^pbe Courtesy Shop ¡rectory Alford Arrows Williams home thia week. A number of young-older people ; from here attended an old fashion (By an Enterprise Reporter) • J dance near Coburg, Saturday j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Comely night. They report a fine time. and eons went to Eugene Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Estos Bass had as | bringing their daughters and sisters week-end guests Mrs. Bass's moth­ Anna and Josephine homo for the er and sister, Mrs, Munson and | week-end. Beverly Iaom spent Sunday with I Mr* Bl° ° nl ° f A lb ' ° r Ready-to-wear and Millinery Mrs, C. L. Fox ' 0 7 Broadalbin st., Albany EbTRAIN brings on a train of ills, such as headache aud deranged digestion. You s«e things indistinctly and your eves eoon begin to tire, sm art and ache Nature in sending a warning signal tou should not disregard. You should go at once to your optome. ^Ir- and Mrs- Theodore Falk tn s t and have your eyes examined Hattie and Catherine Starnes. Chester Curtis and Leonard Hat- *Kd ,anHly ° f Cartney atlende<1 ton mada a business trip to Foster 1° " * here Sundfty raorniot5- ^ lh a tiy Floral Co. Cut flowers and plants Floral art for every B. L. Cummings and son Carl Monday, and all occasions. |of Hood River left for home, Wed- Flower phone 458-f. Velda, Alice and Delta Curtis nesday morning. yisited Wilma, Lois and Erma uy »lad oilla bulbs now. Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Brock and 50 and 75c per dozen. Allow for Falk Saturday afternoon. postage Hall a Floral and Music Shop. Doris spent Sunday in Halsey at Mr. and Mrs. R. Ingold called Westside greenhtuse products. the Bert Clark home where a fam- on E. D. Isom s Monday evening I - ENTKAL TIR E SHOP c„k„„i i j n, . ,, , ’ **y reunion of Mrs. Brock's people Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re School closed officially Friday I was held charging. 221 W. Second. evening but the teacher aud the Ed Falk, Prop. sixth and eighth grades are spend- pastburn Bros.—Two big grocery ing the days before the examina­ Kirk Kinks J e w e le r » , 2 stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Mam. Good merchandise at the right Optometrists and Manufacturing tion which will be Thursday and (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) prices. Friday, in reviewing. In the fife Opticians H, J. Falk and family were in lite Cafeteria uud confectionery ALBANY OREGON county ttsts sent out by Mrs. Geer, the county seat Monday. Home cooking. Pleasant surround Velda Curtis and Merle Kropf both ings. Courteous, efficient serviee Mrs. Clarence Gillette and Mary earned exemptions in arithmetic We make our own candies. W. s. D uncan Albany and spelling and Bertha Comely Carey vieite(J in Salem over S an­ ord salbs and service Creamery Association in spelling in the eighth grade day' Tires and accessories and LeoCersovski and Lloyd Kropf U. L. Falk er. and A. L. Falk Repairs Manufacturers of in the sixth grade iu arithmetic attended the sale of Frad Kreger, ( K irk -P oluak M otor Co. and Teddy Comely also in arith- wbo ' ’ves ne!,r Albany. Efortmiller F u rn itu re Co., furni metlc in the fifth grade. Mrs. John Nentchick of H arris. 4 titre, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. and Buyers of Eggs Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Carl Isom spent Sunday with his burU ’pent the week end with her itreet, Albany, Oregon. friend, Edward Blood daughter, Mrs. H. J. Falk. A Farmers' Co-operative uller grocery , 235 Lyon Mr. and Mis. Chester Curtis and Janies Rike, son of H. J. R ikeof Creamery (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) the smaller children went to Shedd Reedsport, who is visiting at his Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R Saturday afternoon. I grandpa’s, G. J. Rike visited The Polk County Co-operative Prune Mr. and Mrs. Nairn and daugh-1 9ch°o1 T hur’day' U O L M A N & JA C K S O N Growers have purchased the packing A* Grocery—Bakery Mrs. Joe Elliot