f f f fff. ff A g r c u 11 u r e H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k Sou. Pac. Institutes New Service A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County Halsey Happenings and County Events --fj D a ir y P o u ltry W oo 1 Return From Motor Trip Halsey Girl inllosp.tal Happenings in Halsey Girl Completes Course The Southern Pacific have insti Bessie Reynolds 13, daughter of ’ P l l h l i r S c h n n U Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Evans of luted a new service that will be of r U D I I C DChOOlS the Lake Creek district and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Grant Reynolds was 1 Misa Iona Verle Albertson, ol particular interest to shippers of Evan’s mother, Mrs. J. W. Hollo­ Halsey, was the only Linn county Mrs. J. J. Corcoran spent Sun­ removed from the family home in] 'Enterprise oarrMpondenre) stcrk and other car load commod­ way, and Paul Jenson of Harris Habey to Albany Friday, where Miss Delma Falk visited the student to complete the course in ities. They start a manifest out day with her daughter Willmina of Eugene daily at six o’clock in at the hospital in Salem Sunday. burg returned Monday from a mot­ • he underwent an operation for' fourth, fifth end sixth grade room the correspondence department of or trip that extended to many the removal of the appendix. At l#8t Thursday and Gardie Miller the University of Oregon extension the afternoon, reaching Halsey Mrs. W. H- MoMahan is making points of interest in Southern Ore­ this time she is improving slowly, ’ visited the primary room Fridav. division, this term. about 7:30, which picks up car an extended stay with relatives gon. They were as far south on but unless complications develop] Students who are taking Bible Sixty-six persons in various parte loads enroute to Portland, deliver, and friends in Corvallis. the Roosevelt highway as Bandon • he will be able to return to her , tudy had . Ute examinations Fri- of the stats finished work thia ing to connecting lines or placing month. Mr. and Mrs. C. VV. Harvey and Port Orford. They were ab­ home and friends soon. on team track as the case may be, day. sent from their home for about ten The purpose of thia work is to entertained several friends and at about 3:30 in the morning. The biological collections of the link the learning of the Uoiversity days, and report a most enjoyable Crop Prospects Improved relatives at their home on Sunday, Thu insures livestock reaching the biology class still increase. The closely to the life of the state in time, and of meeting numerous yards in time for the opening mar including, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. |latest addition is a bat. (Not a terms of practical service, making friends and relatives. HarTey, Mr«. Hervey’s mother, The wonderful crop prospects bft#e baIl bat either ) ket. the knowledge of the institution Mrs. Ella Stocker and her grand prevailing all spring in Linn I available to men and women county had begun to deteriorate! ®anie* Wesley who has been daughter, Mies Violet Stocker, all guests, enjoyed a very pleasant Parent-Teacher’s Meeting of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. business and social meeting at tbs due to insufficient moisture but the , 'lav’n^ *n rncounter with the throughout Oregon for the eco­ home of Mrs. B. M. Bond Mouday rains of last week have restored • "hooping cough for some time was nomic betterment, the intellectual A regular meeting of the Par­ Lester Dodd of Irish Bend. back at school Tuesday. stimulation and the spiritual en­ ent Teacher’s Association will be Mr. and Mrs, O, J. Hike were evening, At the close of the meet­ he original fine condition While crops had apparently not ing the guests enjoyed a repast of Mefdames C. P. Moody, Herman richment of their lives, it was au. held Friday evening. attending to business in the county nonneed. suffered much from the unusually strawberries, cream and cookie«. Steinke and Effie Haverland were An election of officers for the seat Monday. Miss Albertson was registered in We are inclined to believe the so- high temperature during April, visitors in various rooms Tuesday. coming year will he held. E. A. Starnes prominent citizen school administration and super, The social committee has an in­ of near Shedd was transacting eial hour crowded out the business. and the deficient rainfall of holh The seniors have decided on vision. March and April, they were get teresting number. All members business in Halsey Monday. The W. F. M S. met at the ting dangerously uear the point of Thureday, June 3rd for their class urged to attend. night festivities. Mrs. Wm. H Wheeler spent home of Mesdames David and A. injury. The recent rainfall has Macpherson in Halsey Lorena D. Kizer, Sec. W- Foote Friday aflerueen with Gilbert Hayes w s showered with several days in Eugene the past