Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, May 19, 1926, Image 7

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4sk Your Dealer
A S K your local dealer to rec-
ommend a practical dec­
orator. If you are unable to
secure one you can do the work
yourself, tinting and stenciling
your walls to give beautiful result*.
T H IS W A S A J O K E IN 1876
Young Man—People are talking
about the new Invention, the tele­
phone. It Is so wonderful th a t It Is
possible to hear a m an's voice over a
mile away.
Young Woman—M arvelous!
can a holy’s voice be heard a mile
away, too?
Young Man—Yes, my dear, but there
w as really no invention needed for
th a t.—Telephone Review.
Buy Abbattine from your local dealer, white and a v
ready to m u with cold water and apply with a «uitable brush.
Each package h»« the crow and circle printed in red. By inter­
mixing Alabaxtinr tint« you can accurately match d ia p en ti and
rug« and obtain individual treatment ol each room.
Write fo t tfiocial tugfuUona a n j
ta tu i color comilnaUont
I —
H i * IN O N I
M IN U T I w r m
One-half of a m an's energy la
w asted. Only the down strokes count
In chopping wood.
C uticura for Sore Hands.
Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds
of C uticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu­
ticura Ointm ent.
Remove surplus
Ointment with tissue paper. T his Is
only one of the things C uticura will do
if Soap, Ointm ent and Talcum are used
for all toilet purposes.—Advertisem ent.
D on't yes
Mike— H.-uld on. P a t!
rom p on the ladder till Ob in down.
It's ould an' cracked.
P a t—P hw at ov it? It’ll serve
boss right to have a new wan.
Secret of It
"To h old y o u r h u sb a n d « , w ive«.'
R e m a r k s B ill Y o u n g ,
" It e a sy If y o u 'll le a r n
T o h o ld y o u r ton gu e." ’
T h a t H an n ah '« T a b let« w ill quickly r a ll.y e ti
d la ca lto n . d y sp ep sia , atck, aou ror «aaay «ton
ach a To prove It. I'll «and a tr ia l pH« fra
P o n t lu ffrr an y lon ger.
W rite for a pH
tod ay P J. H a n n a h . B ox 117«. T um a, A n
Terfteld b u m m er kluale.
Itlngln«, klualckanahlp. 1
Kilta Perfleld, 111 MadlM
SI It A N G R A SS SKE11 I t lH E t T
H P lX
g ro w er
G u a ra n teed a b so lu te ly tree iron«
Joh n so n g ra sa a eed «
Ixwa th a n 10 pound«,
U r per p ou n d ; 10 to 20 p o u n d « l i e p er
p oun d . 11 to 89 p o u n d « 10c par poun d ; 100
to 400 pounds, 0c per pound. C h a r le s Pre­
paid John S llb eraack . R I. O rland. C a lif.
Everybody Is seeking to get the best
of it In life and everybody is now and
then able to.
Therei quick
P o r i «yea. b loort-ih ot eye«, w a te r y eye«,
» tick y e y e i. a ll h ealed p aom ptly w ith n ig h tly
a p p lica tio n « o f H om an Eya B alaam . Adv.
“T here Is no accounting for tastes"
—but th ere Is. One’s bringing up ac
counts for n good many.
Pa Took the A ir
women, at least should have some
m ention hi any history of this holi­
day. F o r a year It hRd no d irect re­
sults, but In May, 1868, Adjt. Gen. N.
P. Chipm an took up the m a tte r with
Gen. John A. Logan, then national
com m ander of the G rand Army of the
Republic, suggesting th a t tills or­
ganization should u n d ertak e ns a
body to have flowers strew n on the
graves of soldiers at some definite
Im m ediately the value of this sug­
gestion w as appreciated.
th e ir legislatures a large num ber of
sta te s set aside May 30 as n legal
holiday. So great w as the response
of the N orth to thp unselfish action
o f the women of Columbus. Miss.,
th a t It struck fire In the henrt of a
young Ith a c a (N. Y.) law yer mimed
F ran cis M. Finch, who w rote a poem
en titled “T he Blue and the G ray,"
which since has become closely Iden­
tified w ith the day. Not long a fte r­
w ard C hauncey M. Depew, in one of
Ills fam ous addresses, s u h l:
“ When th e w ar w as over in the
South, w here w ilh w arm er skies and
m ore poetic tem peram ents symbols
and emblems a re b etter understood
th a n In the practical N orth, the w id­
ows, m others and children of the
C onfederate dead w ent out and
strew ed th eir graves w ith flow ers; at
m any places the women scattered
them Im partially, also, over the u n ­
known and tinm nrked resting places
o f the Union soldiers. As th e news
o f this touching trib u te flashed over
th e North It roused, as nothing else
could have done, national am ity anil
love and allayed sectional anim osity
and passion. T hus out of sorrows
common alike to North and South
cam e this beautiful custom.