accompanied by plant in Dallas formerly operated by ters, Rose and Marie were Sunday Everything in the line of eats Mies Grace Kirk were Saturday Opposite Postoffice the Oregon Growers, according to an­ visitors at Joseph Comely’s. nouncement made by Ed. J. Himes, Bertha Comely, Rose and Marie afternoon callers at Halsey. IMPERIAL CAFE, 209 W. hirst secretary-treasurer of the Polk county A Harold G. Murphy Prop. Cecil Bilyeu and C. H. Falk rganizatlon which has been operating Nairx called on Lena and Mae Phone ¿65 were helping Ted Templeton sevet- Kropf, Sunday afternoon. the plant under lease for the past two W e NEt er close al days last week. years. The last of the 1825 crop Is Velda, Alice and Delta Curtis L. STUART, “ the insurauce being packed and will be shipped to Henry Seefeld who is preparing accompanied Miss Lillie Rickard " • man ’’ Stock Co. Insurance at mutual rates. Farm property, automo­ England thia week, according to to build a barn, called iu Albany and Iter brother Emery to church biles, trucks. Cusick bldg, (upstairs). statem ent which stated there would Saturday. be some 2500 boxes In the shipment. at Lake Greek Sunday morning agneto electric co . C- L. Falk sr. was quite ill E. D. Isom made a business trip PHI ECO BATTERIES several days last week. with the famous Diamond-Grid plates REFEREE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE to the county seat Monday. price to suit the consumer. 423 W First Priced Notice is hereby given that pursuant K. E. Bterly and family spent Guests at the John Rolla home I en and money itre best when to an order of sale made and entered in Sunday we e Wm. Junkin and Sunday with Mrs. Mary Bierly busy. Make your dollars work in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon family of Foster and Geo. Godwin I ant^ William Pences. our savings department. A lbany S tate for the County of I.inn, Dept. No. 2 on B ank . Under government supervision. the 30th Day of April, 1926 in that cer­ and children of Buena Vista, Rawleigh Rike and Alice Jones tain suit therein No. 13688 wherein John visited Julius F alk ’s who live near Thelma Ingram went with Mrs. M ar INELLO parlors *’* (A beauty aid for every need) Ottman, Emma Ottnian his wife, Elida Long and family to Ttiangle Lake, | Harrisburg, Sunday. Barnes unmarried, Carrie L. Beadle, W St. Francis Hotel Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Falk and Prop. Winifred Rose E. Beadle her husband. Flora Page un Sunday. daughter Betty Jean, accompanied Mrs. Joe Cersovski and Annal married, Frank T. Ottman, Millie R OSCOK AMES HARDW ARE Ottnian his wife, Louis B. Ottman un Theresa came home from Portland) by Mrs. F. W. Falk and daughter married, Daltia M. Ottman unmarried, last week, Mrs, Heitzman's condi­ went to H arrisburg Monday. The Winchester Store Louise Bartlett unmarried, Grace Bur W. R, K irk’s are busy making dick, A. W. Burdick her husband, and tion being unchanged. CTIMSON T H E SH O E DOCTOR Charles W. Mellen and Minnie W. Mel Mr. and Mrs. Colburd of Harris- * " a0Kement« re“ odel Second street, opposite Hamilton's kitchen and dining room. ten his wife were plaintiffs and Lalu store. burg, called at the Lee Inram and "Sudden Service.’’ Fen Eyck, Harvey Ten Eyck her hus­ A. K. Whitbeck homes Sunday Wilson Gillette is visiting in the band, and Carrie Mills unmarried were T o make roeni for our spring defendants and appointing and direct afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clay East. ■* s’oek, will sell organs at almost Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Smith and your own prices. We must have more ing the undersigned as sole referee to Foresman also called at the W hit. family spent Sunday at J. II. Van sell the real property hereinafter de­ beck’s. room. Davenport Music House. scribed, 1, the undersigned referee will, Anna Theresa Cersovski spent I Nice’s. l ^ a l d o Anderson A Son, distrib- on Saturday, the 5th nay of June, 1926 Mr. Slate, the well driller of ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Thursday night of last week with mers. Essex. Hudson A llupm obile cars. