RURAL ENTERPRISE Honor (huntti ****#< MRS. BASSETT ALWAYSTIRED 5 C h ild ren A r e Born j to C o u p le in Y ear * Charlottesville, 111.—Hr». Les­ lie Hobbs of this city has added five members to the Cass county population within a year. She is 'h irty years old. o n January .*». 1925. she cave hlrth to triplets and less than a year later she again came to the front with a pair of twins. T here are four other children in the family. Doctor a s . ! Discoverer o f £ éhesia ¥ * * * N ow in Good Health by Using Lydia E. Pinkham’s V ege­ table Compound Lansing, Michigan.— “I have taken Lydia E * #**■¥■# ****##** h »**###*###*. * KEEPING A RECORD IS C R E M A T E D T O “M E R R Y W I D O W ” A IR S h ip b u ild e r’» D ire c tio n » lo w e d a t R ite». E o l- “Was Jack heartbroken when you Jilted him?" “No. lie was perfectly horrid." “W hat did he do?” “When I gave him back the ring hs took a little file out of his pocket aud made a notch on the inside." “ What was horrid about th at?" “T here were five notches In It al­ ' ready." London —To the lilt of »ay music. Including strain s from H 'lie Merry I Widow waltz, the coffin of A lexander M. Carlisle, famous shipbuilder and STRANGE OCCURRENCE friend of the form er kaiser, was taken from the chapel at the G older's Green crem atorium Into the furnace chamber for cremation. The ceremony was arranged by Mr. ' Carlisle him self a few weeks ago, when he knew his deuth was near. J He paid in advance for his owu ere- ' matlon and had the receipt framed. | He also settled the fee of the funeral o rg an ist “I have no fear of death." he said. I “I w ant nobody to grieve. T herefore j I have paid for and instructed th e I organist to play the w altz from T h e Merry Widow.' ” There were no formal religious , rites, no hymns and no prayers. About 1 a dozen m ourners were in the chapel, I Including Mr. C arlisle's duughter, the ' "How did the accident happen?“ Baroness Von Versen. In the m idst ( "Mistook a puncture-proof tire for a of the unusual ceremony she col- ■ life preserver—and w ent down.” lapsed. W ith U t T o n ig h t A r o o n d th e b a n q u e t b o a rd w e alt D yin g S u rgeon Bara P inkham 's Vegetable Com­ pound w henever I needed It. W hen I first used It 1 was so bad I could hardly w a l k across t h e room w ithout cry­ ing. I was tired all the tim e. I th in k my trouble w as com­ ing on m s for six m o n t h s before I realized It. I read of your wonderful m e d i c i n e In the paper, an d • • • m y husband bought me a bottle, and a fte r the first few doses I felt better, so kept on tak in g It u n til I w as well and strong. I take It a t tim es when I feel tired and it helps me. I will alw ays have a good word for your m edicine and tell any­ one w hat good It has done me. I recommended It to my neighbor for her girl, who Is sixteen years old, and It w as ju st w hat she needed. She Is feel­ ing fine now, and goes to school every day "—Mas. E. F. B assyrr, 216 South Ilayford Avenue, Lansing. Michigan. Do not continue to feel all run-down and half sick when Lydia E. P inkham 's Vegetable Compound Is sold by drug­ gists everywhere. It is a root and herb medicine and has been used by women to r over fifty years. fU TS and SCRATCH ES w* Stop the smarting and basten the healing by prompt application of Resinol 'Mid o r a to r io s lo r y . as many as eight painless operations T h e m an w h o m a k e s th e r e a l h it “H u m b u g ” a t F u neral through the employment of th e new J u s t te lle a fu n n y e to r y . Marlon, Ohio.