At the first form al exercises, held
a t A rlington. Vn.. May 90. 1868. fol­
low ing G eneral Logan's order to the
G. A. It., the principal address w hs
delivered hv Jam es A. Garfield. 12
y ears la te r elected P resident of the
U nited S tates. As yet the tprm Me­
m orial Day. or D ecoration Day, had
come a national custom .” Even In !
a short ten venrs a fte r Appomatox.
tim e w as doing much to heal old
wounds, assuage old enm ities. And
on the eve of D ecoration Day. May
30, 1877, a throng assem bled In the
Academy of Music, Brooklyn, to greet
as chief speaker Ju d g e Roger A.
Pryor, form erly brigadier general in
the C onfederate arm y.
Then and
th ere this learned Jurist declared to
th e American people th u t w ar. with
all the horrors It entails, Is made not
by so ld iers‘ but by politicians.
"In soliciting the particip atio n of
C onfederate soldiers in th e solem ni­
ties of this dny," he began, “you
mean to tender them 'an o v ertu re of j
reconciliation, to avow your good­
will tow ard your recent adversaries,
and to proclaim your deRlre for the
prevalence of peace and fratern al
feeling betw een th e belligerent sec­
“By no token more touching and
Im pressive could you m ake m anifest
those liberal and p atrio tic sentim ents.
To proffer your form er foes a share
In the simple but p ath etic cerem onial
by which, on th is hallowed anniver­
sary, you symbolize the perennlul
bloom and fragrance associated with
th e memory of your departed com­
rades. and allow us to unite in the
homage you ren d er to the fallen
heroes of the Union, Is indeed so a f­
fecting a testim onial of your klnd-
noss and m agnanim ity th a t we u n ­
reservedly yield ourselves to Its he-
n'gn Influences ami reciprocate, with
all the w arm th o f our ardent South­
ern natu res, the In articu late hut
h eartfelt aspiration for the reign of
peace and good-will over our agitated
and afflicted land."
The g reat nudlence listened Intent-
; ly ns General P ry o r continued :
"T he bloody business of secession,
with all Its d isastro u s consequences,
w as wholly the act of the professed
men of peace— th e (tolltlcluns
! nullified the C onstitution, they ob­
truded Into the presence of the Su­
prem e co u rt with th eir factious clam ­
or, they lashed th e p opular mind Into
fury over Im aginary wrongs.
vindicate the ab stract theory of pie
1 tentlal secession they challenged an
encounter which Issued In the irre ­
sistible aggrandisem ent of federal
(tower. To preserve th e Ideal ex ist­
ence of slavery In the te rrito ires they
provoked a w ar which ended In the
annihilation ot slavery in the states."
The crow ds In B rooklyn's Academy
of Music could hardly believe t h d r
e a rs when Pryor, with com m anding
gesture, declared :
“M eanwhile th e soldiers of th e n a ­
tion. no m atter w here th eir b irth or
w hat th e ir political opinions, un ifo rm ­
ly opposed them selves to every act
I and every word of which th e aim or
“Father, freight is goods th at are
sent by w ater or land, isn't It?”
"T hat's right, son.”
“Well, then, why is it th a t the
freight th a t goes by ship Is called a
cargo, and when It goes by car It Is
called a shipm ent?"
And then Johnny wondered why
fath er put on his hat and sauntered
outside to get the air.—Edison Topics.
T he L ead er
H ard-looker (to passing m otorist)
—Hl. m ister. I’m going your way 1
M otorist—So, I sec, hut Til get
there before you do.—Pathfinder.
His Adventure
our coofcingf
EM EM BER, flies are more than troublesome.
They come from filth to food. Get rid of them
with Flit.
Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis-
ease-bearinir flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe
“They say, professor, tt
m aster of all European
th at so?”
"Y es—except my wife's
Fast Speaker?
passed he became more th an ever
I'tmvlnced th at g reat w ars are caused
by p o litician s’; th a t th e W orld w ar of
1914-18 was brought on bv self-seek­
ing politicians and selfish tr a d e r s ;
and th at In this Instance, hs In o th ­
ers. a fter such gentry hud provoked
conflict, It took the soldier and the
naval man to end hostilities and re­
establish peace.
The Spanish w ar with Its loss of
life caused an Incrense In th e num­
bers of those who observed Memorial
liny. And when May 30, 1918, rolled
around, with the first harv est of
American lives gath ered by the Grim
R eaper because of the W orld war,
the observance again sw ung to Its
full height ns a cerem onial of honor,
personal sorrow and national grall-
In many of th e older p a rts of the
country are decorated not only the
graves of those who fell In the war
between the states, the Spanish w ar
and the World w ar. hut. owing to the
Influence of p atrio tic societies, graves
are decorated, and reverent mention
is made o f *ho«t who tiled In other
c o n flic ts -th e R evolutionary war, in
which about 310.000 A m ericans were
engaged: the W ar of 1812, with 376,-
222 A m ericans on land and sea. It
Is possible, also, th a t graves are dec­
orated of some who w ere engaged In
th e naval w ar with F ran ce when
4,393 Am ericans m anned w arships In
hostilities lasting from Ju ly 9, 1798.
until Septem ber 30, 1800.
