o O A g rc u ltu ro Ilo rtc u ltu re L i v e s t o e k NTERPRI A \\ eekly ( lironiele ot Local Events and Progress in Linn County HALSEY, OREGON M A Y 1% 19.'h Halsey Pharmacy to Move Notice -Local and Personal ]\len t ion - To lhe Democra.tt °_f Linn I)a ir y P o u ltry W ool I p- T- A- M«*t-Eiect officers F. Buford Morris, proprietor of Notice is hereby given that Tues­ ------- I Owing to the failure of any the Ilalsey pharmacy his purchas­ day, May 25th, 1926, has been The last meeting of the P. T. A. I Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross spent Mrs. C. P. Moody was a visitor, ’’•» ’IWatee having filed for the for the school year was held at the ed from Mrs. Miry Carter, the designated by the City Council *s the week end visiting in Portland to Eugene the early part of the llomination on the democratic school building Friday evening and building on Second street now oc­ Clean-up day. All trash must be ticket for representative or state neea. , > cupied by a cream receiving station placed on the corners of streets! and Hillsboro. the program was as follows: ( senator it will be necessary for and as soon as vacated by the pres­ running east and west. Anything' Mrs- Song, “ Santa Lucia.’’ C. Merriam returned 0. W. Frum made a trip to Hoi-’ the Democrat« to write in the ent tenant will proceed to remodel that may be burned will not be ac- la9t week {rom a two *ceks visit at Recitation, Arthur Moss. ly Monday with a view to porch-1 names of any they may wish and redecorate the entire building, cepted. I Marshfield, Coquille and other asing a load of hogs. Reading. Mrs. Nora Coleman. .to vote for. within and without, including a Paper on “ Benefit« of Social : points. She surprised Mr. and By order of the Council. Ercell Sneed, William Corcoran, The following person- have ex- Life,’’ Mre. C. J. Strayley, full new glass front. And when I Mrs. Citron Gormly with a visit at E. F. Cross, Recoider. complected it will become the home “ Character Training in the j Coquille and say they are getting Delo« Clark and Wayne Robertson' Pre*ied their desire to become the Halsey itudents at O. A. C., spent'•nomineM ‘h®'1, »“ >»• «re writ Home,” Mrs. Herman Steinke. of the Halsey drug store. along well iu their new home. the week end at home. t ten in on the blank spaces on the Halsay Boys in Tournament The interior fixtures will include “ Benefit« of a Union High ¡ballot for that purpos« with the X School,” Lyman Patton. Mrs. E. D. Stewart and daugh­ the wall cases row found in mod­ -Ir and Mrs. 0- Frum aud after their name«: ern establishments of that nature, Three students from Halsey ter Lilas of Oaklcnd, Calif., visited daughter Vivian attended the A business meeting followed in For Representatives, Allyn 8 the former’s father, Albert Miller, also many other features that will will take part in the fourteenth which officers were elected and in­ strawberry fair at Lebanon Satur- Eeeon and Helen V. Crawford. be new to Halsey. annual Military tournament at O. ell last week. stalled for the coming year. The a^’ , Sor Senator, Samuel Garland The drug store has been located A. C. May 29. The tournament officers elected are, Mrs. D. H. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kizer are en­ Mr. and Mra. Will Robertson , ,or Linn county, in the same block for the past forty each year is the means the mili­ larging and modernizing their resi­ Sturtevant, president Mrs. Sid- — — — — —— uey Smith, vice president, Mra. years and has h°en in charge of tary department uses to show the dence southeast of Halsey. They spent Sunday at Lebanon visiting I — — numerous owners. training it offers and the serious are also building a new garage tbe latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Mri- D- c - Thome of Scio, wife Nora Coleman, treasurer, and Mra. Tom Bennett. ° ' ^ e republican candidate for Ed Kizer, secretary. purpose the physically fit college Mr. Kizer is doing the work. county commissioner, called on men give to their work in the re­ Ice eream sandwiches were serv­ M. E. Gardner and wife took Mrs. Irma Shotwell Monday. Linn County Red Cross fo M eet serve corps. Miss Geraldine Cook of Wil­ ed after the meeting. dinner with their son Irvin Gard­ An air service demonstration, lamette University spent the west: ner and family Sunday. Mrs. Edward Kizer visited at the The semi-annual banquet and directed by Lieutenant Oakley Q. end with Miss Mearle Straley. home of Miss Mearle Straley Protests Against Change business meeting of the Linn Jack Curtis of near Peoria was a Thursday evening. Kelley, America’s premier long Miss Cook is a member of this county Red Cross will he held at year’s graduating class. Sunday guest at the J. J. Corcoran distance flying ace, will be the out­ A remonstrance signed by R. P. