RURAL ENTERPRISE AGAIN the rush TOR GOLD k L à i / ‘ »*.-S /ó 'T C * IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday School ’ Lesson ’ “BAYER ASPIRIN” PROVED SAFE Scraps o/ Humor Take without Fear as Told iB v R E V p B F I T Z W A T E R , P I ’ . I» ea » of lb « E x ertin g SrU o»l. M ood y D lb l« ! • - • titU te o f C h tc a c o .) c I t s * W extern N « * « p a p * r U n io n .) - ' L esson ■” in “Bayer” Package "» fo r M a y 1 6 N O T THE SAM E ABRAHAM AND THE STRANGERS L ESSO N T E X T — O c n e sl» l l : l - t » . G O L D E N T E X T — A ll n a tio n « o f th« ra rth « h a ll be b le sa ed in d e e d .— tie u . IS IS . PR IM A R Y T O PIC — A b ra h a m 1« K in d to S t r a n g e r s JU N IO R T O PIC — A b r a h a m W e lc o m e s T hree S tr a n g e r s . IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D S E N IO R T O P ­ IC— A b rah am '« H o s p ita lity . YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P ­ IC— W hy G od C h o se A brahant. 7 By PR O EH L HALLER JAKLON HE gold fever has hrok- scenes or the Klondike gold strik e In the ’90s. The lied Lake region of B ritish Co­ lumbia la th e goal of hundreds of young and old prospectors, while In our own country we find the K ram er bills on the Mojave desert In Cali­ fornia th e objective of o th er hordes of ad v en tu rers stirred to action by the lure of gold. L om e Howie last sum m er struck gold In a wide lund of q u arts at lied Lake. Now with more than 1,500 claim s already staked, they're calling It C anada's "g reatest” strike. Ilow le and his com panions reported how they had discovered a vein of gold nearly 1.000 feet long, running from 10 to 50 feet In w idth. Subsequently the vein w as observed to run for a distance of more than 25 miles. lied Lake Is about 150 miles from the nearest rullroad, h u t us distance Is nothing when gold is a t stake, th is d istrict soon found Itself possessed of a thriving, hustling population of gold seekers lured front all points of the «ornpass In th e hope of digging a for­ tune from the earth . D espite w eather of 20 to 30 degrees below zero, these prospectors pushed through the 150 miles of snow and discom fort to the land of prom ised gold. U nheard of prices w ere paid fo r dogs to m ake the desolate trip, and one en terp risin g av­ iator, Ja c k V. E lliott, h as established an a ir route betw een Hudson, Out., and th e gold fields. Hudson Is on the northern tran sco n tin en tal line of the < 'anadlan N ational railw ays, about 240 m iles e a st of W innipeg and 12 miles to the w est of Sioux Lookout. It Is the nearest railw ay point to th e Bed l ake d istrict, and a short tim e ago w as nothing m ore than u nam e on the map. W hat kind of a place Is Bed Lake? Is It full of dance halls, saloons, gambling Joints and o th er wild and woolly in stitu tio n s w hich spring up like m agic In such settlem ents? It's hard to get Inform ation eith er Into or out of this d istrict. O f course, th ere are no telegraph lines, and all dls- patches have to be sen t by dog team . From E. P aul Beading, who mushed across the b arren area Into Bed Lake, comes the following Inform ation as It appeared In the W ashington S ta r: "Tucked snugly In one corner o f a b a y . n ear the o u tlet of this strag g lin g sheet of frozen w ater Is a clu ster of tents. T hey a re pitched on hastily constructed log cribs and roughly floored w ith hewn spruce. Through the roof of each a section of ru sty stovepipe th ru s ts Itself at a rakish angle, helcldng upw ard In the frosty atm osphere. “O ne of the ten ts bears above Its flaps the end of a packing ' a*e bearing hi stagg erin g black le t­ ters the p ortentous legend, 'Mining R ecorder's Office.’ Another, though It d o e s not yet boast a sign. Is a pro- 'tn c la l police p o st: a th ird Is th e of­ fice. and a fourth the cook tent, this last perhaps th e m ost Im portant of all, Astute Johnnie Johnnie had Intently wntehed the moving of th e fam ily th a t hail come to occupy the house next door hut hl’ chief Interest lay In the child who seemed to be his own age. All at- lem pta to m ake friend s with th e chiid were unavailing, howevpr, so It was "1th a g reat deal of enthusiasm be announced. "1 know what the little boy next (loot name la. It'» Original." for hunger gnaw s unceasingly In the cold. "To th e little poplnr trees th a t stud the shore u legion of dogs are chained —huskies, collie curs, nondescript m ongrels of In tricate ancestry, fish eaters—th e uncivilized and unrequited slaves of a harsh regime. They fill th e n lr with doleful sound, th e collies yelping shrilly, the huskies, unable to bark, rousing the echoes w ith th at w alling ululatlon th n t resem bles the i cry of neith er dog nor wolf, but Is the song of the wolf-dog alone. "M ining history Is being w ritten, and these are th e ch aracters th a t record it, for the Howie claim s, now th e property of the Howie Gold Syn­ dicate, a re th e focus of th e g reatest gold rush C anada has seen In a score of years, am i this desolated commu­ nity assu res Itself th a t It Is to form the nucleus of a g reat cam p.” W hat are th e chances of striking It rich? Is th e field already too crowd­ ed? Mr. B eading Is en thusiastic nhout th e possibilities, b u t It might be well to w ait for positive results before you tak e th e follow ing too se­ riously : “T his will be a stam pede probably unequaled since th e Klondike. It will not assum e Its full projtortlons until the spring break-up clears the way for fu rth er prospecting. Assnys on the properties now being tested have shown ex trao rd in ary values and su r­ prising consistency. On th e main vein, which strik es roughly n ortheast and southw est, you can pick up sam ­ ples bearing free gold, little ¿litterin g specks thnt perm eate the quartz, right across on a width of 20, 40, and even 00 feet. “G reat lakes and rivers make sum­ m er travel easy and rapid. Eor ten miles to the east, and nearly as fa r J west, th e country is staked solid, and th e peculiar thing Is th a t practically all of the claim s have yet to be pros­ pected. “If the anticipations of the mining men here are fulfilled, th ere will be [ fresh discoveries elsew here In spring and fresh belts to be stakisl. In a zone of possible gold-bearing rock nearly ten miles wide and th irty long. At present Interest centers In E ast bay. , the n o rth east arm of the lake, which Is 1C mile« aw ay but In line with the strik e of L om e Howie's lead. "So fa r th e sour dough has had his Innings. A census of Bed Lake's float­ ing population this w inter would have rend like a map of the original P or­ cupine staking, with the nam e of Alex Gillies, who discovered the Hollinger, at the head of the list. Gillies hns been In charge of developm ent work on the Ilowle claims. He is quite un assum ing and cautious In his state m eats, but does not conceal his faith in this new camp. “John Hammcll, chairm an of the Howie Bed Lake Syndicate, nlso sees a big future. He is not lacking In ex­ perience, for he has the development of four or five successful mines to Ids credit, and be declares o utright th at the surface showings nt Bed Lake are the most encouraging he hns ever seen.” T urning to o u r own country, we find the desert w astes of th e Mojave, about 12d miles from Bakersfield, Cal., filled with prospectors for the gold discovered In the K ram er hills. H ere the going Is easier, and m iners nre nrrlvlng In every kind of convey­ ance from flivvers to nlr taxis, which leave on reg u lar schedule from Los Angeles, Sun Francisco, and other coast cities. Buck o f this scram ble Mes a real romance. N early th irty years ago one Austin Burcham , a miner, drilled pow der holes 35 feet Into th e ground n ear the site of th e presen t diggings. Then along came new s of a new gold strike, and B urcham deserted his stak e before setting off the dynamite he hail ready fo r the last step In his long labors. B ecently Edward Iler- kelrnth found B urcham ’s uncompleted work and set off th e blast. When the smoke cleared aw ay he found gold ore la te r estim ated to be w orth $1,000 a ton. Then the rush of the ’20ers began. T he extent of the golden spread down through the gulches and over the low brown desert