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said Tangent drilled two wells for J. her teacher, Mrs. E. D. Isom. Accessories, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. lay, at the front door ot the courthouse H. VanNice last week. of Linn County, Oregon at Albany, Ore­ This is good advice: " I t you live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you liv in some other town, trade in that town.' But m these automobile days many re siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany lu transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require nients with courtesy au I fairness. B C MAY 12 RI’R a I. ES1ERFR1SE PAGE 5 imm K E P V IIL IC A M For U. S. Senator The strongest opposition to Fr«d Steiwer is found in the Meade & Albro democratic party. Democratic politicians and newspapers brand Sieiwer as an enemy of the direct primary. They erv ‘‘conspiracy’’ and seek to lead people to believe that Steiwer would abolish the d i­ rect primary. Nothing is further from the truth, 8tei- wer’s enemies are doing all in their power to shatter the great strength of public ap­ proval th at is hack of Steiwer They fear him. Tboy kuow they cannot defeat him in the general election. Steiwer will be a ciedit to Oregon in the United Slates Senate. He is clean, ener­ getic, capable and aggressive. His record as a public t fficial is flawless. I E F LINN BUTTER F A VOTE FOR STEIWER Is a Vote F o ra Republican Victory Paid Advertising Steiwer for Senator Committee Isaac Staples, C hairm an M VOTE FOR M Alfred E. Clark R When in Need of an Outside PRINTER, See FRANK TAYLOR & SON Albany, Oregon gon offer and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to confirmation of said court all the following real property, towit:— All of Block 19 t f S. W. & S. S Hayes' Addition to the Town ot Halsey in Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published May 5th, 1926. We serve all makes FRANK RICHARD, Sole Referee, I nder new ntanagemen rusaing & Tusaing, Attys. for Plffa. L. M. Taylor, Prop. Hewitt & Sox, Attya. for Defts. Willard Scrvic Station sei 131 VV. Second, Albany. Lake Creek Locals Pine Grove Points (Enterprise Correspondent) (By Special Correspondent) Mr. Walter Baumgartner and Mrs. Chas. Nichols returned son Freddie spent Sunday with her I from a visit to relatives in Iowa uncle, M artin Cummings and fam- Wednesday. ily. Several neighbors hurried to the Junior Williams Was on the sick J. A. Johnson home Thursday list Sunday. morning, when it was thought tb it Mrs. Dicee Brock was ill Friday, , Iha house was on fire. It proved Dr. Clark of Harrisburg was called, only ■ Au« »“d no damage She is some better at this time. p on®’ She is at the home of her son, Ran- Ray Hover spent the week end nal Rrock. in Albany, Friday was the last day of school I Elmer Cadw alladtr and family, NOTICE ot Appointment of Adminiatratrix. If you enjoy a good meal, and know a good meal when you get it, Notice is hereby given that the un- ' ’ • k tor you'll not forget it. 'eraigned by an order of the County Court of Linn Connty, Oregon, has Our aim is to please you. been appointed administratrix of the estate of C. P. Stafford, deceased. All - - . , , ,. , . persons hsving claims against sa id , for Lake Creek and Busey. They who have lived on the Shepherd ALBANY estate are required ‘° P re“ '1 , ‘hJ ni planned a joint ce le b ra tio n and P'»c* during the past wiuter left within six months rrom the date ol tins « J G E O . M, G I L C H R I S T notice, with the proper voucher«, to the L ake Creek parent« and pupil« * unday for their home in Indiana, undersigned at her residence in Halsey, | w ent (o B|J. e . w bere a gumptuons ) They plan to stop several places in Linn Connty, Oregon. . . . . .n .n n t. Dated and first published thia 21st d in n e r in clu d in g ice cream was eo ro u ie. day of April, l q26. served. R«v. 8. II. Shangle ad-1 