HURAL ENTERPRISE Emergency Pantry Meets Home Need P ub lished E v e ry W ednesday, B y H lbikt L. ID IT O R AND P U B LIS H ER By META H. GIVEN (Home Economist.) Efficiency and economy go hand and I hand In the home as well nt In the | business world. The emergency pantry, latest in­ novation In the cuisine of the modern house­ wife Is particular­ ly Indicative of the truth of this statement. This new sort of pantry—It may Just be a shelf In the regular larder — does away with that bugaboo of Mata H. Given, the home maker, the surprise guest Every woman bat had the experience of welcoming an unexpected visitor when supplies were at low ebb and has searched high and low to find something presentable to put on the table. The emergency shelf in the pantry does away with such worries In short order. A con opener and—presto—a verl table banquet can be prepared in a few minutes. The housewife may have her choice of many excellent meats, corn, tomatoes, mushrooms. If she Is short of milk or cream, a can of evaporated milk, which is simply fresh cow’s milk sterilized In the can and with sixty per cent of the water removed will do the trick. In fact she may havo two hundred or more savory dishes ready to her baud When the surprise guest does ar­ rive the hostess naturally wishes to be hospitable. She doesn’t want to be tied to the kitchen range half the after­ noon. She wants to entertain as she has been entertained. It Isn't possible If she lias to pl^one frantically for the botcher, the grocer and the baker. But that’s only one of the places wjierp the emergency pantry cornea In. Racked by a well-stocked emer­ gency shelf, the wife can get together a splendid luncheon or dinner in a Jllfy. The spontaneous wish that comes at the last moment to Informal­ ly Invite a few friends for lutx^I can be gratified at once with the aid of the new pantry. Afternoon tea for the bridge club Is an equally easy matter. A glass of preserves or Jelly, a platter of bread bu“ » - tea, and a dish of cookies Ill meet the ordinary demands of the casual caller and a can qf evap­ orated milk will answer the milk or cream need. Wgdnesday, May 26, 1926 SI a year io advance A rrearages. a m onth A d v e rtis in g , 20c ao in ch ; no diacoun to r tim e o f apace ; no ch arg e fo r coin position o re ja u g e s . la FARM ERS A lmo « "Pald-foi Paragraphs.** >e a llaa. ala a d v e rtis in g dlagu ued a s naw a HALSEY’S SLUMBERS SEEM DISTURBED NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR REPAIRS Check over your harvesting machinery for needed repair* and advise us at ouce of what is needed to put youi haryeiting ms. chinery in good condition. Ths sooner your order is placed the better service we will he able to render. HILL & CO. Halsey To the People of Halsey: “ Sweet Auburn, lovlieet village of the plain” became a deeertet place. Halsey bas not done that, but until very recently she ba* shown but meager signs of pro greas. Now “ the longest paved Halsey, Oregon road in the world’’ passes through / the town and autos from Kendus Iteag, Okmulgee and Kankakee C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS $35,000 Jack Reynolds, bolder of the world welterweight wrestling at well as little ol’ N’ Yo’k, g championship, who Will defend bie title against Robin Reed, wrest- whizzing by at the rate of severs Commercial and Saving! accounts Solicited liug coach at the Oregou Agricultural college, In a finish match at per minute sometimes. Some ol Albany, Saturday, May 29. With the title goes a gold, diamond- them atop for gasoline or lunch o’ studded belt, which will rest in a neutral corner. Reynolds is even camp over night and spend coach of wrestling at the University of Indiana. money When that paved road was be­ Where Our Ice Cream is Served gan there waa one garage aud fil Late Market Report there ia sure to be eatifaction. