RURAL ENTERPRISE RAGE 4 “ On* of the O u lita n ilin g Picture the je e r !” “HIS PEOPLE” with Rudolph Schildkraut George Lewis Blanche Mahaffey Kate Price A Sensational Drama of the Modern Geoeration th a t lie* set the Whole country ta lkin g. Next Sun,— M on.—Tues.— May 23— 2 4 -2 5 G LO B E Albany Change in Office Hours The S, P. have changed the of­ fice hours at the local station, the change to go into effect The second trick been at once telegrapher has discontinued and egent'r hours changed to 7:45 a. m. to 4:45 p. no. w ith an hour out for lunch. W m . M cDow ell, who baa served as night watchman in Halsey for some tim e, resigned on May 15 and A . A. Barber baa. been Relected .A I Lime u n es □un n eea neip 17 NORGE ARRIVES IN TELLER SAFELY To the Editor—On my return to my Raise More Hogs office from the national conference 1 find copies of your issues of March 24 and In 1925, Oregon and Washington 31 givioC your generous offer to turn brought in from east o f the ltocky Nome, Alaska. — Captain Roald over to us the money received for sub­ mountains, live bogs and pork scriptions during a tea-day period. The Amundsen. Lincoln Ellsworth, Captain pro f ucts to the value of $9,000,000, Oscar W istlng and Lieutenant Oskar check which represented the gifts from Oindahl of the crew of 18 of the dir­ I t is estimated that each year your subscribers and from you has been igible Norge, arrived here from Teller, C alifornia consumes pork product: acknowledged to the original donors 75 miles northwest, In the launch Pip­ to the value of $50,000,000 of Our conterenc» faced some very ditfi pin at 5 o'clock 3unday morning. The which 90 per cent is brought in cult problems and listdned to appeals for Norge reacher Teller from Slptzber- from outside that state. tbcniands of children who are clear out gen via the north pole at 8 o’clock T his money is being sent away of our reach now merely because of the Thursday night. Amundsen, a Norwegian was leader from the const te rrito ry because lack of fudds. Returned tourists told us our farms are not producing suf­ that if America only knew what near of the arctic flight; Ellsworth, an east relief was doing there would be no American, second in command, and ficient bogs to supply the local lack of funds to carry on the work Omdahl and W esting, especially market. Those travelers told of whole cities charged with landing the Norge. The The $54,000,000 which is sent rebuilt, of children being transformed Norge landed at Teller 71 hours after out ann ua lly, for hogs, represents from homeless beggars into self-support having left Kings bay, Spitzbergen the value of 2,000,000 head of hogs ing citizens, of the healing of countless The air voyage took the dirigible thousonds from disease and of great across the north pole, where the ex­ averaging about 200 pounds per health campaigns put on by the govern­ plorers dropped the flags of three na­ head at present average market ments aa they had learned modern tions. price. methods from our physicians. Lieutenant Hjalmer Rliser-Larsen, Here is a home m arket for a We determined to redouble our efforts Norwegian, second pilot, said that thin home product that is being over­ to secure the necessary funds at as early ice and open water were found at the date as possible, and with the co­ north pole, but no land was discovered looked. A few more hogs on each farm operation of the public, including ibe In the arctic wastes. w ill keep a lot of this money in the press, we hope to finish the task inside Considerable time wag spent at the of the next two or three years. As long north pole making observations, the west. as 35,000 children look to us for the Norge having descended to within 600 necessities of life and as long as they feet of the Ice and rose to an altitude Shipments of Oregon onions In the have no one else to whom to appeal we of 4000 feet. season just closed totaled 678 cars. naturally.must exert onrselves m every Plans for a community playground possible way. J. J. llandsaker, were approved at a meeting In West- Northwest Regional Director. port. Frank 8. Ward of Portland was appointed a member of the state board of pharmacy. M r. McDowel. A Dozen Reasons for Re- Electing U. S. Senator Stanfield •J Oregon is in great need of rapid de- A velopment and must seek federal aid, ■which the state can obtain only through such men in congress as Senator Stnn- ator Stanfield, with his aommanding po­ sition in the senate as chairman of the public lands committee and high rank on the powerful finance committee. By reason of his important senate “ committee positions, which a new man conld not obtain in 10 or 12 years. Senator Stanfield has been an outstand­ ing (actor in obtaining government ap­ propriations for Orefon during the past five years amounting to $32,695,978 Tight to use the revenues from her nat ■ural resources to develop the state and thereby reduce materially the taxes now burdening our people. His grazing bill, now before the senate for passage, is the 'Catering wedge to restore this right For the farmer Senator Stanfield was *successtu| in urging the enacting of the emergenev tariff 1«« of May 27. 