s -/ ^ Î b a n y j 2 ) i r e c t o r y ’P h e Courtesy Shop Ready-te-wear and M illin e ry Mrs. C. L. F o x 117 Broadalbin St., A lb a n y Pine Grove Points (By Special Correspondent) (B y id Mr. aud Mr«. Arthur Sprtuggate T h is is good advice : “ I t you liv e of Harrisburg were Sunday guest« in A lb a n y , trade in A lb a n y ; i f you liv e in some o th e r tow n, trad e in th a t to w n .' at the Bert Haynes home. h u t in these a utom obile days m any re­ s id in g elsewhere fin d i t advisable to do Mis« Nora Pherson was at home at least p a rt ol th e ir b u y in g in the from her school work at Willamette la rge r tow n. Those who g o t o A lb a n y to transact business w ill fin d the firm s university for the week end. named below ready to f i l l th e ir require Edwin Blood drove to Moumoth m enls w ith courtesy au I fairness. Friday to bring Mrs. Mae Mark bam and Grace Pherson home for lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers the week end. and plants. F lo ra l a rt fo r every and a ll occasions. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighton Flower phone 458-L and Thelma of Albany spent Sun D u v »lad'oltis bulbs now. day at the farm. * * 50 and 75c per dozen. A llo w fo r Mrs. Maggie McClellen visited at postage. H a ll's F lo ra l and M usic Shop. Westside greenhouse products. the W. G. McNeil home last week Pupils of the Pine Grove school p E M K A L I1RE SHOP A -' T ire V u lc a m z iu g - b a tte ry re making grades in the six weeks ex ch a rg in g . 221 W . Second. amination in arithmetic aud «pell Ed Falk, Prop. ing sufficient to entitle them to the l'astburn B ros.—Two big grocery diplomas offered by the county 1 stores, 21.’ V . F irs t and 225 South M ain. Good m erchandise a t the r ig h t Optometrists and Manufacturing superintendent, were: 6th grade prices. Opticians John Dobriuin both spelling and p lite C a fe te ria and confectionery ALBANY OREGON. arithmetic; fifth grade, Margaret J H om e cooking. Pleasant su rro u n d ­ Heinrich spelling and arithmetic ings. Courteous, e fficie n t service. W e make o u r own candies. 4th grade, Emma Dobrinin spell Albany W S. D u n c a n . ing- POKU SALES AND SERVICE Creamery Association Mr«. Floyd Nicbol« has a new *• T ire s and accessories piano. Manufacturers of Repairs K iR K -P < it.r.\K M otor Co. Mrs. Jessie McLcren visited the tV r tn iille r F u rn itu re Co., furni- school Wednesday afternoon. •* ture, rugs, lin o le u m , stoves ranges Miss Clarice McConnel of Shedd and B uyers o f Eggs Funeral d irecto rs. 427-433 west F irs t street, A lb a n y , (Jregun. visited Miss Dannan and the school A. F a rm e rs ’ C o-operative Monday and Tuesday. ^1 LLER GROCERY, 285 Lyon C rea m ery (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson of G roceries F ru its Produce Corvallis visited at J. F. Gibson’s Plioue 26.3 R Application to make approximately Saturday. $3,000,000 worth of addition to its pres O O L M A N 25c. Cheese— Price« f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 37Hc; loaf. 28Hc per lb. Cattle— 8teers. wood. $8 2509.00. Hogs — Medium to choice. $12® 14. Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice, $$®11. Seattle. Wheat— Soft white. $1.48. nbatern white, $142; hard winter, noifthern spring. $187; Big Bend blur etem, $1 38; western red. $1.1$. Hay— Alfalfa. $26 timothy, $23; timothy P. B , $10. do, mixed. $26.) Butter—-Creamery. M < 4$c Eggs—Ranob. 26®31c. Hogs— Prime. $18.85®14 10. Cattle— Prime steers, $8® 8 66 Cheese— Oregon triplets, 34c; Wash ington triplets. $l®$2c. Clay P. Moody Agent \ j — W ith the Coopers spur lateral high­ way opened sad surfaced the entire distance to tbe mlle-btgh base camp this summer. Hood River post. Amert can Legton. Is making preparations to entertain a record crowd at tbe < xtb annual Mount Hood legion cltoL. scheduled for July 3. 4 and 5. Tbe Silverton Pood Producta/cam- pany began Its 1925 pack last sreak with gooseberries Tbe cannery L t l l far exceed the amount It handies) deal year and hopes to bring Its paek >®> to $150,000 before the season closes 'Tbe strawberry pack la one of the moat Im portant, and this w ill begin In about two weeks He has been a member of the Oregon Legislature during nine different sessions, being Joint Senator from Linn and Lane counties in 1911 and 1913, and was speaker of tbe house in 1921. His legislative record stands as a lasting monument to himself and his district. He has always safeguarded the interests ol his constitu­ ents. The voters of Linn and Lane counties should avail them selves of the advantages of his experience. Vote for the man who can and will serve your interests best. (Paid Advertising) —Beati For Senator Club. My David M Graham, Pres, and Frank J. Miller. HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $35,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited During tbe week ended May I, 107 mills reporting to the W est Coast Lumbermen's association m aoufactv ed 106.395.310 feet of lumber, sold 111.- 945.188 feat and shipped 123.211.8V feet, as against 110.tlg.184 feet ■ary j factored by 101 mills the preyie us week, 109,410,099 feet sold an/, #»16,- 410,001 feet shipped Where O ur Ice Cream is Served there is sure to be satifactloo. For tb e family dessert there is nothing so delicious. With each succeeding spoonful you'll iika it more sod more. Let us seod you some. W» have all flavors. We sh II pints, quarts, half gallons and gallons. The Oregon Canning company's cannery at Newberg started 1WU op «rations It It kar«sl>4g straw $>®rrteH and canning gopeekerrlas. Crm vany official« stats < V .t the caaaaay will pack maay M m 's the amount of fruit tkat tt dljl h j/t year sad ths pi gpi will operst^ mor^ ata ri? to capao $y than It fi*a for many years From this time on through the turn- m»r season, all those going camping to tha national forests of O ragou are advised to consult forest r arpervttors er rangers regarding tha n> # 4 of camp fire permits before atari! g( on trip« into the woods, aecordln f to District Forester C. M. Oranger • g tha United States forest service offl- |B Portland r , ------------------------ L o u is L. B e a n For Joint Senator Spokane. Hogs—Good. 118 76® 1586 Cattle— Prime steers, 57 6008 60. Phone 226 Clark's Confectionery •••••••»a !•>••«••• •«••••••••••••••••••••«•••» A ny Girl in Trouble may cominnntcate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at tha White Shield Home. 56.4 M a v l.lr avenue, Fottland. Oregon. 5» ;