A g rc u ltu re lio rtc u ltu ro L i V e s t o c k A \\ eokly C hronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County VOLUME IS P a ir y P o u 1 t r y W ool HALSEY, OREGON W EDNESDAY. MAY 26, 1926 Family Reunion Public School Note» ' The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Robertson was t.bp scene of a fam ily reunion Sunday. The fam­ ily assembling to celebrate the birthday .of T. M. Bennett, a former resident of Halsey, now re­ siding on a ranch uear Lehauop. Dinner was served at 2 o’clock. Seven daughters and their families were present: Mr. and Mrs. Merle Appolgate and little son of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Griffith of Albany, Mrs. Opal Higbee and twin sons of Lebanoo, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gardner, two eons and little daughter, Mr. and Mra. Clair Miller and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, son Wayne, and daughter and son Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cross, and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bennett of Leban­ oo. Miss Helen Armstrong also was a guest at dinner. ( Enterorla« Correspondence) - Local and Personal Mention - EndwW OT m«> Rocilal Enjoyed by Large Audience The Senior Endeavor society held The large audience who as­ its regular monthly business meet­ sembled Saturday evening in tho ing at the Christian church T hurs­ Christian church to hear the recital day evening. About forty young presented by the pupils of Mrs. ¡people were present, including Jess Cross were io uo wise disap­ several visitors from Shedd aud pointed in the entertainm ent, find­ Mra. C. P. Stafford is ia expected others outside the society. A sue. ing it quite up to the high stand­ houia today from Oregon City and I ial hour was also spent and refreah- ard set and maintained by pre­ Portland, where she has been . mente ot sandwiebs, pickles, cake vious classes of Mrs. Cross. Mr«. Bradford Moss was a visit Mr. and Mrs. a . G. Waggener spending the past two weeks. ’aud lemonade served. The program was unusually good, or in the prim ary room Tuesday. have been visiting relatives near Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caeebeer and so much so that it would be hard Since Stste tests are over, review Marion. Ped Simone has been at­ Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Irvin of i Orchestra Given Lawn Party to mention any one number as work has been the order of the day tending to their ranch while they Portland were w»ek end guests of outstanding. The parts by the | • The orchastra ot the Christian Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sickels, in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade were away. yeunger ones were well presented ’church was treated to a lawn party rooms. Bessie Reynolds who has been Mrs. Bert Clark, who has been and allowed considerable care and Two more weeks of school! And confined to her home with illness convalescing from an appeudicitie at the home of Mr. aud Mr*. Will time h id been expended to bring A1 we haven’t seen any of the stud for so long is at last able to be out operatiou three weeks ago was 1 Robertson Tuesday evening. them to so high a standard. The Savuge, who raises some very fine enfs grieving about jt. and visited her brother, Chester suddenly stricken agnin today with strawberries promised the orchestra selections rendered bv the older severe pains and at the time of Miss Enid and W’anda Veatch Curtis one day last week. (a feed of berriee if aomeone would ones of high school age showed going to press is ia a serious con­ were pleasant callers in Mrs. Ki careful teaching and technique aud The Franklin piano used by Mrs. dition. Dr. Clark of Harrisburg furnish the place for the party. zer's room Wednesday. considerable ability on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson then fu r­ Cross at her recital by courtesy of was called. both pupils and teacher. All students in the sixth, sev the Seth Laraway Music Co. at nish» 1 it. Rev. Robert Parker drove to Pine enth and eighth grades passed the Eugene, was purchased by Mr. and The orchestra consiste of nine state tests and some very fine Mrs. Elbert Isom and not returned Grove Thursday aud called at the puces end as ell brought their in ­ Miss Beulah Miller is leaving Ministers to Hold Picnic P. A. Phorson home and also at struments with them, good music grades were made. Pupils gradu to Eugene. Friday morning for a trip to S»o other homes of the community was furnished for the occasion. ating from the eighth grade are Francirco on the steamer Rose City The ministers of Linn county Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sickels Mrs. Eliza Brandon accompanied Ernestine Coleman, Beseie Rey which starts from Portland, Friday and their wives will hold a picnic nolds, Gertrude Robius, Herman and two little sons of Albany visit­ him. afternoon. From