I X «, rural enterprise PAGE 8 BRIEF GENERAL NEWS AT LAST! A Spectacular Rom a ace of F la ttin g Sword a and Flam ing H earts! MARION DAVIES —IN— “BEVERLY OF G RALSTAK K ” W ITH AOTONIO MORENO ROY D’ARCAY Next Sun.—Moo.—Tues.— May 16—1 7 -1 8 G LO BE A lb an y L o u is Portland maintained lta reputation John McGraw has signed a contract during the month of April for baring to manage tha New York Olante. His one of the most efficient automobile contract calls tor between 165,000 and theft bureaua on the Pacific coast. Of 640.000 a year. 106 automobiles atolen In April, 104 “ Uncle Joe" Cannon, former speaker 1 h a rt been recorered by the automobile of the house of representatives, cats theft devision of tha police bureau brated his 80th birthday last rrtday Units of tbe 162d Infantry, Oregon at his home la Daa villa. 111. national guard, won tbe beat rating In The senate passed the 6165.000,000 the biatory of the guard at tbe recen' public bnlldlng bill authorising Imme annual federal Inspection, as shown dlate appropriation for construction by reports of the Inspecting oftlcei of federal buildings In 64 towns and Just received at the office of Brlga cities out of a fund of 615.000,000. dler-General George A. White at 8a Stating a belief that prises for liter le a . ary work are dangerous and tend to There are several barlay fields at place craftsmen under “eubaerrlence.” Sweet Home nearly ready for harvest Sinclair Lewis has refused tbe Pulit­ The stalks measure about fire feet In zer prize of 61000 which was awarded height and tbe heads are well formed him for bis novel, ''Arrowsmith.” Deputy Warden Peter Klein of the Thia will be the earliest harvest known of here, as the grain will be ready for Illinois state penitentiary was beaten the reaping machines in a week or to death by seven convicts In a prison break, the first escape from the great more. modern prison. The convicts escaped In an automobile, after leaving Klein In a cell. B ean Alopogy W ill Give Students Standing Forest Grove, Or —Conditions under which diplomas may be given Virgil Lilly and Webster Wertz, seniors ex polled from Pacific University for pub llahlng “In Defense of Necking'' In the college paper, were laid down In letters sent to tbe ousted students by John Pranelt Dobbs, president. The students mutt give assurance that they are sorry, ashamed and repent­ ant; must repudiate the sentiments expressed in "Defense of Necking,” and must submit to the president, board of trustees, faculty and student body free apologies. For Joint Senator Jle has been a member of (he Oregon Legislature durin g nine d ife re n t sessions, being Joint Senator from Lin n and Lana countna in 1911 and 1913, and wae* speaker of tbe house in 1921. H is legislative record stands as a lasting m onum ent to himaelf and h it d is tric t. He has always safeguarded tbe interests of his conatitu» 1 be voters of L in n and Lane counties should avail them selves of the advantages of bis experience. Vute for the man who can and w ill serve your interests beat. By David M. Graham, Pres, and Frank J M ille r. Portland-Brownsville t Track Harrisburg 1 Line Some Principals and Teachers Organized in Campaign to Con­ trol Education Through State Superintend« nt’s Office. Hector Macpherson A ttem pt to control edua lion in O rq p n by a loosely organized, but far-reaching p<>) deal machine, was reveal* ed Monday by an investigation conducted by a Newa re. porter. The machine, which has introduced p olitical propaganda into the c ity ’s publi, schoola, has for its p ri- mary object the defeat of W. U. Aldaraon a. state school superintendent, and control of tlu>( office through a man of tha machine’s own ch o o sin g . Principals and teachers js r e been organized, to an •••known exiant. political ...b e e t, have been discussed w ith school children and p I,„ c a l propaganda spread among them. Numerous co m p la int* fro m teachers and parents sent the News reporter out on the m achine's tra il. The niachi, e I. out to beat A ld r.o n in any way pos- •ible. I h . only objection to the candidate i . that he is a • 'p o litic ia n ." Thia is the only vatapoken objection, but underneath, the machine is out t. “ gat” Alderson because he refused to ’play b a ll’ ' w ith it o , .u b ra it to i t . dicta- tlOQB. Propaganda Left on 1 eacher's Desk Teacher, upon entering the school room , have found opposition hrop.ganda, p etitio ns and other such p o litica l m aterial on their desks. Many i f these teacher, signed the petitions and d istributed the propaganda bec.ua. they were advised that th e ir positions were ••p o litic a l” and un. lass they -played b a ll” trouble would auiue. School supply bouses have been approached by ma. china solicitors seeking campaign funds in behalf o f the school machine candidate. Engraver’s Agent ia Machine Worker One of the moat active supporters of the school ma. chiua candidate is traveling agent for a Portland engraving company which m anufacture, cuts to be used in illu s tra t* mg high school annuals. F ia n tio letters have been aent out by the machine comm ittee soliciting ,h e endorsement, of buain.ee men for th eir caudidate. A Iderenn has consistently detested the school ma- c h in , candidates and it i . p a rtly due to h i. s u re ... iu the past to do ao th a t t b . n.acl ¡, « „ k in g illc h #ffort durin g the present campaign to defeat him . Republican Candi­ date For Repre­ sentative For 15 year« head of BURIED CITY DISCOVERED F U R N I T U R E C O M P A N Y H A R O L D LUNDQ UIST ALBANY W ill surely appreciate your Uncovars W alled Am erican Expedition Tow n In Palestina patronage Jerusalem— Excavation on the site of the burled city of K irjath Sepher, In southern Palestine, has revealed one of the most complete and well pre­ served of Canaanlte and Israelite wall­ ed cities. Tbe discovery, which is regarded as most unusual In Palestine exploration, was made by the archaeological ex peditlon headed by Dr. Melvltj Q. Kyle of St. Louis. Walls 40 feet high and 10 to 14 feet thick were uncovered. HALSEY GARAGE aud Registered Jersey c a ttle . Herd headed by H olger, first Med «1 of M erit Jersey b ull. Father of Farm 1923 C h ev r o le t T o u r in g 1926 D o d g e S ed a n O ld s C oach , 1925 2 F ord C ou pes J e w e tt T o u r in g , 1926 1 F ord T ru ck , 1 to n O v erla n d T o u r in g and M arketing legielation in Oregon D„,. In HUDSON & ESSEX (5c a lin g ) Old pupers for sale at 5c a bundle | at the E nterprise office. A tte n tio n is called by the Sand­ blast fo r Senator club, 420 R ailw ay Exchange b u ild in g , P ortland, Or- egon, to hjs p la tfo rm , which is published oa page 8 o f the voters’ pam phlet by the secretary of slate. Chief p la nk is " M O D IF IC A T IO N OF T H E V O L S T E A D A C T - R E F E R E N D U M OF P R O H IB I- I IO N L A W S .” His slogan ia : ’ ’ W ine and beer under governm ent co ntrol. No saloons ” P ia n o M u st be S old W ill sacrifice high-grade used piano in storage near Halsey for imm ediate salo. W ill give easy terms to an established home, For fu ll particulars and where it may be seen address Portland Music Co., 227 6th s t,, P o rtland, Ore. Complete line of A lb e rs B ro th e rs anti B re w s te r’s C H IC K E N FEED Fleece T w in o and W o o l Sacks T. J. Skirvin Seed <§ •OO O A n y G irl in Trouble »• may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the government and higher educational system. PLATFORM 1. Consolidate 64 boards and com missions in to 8 departments. 2. Place the Departm ent of E