FACE 4 M AY 12 RURAL E N T E R PRISE KLRAL ENTERPRISE P robably P a tte r so n Published Every Wednesday, The vencral prediction* no» be iog mad» by the political wiaeacrta SUITOR AND PUBLISHER and the ones who are io touch with *1 a year in advance i the »itualiou ia th at I. L Patter. Arrearages 12%C a month »on, aepiraDt fot the uoooinatioD Advertising. 20c an inch ; no diacoun , D __ lor time or space no charge for com I for governor 00 the Republic I) •motion or c lauges. ticket will be nominated at lb» ia T a lo - lo i P a ra g ra p h s ." t e a H a * coming primary. » • advertising d is g u is e d as a a w * Incidentally it might be remark­ ed in this connection th at tbe splendid showing oi strength mad» ny Patterson leave» no doubt of hi» success at the general election, anti that ba» been a strong element it “Rome De Luxe” hi» favor. It baa been generally predicted Sleep Sold Here lor some tune that be wuuld get W hat a glorious feeling uvay with the long end of the vote it is to escape from the »o lar a» the Willamette valley it deadening effects of » concerned, and now it ia believed s a g g in g b e d s p r in g . he will carry eaatern Oregoo. When you sleep with M r . Patterson is a Willamette your spine straight— /alley farmer and making the ra c when you eliminate the ou a platform of progressive anti p ressu re on d e lic a te constructive principles. nerves— when the whole B y II chart L. A lmo * system clears itself of fa tig u e p o iso n s a n d every muscle and nerve feels refreshed—th en ou’ll ap p reciate th e nefits which we offer, you in Rome Q uality De Luxe, The Be springLuxurious. There isonlyonegenuineRome De L u xe—let us show it to you. A11 sizes car­ ried in stock. For wood or metal beds. In itia tiv e M easures The Oregon official ballot it November will be decorated with two state income tax bill*, two bill» jropostr.g »tale ownership of hydro- lectric power, repeal of the law □ acted by the last legislature pro­ viding a tax on cigarettes, and a new bill to produce more revenue rom motor stage line». Another initiative bill provide» for old age pensions for both t and won.ei vho have reached three »core year» »nil five, to be determined by an­ ther commission, (¿uite a number of other billa, all more or lees de­ corative, will appear on tbe ballot. Some seem to have merit, and Rome therwise. THE BEDSPRING LUXURIOUS Th««1« *• o nly one genuin« ¿ i u t e « R o m e Q u ality D e L u x e an d I t le m ede o n ly by T h e R o m e Com * pony. ............... W e aril the genuine and I n I o um m eod U fu t h tillr**id t it t p * e < M Hill & Co. H ALSEY '< Patterson F a rm ers a r e W a tch in g The farmer» of every state in the inion are watching congress to see ( anything will be done to help gricuiture. For a long time tbe tirmerfl have been »elliug produets it cost of production or lea». Sucb t program would soon wreck a manufacturing industry and State Market Agent Spence »ays it is b itind to wreck tbe agricultural ir d istry uules» some congresnoi al action is taken to plan e in the hands of the farmer such means of -ucceesful operation as it ha» plac ed in the hand» of other Industrie». o f E o la — Polk C ou nty Headline in newspaper ask», “ Will Bob S tay?” The article that follows is not in regard to •■'i nalor Stanfield's continued resi- .lence at Washington, as one might infer, hut refers to tbe mighty problem of whether the women will continue to have their hair trimmed. Editor O'Uonnel of the Garibaldi News is a very conservative tnap. He placed a value of $50,000 on 'be recent rainfall. TH E MARKETS R epublican C an d id ate fo r Governor Reduce taxes by reducing cost of Gov­ ernment. place the penitentiary under Hoard of Control. Make Hoard of Control the Parole Board ; fewer pardons. Enforcement ol erchihltton by officials who believe in enforcing the law. Hasten construction of Roosevelt H ig h ­ way. Adequate provision for retirin g bonds. Issue no t a i free bonds. Fish sod Game Commission function (or people and not as political machines. F t * fair with r * wervire men. M aintain high standard of public school* and inantnti ms of higher 'earning. I do not believe in taking any politi- cal power from the individual vohr. No discount on the taxpayer a dollai (Paid Advertisem ent! J Portland Wheat —Big Rend bluestsm and hard white. 31 35; soft white and western white. 81.43; hard winter, »1 35; hard federation. 