho F at Globu fi­ Phone 2b3R name of the prop- li, Raw Mi)’, Mrs. L. E. Eagy and Mrs. Hover Spoon River Sparks eas which breaks llO L M A N & JA C K S O N an d B u y e rs o f Eggs attended the Missionary meeting up b u tter fat In evnporated iiil'l; late * * G ro cery —B ak ery (By an Bnterpilse Reporter) tiny particles so they blend e v e i i i j E verything in the line of eats at Mrs, George Baynes, Thursday A F a r m e r s ’ C o -o p e ra tiv e Opposite Postoffice with the solids, llouiogenlz:i* !>••• afternoon. R E. Bierly and Charles Falk eniisea the b u tter fut global, , to ud C re am e ry M PERIAL CAFE, 209 W. hirst The missionary society of the were at Harrisburg Monday. here to the alhiiniln mid the . oeiii W ashington. 1). (’. In a revival of Harold G. M urphy Prop. the milk. In the process, mill; Is Free Methodist church met with Phone ÖG5 ’h e ir , 1,1 a llian c e, th e belligerent tu­ O. M. Rankin and wife vis te i of forced through countless nuuiher-; of W e never close « Mrs. G rant McNeil Tuesday after­ W. It. K irk’s Thursday afternoon. openings at a pressure of around .'!. rn sen t bloc of tho ren alo Joined lands with tho dem ocratic m inority noon. 1923 Chevrolet Touring L. STUART, “ ihe in-.uiauc« Ella and Della Falk were Sati.r- 500 pounds. » prosecute a rearching Investigation “In a«l(UtloD to prevent Ing a ei eam Mrs. Fred Heinrioh was a ilay afterhoou callers at G. J. 1926 Dodge Sedan m utual rates, Farm property, autom o- f 1 -In. Ii in ,id ’’ <-x| lulilureii io « very and akini milk line, this breaking up biles, trucks. C usick bldg, (u p sta irs), Brownsville visitor Wednesday. Rike’9. ■tiat-uial p r im a r y thin i.iimmor, and of fat contributes to smoothness and Olds Coach, 1925 all general elections next fall. perfect blending of foods such a W. E. Hover and daughter and Seymour Bowman anti wife w ee AGNE'l'O ele c tr ic co . The beginning of the investigation, erenm suttees, soups. Ice cream ;,r.il 2 Ford Coupes’ E. E. Hover and son drove to the Brownsville callers Tuesday. PIIILCO HAT Til R IF S In baked products. which at tho ou tset probubly will deal with the famous D iauiond-urid plates Sand Ridge cemetery Sunday to do Jewett Touring, 1926 Arthur Waggener is busy ta li, g “It also bos a digestive advantage with expenditures In the Pennsylvania priced to suit the consum er. 42d \\ Firs'. some work there. for those who have dlllfi ulty In eiid Illinois republican prim aries, will care of his strawberry crop. I Ford Truck, 1 ton en and money are best when sliiiiliitlng milk. Many pediatricians he deferred until a fter Ihe adjourn­ Dean Bilyeu aud Ray Hover busy. Make your dollars work in Cecil Bilyeu was on the sick list recommend evaporated milk as a led , ment of eotiRiess, perhaps a inonili Overland Touring our savings departm ent. A lbany „S tate mowed and cleaned up the Pine Saturday. food, nlthongh. like oilier fS.-fir'Ilul.- • front" now. T h e work will ho carried B a n k . V oder governm ent supervision. for the natural supply. It should n- t ilirnpeh the sum m er and the fall until Grova cemetery last week. Highway Garage Mrs. R. E. Bierly and children be considered as a food complef ■ in TVf ARlNKLLO PARLORS A dog belonging to some men spent Wednesday at F. W F a l t ’i. Itself. Addition of orange or log. i;> tho N ovem ber <*!♦ i tJuiu. 4 " (A l.cauty ant lor every need) First and Raker Albany, Ore. th iiutiir C harles I,. McNary, rapubll- working at the cemetery Thursday, lulee, barley waiter, or lime water . , SI. Francis Hotel Gus Toedteineier had the mis­ Importunt ln e f O rugon, Wiis appointed to tho HOWARD SR1GLEY Prop. W inifred Rose in p ro.ldtug adequate diet killed a sheep in a nearby pasture. fortune to break liis arm while for the lnfuut. ■Hate's “slush fund'' • Investigating Better bring the dog a lunch next o r.itn lttee by Vico P resident Dawos R O S C O E AMES HARDWARE “All authorities ri cognize Ihu, cranking hia Ford Thursday t vei - time, fellows. ing. He is reported os gelling noru.nl m other's milk Is ihe beet fe o l ' , succeed Senator Fernald. retfiihllean Ttie W inchester Store ’ for Infants, but ,f Maine, who resigned. Feruald was Bert Haynes went to Portland along nicely. this natural milk 4« h fourth senator to decline svrvi.o with a truck load of lambs Tues- C T IM 9 O Ñ T H E SHOE DOCTOR Is frequently la­ -a the com m ittee. C. L. Falk jr., accompanied by day. Second street, opposite I ! m i i 1 ton ’s ud e q u a te In C L. Falk Sr., took a lor.d of bogs store. quality mid quan­ "Sudden Service.” and lambs to Albany Wednesday. tity. Scientists APPLE GKOWERS AROUSED say cow's milk o ioake rocin for our spring R. b. Bilyeu and daughters, Lake Creek Locals Is the beat sul>- A ctivities of A gricultural D epartm ent s*ock. will sell organs at ahuo&t V,. Mrs. Wayne Barber and Mr?. A Said to P» event Sales. sMtute. But coiY's your own prices. We must have more (Enterprise Correspondent) t ? L. Falk went to Crawfordiville ‘A milk must be room. Davenport Music House. W ashington, D. C.