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Frum of Methodist church in Albany, on home. standing feature of the program. Dougherty and 19 other citizens Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cross and Mr. Salem visited at the O. W. Frum Friday evening May 23, at 6:30. against the proposed straightening The demonstration, including and Mrs. Buford Morris were visit­ C. E. Ellis, painter foreman and home Wednesday. The dinner which will be served in of the Brownsville-Halsey road a formation and stunt flying and a ors at the Lebanon etrawberry fair his gang have been brightening up the basement, will ba 50 cents per parachute drop, will open the Friday evening. David Foote is engaged in paint­ few miles east of Halsey has been the signs for the railroad company plate. ing his residence thia week. Al­ filed. tournament program at 1 o’clock, Mr. Vawter, a bank cashier of here. The new chairman, C. E. Wil­ though Mr. Foote is several years The protest is based on the claim and will be followed by the review Medford, with his family spent liamson will preside, and a review of the entire R. O. T. C. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foote and past hie three score and ten, he that it is unnecessary, expensive Tuesday in Halsey at the home of of the work of the past winter will David Foot and wife took an auto mounted to the roof as euiily as a and detrimental to the lands Serie A. Dougherty will enter in his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. be in order. A financial report will trip through Shedd and Browns­ boy and gave the shingles a coat. through which the proposed road the pair jumping and pony express John LaRue. also be given. will pass. ville Sunday afternoon. He will also do the side work. events. These are the most thril- Persons who will plan to bttend Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cole and ing events put on by the students. Mr. and Mrs Bolf Bond and Mr. Mrs. Ollie Schick and Dollie should notify Red Cross beadquart Truman Roboett and Fred J.Hein­ the Misses Alberta, Margaret and and Mr». Buford Morris were din­ Pence met with Mra. Ed Kizer at Linn Pioneer of 1850 Passes ers in Albany. rich will be entered in their unit Vesta Morris spent Sunday at the ner guests of Prof, and Mrs. Ly­ home of Miss Beulah Miller Wed. Buford Morris home in Halsey. drills and exhibitions. Alfred Blevene, 88, a prominent man Patton Thursday evening Public School Notes nesflay evening to talk over plane Other «tents scheduled to appear Ralph McNeil of Halsey joined pioneer and a resident of tbe Tan­ for tbe Charity Grange annual pic­ 'E nterprise Correspondence) Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond, Mrs. include building and wrecking of a the Oregon National Guard at Al­ gent neighborhod ainoe 1850 died nic which occurs June 6th at The Halsey Hi baseball teams pontoon bridge by the engineer bany last meeting night. Several M. C. Bond and Mr. and Mrs. D. the Pence grove. at his home Friday evening follow­ played two very interesting games unit; artillery and machine gun other local boys are seriously con­ rf. Sturtevant left Saturday even­ ing a long illness, nt Brownsville F iid a y afternoon. ing for an automobile trip of sever­ Mrs. Grant McNeil of Pine GroVe contests; infautry and cavalry sidering joining. Mr. Blevena was a native of Ken­ The Halsey boys came off victor­ al davs. They visited Neskowin, visited at the homes of Mre. J. T. drills; and feature stunts. The tucky, crossed the plains with hia Word was received bv friends in ious with a score of 18 to 7. The impressive retreat will he the clos Halsey recently of tbe serious in­ Seaside, Tillamook snd Astoria McNeil and Mrs. Frank Gray, parents at the age of 13, which girls jdajed a good game but were iug event. Every grammar and jury to Ralph Robertson, now of and then continued on to Long­ Thursday. made him a resident of Oregon for defeated 22 to 24. high school student in tbe state will Ashland, but recently of the view, Washington and took a look about 75 years. Mrs. Hannah Cummings return­ over the large lumber plant at that The hoys team also did them­ be admitted free. He was preieded in death only Brownsville district where be lived ed borne Tuesday after a months place. selves proud at Bellfountain on a few weeks by Mrs. Blevins. for many years. The injury re. Rev. Robert Parker attended the j visit with her daughter, Mrs. Glen Wednesday. The score being 8 to suited when Mr. Robertson fell a S. P. M akes Low Rates 7 in Halsey’s favor. They will revival meetings at Monroe Wed­ Stevenson of Beaverton and Mrs. short distance from the top of rue t Philomath on the Halsey nesday evening and took with him, Lydia HaDna of