«e». J»- - FACE 8 KUKAL ENTERPRISE You’ll Answer the Far Cry With Cheers!! It ealls to your heart, anil you’ll •peak from the heart when you •ay M arveloue.” “The Far Cry” R. W. Tripp, prominent business man of Albany was in Halney Wednesday evening. M AY i, Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) Mr. Reynolds spent several days in Albany on business recently. Carl Isom is now the fond pos lessor of a collie pup which he se- cured recently. Warren Isom and family, visit' ed at the home of Flovd Wade of Peoria Saturday. with BLANCHE SWEET JACK MULHALL Hobart Bosworth Myrtle Steadman J. W. Clark, on the farm just outside the southern city limits of Brownsville to which he moyed from Halsey a month or so ago, has a big brooder full of baby White Leghorns. When Mr. Clerk returned home from the war be took a thorough course in dairy­ ing and poultry at O. A. C. A lford A rro w s Mr. and Mrs. F. Buford Morris, Chas. Stralsy and family, Mrs. Mrs. Clayton Smith is in the C. P. Stafford and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene hospital, where she under­ J. W. Driukard were among the went an operation. people who were seen on the Cala. Harry Leeper who has been sick pooia Sunday. In a Eugene hospital ia reported as Dan McLaughlin and wife of beiog improved. Salem are spending a few days at Mrs. W . VV. Bass enjoyed a visit, tbe home of Mrs. McLaughlin' from her daughter, Mre. Paul A s h - 1 H a t t i e Davis. tm of Riverside, Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Green who has Miss Beulah Miller went to Salem been visiting her parents, Mr. and Saturday, where she was a guest | Mrs. M. E. Gardner for several a ’ the Bishop home. weeks left Sunday for her horns in work-18»“ Pedro, California. Mr. Corcoran has been ing at the Peoria cemetery, doing| Mr. a°d Mrs. E. Penland, and cement work the past week, Mr. and Mrs. George Starr motor J. F. Schedtler of Jefferson was ed to Newport Saturday and spent attending to businesi in Ilalsey, the day with Mr. Starr's mother. Monday. P o iso n (By an Enterprise Reporter) W P. Wahl and Henry Zim­ merman were business visitors in Eugene Monday. The berry growers of the Lacoipb | community Tuesday evening over the radio sent a call for 1000 berry pickers. The greatest demand for pickers ever placed by one com­ munity. Mrs. Joe Cersovski and daugh­ ter Anna Theresa came homo from Portland Tuesday of last week but a message came that evening that Mrs. Cersovski’« mother was much were, so they returned to Portland ! Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mis. Frank Kropf and Mrs. Hostettler drove to Portland Wednesday of last week taking Mrs. Cersovski and daughter with them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bond and sons, Melvin and Lloyd spent Sun day at E. D. Isom’s. Ruth Kropf spent Tuesday night of last week with her teacher Mrs. E. D. Isom and Elsie Kropf spent Monday night of this week. Chester Curtis and family visit­ ed at Charles Tandy’s Sunday. Mr. aod Mrs. Frank Kropf and sous, made a trip to Clackamas Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Workinger and children were Sunday after­ noon callers at E. D. Isom’s. Mrs. Wallace Hawk and Mrs. Clover of Springfield spent several days at the home of their sister, Mrs. Lee Ingram last week. On Thursday they all three attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Chris Hardesty at Canby. Miss Lillie Rickard spent the week-end at home. On Sunday her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rickard and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rick­ ard took her to her school io Ben­ ton county and attended church at Monroe. Lee Ingram and family spent Sun­ day evening at A. E. Whjtbeck’s. E. D. Isom made a business trip to the county seat Friday. (X / TO RRANCE econditioning Shop R «5C aybestoe Hi-speed D rake f emec/u S E R V IC E S T A T IO N A sure relief for the worst case of Poison Oak. Guaranteed. 212 East First st., Albany Phone 379 EPSO M S A L T S 3 l b s for Z d c Portland-Brownsville » Truck Harrisburg * Line TRY VOLR NEIGHBORHOOD DRl’Q STORE FIRST Leave Portland at 5 p. m. Satur­ day, Tuesday and Thursday. Leave Harrisburg at 2:30 p. m. Monday, Wednesday A Friday.” Phone Portland 8228 Halsey depot, Swift dk Co. - E veryth in jf in Drugs — W fc H alsey P h a rm a c y F. BUFORD MORRIS Portland, care Auto Freight Ter­ minus. Halsey, Oregon HARO LD L U N D Q U IS T Will surely appreciate your patronage 1923 Chevrolet Touring 1926 Dodge Sedan Olds Coach, 1925 2 Ford Coupes Jewett Touring, 1926 1 Ford Truck, 1 ton Overland Touring Halsey R ailroad Tim e North 8outh 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. 