1921. Through the Norris bill he obtained $ \6 % (X)« tor Oregon irom the W ar Finance corporation lor the relief of agncnl tural banks and pernonallv supervised this aid for the treasury department During the past five years Sen dor btanfield has aided Senata McNary in ob taming $9,131,0M lor Oregon reclamati >■ projeets. ’’ In the hearing on the ° the Oriental line to the Dollar interest, Senator Stanfield has assisted me in •every way he can, " wired Senator McNary on May 4. A C g Senator StanfielJ, as member cf the finsnee committee, was largely lnstru mental in procuring $7.3o* 090 for the improvement of rivers and harbors in •Orsgon. .m l is ,u position to r.sist materially securing . Jufooi channel Irom Fortlaml to the se<. 7 The lumber business. Oregon ', chief industry, has been relieved af an an- aoviag handicap through the repeal of the capital atock taa. the ma.u credit iu n f ie u * " H " ' , , I , , i n b v , h e Natioaal Lumber...«.’, ..lo c a tio n to Senator $ «, One of Senator Staafield'a leading achievements is hit aoceesa in obtaining, t*n ,he * favorable report freni hia committee on public > » m n s ,, xi.OOuO n tav refund bill, restoring the ta se , lost to IS Ore «on count,«. an,I lowering thereby the of every taxpayer in Oregon. 9 h°“* :°*B b,U w‘" thonaaoda of city dweller, de.tron, of building and ow .tng a home It provide, for government supervised ,"Ce 10 “»"»»nt. ol $5000 to >10,000 at a rate of intere.t 1« yT.r, *’ ‘" r <* " ‘ ‘ nd P"y *bl‘ ‘n ,noo’hl7 •«•»•Umeot, over 5 to 10 -*Ba,or «Mion law / . d X Cuts fuel Costs one-half S E R V IC E S T A T IO N 212 East F irs t st., A lbany Phone 379 B A R TC H E R Portland-Brownsville i Truck Harrisburg 1 F U R N IT U R E C O M P A NY ALBANY Leave P ortland at 5 p. m . Satur- day, Tuesday and Thursday. Leave H a rrisb urg at 2:30 p m Monday, Wednesday & Friday* Phone P ortland 8226 Halsey depot, S w ift A Co. Portland, care A uto F re ig h t Ter. minus. H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T W ill surely appreciate your patronage Halsey Railroad Time Piano Must be Sold W ill sacrifice high-grade used piano in storage near Halsey for imm ediate sale. W ill give easy ‘Sic ’em” — Los Aogeles Times. terms to an established home, f o r Buenos Aires. —A bomb was ex fu ll particulars and where it may Another high price record for yellow ploded in front of the United States be seen address Portland Music and sugar pine wag set whan the Crys­ embassy late Sunday night. No one Co., 227 6th st,,P o rtla n d , Ore. ing of the season on the Umpqua river was sent to New York last week. Ac­ cording to reports from packing plants at Reedsport approximately 20,000 pounds of shad were in the car. Sev­ eral additional carloads will be ship­ ped from this port within the next few weeks, it Is expeoted. The sal­ mon catch has been exceptionally light. '• a cona.atent .upporter of the Coolidge ‘ o". o" 'he ta,,er'‘ “ ** P">- 11 i t 2 * l . t “V ‘ b i ,’ “ , ‘,ud* Oi ’« «"""’«ak.ble P r t - r y language Uw. Senator He Sta.oeld pub X ,o „ c ln m y .: " ha, C o tten was Injured and only slight damage was done. The American ambassador, Peter 1923 Chevrolet Touring Augustus Jay, was not in the embassy 1926 Dodge Sedan at the time, but returned about ten minutes after the explosion. He was Olds Coach, 1925 at a loss to explain why the embassy 2 Ford Coupes should be bombed, but the theory was Jew ett Touring, 1926 advanced by some that the Incident was connected with the recent denial 1 Ford Truck, 1 ton of a new trial for Nicola Sacco and Overland Touring Tarbo-Lomeo Vanzetti, convicted in Massachusetts of murder. The bomb, which exploded in front A lbany, Ore, of the main entrance of the embassy, F irst and Baker tore a hole In the left side of the door H OW A R D SR 1G LEY and shattered several windows of the building and of neighboring houses. Only servants were in the building at the time of the explosion. They at first attributed the noise to the burst­ ing of a tire and did not realize a bomb had exploded until police arrived with in a few- minutes. A police investiga tlon was begun Immediately. 