hills Is yet undeter­ mined, but enough real gold has been found to a ttra c t throngs of treasu re seekers to the field. The town of K ram er, a short tim e ago nothing hut a railw ay siding along the Santa Fc tracks, became overnight a gold-mad town. Old-time prospectors and “greenhorns“ have staked out thplr claim s and are w orking furiously day and night. Everyone who has staked a claim constantly Is on th e lookout for claim- jum pers and high graders, ltevolvers and rifles put In th eir appearance soon a fter the hordes arrived, and old-tim­ ers In the mining game shook their heads dubiously ns the Jumble of be cation notices piled up In the record e r’s office. Gne tra c t of land adjoining the orlg« Inal discovery sh aft of Edward Her- k elrath and his cousin John, original discoverers, nealy 4<«l ucres In extent, which hns been thoroughly staked from end to end. was found to he owned by Mrs. H. S. Kelly of Sari B ernardino. The land was purchased from the sta te m any y ears Hgo. Tt was with no success s t all fh st reached on stilts, th ere will still re­ his m other tried t s dissuade him from main w onderful things to do. The th is notion or Interpret It until she greatest things of all to explore—and heard her neighbor next door calling: develop—are hum an naturea snd hu­ man soula. And maybe we shall have “Oh, Reginald.” more tim e for these greater adventures when we have exhausted all the L ife’» E n d le n A dven tu re» Exploration will never come to an lesser I end, and one need not fear th at ad- Mind» and Education ) venturers will shortly find life very To provide equal educational facili­ 1 dull. Even when Everest has been j conquered, th e source of the Amazon ties for unequal minds Is like provid has been tapped. El Dorado unearthed, tng equal buttonholes for unequal but i the moon visited, and the North pole 1 tons.—Lord Bobert Cecil, I. Tho Lord Appeared to Abraham (vv. 1 8 ). While Abraham sat In Ids tent dour, he lifted up Ills eyes und Io, three men stood by him. His reception of these three men Is a beautiful picture of oriental hospitality. These beings, w hile called men are also called angels (see 19:1). When the men arose to de­ part, Abraham according to custom, accompanied his guests some distance on the way. One of the men was the angel of Jehovah, or Jehovah mani­ fest In human form. The Jehovah angel remained behind to commune with Abraham. T his Is clear from the fact that three started out—one talked with Abraham and only two entered Sodom (see 18:22 and 19:1). II. God's Promise to Abraham Re­ affirmed (vv. 9-15). The I^»rd communed with him about his personal Interests, showing how Sarah should have a son In her old age, according to the covenant prom­ ise. This conversation being over­ heard by Surah from her place In the tent only provoked laughter on her part. Although she thus expressed unbelief, It fleubtlesa was a great com­ fort to Abraham who bad been aw ait­ ing the fulfillment of the promise for years. “Is anything too bard for the Lord?” la a striking rebuke to S arah's unbelief, and shows th at the Lord la able to discern even our Inmost thoughts. III. The Doom of Sodom and Go­ morrah Revealed to Abraham (vv. 10- 21). The Lord now communed with Abrn- bnin about Sodom and Gomorrah. ) Though Abraham bad no personal In­ terest In Sodom, the Lord revealed 1 unto him His secret purpose concern­ ing It. He did not bunt up Lot to m ake known unto him Ids purpose concerning Sodom. He never goes to the persons who are entangled with the things of the world. The only way to know G ods thought touching the age In which we live Is to remain sep arate from It. “The secret of the Lord Is with them thnt fear Hint.” (Ps. 25:15). The reason for this dis­ closure may be stated as follows: 1. Because be was bis friend (Jas. 5:23; John 15:15). Friends confide In each other. The m uster reveals his purposes to bis friends, not to Ids servants. 2. Because he was to be the head of a great nation (v. 18). As such he was to be the medium of blessings to them The Interests of hum anity were at stake In the destruc­ tion of Sodom. It was good that Abra­ ham should know that he might ba able to instruct coming generations. 