J *piie Courtesy Shop > a n y ¿ /^ ree tory Tin» is good advice; “ II you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." Butin these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger towri. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with cuurtesy an I fairness. Albany Flora! Co. Cut flowers and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-J. D u y ®ls>J ollie bulbs now. -*-* 50 an d .7 5 c per dozen. A llo w fo r postage H a ll's F lo ra l and M usic Shop. W estside greenhouse products. PBM K A L charging. T IK E S H O P Tire Vulcaniztug- Battery re­ 221 W. Second. Ed Falls, Prop. C ’astburn Uros. — 1 wo big grocery stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. Lpltte Cafeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . AND SERViCE F 'DKD SALE* Tires and accessories EYESTRAIN brings on • train of ills, such as headache and deranged digestion. You s«e things indistinctly and yonr eyes soon begin to tire, smart and ache Nature is sending a warning signs you should not disregard. You should go at once to your optome tri«t and have your eyes examined Olympia, Wash.—Several resolutions urging a number of legislative changes as regards existing school laws of the state and nation were adopted after discussion here by the 39 county school superintendents of the state, after being in session for three days. Among one of the changes urged was one resolution favoring the enact­ ment of a federal law providing for a department of education with a sec­ retary of education to be included In the president’s cabinet. Another resolution adopted would eliminate the present statute prohib­ iting graduates from the state normal schools from teaching grade school classes, and being restricted to serv­ ice in high schools. It was pointed out that the graduates from similar schools in other states were unre­ strained In being permitted to come to J e w e le r s , the Washington grade schools Among a score of resolutions of var­ Optometrists and Manufacturing ious kinds, the delegates adopted one Opticians recommending that senate bill No. 16« ALBANY OREGON of the recent special session be enact­ ed so as to provide for a countrywide uniform adoption of textbooks, and that a fund for this purpose be raised by state taxation. Meade & Albro Albany Creamery Association Repairs L IN N Lportmiller Furniture Co., furni- V C LLER GROCERY, 235 Lyon (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2t>3R BRIbh GtNtRAL NEWS Manufacturers of K irk -P oliak M otor C o . * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-43.1 west First street, Albany, Oregon. BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A Farmers’ Co-operative Creamery "Ma” Sunday Goes to Hospital Staunton, Va.—Suffering a recur UOLM AN & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery ence of a stomach trouble of long luration. "Ma" Sunday, wife of the Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice evangelist, left Staunton for the Mayo M P E RIA L CAFE, 209 W. hirst brothers' hospital at Rochester, Minn., where the will undergo an examina­ Harold G. Murphy Prop. tion. Phone 665 I W e never close British Submarine Plans Stolen London—Plans and photographs of • man ’’ Stock Co. Insurance at mutual rates. Farm property, automo­ the latest secret submarine devices biles, trucks. Cusick bldg, (upstairs, ire believed to have been stolen from Portsmouth dock yard. L STUART, "the inturaucr M AONE1O ELECTRIC CO P H IL C O B A T T E R IE S w ith th e fam ous U ia iu o n d -G n tl plates Priced to s u it th e consum er. 423 W F irst TVJen and money are best when -k’* busy. XIake your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tate B ank . Under government supervision JVfARlNELLO PARLORS (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop. Winifred Rose DOSCOE AMES HARDWARE The Winchester Store GTIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton's stor.-. “ Sudden Service.” rPo make rocín for our spring stock, will sell organs at almost your own prices. We must have more room. Davenport Music Horn YValdu Anderson A Son. distrib- " utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai uiers, Essex, Hudson 5t Hupraobile cars. Accessories, a pubes. 1st & Broadalbin When in Seed of an Outside P R IM ER, See FRANK TAYLOR & SON Albany, Oregon Willard SerV1Sti W eea n d t 1n“ ake8 W i l l a r d s Under new rnanagetnen L. M. T«ylor, Prop. 121 W. Second, Albany, REFEREE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that pursuant o an order of sale made and entered in he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon or the County of Linn, Dept. No. 2 on the 30th Day of April, 1926 in that cer tain suit therein No. 13618 wherein John Ittman, Emma Ottnian his wife, Elida darnes unmarried, Carrie L. Beadle, W E. Besdle her husband, Flora Page un uarried, Frank T. Ottman, Millie R Ittman his wife, Louis B. Ottman un married, Deltia V, Ottman unmarried, Louise Bartlett unmarried, Grace Bur tick. A. W. Burdick her husband, and Charles W. Mellen and Minnie W. Mel en liis wife were plaintiffs and Lalu fen Eyck, Harvey Ten Eyck her hus aand, and Carrie Mills unmarried were lefendants and appointing and direct ing the undersigned as sole referee to ‘«11 the real