In brief, one historian says, days par
tlcnlarly set a p a rt for cerem onlps In
honor of th e dead are common to
m ankind and are well-nigh as old as
history Itself.
T his presen t year, and probably
for many years to come. Memorial
Day In every p a rt of th e United
S tates will be rededlcated to th e pur
poses which hallow It.
F rien d —Does the baby talk
Fond P a re n t—Oh, yes. but
ran understand Just w hat U
cabins about him th e oil of th e mighty
lan tern s thHt served to illum ine the
sea. Every soul In Ita sphere has
charge of a lighthouse, for which there
la m ore or less need. T he humblest
m other who allows h er whole life to
be crushed, to he saddened, absorbed,
by th e less Im portant o f her m otherly
duties. Is giving h er oil to the |>oor;
and her children will suffer, the whole
of th eir life, from th ere not having
been. In th e soul of th eir m other, the
radiance It might have acquired.—
M aeterlinck.
Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and an la I t searches
out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and
destroys insects and their eggs. Spray F lit on your garment*.
Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive
testa showed th a t F lit spray did not stain the most delicate
F lit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol­
ogists and chemists. I t ia harmless to mankind. Flit has
replaced the old methods because it kills oil the insect* and
does it quickly.
Get a Flit can and sprayer today. For sale everywhere.
“T h a t m achinist
the moat
thorough man of his trad e I know."
“ W hat m akes you think so?"
“He not only w orks ull day, but
holts Ills ftatd a t nieula, rivets every­
body’s atten tio n and ham m ers every
new Idea advanced."
T h e L im it
T h e t i g h t e s t m an o f a ll I k n o w ,
G o e s to c h u r c h b y ra d io ;
T h in k » th e h y m n « a n d s e r m o n g r e a t
B u t tu n e s o u t w h ile th e y p u sa th e p la ta
M osquitoes Moths
Beet Buga Roaches
C o rrect Guess
"D idn't you use to work for th a t
tightw ad R lttm ans?"
“ Yes, still do. I’m R lttm ans.”
P lant at least one tree.
Costliest R ea l Estate
The costliest real estate lot In tha
world is a t No. 1 Wall street, o p p o
site T rin ity church. New York city.
It fronts 29.1« feet on Broadwuy anil
39.10 feet on Wall street.
Sir G a la h a d !
Firlr M otorist—Dh. I'm
I'm afraid I have cut off
C hivalrous Male—T h a t's
right, m adam , I had a corn
w ay.
sorry, hut
your right
quite «11
on It, any-
H is V acatio n
D an a— C a p ’ll. I've h»>en two years
before the m ast.
C ap tain —Very well, D ana, yon de-
serve a vacation. You may go aft for
two w eeks at h alf pay.—Yale Record.
O ne A d v a n ta g e
th e tim e th e llcker w as gone he was
driving th e hosses so fast they w ere
mighty nigh running, and he'd forgot
“T h a t feller. Sawney, over In Booger all about the annkes. But he aays
H oller, says he killed 63 rattlesnakes th ere w ere 65 o f 'em. anyhow, and
w hile plow ing tu th e r day," at the probfiy would a-been a thousand If
M ount Plzgy post office stated Tobe th e team and the llcker had held out."
—K ansas City Star.
Sagg of Sandy Mush.
“Slxty-flve rattlesnak e» ?“ exclaimed
Ruinous G iv in g
T h a t 's w hat he low». H e had a
Let us bew are lest we a r t as he
Jug of llcker at each and of the fur
rent, and every tim e he reached the In the fable, who stood w atch In
end of a row he’d tik e a drink. By lighthouse, and gave to th e poor In
Do flic«r like
F a th e r—W hat! Yon wish to m arry
my d aughter? You have no clientele.
W hat could you offer h er th a t she
h asn 't at home?
Medic— Well er— free medical a t­
tention.— Illinois Siren.
George W hat a re those black m arks
on your cheeks?
E dw ard — T h a t's
w here
lashed roe With her eyelashes last
C astoria
MOTHER:- F le tc h e r’»
Castoria is especially prepared \
to relieve Infants in arms and
Children all ages of Constipa-
tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic
and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by
regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid» the assimilation o l
Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
T o avoid imitation«, always look for the »ignature o f
Ahaohitrly H xrm lest- N o Opiate«.
cvcrywbcft faramnwnd it,