3134. Hay Alfalfa. 818 5091» ton; valley timothy. 81 99 1*5 0; eastern Oregon timothy. 391 »0922 Butterfat—41c shippers' track. Eggs—Ranch. 23fl2Sc. Cheese- Prteee t o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 17t4c; loaf. 2»Hc per lb. C a ttla - Steers, good, »898.75. Hogs — Medium to choice, »129 14. Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice 8»«n. Seattle. Wheat Soft white, 11.41; western white »140; hard wlater. Big Bend bluestem. 31 85; westers rad. 11 31; northern spring, 81 34. Hay Alfalfa. 324 timothy. 833; timothy P B, 820; do, raized. 824 Butler—Creamery. tor Egge- Ranch. l « 9 t ln . Hogs Prime. 813 89914.1» Cattle Prime steers. 88 9 8 84. Cheese—Oregon triplets. 14c; Wash Ington triplet». 119 11933c li »’ •pakene. Good. 311 79911 29 C a ttle Frira» » te e n . 97 9091 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST MISS BELLE SHERMAN More than 7,000,000 people in the United States own in- vestments in public utilities. Such widespread Ownership in ­ dicates the confide: ce of in v ’stors in this type of securities. Here are some of the way» in which they are protected: The service they reader are indespensibie to municipal, state and national growth. They are founded on public necessity. They are backed by sound physical properties, staked to and imbedded in tbe soil. Explosion of an abandoned carbide tank fatally Injured Tod Foster, 17 son of Fred Foster of tbe Ochoco pro- Joct, four miles north of Prineville. Andy W illis of North Powder was appointed water master of water dis trlct No. 3, Including Union county and tbe North Powder river country They produce and sell their services at the lowest possible rate» commensorate with good service, thereby winning the good will of the people they serve. Stock fire Insurance In force In Ore­ gon December 31, 192S, totaled 3683, 968,868. according to a report prepared by W ill Moore, state Insurance com mlasloner. They are eafe-guarded by a well-established system of state and municipal regulation, by which, in exchange for tbe limi. tatioas of earnings, they are protected against unfair rates. Large and well-established utility companies in particular, receive the highest quality of financing, engineering and management ability. Jake Nlebert. Stayton, reputed to be a well-to-do farmer, was fined 360 at Albany after pleading guilty to a charge of failing to give animals suf ftefent feed. Portland claims the oldest bride In America. Mrs. Mary Jane Jenny, 91 Miss Belle Sherwln, who was named was married to George H. Goehler in a convention held In St. Louie again 79, at tbe home of tbe bridegroom's to head the National League of Women granddaughter. Voters. Warrnton high school won the de bating championship of western Ore The early season this year has gon by defeating Grants Pass, 2 to 1 caused numerous Deschutes county on tbe subject of free text books in stockmen to petition more than a Oregon school». month in advance for permission to Arthur Coffey of Cloverdale obtain use the national forest lands for graz­ ed the contract for a new school build ing. according to E. N. Kavanagh, as­ ing at Neskowin. Coffey's bid was sistant district forester in charge of 33700. The plans call for a modern grazing. one-room school. Oregon shipped by water 48,696.279 The first ripe cherries of 1926 were feet, or 18.5 per cent more Inspected reported by W. R. Bailey, M ill Creek lumber for the first three months of orchardlst In The Dalles district. The 1926 than for the same period of 1925, cherries are ripe several weeks ahead according to the report for the first of schedule, it was said. three months of the year of the Pa­ The Salem city council, at a meeting cific Lumber Inspection Bureau, Inc., there, authorized the Salem Street of Seattle. car company to substitute busses fot General precipitation in the central street cars on what is known as the Oregon country has not only relieved Commercial-Fair Grounds line. the great fire hazard but has materi­ Salem canneries have announced that they will accept no cherries this season Infected with the cherry mag got. Cherry growers will meet May 18 to discuss control of the pest. ally benefited forest range conditions, according to E. F. Kavlnaugh, assist­ ant state forester In charge of grazing, who is in Bend for a conference with local officials. A southbound Southern Pacific log glng train of 40 cars was derailed last week in what was reported