12 .’t “,".i ¿77”. w‘ " be open ,0 ,he — pro'"'1 b>' ............................ .. Outgoing M ail A t the Halsey postoffice mails elose going north at 11:50 a. m and 6:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. no. To Brownsville, 0:20 a. m. and 12 m. M orning stage to Browns­ v ille goes on to C raw fordsville H olley and Sweet Home. Highway Garage WANTED 100,000 Pounds The twenty-two national forests of Oregon and Washington have 39 per cent of the merchantable saw timber of the 159 national forests of the United States and Alaska, according to a recent timber stand survey re­ ceived at the district forester’s office COAST GUARD IN TURMOIL In Portland. The two states, compris­ ing the north Pacific district, stand Veritable Upheaval Predicted in Gov­ ernment C ircle. first In the amount of national forest Highest Cash Price Seattle, Wash.—The United States timber, while Oregon stands first in coast guard In the Pacific northwest the list of states. was In turmoil after a statement of Second and Baker Roy Lyle, federal prohibition admin Phone 411J ENGLAND BACK TO NORMAL lstrator for the district, that "at least five or six” members of the service Loa. Expected to Be Lass Than In had been indicted by a federal grand 1921 Upheaval jury here, which named nearly 200 London.—The last embers of the persons. general strike are dying down, and Roy Olmstead, under 4 years’ peni­ with the exception of the minors, who tentiary sentence for international 11 are likely to remain out until a satin quor conspiracy, was declared by fed factory agreement la reached, the eral officers to head the group named country la rapidly resuming normal in the indictments. conditions, and the people and the Arrests gave evidence that when all government are beginning to count the warrants Issued on the 87 Indictments coat. have been served there will be a ver No final estimate ts yet possible, but Itable upheaval in Pacific northwest the general Impression In government government circles. at circles is that the loss will he lees The Indictments were returned after than the cost of the real strike In liquor Investigations ramifying into 1921, which Is generally thought to Canada and eastern United States, have been in the neighborhood of 290 which federal authorities pronounced million pounds. the biggest ever launched on the Pa In a message of thanks to the chief clflc coast. civil commissioner. Sir William Mitch ell Thompson and to the volunteers. Forest Fire Sweeps North Minnesota Premier Baldwin reveals what great Minneapolis.— Lashed onward with sources of strength the government devastating fury by high winds, forest at had behind It In combating the general fires Monday swept over five counties strike The premier sa y , that nearly In northern Minnesota, destroying half a million men and women were hundreds of acres of timber and stub enrolled through the country by the bornly resisted ths efforts of 2000 vol voluntary service committees of whom unteer Ore fighters and forest rangers leee than ten pgy cent were actually who attempted to stay the rapid ad W a lk ir Bros., old tim e orchestra called upon when the etrlke ended w ill play for an old tim e dance, vance of the flames. One man was Paid-for Paragraphs (5c a lin e ) Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle at the E nterprise office. A tte n tio n is called bv the Sand­ blast fo r Senator club, 420 Railw ay Exchange b uilding , P ortland, O r­ egon, to his p la tfo rm , which is published oa page 8 o f the voter,’ pamphlet by the secretary of state. Chief p la nk is ’ ‘ M O D IF IC A T IO N OF T H E V O L S T E A D A C T - R E F E R E N D U M OF P R O H IB I­ T IO N L A W S .” H is slogan is : W ine and beer under government control. No saloons,” Wheat for eale—Mre. N. Smith, phone 9x4, Halsey. F ob R k n t : 100 acres o f good pasture, four m ile , south of H a l­ sey. E. A . Starnes, Shedd, R 1. 8 pages weekly Fasture to rent by m onth. Phone 29, Halsey. X year fo r^d o llar TWO BIG DANCES T BARBER SHOP F irst-c la ss reported burned to death near a lum­ ber camp beyond Warroad. Thursday, May 27, Last tim e this spring at Tumble In n — big crowds—don’t m ils this Indianapolis. Ind.