Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, May 19, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    MAY 19
Four proposals carrying appropri­
ations for public improvements and-
iaereasing efficiency in city depart­
ments will go before the voters ot '
Published Every Wednesday,
Salem at the municipal election to be j
held May 21.
B y H ubert L. A lmon
One side ot the home of E. L. Elliott,
Miss Ellen E Lauder. 17 years old district attorney and ex-state prohlbl |
was seriously burned Sunday night by tion prosecutor in the Klamath Falls !
81 a year in advance
Arrearages 12%c a month a boiler ezploslon in a bstbbouse at district, was wrecked by tbe explosion I
of a quantity of dynamite, set off by j
Advertising 20c an inch; no discoun Kerry. Clatsop county.
for time or space . no charge for com
J A. Johnson, high climber, died at an unknown band.
position or cnanges.
a Silverton hospital as the result ol
Lumber mills and camps in the vi i
l a " P a ia -fe r Paragraphs.'* le a lia s .
a fail of ISO feet at the Sliver Falls cinity of Marshfield are reported to
« • a d v a r tla m * d n < ui»ad as a s m .
be operating nearly at capacity. One
Timber company camp.
The first annual trade exposition lumber company is working three
Louis E. Bean
and food show to be given under the shifts, and from ail indications will
auspices of the American Legion was continue for some time.
Mock’s bottom will be Portland's
Hon. Louis E. Bean represented held In Eugene last weak.
Linn and Lane counties in the
More than 184.000 trout have been air mail field if the fliers find they
state senate in 1911 and 1913 so liberated in the streams of Marion can land there temporarily, the city
council bas indicated in conference
well that the people ot Lane county during tbe past fsw months w'th Postmaster Jones and Verne C.
according to Game Warden Averill.
county have kept him almost con­
Gorst, air mail contractor.
J. W. Hurran, one of the oldest ex
tinuously in the house since that traveling salesmen on the roast, cele
Contract for the construction of a
time. In 1921 he was honored by brated bis 93d anniversary at bh large new fish holding pond at the
being elected speaker. So general borne, 450 Fourth street, Portland, re Klaokanine hatchery near Astoria was
let at the state fish commission meet
H. A. Luodahl, Chicago attorney,
has been the demand to keep Mr cently.
ing in Portland recently to McClean who was appointed special master in
Bean in the state legislature that n
& Fulton of Astoria, for $5450.
chancery, In charge of the sale of the
large delegation of citizens of Lam graih was bald last week In fbe Port
Miss Alta Busier, member of the Mdwaukee railroad as ordered by the
land central library under the auspices
county called upon bim and insist
of the school department of the li­ senior class of tbe Parkdale high court.
ad that be become republican can brary.
school, was chosen queen of the Park
dale strawberry festival. The berry
didate for joint seuator from Liur
Portland's 15th fatality since Janu
and Lana counties nt the coming ary 1 as a result of automobile accl fete will be held on the grounds of
the Parkdale grade school June 11.
dents was recorder recently when Mrs
A total of 293,836 republican and
It is realized that many import
democratic voters have registered lor
ant legislative questions vitally af
the primary election to be held In Ore
Coyotes are numerous in tbe Board
fecting this district will arise dur
gon May XL according to a statement
Olympia, Wash.—A total of $12,544,-
man section and two ranchers have
iog the coming session and it is lost lambs from their flocks. Tht Issued by the secretary of state. Ot 907.31 had been paid out as compen
important to the district that Mr. coyotes are bold and raid the flocks the total registered voters 211,658 are Ration to veterans In settlement of 57
republicans and 82,178 democrats.
799 claims under the soldiers' bonus
Bean's experience and leadership during tbe day
at tbe close of business. April 30,
At a meeting ot the Berrian council
be utilized. No mao in the state
tablished in connection with Salem's when the veterans’ compensation bu­
legislature has a greater capacity
new $650,000 linen mill will be con reau, operating under State Auditor
for getting resulta or a greater it was decided to hold the annua) structed at Stayton, according to an C. W. Clausen, wound up its business
Newberg berry festival on Saturday
nouncement made at Salem.