—A|«f !»• grower» in V-:./ * Vi Vi James Trapfer and daughter. Wednesday after strawberries. modified and sup­ the r«« itliw t'si have cOtnplulnod to tho Y lf a ld o Anderson f debato band, and C am e M ills unm arried were time here before returning to bei at lowest rate of interest. defendants and appointing and d ire c t-1 duilons com m ittee dell toreri ita church at H ariiaburg Saturday seniors will receive (heir diplomas. Real Estate Insurance ing the undersigned as sole referee to borne in Iowa. A baru and approxim ately 5o<) sm all I i eport to th e »tht« convent!, «m here, evening. Mrs. Hanna Cummings has Prompt service. Courteous treatm ent. sell the real property hereinafter de­ ig reference or recomni ndatlou chickens on the m uch ol A. beodei Julias Felk and family visited n ear L a iu i C lara, were burned fit to the p oiuliou calling for eubiuln- W m ' B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank scribed, I, the undersigned referee will. spent several days this week with bnilning, Albany 'o n to votera of tho state of a on Saturday, the 5th oay of June, 1926 her daughter. Mrs. J o h n Gormly. at L. R. Falk'« 8unday afternoon. week. A sm all chick m ined up tli « referendum . at the hour of l o'clock p. tu. of said . O n Saturday they visited Mrs Francis nod Raymond Kirk flam e under an iucubatur. causing the wet und day, at the front door of the co’wthouse ' m ; _ .. , „ ,, r . n . ... ,* 1 Nixon, another daughter at Peoria, visited the Hulbert school near fire. of Linn County, Oregon at Albany. Ore " E fforts are lielng made to obtain Light S ntenca Given Col. W illiams gon offer and sell at public auction to J- S Nicewood purchased a two- Albany Monday. Why sufl r from headache? . ton. D. G. Colonel Aluxan- pusaage of an ordintttic« banning Sun­ m is. found guilty of drunken- the highest bidder for cash in hand door Buick sedan from Ihe Murphy Mr. Tupper and family of day funerals In Pendleton. M inisters Have your eyes examined • ry u-u rtm artlal ut Fan Dlo- subject to confirmation of said court all j Motor company, Saturday, Brownsville visited at C. B. Gib. aud undertakers, it waa »uni, er- T ina is gnc.l ndvice: " I f yon live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that tow n.' But in these automobile days many re siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part ot th eir buying in the laTger town. T hose »ho go to Albany to transact busiue.-s will find the firms nam ed below ready to fill th eir require uients with courtesy and fairness. w A TCI! the next child or young person, wearing glass a s . Don’t they make the chiid look old? T hat is the fault of the glasses. They have no more right to make a person look old than a bat or a suit of clothes. The RIGHT kind make you look YOUNGER. We try to make our A Ib a n y Klorul Co Cut flower? I r ind plants. p rt for every glasses enhance your appearance and all occasions. hut they are the best «deuce haa blow er phone 458-f been able to produce for a condition KJov «lad oltis bulbs now. like yours. •K* 50 and 75c per dozen. Allow for I r Meade & Albro I LINN BUTTER URGENÎS SUPPORT CAMPÂT INQUIRY I J. M M WANTED 100,000 Pounds Cascara Bark T Willard FARM LOANS_ Dr. Seth T. French the following real property, towit: — „ „ , All of B’ock 19 cf S. W. * & S. ! C ’ » n d ' o n ' Karl sod ' s Sunday. Richard Harding spent the week H ayes'A ddition to the Town of Halsey ! • t,t* Clarence, visited Corvallis in Linn County, Oregon. 1 Sunday afternoon. snd at Eugene with his uncle, Jim Dated and first published M ay Sth. 1926 M a r tin C u r n a , ingR , n d , 4|I)i y Ha ding. W’lh F M. Frencn & Son Jeweler» Optometrist4 Albany S i F R A N K RIC H A R D , Sole Referee. Tossing A Tossing, Atty*, for Biffs. H ew itt & Sox. A ttys, for Defts. spent Sunday in Eugene. They visited Mrs. C um m ings sister, ! Mrs. C. R. Rowan and fa daily. m ost in terested in the proposed ordi go, Cal., will loro four num bers In his i ratin g as punfi limcnt under a ruling nance. approved by ./" 'ro ta ry of thu Nr, vy Would Inereat- Federal Juda« / Snlfli z vViihtu n. Wbsl^ingtoB 1). « - Im re s s -d sell, tea for all fed, rul judge» were voied Crepe Hung on Statue of Liberty Joe Elliot and family accompan­ by the s e n a te ,-66 to 8. 'ih o hill t, , Now Y ork- The statu e of Liberty Io ied by O. J. Albertson and family. g ies to tho hou , , io an . Y, lu i • r » .is d ' '., t In crepe Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman and m easure Is pointing Favorable action by the hou»,, ij 1< recast. r a pi cut Hgalnst pt i.iLiiiom