—James H. Mc­ dance. B rin g the fa m ily and hare Ginnis,. member of the national execu a great tim e. Membership Trophy Won by Idaho i U Saturday, May 29 W o rk J . W S TE P H E N S O N . TUSSING & TUSSING LAW YER S Halsey and Brownsville Oregon UMBLE INN Mineral Transfer Opposed by Work " ashlngtoa. P C.—The proposal ol a group of western senator, and rep reeentatlve, to change the national policy of administering school lands which contem plate, the outright Iran»- fer of tbe mineral, found within these school section« by the federal govern ment to the states, was opposed by Secretary of the Interior Work C. Your Home Paper Halsey Rural Enterprise tlve committee of the American Le­ gion. conceded the Llndsley member­ Big C arnival dance, ship trophy cup for th b year to the »*'■« >» the a e ..te to be department of Idaho. The award M a? . '■cludlag the Central Labor co u .c.l ol Portland on made annually oa the basis of percent­ age of Its old membership enrolled by Our carnivals are different— over M A .; "b7 . r f * * *h* « -'r o a d Trainmen on v m r ™ .o f ,h . J H «*•“ * • ' organ,a.„on of , h, ,h . rbled 119 Estates Pay Washington Tavet March 1 of each year. 400 people enjoyed our laet one. Olympia —Inheritance tax collec Lot» of fun —big crowd«— great ’ "P”0 " »' ¡ W ‘ «'o- for veteran, ol tlons for April totaled 859.318 4.1 on Campaign far JO-Mlls Tunnel Starts Seattle. Wag* —The Cascade tunnel music. If you miss this one you 119 estates, while six escheats netted Keep Oregon to the Front in the Senate by Re Electing Stanfield. $8681 18 . ash and 11560 appraised val association meet* hme Zane 14 to plan miss a good one. Remember the H Would Take a New Man 10or 12 Yean to Match His (on, mi tec. ue of real estate, the grand total being a state-wide ,-ampa^n for a SO-m’le date», May ¿7 and 29 at Tumble $49.549 82 according to O W 1{ na bore uafier the Cascade mountaiM In n , 2 miles north of A lbany on ' ^’*B4*14-f»r-Se«ator Campaign F D Cusick. Mgr ) via, supervisor of Inheritance and e , The taaael would be the longest In highway. Leta go. cheats There were 583 new cases the world and would carry rail and vehicular urfiXOn, ___ earned durlna the month -$ North South 3:24 a. in. flag 17, 12:09 p . mt 5:15 a. m. 15, i2;4S p. m. 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag 4:08 p .m . 31, 1:34 p. m. flag 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers from south of Eugene No. 31, direct connnctisn for Marshfield points. Passengers for s>uth of Eugene should take train No. 17. Halsey-Brown,ville stage leaves Hal­ sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:1» p m Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and 3.35 and 8.45 p. ni. 52, 16, 18, 34, Nos. Albany Bargain House O Senator Stanfield is leading the flight < * in th e senate to establish Oregon s aybestos Hi-speed Urakcf The L A N G W O O D (for wood only) is guaranteed to keep fire twice as long with one-half the wood used bv any other range. Heat earned entirely around large 28-inch oven, assuring even heat ing Your old range taken in exchange Cascara Bark Q R LA N G W OOD BLAST WRECKS A man seldom develops in to a re­ go-getter u n til some woman says ^EM BA SSY W. H. Vogel, Union, has accepted an offer to manage the 1826 Union live­ expacta to find em ploym ent else-1 stock show, which will take place June tal Creek Logging company, subsidiary where later on. 9, 10 and 11. of the Wheeler-Olmstead Lumber com­ Merchants and residents of Mill pany, bid $8 a thousand for the Crook­ C. J. Strayley and fa m ily m otor City on the main road have raised a ed River Indian reservation unit. Re­ ed to Coburg Sunday. fund to oil the road, In order to escape ceipts from the timber sale will be di­ M r. and Mrs. John Bressler a nd i the dust nuisance. verted to Klamath Indians The unit daughter Agues and M r. and Mra. I Paul Ager, Bend, was awarded the cost the successful bidder approxi­ H arry Breasler and baby visited i Albert prize, given to the best all- mately $240.000. around senior man on the University relatives at Crabtree Sunday. The first carload of shad caught by of Oregon cam on* commercial fishermen since the open­ to fill tha place. TO RRANCE econditioning Shop A Modern Barber Shop Laundrr sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works A B E 'S P L A C E DELBERT STARR f uieral Directar and Licensed Embalmer l a d y a s s is t a n t Browneville, Oregon ' * “*• W . L. W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR H a rm b u rg , Ora.