The and funds under appropriation ceased
vision and foresight as to the ulti­ June 5, this year.
scutching plat« will cost approximate­ to be available for further claims.
mate effect of legislative problenn-
Oregon Trunk railroad. Northern
and oo ona is quicker to see or bar lines subsidiary, became the owner ot ly $26,000 and will be completed by This will not, however, bar any Just
July 1.
claims for soldiers' bonus, as one of
greater ability to block legislative two acres of South Riverside city park
the bonus bureau experts will be re­
business inimical to his district. for which It paid the Klamath Falls the first udit of a bachelor’s hotel, tained permanently with the clerical
Mr. Bean has always been a cou­ park board 115,585.
which Is being erected at Klamath force of Auditor Clausen, and any sub­
Oregon prunes will be of exception Falls by Mrs. Ora May Young The sequent claims will be handled to final
rageous, safe, reliable and effective
ally fine quality aad free from scab first unit will cost $41,000, and accord­ proof as heretofore, and then relief
legislator and his service is needed
this year, according to reports broad ing to Mrs. Young, negotiations have appropriations be asked of the legisla
at thia time.
cast by Robert C. Paulus * Co. to their already been made for construction ture to provide the bonus payments
brokers In all parts of the world.
1 o f a second u n it
In all 4618 claims were disallowed
A few days ago press dispatches
and 92 are classed as pending, making
carried reports of the death of
Mrs. Cron* Puoils Will Give^Recital May 22
a grand total of 62,509 for all claims
Mayor Clark of Long Beach, Cali-
foroia, who died after an operation
Mrs. Jess Cross is giving a recital at the Christian church, Sat­ In addition to the $12,544,907.31 paid
in which his tonsils were removed. urday evening, May 22 at 8 o’clock at which she will present her Hal­ to the veterans as bonus, administra­
Tha tonsil fad and the wholesale sey music class. The recital will differ from the usual one as there tion expense amounted to $113,262.42,
extraction of teeth has subsided will ba a pianologue and other novel features. She will also have a capital outlay $5380.50 while a pur­
chase of $15000 of Its own bonds was
somewhat. Io many instances ton­ recital at Shedd, May 20th.
made from the compensation fund
sils, teeth, and appendix are so
Fallowing is the program for Halsey:
making total expenditures under the
diseaied as to do the body great
bonus act of $12,679,550.23.
S l’ENt'E
Check over your harvesting machinery for needed repairs and
advise us at once of what is needed to put your harvesting ma­
chinery in good condition. Tbe sooner your order is placed the
better service we will be able to render.
HILL & CO. Halsey
harm. In numerous ether cases
they are not.
Senate Bill 3255, to refund about
<5,000,000 to 18 Oregon counties
for taxes lest from railroad and
wagon road grant lands forfaited,
lias been favorably reported in tbe
senate. This ie 8enator Stanfield'c
bill, also introduced in the House
by Congressman Hawley. It is a
great apd needed measure of relief
for the counties which have been
deprived of tbe taxes.
Beverly Isom Retta Armstrong
Frederick Robins
¿ B u ttin g iB u m b /t
K khn
P h v l lii K n it
la /« «
C a a a tln f
W a /f*
L L awson
Violet Carver
B rown
H a l t i n ' a *iJa !k a
Errol 1 Gardner
F earis
Donald Bramwell
'Cram iana V a h t
is to fo, the voters by an overwh- liu
S chubert
Leila Garnie
lag vote in a special city election huv
lag authorised the Issuance ol $25.000
in bonds for tbe erection of a new
At tbe dinner for the members and
friends Of the Methodist Episcopal
church held In the Woodman hall al
Myrtle Point, It was decided to build
a $15,000 church. $7000 being raised at
ibis time.
Fred J. Tooze
B rown
ift'rrés i & r i t t
Vivian Frutn
JVw/g SDiU (p ia n o lo g u e )
J ones
Krnestine Coleman, Retta Armstrong
iöwwr« • /
iR o y a
G urlitt
Margaret Moore
K s/« .
R olfe
Gertrude Robins ”
K eats
o f tb o ¿ f t o n b u d o
Dorothy McLaren
3 k a L a r k 'a S a n g
Beverly Isom
W a /ta (A rra n g e d by G u r litt )
M oskowski
Retta Armstrong. Krnestine Coleman
Beverly Isom
Republican Candidate For
Superintendent of Public
A nthony
C a u ta ifia a p a n a a
Ernestine Coleman
Kudorsnd by thousands of leading 1
oitiisus over tbe entire stats. Urges
uniform textbooks for entire state
and will cooperate with all schools,
baaabers, and patrons in educatior..
al welfare.