8. Because of the responsibility of Instructing his own family aright (v. 19). God Is alw ays careful thnt His Judgm ents have a rational explana­ tion, serving to deter others from the sam e sin. The Lord declared that His purpose was to go down atxi see w hether the Sodomites had done ac­ cording to the cry which had come up from It (v. 21). IV. Abraham's Intercaaalon for Sod­ om and Gomorrah (vv. 22-23). The two men departed for Sodom, leaving Abraham alone In the presence of the Lord. He stood there as an In­ tercessor. In this unselfish act A bra­ ham represents our High P riest (Heb. 7:23-28; Bom. 8:34; I John 2:1). Jesus |a»ssesses the divine right to stand be­ fore the F ather. Abraham made his plea on the ground of Justice to the righteous who might be In the city. Because of the infinite sacrifice which C hrist made by His blood for our sins. He can plead our cause before God on the ground of strict Justice. He ven­ tured his plea six times, each time diminishing the number. We should learn from this th a t petitions granted give encouragem ent to ask for others. A braham 's power as an Intercessor was limited. He was afraid of overdraw ­ ing his account with the Lord. This Is not the case with our High Priest. Ills credit nntl Influence with the F a th e r are Infinite. He is able to save unto the utterm ost those who come unto God by Him, seeing He ever llveth to make Intercession tor them (Heb. 7:25L_______________ The Road of Life It Is not designed th at the road should be made too smooth for us here upon e arth .—Ja n e Porter. The Stain of Sin Besides the guilt of aln and the power of sin there is the Ntaln of sin. -—N athaniel Culverwell. To Be Converted A m sn to he converted hsa to give np his will, his ways and bla thought* —I). L Moody. The rookie hud been at the naval training station two weeks und had spent most of th a t tim e In digging ditches, chopping trees, leveling htl- locks and filling depressions. Finally he sought his Im m ediate superior. “You see, sir,” he complained, “when I Joined the navy they said I'd see the world, and here for two weeks I've done nothing but rearran g e It.”—Amer­ ican Legion Weekly. ! j j | I I I G RO U N D S OF DIVORCE Does not a ffe ct th e H e a rt U nless you see the “B ayer Cross” on package or on tab lets you are not getting the genuine B ayer A spirin proved snfe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-five yeurs fot Colds Neuritis Toot lincha Neuralgia Headache Lumbago Bheumatlsm Puin, Pain E ach unbroken “B ayer” packnge cor . tain s proven directions. H andy boxes of tw elve tab lets cost few cents. D rug­ gists ulso sell bottles of 24 and llXX RLACKHEADS cannot be hidden. Get rid of then! now by regular treatment® with “On w hut grounds did she get her divorce?” “Chicago, I believe.’’ A P lea for Inform ation Resinol P A R K E R ’S H A IR B A L S A M Oh c h e m la t, p le a s e I n v e s t ig a t e A nd d rop m e Just a lin e I'd lik e to k n o w w h a t c a r b o n a te ? A n d w h e r e did Io d in e? N ot So K een BamovtMDandruff Stop« llalr Falline Heat or»« Color and B eauty Io C r a y and Faded H a ir Äix* and » I no at Druvrlxta lh»g>« ih r m Wki .T»aJ.»«u«.N T H IN D E R C O R N S EetnoTM Corns. Cal« loiDten, e tc , s to p s a l l pain, on aum s c o m fo r t t o th e F or m onths young Sim pkins had fe e t makcH w alking ea»y. 16o hr m all or a t Drug- been calling on the town belle, hut glais. I lla o o s C haiuloal W orks, P atch ogu e, N. ¥. with no m arked success. STOP TH AT COUGH “I suppose,” he at last suggested desperately, “th a t If we lived In the with Boschee’s Syrup— the old reliable family rem edy th a t hns been In use Stone age I’d hit you over the head with u club und drug you off and 1 for 00 years. Loosens and brings up the phlegm nnd eases the dryness and m arry you.” “You'd have to,” she responded Irritation. At all druggists. 30c und sweetly, “In order to m arry me.”