property hereinafter de scribed, I, the undersigued referee will, on Saturday, the 5th uay of June, 192c it the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said lav, at the front door ot the courthouse if Lina County, Oregon at Albany, Ore {on offer and sell at pnblic auction tc he highest bidder for cash in hand, mbject to confirmation of said court all the following real oroperty, towit:— All of Block 19 ef S. W. & S. S Hayes' Addition to the Town of Halsey in Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published May 5th. 1926. FRANK RICHARD, Sole Referee. fussing & Tutting. Attys. for Plffs. Hewitt & Sox, Attys. for Defta. NOTICE If you enjoy a good meal, of Appointment of Administratrix. and know a good meal when you get it, I Notice is hereby given that the un You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. I 'ersigned by an order of the County Our aim is to please vou. Court of Linn County, Oregon ha> been appointed administratrix of the -state of C. P. Stafford, deceased. Al persona having claims against said ALBANY -state are required to present them within six months from the date of thu G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T II tice. with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at her residence in Halsey n Lina County Oregon Dated and first published thia 21st lay of April, 1 **26. Franklyn D. Stafford. at lowest rate of interest . Administratrix Aforesaid, Real Estate Insurance fussing A Tatting, Attys. for Admx Prompt service. Courteous treatment NOTICE W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank of Hearing of Final Account bnilning, Albany Notice is heresy given that the fins' account of E. D. Isom at administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of David I. Isom, de ceased, has been filed in th< Why suffer from headache? County Court of Linn County, State of Oregon, and that the 24th Have your eyes examined ¡day of Mar. 1926. at the hout of 1« Jo clock A M , has been duly appointe ’ I by said Court for the hearing of objec- I liens to said final account and th> I «ettlement thereof, nt which time sn, with PARAG O N CA FE FA RM LOANS Dr. Seth T. French F. M. Frencn & Son; Jewe'ers Optometrists, Albany SCHOOL HEADS URGE CHANGES IN LAWS Ready-to-wear and Millinery Mr*, c. L. box 117 Broadalbin st., Albany I ,,-s n interested io said estate n u - I ; pear and file o b je ctio n s th e re to I d I .»ritingLand contest the 4»Ae- E D. Item, ■ Administrator Ac, Aforesaid ' ' «■ g A- luaaieg, Attys for Admr of ihe U N I T E D STATES Mr and Mrs. Fred Keen were Tuesday evening callers at the L R. Falk home, Mrs. F. W. Falk and daughtei visited at R E. Bierly’s Friday afternoon —Southern Pacific*» new t n w l bargain LowFares Back East Mr. and Mrs. J, f\ Templeton i ealled at H. J. Falk's Friday • ven i“K. Delma Falk spent Wednes day at G. J. Rike’e and C. L Fa'k’s Sr. E ffe c tiv e M a y 22 J. P. Templeton is preparing to build a new barn. Cecil Bilyeu drove the tractor for Marion Carey Thursday. The E. E. Cary ohildren are quite ill with the whooping cough Henry Seefeld called et F. W Falk’s Sundiy. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Falk and son Howard and Albert West were Albany callers Saturday. Roundtrip summer excursion fares effective all summer; return limit October 31. Take advantage of these substantial reductions in fares to eastern places. Do and see more this summer than ever before. See California on your way. Know the w hole Pacific Coast. Itcosts so very little more. Have the Southern Pacific agent help you plan your trip. Thus get the most for your travel expenditure. Pine Grove Points Spokane. Hogs—Good, 113 75013 85 Cattle—Prime steers, »7.5008 25. PAGE 5 CIRCLE TOUR (By an Enterprise Reporter) evening with Edna and Roberta Portland Wheat—Big Bend blueslem. «1.45; hard white. »1 44; soft white and west­ ern white, «1.48; hard winter. »142; northern spring. »1.42)4; western red' »1.40. Hay—Alfalfa, »18.6001» ton; valley timothy, »190 19 50; eastern Oregon timothy. »21.50 0 22. Butterfat—41c shippers' track. Egg»—Ranch, 23026c. Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 2734c; loaf, 28He per lb Cattle—Steers, good, »7.8508 65 Hogs — Medium to choice, »12® 14.25. Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice »11012 Seattle. Wheat—Soft white, «1.62; western white, »1.51; hard winter, northern spring. »14«; western red, «1.46; big bend bluestem, »1.49. Hay—Alfalfa, »2« timothy. «23; timothy P. S„ »20; do. mixed. «2«. Butter—Creamery, 39041c. Eggs—Ranch. 26031c. Hogs -Prime, »13 85014.10 Cattle—Prime steers. »8 0 8.60. Cheese—Oragoa triplets, 24c; W e l l i ­ ngton triplets. 22028c. r u r a l ENTERPRISE Ail aboMt Kirk KinkT Mil Limiting Sugar Output Passed VaoNice. Havana.