been quite as much as was needed letters by big school mates Tuesday week under the care of her physi­ fourteen members present besides for the time being, at least. Hector Macphersou aspirant for Freerksen Pleases cian. She expects to return there the hostess’. Mrs. A. J. Hill was This season is considered to be and also given a potted plant to iho nomination of Representativa a guest of the society. The lesson two to four weeks earlier than us­ show their sympathy in bis time F. H. Freerksen of Halsey, our soon and go through the ordeal of on the Republican ticket waa in was ommitted and Mrs. S. J. Smith very popular and efficient deputy having the tonsils removed. ual. Spring field crops were plant­ of illness. Halsey a few days ago looking and other members gave interfil­ ed early, and have made a rapid assessor for southern Linn county, Little Kenneth Worklnger will after his political interest*. Mrs. Beseie Brooks who has ing extracts from missionary growth. Fruit bloom was nearly is busy this week finding out just Mr. MHCpherson lives on his farm not be able to return to school on spent the past winter in Halsey, magazines, A dollar offering from a month early, and other small what our people own and what account of illness. The doctor has in the Oakville district. For 15 each member was paid at the meet­ fruits appear to be correspondingly they do not own in the way of has gone to Albany to reside. years he bas been the bead of farm ordered a complete rest for him. ing. airly. property. Miss Dorothy Corcoran was the Janitor Forster was exhibiting a marketing and rural organization Mr. Freerksen has earned the dinner guest of her friend Erneat- Mr. and Mrs. O. W- Frum and curious specimen of tree root work at O. A. C. S«e his ad, in ­ reptytatation of being very fair with ine Coleman Sunday. daughter Vivian were the guests of Carter for Governor at school Monday which was pick- cluding platform on another page everybody in his assessment work Mrs. Frum’s sister, M 's. J. H. ud up on the banks of tbe Santiam of thia issue. Mr. Karl Bramwell returned Stands for reduction of taxes on river. It had curiously grown and gnd shows no partiality—the prop­ from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Thompson of Albany Sunday. real property. Reduction of auto er system to follow.—Harrisburg Frank Maxwell at Drain, Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams license fees. Legislation in aid ol twisted itself in among the rocks, Brownsville Native Passes Bulletin. day. tormsr residents of Halsey, and marketing Oregon products. In­ some of which were still embedded The remains of Joe Rice, former­ in the wood. Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Foote of Mrs. S. E. Young of Albany were dustrial and agricultuial develop­ ly a resident of Brownsville, but The annual Linn and Benton Baso ball games are scheduled pleasant Halsey visitors Tuesday. ment of Oregon. Euforcememt of county Jersey Jubilee will be held Cresswell were visitors at the home between Halsey High and Browns­ late of Virginia City, Nevada ar­ of David and A. W- Foote Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. J Smith were all laws; fewer laws. Direct pri­ ville Friday, and between Halsey rived in Halsey, Sunday and was this year on May 19, at the Linn and also callers at the home of Albany visitors Tuesday. mary aud other progressive meas­ an I Harrisburg Saturday. county fair grounds. removed to the Starr undertaking Miss Ruby Schroll. ures. Free textbooks for our pub. rarlors in Brownaville. C. II. Koontz was a business Miss Bessie Reynolds wa* given Aviator Flies to Poie and Back lie schools. More buaines-like ad­ Mrs. Irma Shotwell spent the Mr. Rica was a son of Mr. and visitor in Portland several days a letter shower by her fellow stud­ ministration of all stale institu­ week end in Portland with her hus­ Mrs. Fred Rice, and is survived by this week. Rufe Bamford filled in tions. Wise use of parole power. ents in the 7th and 8th grades father and mother, a aister Pearl, New York.—Lleutenant-Commandor band wbo is a senior medical stud­ the vacancy as e’erk during his ah. Not affiliated with any ring, clique Friday to help pass tbe tedion* ind a younger aiater, an 1 by other Richard B. Byrd, United States navy ent theie. sence. hours of her stay in the hospital. relatives. or class. Opposed to boss-ridden aviator, flew over the north pole Tues­ Leila Gansle Is suffering from Keith Haysi has returned to day, the New York Times and the conventions. Mrs. 0. W. Frum and daughter school after a weeks absence and St Louis Post-Dispatch announced. badly sprained arm. The same Vivian were visiting Mrs. Wesley O n Election Day Commander Byrd, first to accomplish one that was broken last winter Mia* Eunice Sylvester has also re­ Holloway at Brownsville Saturday. Hogs are Scarce this feat, made