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS ling station. Now theie are four For the family dessert there is and one, advertised in the Enter Oefieral M. D. Vance of L ittle Rock. priae, ia presided over by an expert nothing so delicious. With each Ark., commander of the Arkansas di­ Portland machinist who can, if need be, Wheat— Big Bend bloestem, hard vision, was chosen commander In chief succeeding spoonful you’ll liks it make u new shuttle for your sew white, hoed federation, <13*; soft of the Confederate vets. more aud more. Let ua send you The naval appropriations bill signed ing machine or a new battery for white, western white. <13*; hard win­ some. We have all flavers. Wa ter, northern spring, 01.08; weetCFG by President Coolidge carried <331,- your radio. There waa no restau 000,000 Including <1,200,000 for com red. »1.17. sell pints, quarts, half gallons aud rant outside the hotel building. Hay—Alfalfa. <18 6001# ton; valley menclng construction on three new gallons. Now there are several. timothy, < 1 *0 1 (6 0 ; eastern Oregon light cruisers. The Anaconda Copper Mining com­ There waa a twenty column news timothy, <21.50 0 23. Clark’s Confectionery pany and W. A. Harrim an & Co., Butterfat—t ie shippers’ track. paper, published by Mr. Ballard, bankers, both American concerns, E kes —Ranch. 23025c. and he made it pay by giving the Cheese— Prices t. o. b. Tillamook; have acquired control of the Polish pjople only as much as their pat­ Triplets. 37t|e> loaf. 3IVic per lb. holdings of George von Glesche's ronage paid for. You have lately heirs. Cattle—Steers, food. <8.360*00. The Rolse, Idaho, Capital-News was been getting a paper of forty-eight Hogs— Medium tP choice, <13.600 sold by the Dewey brothers of Nampa col uni us per week, iuto the pro <14.60. Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice. to Roy Sanders, who purchased the C h ick S t a r t i n g M ilk M ash duction of which went the entire paper op behalf of himself, Mrs. Jos­ 311012.76. B ab y C h ic k S t c r a tc h receipts. Nobody is going to con ephine Scripps, B. H. Canfield Bnd I Egg P ro d u c e r tinuo permanently publishing i their associates. Seattle. Wheat Soft white, western white. The Mexican m in iiter of Interior Is­ good newspaper in Halsey tor noth­ T r ia n g le E gg M ash ing and hoarding himself. You 31.44; hard winter, <1.40; western red. sued a statement saying all foreign are likely to get as good a papei <1 38; northern spring, Big Rend blue- Protestant ministers who fail to com stem. 313*. ply with constitution and laws of the A ttr a c tiv e p r ic e s o n S h e ll, B o n o M eal as your patronage warrants, oi Peaclies and cream complexions of Hay—Alfalfa, <>< timothy, <23; country will be deported. This Is taken better. The patronage bas in timothy P. 3.. <20; do. mixed, <24 American women have their found« to mean that all foreign ministers, a n d F in e a n d C o a rs e G rit tlon In a milk Rutter—Creamery, 38040c. created since Mr. Ballard’s day Protestant as well as Catholic, must diet, according to Eggs - Ranch. 11031c. cease religious activities or leave the i f you continue to make ita busi­ Dr. Henry J. country. Hogs— Prime. <14 40 0 14 75. ness grow you are likely to have a Schlreson. fnmous Cattle—Prime steers, <808.65. Chicago derma­ paper that will be a credit to thi Cheese- Oregon triplets, 34c; Wash­ tologist and fa­ Washington Summer Schools Legal town aud an asset to the whok ington triplets, 21022c. cial plastic sur­ Olympia. Wash.—Applying specifi­ community. A half-starved loca geon. cally to the Bellingham school district, Bpokane. Doctor Schlre­ paper ia a mighty poor asset to any where It Is proposed to adopt the four- Hogs—Good, <13.90014.10. son hag won community. quarter system in the public schools. fame by beauti­ Cattle— Prime steera, <7.600860. 