— 90c. If you cannot get It, w rite to American Legion Weekly. G. G. GREEN, INC., Woodbury, N. J. S t MAN Turn A b o u t "B ut we were only 15 m inutes get­ ting here 1” expostulated the passenger. "I don’t give n hang about thnt,” snarled the taxi driver. "T he meter says we’ve come 20 miles. Now you fork over I” "All right,” assented the passenger, ’ paying. "Now get ready to come with [ me for driving 80 miles an hour. I'm a speed cop.”—A m erican Legion Weekly. The M a rtyr “Yes," said the bankrupt, “I lost I my fortune reai'hlng for un Ideal.” ! “How noble! And w hat wns the Ideal?” "A bigger fortune than I had." Goe» W ith th e Job I . KAHN NK K II IIIK R C T I H IO I G u a r a n te e d a b s o lu t e ly fr e e f r o m g r a s s Heeds. L a s s t h n n 10 p o u n d s , 16c p e r p o u n d ; 10 t o 80 p o u n d « , 1 2o p er p o u n d ; 81 t o »9 p o u n d s . lOo p e r p o u n d j 100 to 400 p o u n d s . 9c per p o u n d . C h a r g e s p r e ­ p a id J o h n H llb e r s s c k . Il 2. O r la n d , C a lif. 5 o r o h w n s e o r n . I 'r r lle ld S u m m e r M uni«. P e d a g o g y , High® H in g in g , M u h k -lan alilp . T e a c h e r s W td . U ffa K ills p o r fle ld , 121 M a d iso n A v e .. N. T C ity . I o n ’ t N e g u inflam ed eyelid® or oth er e y e ir r ita tio n s. Y ou w ill find a so o th in g and aaf® rem ed y In M IT C H E LL EY E SA L V E . HALL A RUCKIL N e w Y o r k C ity it all d iu g g ltitg . CARBUNCLES Carboil draws out the core and 8lvrs quick re lie f CARBO IL Clerk—T h at fellow gets a cold j At eeuH All L D iutU stt — back Oust OoN 1*^.««^ to Money h»l«vui tinn ante® shoulder every time he conies In here. c t .- j : - — ■„■ j .1 Grocer—Who does? V ancouver’» Progre»» C lerk—The Ice m an.—Progressive In 1914 only five deep-sea steam ­ Grocer. ship lines were operating out of Van­ couver, while today 54 operate front W H A T M A TTE RS W H O ? the B ritish Columbia port, with 50 per cent of the trad e going by way of tho Panam a canal. 8have W ith Cutlcura 8oap And double your ruzor efficiency ns well as prom ote skin purity, skin com­ fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irrl- tutlon even when shaved tw ice dally. One soap for all uses—shaving, bath­ ing and sham pooing.—A dvertisement. Ye», W h a t? “My brother w as a finished saxo­ phone player.” “Who finished him?” The W ise O rator H e d id n o t s e e k fo r « lo r y W ith I n te lle c tu a l s h o w . H e to ld a fu n n y s to r y A c r o s s th e ra d io . D on’t T ry It Art—What's all the noise down there? D art—Fella turned a corner I “ Well?” “T h ere w asn't any corner."—Penn Punch Bowl. M utual B eggar—T ake pity on a pore nilz- zahle w retch, m ister. I have a wife and seven children. "My poor fellow, accept my con- I doleucea. So have I.” Som etim e» T h ey A d d T w o “A proverb Buys, 'Add naught to the truth.’ ” “ I sus|iecf th a t Is what those movie sta rs do when they are telling w hat salaries they get -»500 becomes $5,000.”—Boston T ranscript. The P rescription D aughter—W hat did the specialist ssy about auntie's frightful a ttack of kleptom ania? Mother— He said she must take things more quietly In the future. Clerk—T his lin t of powder m atches your face perfectly, madam. L ady—Then I don't w ant It. W hat'» the use of pow der If It's the saute color as my fare? New health in Tanlac • 7 t a f f t r td a f t " a a tla g . (r«s$Z «$ Vt/A to rp id Harr, n a itip a tio n , had tin m tr g j, 30 Poaadt. A ftar lo t- tag Taaloc Z mu,/« lot) p a r t a e l Zm> p n v ta rr n l and four kottlri rid m t af my i r t a i t n . " J. K. Owes, to Clarradna A r t.. C tlo m h u . (A T his statem ent merely hacks np whut over one hundred thousand gratefu l users have said about Tanlac. O ur files a re par ked with such testim ony. If your system Is run down. If you can't seem to e a t or sleep, haTo lost w eight or suffer from trying pain, why not let T anlac s ta rt you back to vigorous stren g th and health. No long, w retched w ait to get re­ sults 1 T anlnc s ta rts right In to build you up. It cleans the blood, revitalizes digestive organs, fixes up th e liver and m akes yon feel like a new person. For constipation take T anlnc Vegetable Pills. AZ. N. U., San Francisco, No. 1S--I92«.