16, 5:15 a. m. 15, 12;45 p. m. 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. in. flag 34, 4:08 p. tn. 31, 1:34 p. in, flag Noe. 14 and 16 atop to let off passengers from south of Eugene. Na_31, direct connnctien for Marahfield points. Passenger« fer s>uth of Eugene should take train No. 17. Halsey-brownsville stage leaves Hal­ sey at 7 a. ni and 12:15 and 8:15 p. m. Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. in. and 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. 32, H ig h w a y G a ra g e Retolutioni of Condolence Wm. H. Wheeler attended to First and Baker * Albany, Ore. business in the county seat Tues In Memory of our departed bro H O W A R D SR 1G LEY day. ther, W. J. Ribelin. “Rome De Luxe*9 Whereas, Again that unwelcome Turn to page 5 and read the Ser­ Sleep Sold Here vice Motor Company’s ad if you yet relentless visitor, death, hath Outgoing M a il are interested in the purchase entered the portals of our lodge W hat a glorious feeling’ room and summoned a dear broth­ j of a Ford car. it is to escape from th e At the Halsey postoffice mails A professor in the college er to the beautiful home beyond. deadening effects of a Mrs. J. A. Hill and daughter His zealous work in the interests ^school of journalism writes: elose going north at 11:50 a. m. s a g g in g b e d s p r i n g . * The citizens of Halsey have and 5:20 p. m. Mrs. Ben Holt were Albany visit­ of our beloved order, and hia life Going south, 11:10 a. m. and reason to feel pride in their com­ When you sleep with ors Saturday. 5:20 p. m. laden with gentleness and kind­ munity paper and I trust it may your spine straight— To Brownsville, 0:20 a. m. and thrive and become increasingly Mrs. C. S. Dean has returned ness, has won for him the plaudit when you eliminate the 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ able to give them the service that from her home at Marshfield and of the good Master, and will cause p re ssu re on d e lic a te will help them in their work of ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Holley and Sweet Home. is helping her daughter, Mrs. Staf­ bis name to be cherished io the nerves— when the whole upbuilding the district.” affectionate memory of our lodge. ford, ia the telephone office. system clears itself o f Are you giving loyal support to Therefore be it Resolved, That Paid-for Paragraphs f a tig u e p o iso n s a n d your home paper? Prospects are brighter for a Purity Rebekah Lodge, No. 130, in every muscle and nerve heavy fruit yield this year in the testimony of its loss, and to ex­ (5c a line) H a ls e y feels re fre sh ed —th e n Willamette valley than baa been press its Rebekah love, be diaped Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle o u ’ll a p p re c ia te th e known for years. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sturgis of at the Enterprise office. in mourning for 30 days, and that enefits which we offer, Mr. Lockheed of Ontario, Ore­ we tender to the family of our de* Rex came Tuesday of last week you in Rome Quality I 8 pages w eekly gon is here on a ten day visit with |ceased brother our sincere condol- from Rex and next day took Mrs. Attention is called bv the Sand­ De Luxe, T he Hed- his daughter aod son-in-law, Mr. |ence, urgis' siBter, Ruby Schroli, home blast for Senator club, 420 Railway springLuxurious. There Exchange building, Portland, Or­ with them for a visit of a week. and Mrs. Brad Moss. Addie E. Moody 1 isonlyonegenuineRome year f o r ^ d o l l a r egon, to his platform, which is Sadie A. Gsnsle , Com. De L u x e—let us show Chas. Kavser while passing published oa page 8 of the voters’ Mae A. Miller \ it to you. All sizes car­ Stops when time expires. pamphlet by the secretary of state. through Halsey Wednesday made ried in stock. For wood Chief plauk is ’’MODIFICATION a call on his aunt, Mrs. Wm. H. For Women Who Follow Styles Send in names of friends who OF THE VOLSTEAD A C T - o r m etal beds. Wheeler. do not take the paper. Be sure REFERENDUM OK PROHIBI­ Have you decided what you are and give postoffices and rural TION LAWS.” His slogan is: The littie daughter of C. 8. going to wear this spring and sum­ “ Wineand beer under government routes correctly. Morse has been quite Seriously ill mer? Do you know what the B enton Y ellow D e n t control. No saloons.” the past week. Dr. Clark of style trend is? And if you are Twenty.five weeks is long enough G o ld e n G lo w Harrisburg was in attendance. time in wbict. to get acquainted. Piano Must be Sold not too sure, would you like to A week or two is not. Therefore Will sacrifice