1 have no pecuniary object in Assistant Attorney-General E. W. An­ fying motion pic­ derson has ruled that the maximum ture. m u s i c a l speaking a good word for Mr com edy and Dealer AI anon. He has purchased the LEWISTON TO CELEBRATE credit of 183 dayi attendance for ap­ vaudeville stars portionment purposes may be allowed, busiueas outright and 1 would lost Dr. Schlreson. and many society regardless of what time of year the nothing financial'y if he want Industrial Advenes W ill Be Observed pupils attend school. The department women of America, lie transformed C a rs By Idaho City bankrupt tomorrow. But I be­ Good trades alljwed of education had formerly held the Fanny Brice’s nose, rejnvenuted Eva ; Tanguay’ s face, removed slxty-four Lewiston. M a h o —Cititene of Lew lieve he will give you a good print. Istoa selected May 14 for what they apportionment credit could not be al- ! Pounds of adipose tissue from Truly lowed during the ordinary summer vs shattuck ln oni operation, straight • J representative or Halsey and vi- term an "taduetrlot celebration.” The cation period. ened the cross eyes of the leading o.uity and 1 wish to impresa upon event was arranged to show the ap­ Reo six touring, will trade for cows. 1918 Butck six for sale. lady of Singer's midgets, and has per preciation of the city for the derision the people who bavn the good ol IQ formed other corrections for making for lets the community at heart (times who of the Clearwater Timber compnoy to Eskimos to Get Knock-Down Homes people young and beautiful. eeonectioo m oney establish a big sawmill here, and far Seattle, Wash.— The schooner K. S. Doctor Schlresnu has one Infallible haveu’t don’t count) the fact that the decision of the Inland Light A | Holmes, sailing from here for Point P. PA PM A N Prop, a liberal patronage ol a local papei Power company to la tta li a dam In ! Rarrow, where the American flag prescription for the attainment of heanty. It la: ’’One quart of milk r j floats farthest north, carries knocked- day, one hour of sunshine, and re­ in the bauds of au energetic pub- the Clearwater river. Th® power oompaay. hy agreement | down houses sent by the United States peat ad libitum.” lisber will pay better than any ‘ Beauty specialists and cosmetic with the timber company. U also to ' department of the Interior to Eskimos. other investment you can make. says Doctor Schlreson. Install the big log storage that will I The Eskimos pay 31340 each for the makers,” Mr. Morris, your druggist sets n serve the mill. The outlay to In made J houses. “would be driven out of business In a few weeks If all the women of I good examplo and shows good by the mill and power companies will I . America would drink their quart of business judgment by advertising total abofil <«.000.000 and the railroad Bootleggers Don’t Have to Tell Sales tnllk a day. each week special articles at prioe* Into ths timber belt will cost over Washington, D. C.— Bootleggers and { ‘‘Babies and children have com- <3 000,000. you can’t improve on by going __________ i their customers cannot be prosecuted pieriofis ° f angels for the reason that c. „ «• n v. 1 “Oder the prohibition enforcement act are laT8*'y 00 njllk. Milk elsewhere to trade. fi>tabli«bing Asserts Cengroaa Can Call Dry Vot« , » .m .. ... u ,u . used externally or Internally Is a himselt in the new location be has Washington. D. C.—The moot ques . L “ furnish the government beaurtfler Anna H el«l, , be, lfV f wag v* r* COrd ° f / ’ 8a salM the flret actress who adopted the milk purchased, and making the an. tlon of whether congress has the now complete line of A lb e rs B ro th e rs a n d B re w s te r's . OI wnetoer congress has the pow |«cludtn< the names of customers, the ba,h While this was a novelty at nounced Improvement In those er to authorise a nstltonal referendum , , iprem. court declared tn a case from C H IC K E N F E E D the time, and her press agent un­ quarters, will benefit Halsey more on prohlbltlea leaped Into prominence . Pennsylvania, doubtedly made ths moat of It, the F le e c e T w in e and W ool Sacks than lipstick, powder and paint ou Capitol H1U when the senate Ju ■ principle tn Itself was sound. But dietary committee made public a ser - - ■ beauty secret of even more value Is would a flapper. lea of rebuttalfrgum euts growing out ! Paris.— Ratification of the Washing the dally quart of milk taken as a Other uew blood and advanced of the recent nearlugs. Including out- lon •*•*»« settlement and arrangements part of ths diet. nietliode are likely to come. Judi- by Frederick P. Lee. the senate s own ‘ tn ,k * war <,* bt ,o Or* a' Britain •Th e milk-fed M r w u r c t »U n «W ol I • • • • • • • M M ****M *eeM «H «*e«g«««g*«gg«ggggggggggg« I