to be one of the worst wrecks ever experienced on the Weed-Klamath Falls-Kirk line The Oregon federation of women’s I Through an issue of 30,000 specially illustrated dining car menus, the Southern Pacific company Is giving unusual publicity to Portland. The menus will be distributed for use on ‘ he company,i 1'mlted trains operated between Chicago, New Orleans and Pacific coast points. clubs closed its 26th annua] conven tlon In La Grande with election of o f Cherries in commercial quantities fleers, making Mrs. G. J. Frankel, prominent Portland club woman, head are on the market. George J. Henry ot Freewater has sold 41 boxes of 15 of the state federation. pounds each of early purple variety In Seven thousand more automobiles W alla W alia last Thursday. The ship­ are using the bridges across the W il­ ment is about two weeks earlier than lamette river in Portland this year normal and fruit Is of good size, full than traveled them last year, accord color and unusually sweet. ing to a traffic count just completed Skating almost continuously since by O. Laurgaanl, city engineer. Monday morning, two Seattle girls A severe electrical storm south ot Ethel Bessey, 21, and Billy Keyes. 19 Baker Thursdsy afternoon brought reached Grants Pass late Friday after death to Toney Hupprich, 44, and tor noon In a state of exhaustion, complet­ a short time terrorized ranchers ot ing their 477-mlle roller skate journey the entire Bear valley section, many from the Sound city In approximately of whom had never seen its equal in 60 hours actual skating time. Oregon. i ne orooas-acanion cumber com Lloyd Carver. 20, ''Jitney" driver at pany announced the purchase of 12,000 the plant of the Westport Lumber acres of pine timber, located 30 miles company, was burned to death last north of Bend, from the Alworth Wash­ week when baby clothing hanging be burn company. The purchase Includes hind a stove caught fire and caused 200.000,000 feet of pine which will be destruction of the Carver home at milled in Bend or used by the Brooks Scanlon company In blocking up other Westport. tracts. Independent fishermen of the upper There are 242.000 official "native Columbia river filed in the state de partment at Salem an initiative bill sons and daughters" of Oregon. For prohibiting the taking of salmon from this Is the number of births officially any stream In tbe state of Oregon by recorded by the state board of health use of fish wheels, traps, seines, trolls since the beginning of the registration , service In 1903. according to an an- or trammel nts. nouucement of the board. More than Another bond Issue to provide funds l 15.000 little Oregonians are "tagged" for extension of the Eugene water by the state each year the report says mains to outlying districts Is being Mrs. E. C. Saunders of Empire, born discussed and plans are being laid for calling an election, according to Carl in Coos county 72 years ago, has ob­ A. McCtain, superintendent of the city tained a hunting and fishing license such as are issued to pioneers. The public utilities. county clerk. Robert Watson, comply­ The heavy rains of last week ing with Mrs Ssunders' claim for top brought smiles of satisfaction to rail honors, attached a gold seal and a blue way men and bankers of Portland ribbon to the license, the only one of Freight traffic representatives almost Its kind that has been Issued. Mrs In chorus referred to it as a "million Saunders waa the first white child dollar rain," and financial men »poke i born , h# county of It with enthusiasm „ . . . Scottish Rite Masons attending the Operating Incom, from the Oregon [ caramonlea at the Scott(i„ Rlte cathe. lin e, of the Oregon-Wa.hlngton Rail drat dra, in Portland PortlaDd witnessed wltn#aaad , . road 4 Navigation company during slve. dramatic work when the 20th de­ 1935 totaled 84.423.789 39. according to I gree of the rite was exemplified for the annual report of ths corporation j the first time In Oregon. The team filed in ths offices of the public sen | conferring the work waa headed by Ice commission at Salem. Clyde E. Lewta. venerable gTand mas Rains on the Vm attlla national for 1 ter Scottlah Rite Masons from nearly eat, mixed with the snow, have don" 1 every city in Oregon a'tended, and much to assure plenty ot range tor cat there were eeversl from Washington tla and sheep this spring and summer j There haa been collected in motor according to J F. Irwin, forest