Portland. She O n Election Day stone fence to the ground. diamond, Friday, Way 21. Mrs. Eliza Brandon, Miss Fleets expects to visit another daughter, On another page of this issue Business with the Southern Pa­ Livick and James and Albert Con­ Mre. John Gormley of near Pine Th© Ladies of the Christ­ Mrs. P. J. Forster was a school will be found the ad of the South­ Grove this week. cific here is picking up. O. W. nor. ian church will serve ern Pacific Company. They have visitor Wednesday. Frum has moved several carloads on sale excursion tickets to eastern chicken dinner at tb© Mr. and Mre. Robert Parker and Mrs. frma Sholwell took the The sixth, seventh and eighth grades finished taking their slate points with many attractive feat­ of hay during the past few days. Mesdames N. T. 8need, A. W • e ,f |y IL“°rning train fer Portland Highway Inn. tests Friday. The sixth and eighth ures, including optional routings Also Frum and Minkley shipped a Foote and Will Moore attended Saturday to have a broken lens in COM E AND E A T grades did some very good work which permit going one way via couple cars lambs to market, using tbe all day Holiness meeting at her glasses repaired. the evening manifest service men­ California and returning via north­ and are reasonably sure to pais. McFarland Wednesday. Rev. Cox ern lines, including the Canadian tioned in last week’s issue. and Cheney had charge of the ser­ Mrs. Sholwell bad the misfor­ lines. This feature makes it pos­ Phillip Forster believes in pre­ vice«. tune to be in tbe path of a foul sible to visit all the worth while paredness, having installed a fire ball at tbe Brownsville game while Mrs. T. J. Sprinkel was in Kel­ national parks and other attrac­ hydrant in front of big premises. chaperoning the girls team and tions. The fares too are very low This is not a bad idea, as there are sey from her home m Junction her glasses were broken, and a few considering the service offered. very few hydrants to be seen about City a few hours the other evening. scratches inflicted around her eye. Mr. Sprinkel is the night operator Our local agent will be glad to town. at the S- P. station, working the assist you in planning your trip. S. H. Armstrong had a v is it Fri- second trick temporarily until Mr. day from hia grandmother and Baty the permanent operator ar- Baford M orris Promoted uncle from Montague, Califoruia, rives. also bis aunt, Mrs. Walter Stuart F. Buford Morris of Halsey has of Albany, Oregon. Church of Christ been promoted to the office of Henry McDowell of Shedd visit- Second Lieutenant in the artillery ed bis brother William of this city unit of tha Oregon National Guard Sunday. Look over this list of with headquarters at Albany. gifts for the boy or girl He started in the ranks as a buck- J. E. Southworth, tha Browns­ private six years ago and since has ville-Halsey stage operator took graduate: had two years work at the R. O. T. the train to Portland the latter Kodaks .*2.50 C. at O. A. C. Morris will go to part of the week and returned with Picture Album 75c up Ft. Stevens with Battery A of tbe a Packard touring car which will artillery diviaion in June for a be used in the stage service. Dur­ Pyralin h o r y couple of weeks encampment. He ing bis absence the business was in Stationery 50c up will have charge of the range de­ charge of George Morris. Sunday School 10. Box of Candy $1.00 up partment. Bessie Reynolds, who was re­ Preachi ng 11- Kazor $1.00 up cently operated on for appendicitis Christian Endeavor 7. Perfume, powder 50c up Albany to Get New Building has shown enough improvement, Preaching 8. it is thought, to be able to leave Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. Parker Pen $5.00 - $7.00 the hospital Thursday. Construction of three modern Parker Pencil $3.50 $1.00 business buildings on tbe quarter Mrs. W. L. Wells and daughter M . E. Church block at Second and Baker streets Genevieve and Krnestine Coleman Robert Parker pastor. Flashlight $1.40 up Sunday school, 10. koowu as tbe Wigwam livery and Dorothy Corcoran visited Mrs. Preaching, 11. stable property will commence as Clayton Smith at the home of her Junior League, 2:30, -oon as tbe work of destroying tbe parent», Mr. end Mrs. Araoa Ram­ Pharmacy old Epworth league, 7. building can be completed. Preaching, 8. sey Sunday. Mrs. Smith is con- Open Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 The buildings will be construct­ valeecing after an operation at Praver-mceting. Thursday, 8. GOOD p Bible S tuly Tuesday, 2. ed either of tile or concrete. kGOODS* Eugene. I d i o ie p r o o f d io s le r u G raduation G ifts to m a tc h every costum e, in i the season s s m a r te s t colors, $1.50 f,. o r m en, in p la in f( fa n cy colors, 35 to 75c - x — Halsey an J