I’lesae compare bis statement in
candidates’ pamphlet with those
of his opponent«.
If you want s school supsnnter-
dsnt who is tinder no nbligatione
to any pn, Ileal machine, clique,
or individuel and thoroughly train-
ed in Normal college aud Univer­
sity, «ipariancad and raacaeeful in
rural, village and city schools.
Vote for Fred J. Tooze
C hopin
^ t a a u r k a ap 7
Retta Armstror.g
J a ilin g
) l 'tatara
Herman Koontz
T ruax
L ibi rance
¡ J ilt
Ruth Sturtevant
d o m in g S p r in g
G autier
Esther Seeleld. Mary Smith
Louise Seefeld
^ o lo n a itt lio g tn tf
Louise Stravley
•^41 t l i t a r g ' / ' o / n n n i t t
C hopin
Mary Smith
J tu m o r a a q u a
La S a a g a tta
What would be a better indication of strength?
All of the other candidates for the nomination
have centered th iir fire upon Steiwer and con­
tend that he is the man they must defeat. No
one ever attacks a weak man.
Democratic leaders are exerting their efforts
against Steiwer. They fear him. They know
they cannot defeat him in the general election.
A vote for Steiwer Friday is a vote for a republi­
can victory in November.
John W. O’Leary of Chicago was re­
elected president of the chamber of
commerce of the United States.
The 1927 annual conference of the
Association of Junior Leagues of
America will be held in Portland, Or.,
next May.
A slight earthquake was felt at Port­
land, Me., and nearby, Saturday morn­
ing. The tremors lasted five seconds.
No damage was reported.
The Watson-Parker bill to abolish
the railroad labor board and set up
new machinery for handling disputes
between carriers and employes was
passed by the senate, 69 to 13.
Lee Schoenhair, pilot, who hopped
off from Pearson field. Vancouver,
Wash . at 7 o’clock Saturday morning
on a non-stop flight to Los Angeles,
was successful, and he beat his sebed-
uled time 25 minutes, arriving in Los
Angeles at 3:50 o’clock in the after-
aoon instead of 4:15, as called for by
his schedule.
Washington Insurance Fees $1,150,000
Olympia, Wash —Residents of Wash­
ington paid a total of $54,307,210 66 In
Insurance premiums of all classes dur­
ing 1925. it is shown in a compilation
prepared under the direction of H. O.
Flshback. Insurance commissioner,
from reports tendered by the compan­
ies. Total losses paid by the compan­
ies amounted to $19,681,788.22. As
compared with 1924, there was a gain
in premiums paid of $4,857,466, while
losses increased only $403,361.
Paid Advertising
Steiwer for Senator Committee
Isaac Staples, Chairman
ip g
Chick Starting Milk Mash
Baby Chick Scratch
Egg Producer
Triangle Egg Mash
Attractive prices on Shell, Bone Meal
and Fine and Coarse Grit
o. w. m m
Good trades allowed
Two Cars for Sale or Trade
Reo six touring, will trade for cows.
Wrecking Shop
1918 Bmck six for sale,
Parts L ° X '
P. P A P M A N Prop,
Gill Net Strike Ends
Astoria, Or.—The strike of glllnet
fishermen on the Columbia river,
which has been In effect since the
opening of the Columbia river com
marclal fishing season May 1. ended
Saturday when union fishermen sc
cepted s compromise offer by packers
of USt cents s pound for spring chin
ook salmon.
We want
D vorak
Esther Seefeld
1 a n a a ita n a
Hope Clay
Esther Seeleld. M sry Sm ith
Louise Seeleld Donna Cross
1 —
K ern
Louise Serfeld
J k a S a crâ t
H a l a p —^ L a r a k a
(Paid Advertising)
June Layton ’
Cottage Grove's ramshackle city hall
S paulding
Elaine Stray ley?
More than 40 newspapers
in Oregon have indorsed
Fred Steiwer for t h e
tor United States Senator.
O regon P rison P o p u la tio n H ig h R ecord
L iszt
L avionac
Salem.—A new high record in the
population of the Oregon state prison
was established Saturday with the ar­
rival of two aew prisoners, bringing
the total up to 148. exceeding by two
s previous high record established in
Complete i,ne
of Albers Brothers and Brewster s
Fleece Twine and Wool Sacks
T. J. Skirvin Seed (o