—The drastic bill to limit he production of Cuban sugar was lassed by the senate. The senate ap- iroved the measure, 14 to 6. Planters n only two provinces of Cuba are ac (By Special Correspondent) ively opposing the bill. When Presl Mies Edna Laubner of Albany lent Machado signs the bill, Cuban planters hereafter will be limited to sp.Bl the wstk with Mrs. L. E. producing only 90 per cent of the estl- Cagey. nated sugar crop for this year Misses Agnes and Edith Pugh Card in Mail 14 Years Ellensburg. Wash —Mrs. Mollie R Dixon, Kittitas county trasurer, re- :eived a card from a friend that was nailed in Seattle July 7, 1911. As isual In such cases the postoffice had io explanation to offer. THE MARKETS m ay s Rumors are rife that boring lor oil will begin here within a few days by the Pittsburg syndicate of oil promotors, who have recently taken leasts on nearly 100,000 acres of land near Harrisburg. It is understood that at leist half a dozen teat wells are to be sunk at ibe same time—several of them 6 or 7 miles southeast of town and the balance 5 or 6 miles north of town.—Harrisburg Bulletin Wireless photography across the Atlantic was begun on a commercial basis Saturday and several pictures of news events were transmitted from London to New York. Sixty-five Investigations of Indus­ tries, capitalized at billions of dollars, that are suspected of violation of the anti trust laws, are being conducted by the department of Justice. The subcommittee of the senate ju­ diciary committee will report out fa­ C. II. Falk, \Varen Isom, F. W vorably all of the so called “dry,” Falk and Bill Garrett helped Clif "administration” and "Andrews" bills and none of the so called “wet” bills. ford Babcock with cement work Damage was estimated at from several days last week. 1500,000 to «750,000 as a result of the Mrs. Alex Snodgrass and child lightning-set oil fire which destroyed ren visited at H J. Falk’s Wed one reservoir at the Standard Oil company’s tank farm near Bakersfield tiesday and also attended the wein Cal. er roist. Assistant States Attorney McSwlg Kenneth Van Nice had several {in, 26 years old, of Chicago, was kill v sitora at school last week. Mon. Jd when gangsters poured more than i hundred machine gun bullets Into day, Wanda Veatch and Delma he automobile In which he and four Firik. Tuesday, Mrs- Edna Kike ither men were riding. and the Misses Ava aud Edna Falk daho Blue Sky Statute Strengthened Wednesday, James Kirk, and Wed Boise, Idaho.—The position of E. nesday evening a large crowd were W. Porter, state commissioner of fl- tance, in enforcing the Idaho blue present at the wein*r roast, iky law, was strengthened on a deci­ busy time for Kenneth, indeed sion at a special sitting of three fed Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cary ac ral Judges, upholding the law and compatried by Mrs. Carey's father lenylng an Injunction asked by the nvestors’ Syndicate of Minneapolis. sud mother, Mr. and Mrs. Stone The order entered, however, declared visited at Cecil Bilyeu's Sunday as old a provision that domestic cor­ did Marion Cary and family porations should pay lower fees than Velma Hadley spent Wednesday oreign corporations. Dated sod first published April 21 1 1**26 Prospector« May Start Drilling spent the week end with their sis­ ter, Mrs. George Chandler. A. P. Albertson and family were Albany visitors Thursday, Miss Anna Hcniricb of Corvallis spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Bert Haynes took a truck load of lambs to Portland Monday. E. E. Hover and Family visited Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Stewart at Pleasant Hill Suudsy. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes visit ed Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Stewart at Pleasant Hill Wednesday. A meeting of the school board was held at the school house Satur­ day evening and Miss Leo.ie Pal­ mer was given the contract as teacher of the Pine Grove school for the coming year. There will be a community meet­ ing at the school house Friday evening May 7th. Members of the Linn county Forum will furn­ ish the program. Pine Urove church notice: Sun- day School at 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Thurs­ day, ® p. O’ ihern Pacific Lines \ Clay P. Moody Agent LZ— ---- --------- J - Why Walk? Or spend half a day making a trip to town with a team when you can huy a good used Ford at the following prices: 1924 Ford Coupe «350.00 a real buy. 1924 Ford Coupe $325.00 new paint, good condition. 1923 Ford Coupe $225.00 good rubber, ready to go. 1924 Ford Roadster «225.00 delixery bed, just the thing for the farm. 1921 Ford roadster «125.00 delivery bed, buy this and save your good cor. 1920 Ford delivery «125.00 good tires, no chicken ranch should he without a rig like thia. 1920 Chevrolet «100.00 good shape Sov )ral other good buys in used cars. It will pay ycu to look over our stock before you buy. We guarantee these cars and are prepared to sell on easy terms. We realize that our best asset is a satisfied custoinor. Yours for service. Service Motor Co. Lincoln - FORD - Fordson Authorized Sale« and Service Harrisburg, Ore. H A LSEY STA TE BA N K Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 SURPLUS Commercial and Savings account« Solicited THE BEST DISH cjsm S s L x y RBL. Rev. Elliott of Portland bad «barge of the morning services at the local Methodist church Sun. day. Gilbert Caray of Eugene con ducted the evening services. - Phone 22« V ■ for children as well as grown people during the hot day« is a plate of pure, fresh lea cream. Nothing else is so cooling sod nourishing to the system as this. The ice cream we sail is mad« from the best milk and cream and is fresh every day. Try it aud be cool. Clark’s Confectionery f