San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zimmerman oti the first day of June, at Cas- Koontz, Ellsworth Gardner and ed Sunday at the home of his par- Mrs, J. J. Corcoran spent Sun- she will go to Los Angeles and are the possessors of a new Willy* Ctdia. ents, Mr. aud Mrs. C. Shekels. John Miller, day with her daughter Will mina Knight sedau. start on a motor trip with relativea Tho m inisterial association of Traveling freight aud passenger at the state tuberculosis hospital back through the middle western The seniors are taking their final Albany will furnish the games, School closed at pine Grove at Salem. agent L. L. Graham was in town states to point« in Missouri. horse shoes, base ball and other exams preparatory to graduating Wednesday. Miss Undine Dan- this week looking after Southern She expects to be away a'x 1'he graduating class will consist of Mr and Mrs. Frank Donaca of nan who haa been teachiug there, games. Bring jo u r owu Innch Pacific interests. weeks. the following students: Agnes S*cet Home were at tho train re. picniced with her pupils at Sm ith's basket. AH ministers of the coun Hayes, Roberta Vaunice, Velva ty and their wives are invited. Miss Damian Miss Marjorie Walker, a former «etitly to meet Mrs. Mabelle Jones, grove at Peoria. J. 0- Cross drove a truck load Hadley, Eunice Sylvester, Rutb Halsey girl but uow of Reedsport, the latter’s sister, who has been does not expect to teach this coin­ of sheep to Portland Tuesday. teaching at Swiss Home nnd took ing year but will attend school at Martin Koontz and Wilber Norton Baccalaureate at Church of Christ Quimby, Helen Williams, Thomas is here visiting Halsey friends. Miller, Thomas Palmer, Ralph Me- her home with them for a visit. Monmouth. got up early and made the trip Currin Miller was missed from Neil, Leroy Straley and Frank B iccalaureate services will be with him. Mr. and Mrs. George Finley of Miss Ruby Schroll was the guest this community Sunday and it was held ht the Church of Christ, Sun­ Koontz. This is the largest grad­ Portland visited Mr. Finlev’s sis­ of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller F ri­ uating class there haa been for lev discovered that he went to Rickre- day evening at 8 o ’clock. ter, Mrs. Eliza Brandon a short day and Saturday. Official Notice eral je&rs. Commencement exer, all. Must be some strong attrac­ Rey. Robert Parker, pastor of tjmo Friday, enroute to their ranch Miss Vera Bond of Albany visit­ Halsey Methodist church will de­ ciscs will be held Friday eveuing tion to take a young man so far at Crawfordsville. Notice ia hereby given th at in from home. ed her sister, Mrs. Elbert Isom Sat­ at the M. E. church. The Bacca­ liver the address. accordance with ohapter 265 of lb» Little Charles Willis, whose arm urday and attended the recital. laureate sermon will be preached Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade of General Laws of Oregon for the was so badly broken several weeks at the Christian church by Rev. Peoria were visitors of the latter's Mr. and Mis. J. J. Corcoran year 1923, section 2, the area w ith­ Halsey H i Boys W in One Lose Ona ago, will be taken to Albany, this Parker Sunday night and June 3rd sister, Mrs. Nora Coleman. Tues- week to have the splints removed visited at the home of Jack Curtis in the present boundary lines of Halsey high school hoys went to has beeu decided upon for class day. and an examination made of the near Peoria Saturday and Messrs ' school district No. 72 in L ina Tangent Friday afternoon and de. night. Mr. ami Mrs. Elsworth Casebeer broken bone. If it has not healed, Corcoran and Curtis continued on 1 County, Oregon, has been, by ord­ feateri the Tangent team in what to Albany where they purchased a er of the County Court of Linn Mrs. LaFollette of Corvallis was of Sweet Home wore Sunday after­ a silver plate may be used to fasten is said to have been one of the best tomb atone for the grave of the County, Oregon, declared to be a the bones together, noon visitors at Chancy S'ckel’s. games seen there in years. At the the guest of her sen, Eldon Cross late Mrs. Curtis. weed control district fo r the year Two cars hay and a car of bulk Mrs. Herman Steinke and daugh­ end of the ninth inning the score and wife last week. 1926, for the destruction and pre­ Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Gormley and wheat moved this week from tho ter Blanche wero in Harrisburg stood 3 t o 3, but in the 10th Ilal- venting from producing seed of the Mrs. Maggie McClelland went to warehouses operated by O. W ■ Tuesday morning where the latter Teachers’ Examinations sev was able slip over a score and noxious weed known as Canada Irving Saturday to visit at the Frum and the M V. Koontz Co. had an appointment w ith the den­ win by one point. home of Mr. and Mrs. George Al* thistle. tist. Saturday afternoon the Philo­ Notice is hereby given th a t the Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller and Dated this 26th day of May, ford. From here the ladies con­ math high school boys came over County Superintendent of Linn daughter Gardie, aud Beulah Mil­ The chicken dinner served by the tinued on to Springfield to visit at 1926. from th a t Ijttle city of brotherly County, Oregon, will hold the ler were Sunday guests of Mr. aud ladies of the Christian church on 1 B. M. Payne, County Judge the home of L. E. Gormley. E. love and carried away the long end regular examinction of applicants drs. Seymour Bowman. election day was well patronized E. Gormley returned home Sun­ J . D. Isom, County Com. of a topheavy score in the total of for the State Certificates at Albany, Joa. Hume, County Com. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wells re­ and the proceeds amounted to $30 day. 13 to 4. The disastrous result of Oregon as follows; Commencing ceived a letter from their daughter This will be used to paper aud this game can be charged to the Weduessay, June 9, at 9:00 o’clock Goldie, missionary to Mondobe, paint the ladies’ aid room at the superb pitching that Philomath a. m. and continuing uotil S atur­ Africa, recently, stating that the church. received from her star pitcher, day, June 12, 1926, at 4:00 o’clock Mrs. P. II. W illis, who under­ weather is intensely hot aud that Albert Brown. P- m. ■he has been suffering from m alar­ went a minor operation at the Al­ The Halsey girls also played the Wednesday Forenoon ial fever but is recovering. She bany general hospital Sunday, was Philomath girls here Saturday and U. S, History, Writing (Penm an­ Wednesday and Iso reported that other mission­ brought home were slightly defeated. ship,) Music Drawing. aries unused to the clim ate of the though unable to be up and around Wednesday Afternooo yet, is convalescing nicely. ungla bad cootrscted it. Physiology, Reading, M a n u a l A great number of Halsey peo­ Training, Composition, Domes­ ple are expecting to attend the Church of Christ tic Science, Methods in Reading, military tournam ent at Corvallis Course of Study for Drawing. Saturday. The Southern Pacific Methods in Arithmetic. are making a special rate of .94 cts Thursday Forenoon for the round trip. The usual one Arithmetic, History of Education, way fare being $1.05. Psychology, Methods in Geo­ Look over this list of graphy, Mechanical Drawing Do­ The students of the North Pacific gifts for tho boy or girl mestic Art, Coarse of Study for Evangelical institute held their graduate: Domestic Art, week end conventiou at Harris Thursday Afternoon burg Saturday and Sunday. A Kodaks £2.60 Gram m ar, Geography, Stenogra­ number from Halsey attended the Picture Album 75c up phy, American Literature, Phy­ meeting. Sunday School 10. Pyralin Ivory sics, Typewriting, Methods in Preaching 11. Mrs Irm a Shotwell spent the Language, Thesis for Primary week end at the home of her par­ Stationery 50c up C hristian Endeavor 7. Certificates. Preaching 8. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fanning of Box of Candy $1.00 up Friday Forenoon alern. Bro. Robert Parker w ill* deliver; Kazor $1.00 up Theory and Practice, Orthography Mrs. C. N. Moody of Harris­ the Baccalaureate sermon at th e' (Spelling,). Physical Geography, Perfume, powder 50c up evening service. English Literature, Chemistry. burg has been visiting at the home Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. Parker Pen $5.00 — $7.00 of her son C. P. Moody the past Friday Afternoon Parker Pencil$3.50 $4.00 School Law, Geology, Algebra, week. M . E. Church Civil Government. Mr- and Mrs. John Bressler and Robert Parker pastor. Flashlight $1.40 up Saturday Forenoon daughter Agues, and H arry Bres­ Sunday school, 10. Halsey Geometry, Botany Treadling, 11. sler and family visited Perry Bres­ Junior League, 2:30, S itu rd ay Afternoon sler of near Lyons Sunday and Pharmacy General History, Bookkeeping Epworth league, 7. feasted on some very fine straw ­ Preaching, 8. good Edna Gear, Open Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 berries raised in the Saotiam val­ Praver-mceting, Thursday, 8, ley. County Supt. Schools. tGOODSk J Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 2. Miss Mearle Straley, whose term | ... . of school has expired at the Powell ’ ** Helet* Armstrong, who has school, visited in the fourth fifth 1 bee" teach,ne at Creiswell the past and sixth also the seventh a o d i ' P ”" 1 th ° week end with her friend, Mrs. J. O. Cross. eighth grade rooms Tuesday. Miss Violet Carver took dinner Ione Miller missed a week school while struggling with the with her friend Ernestine Coleman Saturday. whooping cough. H. C. Davis and his sister, Mrs. Shedd, are leaving tonight for an extended visit at Milwaukee and other eastern points. ^ to ie p r o o f ^ to s ie r y fjractuation S ifts to m a tch every costume, in the season s sm a rte st co cors, $1.50 fcor men, cn ynacn an fa n cy co/ors, 35 to 75c K oontzq A