high-grade used Gilbert Hayes was taken to the get some reliable information ? P rid e of th e N orth we offer the Enterprise 25 weeks piano in storage near Halsey for ospitsl st Albany Thursday where Then turn to another page of for 25 cents to any person within immediate sale. Will give easy Best for the V a lle y t was necessary to tap his lungs this issue and look over Julia Bot- fifteen miles of Halsey who is not terms to an established home, For THE BEDSPR1NO LUXURIOUS bee itise of an accumulation ol tomieys’s Woman’s Fashion de­ full particulars and where it may acquainted with it. fluid. partment. Here you will find be seen address Portland Music N oce: some of the most charming sug­ S elected S eed - C a re ­ A friend of the Enterprise Co., 227 6th st.,Portland, Ore. ii I» l u l l o a ly b* Tb« H u b , Con*. The Women’s Foreign Missionery W*nv. W « « I t lk> ■«nulno and rw> gestion! you can imagine for spring and of Halsey offers to stand MMMad U I « bw ld dul ( lo p . fully C lean ed and FOR SALE Society is scheduled to meet at the the cost of fifty such subscriptions. attire. Dresses, bats, hosiery and House and four, lots, Halsoy. home of Mrs. Arthur Foote, Fri­ Send in names and addresses of T e ste d accessories described or depicted friends within 15 miles of Halsey $500 assessed valuation of the prop­ day. Mrs. B. M. Miller will lead by one who lias seen and worked who do not know the Enterprise. erty. ida M. Cummings, Albany, the meeting. H A LSEY with the latest popular modes. If we receive the names before the Oregon. Mrs. C. H- Koontz was in Salem I list is filled your friends will get Julia Bottom ley is a fashion au­ ithe paper Saturday, where she visited hei thority. She gets her information A l r a mv , 0« t STORE daughter, Alberta, and attended direct from the largeat centers in 2 5 w eeks F R E E part of the May Day festivities at Palis, New York and Chicago, aod the Willamette University. visits these places several times First-class W o rk The proceeds of the cooked food year in search of the newest tilings. J- W. S T E P H E N S O N . sale conducted by the members ol Anything she describes can bs de­ tlie Eastern Star at the Koontz pended upon to be smart. Turn to her deparment today. TUSSING & TUSSING •tore Saturday were given to the And remember, anything she i«lls Mesouic home for children. LAWYERS Cars abont, particularly materials, can Halssy and Brownsville Mrs. Irma Shotwell spent the be obtained in Halsey from mar Good trades allowed week-end at her borne in Salem, chants who advertise in the Enter­ Oregon where she attended some of the prise. May Day festivities at Willamette university. HOUSE TABLES RAIL BILL P . P A P M A N Prop, Mrs. Uaneels accompanied by Plan W ould Havs Holped Oregon Laundrv sent Tuesdays her daughter Leisla visited her T ru n k Railway Project 'gency Hub Cleaning Works —SAVES FUEL parent! in Oregon City Saturdxy Washington, D. C.—A proposed tnd Sunday. — LASTS LONGER amendment to the Interstate rem i Your Home Paper Rural Enterprise X Field Corn Hill & Co. p7? BARBER SHOP HALSEY .... . GARAGE in HUDSON & ESSEX Two Cars for Sale or Trade Wrecking Shop c~.£,o. Parts SLiv; — Mrs. Starr of Brownsville and Miss Beulah Miller spent Saturday and Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop of Salem. They BARTCHER f u r n ; t t v r e com PA NY attended tbs pinassr pienio at Cbampoeg Saturday. — LOOKS BETTER —PRICED RIGHT ALBANY Mrs. Georgs Hayes removed her sou Gilbert from the family boms here, to Albany, the later part of tbs week for medical treat­ ment. Gilbert has been suffering from eompliettions of plurisy and whooping cough. He is reported J »» in proving nicely. mere« act which would have permit­ ted the Oregon Trunk railway to build an extension southward Into Klamath Tails from Rend without procuring any certificate from the Interetate com merce commission has been blocked for this session of congress In the house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce, where It was in­ definitely tabled after the senate had passed It without a dissenting vote. The house committee voted to post­ pone any action on the amendment for the remainder of this session after a number of railroads bad made ati uoua objection against any change In t^e existing law. We want your Complete i.n.of A Modem Barber Shop A B E S PLACE DELBERT STARR Funeral Directgr and Licensed Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon Albers Brothers and Brewster’s C H IC K E N F E E D Fleece Twine and Wool Sacks T. J. Skirvin Seed (o W . L- W R I G H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR H trriiburg, Ore. >