su fuel taaee la the state of Oregon, a pervtaor Grass In the low hills had total of 911.494 134 20. of which amount been drying up before the rains 9411.979 99 has been refunded to indi­ The poetofflce department notified viduate and corporations exempt from Representative Nicholas J. Slnnott of i payment of the tax. according to a re­ The Dalles that the contract for deity port prepared In Salem by Sam A ery and collection of mall between Koier. secretary of state. During the Condon and Prairie City over the John month of March tbe tax on gasoline Day highway under a new fast ached and distillate eales In Oregon totaled tile has been swerdd Louis Wolden 9260.379 61. or an Increase of per burg cf Canyon City, veteran delivery ren’ when compared with the returns «extractor. for the month of JSCA. 13 M. How Utility Investments Are Protected I»*- 5k F 72* 1 he wide distribution of u tility securities among many invest­ ors assures an active and etable market. The 7 per cent preferred shires of Mountain States Power Company are protected in accordance with these principle. You may invest for as little as $5 a share per month. Mountain States Power Securities Company Office Mountain States Power (° Albany Co.vallis Cottage Grove Independence Junction City Lebanoa K err’s Dallas Springfield Eugene Stay ton Chick Starting Milk Mash Baby Chick Scratch Egg Producer Triangle Egg Mash Attractive prices on Shell, Bono Meal and Fine and Coarse Grit O. w . F R U M R e m e m b e r T h e E n t e r p r i s e fo r J o b P r i n t i n g Stanfield Gets Favorable Report On His $5,000,000 Refund Bill Restoring Taxes to 18 Counties Senator Stanfield's b ill to re­ fund $4,907,000 of O. & C. grant land taxes to 18 counties of Ore­ gon was reported out favorably on May 8, 1926, by his Senate Com­ mittee on public lands, for pass­ a g e in the Senate. Besides re­ storing this big sum to the coun­ ties affected, the bill provides for the annual payment of $500,000 hereafter, which w ill very greatly reduce the burden of the taspay- ers of Oregon. Winning Fight for Resources Senator Stanfield maintains that Oregou's resources belong to the people of Oregon and is m ak­ ing s determined fight to secure for them all of the revenues de­ rived from the utilization of pub­ lic lands in Oregon, and to m aterially reduce taxes. H is Grazing b ill, reported out fevorably by the Committee on public lands, ia the entering wedge ot his campaign toward that end. Stanfield for Port and Shipping U. S. Senator M cNary wired Bert Anderain, republican county chair man ot Jackson countv, on Mav 4 " I am busy assisting in tlie hearings before the Senate Commerce Comm ittee on the attempted tale oi the O rieutial line by the Shipping board to the Dollar Intereats. Senator Stanfield ia assisting me in every way he can." W riting Favorable report on Lincoln Co. Refund As ranking member oi the Senate committee on claims, Senator Stan­ field it drafting the report of that committee recommending the passage cf the M cN ary b ill for the repayment to Lincoln county of over 14S non in back taxes on the U. S. sprues lands. ’ ° Ver 000 Insists on Early Comple­ tion of Roosevelt Highway Senator Stanfield reccgnizea the economic and strategic value Roosevelt highway and m aintain, tb .t it should he comp eted earliest possible moment, because of the great development it w ill particularly to all of Western Oregon. “ ” «‘°pm en, it w ill ol the at he hon«. bring, Helped Pass Original Federal Highway act Senator Stanfield, as a member of the committee of Post « A - . . Toat roads. gave material ,,d in w earin g , he p a ,.»7, of t b 2 ™ . «-? 000 000 Federal H.ehwav Act. Senator S t a n f i r i " ^ ? L , L "J?,“ “ the Townse»d b ill of an appropriation of $15 OOo.OoO tor forest r M d i° °th e first large appropriation for forest roads ever made by Congress * More Federal Funds for Rivers and Harbors i SincO Senator Stanfield hat been in the Senate <7 U a iw i n a a nnd. have been «cured for the nnproverueoTof , n e r i ^ Oregon A . . member of the powerful F m . n « c o m - " , 4 V s . o ^ 7 , field insists upon larger appropriations lor river and harbor im provem lnm in Oregon and is in a position to render valuable aid in securing • just share ol government money for this purpose ° * ° * * on a Stanfield a high rank on Senata committee helps Oregon. take yoars for a sew man to attain his rank in the Senate. I , would