Dr. W. H. Lee of Albany, apok« Franklyn D. Stafford. at lowest rate of interest dressed the meeting and a very)®0 "Language, an index to char- Administratrix Aforesaid. Real Estate Insurance Tussing A Tussing. Attys. for Adiux pleasant afternoon was enjoyed, ac te r,” at the community meeting Prompt service. Courteous treatment. Mrs. Ladgerwod has boen engaged Friday eyjning. The next meeting NOTICE H ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank to teach Lake Creek again n e x t; W*N be the 4th of June, of Hearing of Final Account builning, Albany Notice ta hereby given that the final year, and Mrs. Cooley is to teach W. E. Hover and family of account of E D. Isom as administrator th* Busey school. Harrisburg, N. H. Cummings. de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of David I. Isom, de­ Rev. II. S. Shangle of Corvallis Floyd Nichols, and K. K. Hover ceased, has been filed in the Why Buffer fro n headache? County Court of Linn County, State preached to a Urge congregation and their families were Sunday of Oregon, and that tlie 24th afternoon visitors at Bert Haynes Have your eyes examined day of May, 1926, at the hoot of 10 here Sunday morning. Mr. Shang- o'clock A. M has been duly appointed |e who is presiding eld er of the Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cadwallader by said Court Court to. for me the hearing “' of ^ objec Portland d i.trict held quarterly of Eugene spent a few days with by said tions to said final acconnt tn.t me « «? . settlement thereof, at which time any conference at Teona Saturday. Elmer Cadwallader lest week. W’»h person interested in said estate may .. . , y Shanale who accotn- The grader and acme men did ,»ppear and file objections thereto in " “ n n n an g ie woo accoin | writing and contest the same. panied him they visited several some much needed work on the I Gated and first published April 21 d a y | hefe Bnd # t H a r r j, burg> PA R A G O N C A F E FA R M L O A N S Or. Seth T. French F. M. Frencn & Son Jewe’er» 1 --- ■ O ptom etrists, Albany X I road past the cemetery last week, E. D. I«om, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Allingham for which the residents of “ chicken Administrator Ac. Aforesaid . , n o Tussifig A Tusaing, Attya. for Admr. J of Portland wets guasts at the t 8. alley ” are duly thankful- O f Portland Candidate for Republican Nomination lor United States Senator Oregon needs a man in the United States Senate who can secure results for its people at the National Capitol, It needs a matt with the energy, industry and ability to secure governmental recognition and aid for the development of these resources, various interests, industrial enterprises an i pro­ jects. It needs a man fam iliar with its resources, agricultural inteiests, industries, barbi r and reclamation projects. In Alfred E, Clark, can d itati for the Republican nomi« nation for United States Senator, the people of Oregon have sudi a man. He has the energy. He has the industry. He has the ability. Morover he already lias to his credit a record of faithful and efficient public service. H« has courageously opposed in this campaign those who would deprive the people of the right to select their own candi­ dates tinder the direct prim ary law and who now seek to dictate party nominations. These factons have made him the leading Republican can. didate for the Senatorship and his nomination seems assured. A vote for Alford E. Clark for Senator is a vote for the general welfare of Oregon and it« people. (Paid Adv.—Alfred E. Clark for Uuited States Senator com« mittee) H A LSEY STA TE BA N K Halsey, Oregon C A PITA L AND SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings account» Solicited Where Our Ice Cream ia Served / there is sure to he satifaction. For the family dessert there ia nothing so delicious. With each succeeding spoonful you'll like it more aud more. Let ue send you some. We have ill flavors. We sell pints, quarts, half gallons ai.d gallons. Clark’s Confectionery