the flight in 15 hours turned aftor a spell of illness. Miss Ruby Schroll returned from and 30 minutes. Mrs. Douglas Taylor visited her The Ladies of the Christ­ a ten day stay at Rex Sunday. The seventh and eighth graders Hogs are a scare article. This The entire pupulation of Kings Bay sister Miss Anna Drinkard at ian church will serve turned out to welcome the American’s Her sister and brotber-in-law, Mr. Eugene Wednesday. »entenoe does not include the vari­ «njoy.d (?) exams Thursday and chicken dinner at the return. Captain Amundsen, Lincoln and Mrs. J. H. Sturgis came with ety sometimes met on the high­ Friday. Ellsworth and the crew of their air her and returned home J^onday B M- Bond and L- 0. Jay lor ways and roads, but refers to the Highway Inn. •hip Norge on which they plan to attended the bankers meeting at breeds suitable for pork chops and Dr. an i Mrs. Marks were in Al- Mr. and Robert Ramsey make a similar flight, greeted Com­ COME AND EAT Salem Tuesday. Mrs. Bond ac­ sausages. bany Tn*e lay. mander Byrd upon his descent. went to Lacomb last week to join companied them. Many inquiries for pigs, and Lieutenant-Commander Byrd was the band of strawberry pickers able to know that he had accomplished there. Mr. and Mr*. Wesley Holloway brood sows are being made but the the feat by making observations of of Brown°ville visited the latter’s supply is said to be unequal to the the sun's position. Using a new sex­ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey, parent*, Mr. and Mr*. O w . Frum ocoasion. Six week-old pig* de- tant carrying an artificial horizon, Mary Smith, Gladys Willhanks Bunday evening. maud an increase iu prioe of f 1 to ( ' intnander Byrd was able to locate aod Steve Smith attended the cabi­ 12 per head. Tbe decrease in the the pole within 20 miles. Mrs. George Hayes has been a Uleutenant-Commander Byrd, by net meeting of Linn county En­ passenger to Albany each day dur- number of brood sows being kept flying over the north pole, 33 days af­ deavor societies at Albany Sunday ing the illness of her son Gilbert in during the past few years of low ter his expedition had set sail from afternoon. prices is responsible for tbe short­ the hospital there. New tork, was the first member of age. Mrs. Austin Bond left Tuesdsy any of the nine expeditions striving Mrt. Irma Shotwell was the din­ this year to reach the pole or to ex­ for a months visit with relatives in ner guest of Mr*. Inez Freeland plore arctic regions, to achieve his California. Geo. Scott of Harrisburg waa a Coal. and her daughter, Mrs. Omar Halsey caller last Thursday, bring­ Dinner guests at the home of teitman Wednesday. ing bis truck here for repair*. Mrs. Elisa Brandon Sunday were, S. H Armstrong and family and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller aDd Mr*. Wahl drove to Oakland, Ore­ Church of Christ daughter Gardie and M>ea Beulah gon, Sunday and spent the day Miller. with the a . C. Armstrong family Sunday School 10. Hermau Steinke and family Preaching 11. Mrs. C. P. Stafford left Tuesday drove to Lacomb Sunday. Christian Endeavor 7. for a two weeks stay in Portland The Wonderful New Preaching 8. Mr. and Mrs. Clara Miller and and Oregon City. Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. son Gilbert and Ellsworth Gardner Remedy—That You J. W. Rector is employed at the drove to Lebsnon SUQday for a horns of W. R. Kirk southeast of Read About in all brief visit at the Tom Bennett \ jalsey, where he is constructing a Pine Grove Churoh home. Dutch kitchen. Mr. Kirk is in­ Sunday school 10 a. m the Papers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lseper stalling a water tower aod will Preaching, 11 a. m Rev. Gil- moved to Halsey last week and are have the bouse plumbed, the inter- lispie. G et It A t occupying the property owned by or is to be papered and painted. Prayer meeting Thuraday8p m your neighborhood Mr . Nellis Taylor south of the M. Miss Gertrude Porter of Port­ S TD R E E. church. land spent Friday in Halsey with M . E. Church The Standard Bearer girls re- Mr*. C. P. Stafford. She return Robert Parker pastor. Halsey Sunday school, 10. , membered Miss Bessie Reynolds ed to Portland Sunday evening Preaching, 11. Pharmacy with a post card shower W«dnes- after visiting relatives in Sbedd Junior League, 2:30, lay aud also sent a bugs boquet of F. BUFORD MORRIS T. A Hover has purchased tbe Epworth league, 7. cut flowsrs. OONTZl Preaching, 8. pool ball at Monroe and has taken Halsey, Oregon l’raver-mceting, Thursday, 8. °Ppn Wed. and Sat. eve till 9 GOOD i The Standard Baarer Society charge. Mrs. Hover will remain Bible Stnly Tuesday, 2. GOODS’ with the young mtu of tha class as in Halsey lor tbe preaeut. ff o / e p r o o f ffo s ie r u to m a te n enera costum e, in th e season s s m a r te s t colors, $1.50 fo r m en, in p /a in fa n c y eo/ors, 35 to 75c an