—Dr. Benjamin Mer- ' anesthetic. It w as generally accepted In th e neighborhood th at he could do rill Rickets, sixty-eight years old, of H is M e th o d It. No g reat stir w as made over It, and Mount Gilead, internationally fumous C ustom er—How Is It th a t I have the practitio n er exerted no effort to surgeon, made this unusual death bed not received a hill from you? FOR FIRST A ID acquaint the medical world w ith his request of an old friend, Dr. A. RliU : Grocer—The fact Is. Mr. Beck, that “I'll have no m inister, no priest, no Every day on the farm achievement. I never ask a gentlem an for money, 2 V JZR. C R A h T 'tJ lW brings a new need for In the m eantim e W. T. G. Morton humbug. Crem ate my body and sc a t­ custom er—Is th at so? And w hat do By P R O E H L H A L L E R JA K L O N “ Vaseline” Jelly. A pure, sirlan recognized Doctor Long’s claim w as experim enting In th e Boston of­ ter the ashes over the graves of my you do If he doesn't pay? mother and father." I'l> to th e g a la x y o f sol to the honor. fice and laboratory of Dr. C. T. Jack- safe remedy for burns, Grocer—If he does not pay. I con­ Doctor Rhu announced th a t the un­ dlers and statesm en hon- I Doctor Long w as the son of Jam es son. He became Interested In den­ cuts, rashes and minor clude he Is not a gentlem an and then ored w ith places In Stat- 1 and Elizabeth W are Long, and was tistry , and made several contributions usual request will be carried out. The I ask him.—Progressive Grocer. akin troubles. Take inter­ body was taken to C incinnati for cre­ uary hall n t the nation's horn in D anielsville, Ga., November 1. to th a t science. F irst trying eth er on nally for coughs and colds. mation. The ashes will then be taken capital, the Hall of Fame. 1815. He was graduated from Frauk- anim als, he extended the experim ents to Proctorville, Lawrence county, and Som e D iffe re n c e Chenebrough M fg . Com pany a country doctor. He Is Hn college, now the U niversity of Alcohol, laudanum and galvanic shocks strewn over the graves of Doctor State S t. N ew Y o rk “Yes, I get $80 a week,” said th e i Dr. C raw ford W illiamson Georgia, in 1835, standing second In had hith erto been used as anodynes R ickets’ m other and father. saleslady In the millinery establish- j Long of Georgia. declared ! his class, and w ent from th ere to the In dentistry. D octor Rickets w as known through­ I ment. by many au th o rities to U niversity of Pennsylvania, to study Being a dentist, he could not p er­ out the world as an authority on su r­ “How do you m anage to command have discovered th e value medicine. H e w as graduated from form surgical operations, but on Octo­ gery of the heart, lungs and throat. He «■a u a R M of anesthesia In surgical th a t university In 1830 and fo r a y ear b er 18, 1848, in the M assachusetts Gen­ was born May 20, 1858, at Proctorville, so large a salary?” usked the country FAIRO LAU M J IA X X achool teacher. operations as a preven­ w as employed In a New York hospital. eral hospital, in Boston, Dr. J. C. W ar- ¿ a „ reoce c u n ty . He attended Ohio “I know hats." This work did not appeal to him and ren, acting upon the idea of Doctor W esleyan university and took tive of pain. post­ “D ear me! F or $50 a week I have j D octor Long Is the first of G eorgia's he retu rn ed to Georgia to tak e up the Morton, did perform a public opera g raduate medical courses ut Miami to know everything."—Louisville Cou­ distinguished sons to be honored with p ractice of medicine. He settled In : tlon upon a person anesthetized with Medical college, Columbia university rier-Journal. a mem orial In the Hall of Fame. Each Jefferson. Jackson county. ether, and th e medical world of the Hnd the Skin and C ancer hospital. s ta te Is perm itted to honor two of its A fter he began the practice of medi­ E ast w as advised of IL New York city. T h e R eekie»» A g e n a tiv e sons w ith statues, and on cine In Jefferson hr h young man, Doc­ T his was more than four yenrs a fter 81 suppose old Jim T ucker Is as M arch 30 a group of Georgians, head­ to r Long became popular. He was the Venable operation. T h ere were atlngy as ever." rem arked the form er [ ed by Gov. Clifford W alker, Journeyed companionable, and his office was four w itnesses to the rem oval of the T akea 2 0 M inutea to resident ou a flying visit to Dlnky- to W ashington to unveil the sta tu e cut made the rendezvous for the younger Venable tum or—young stu d en ts In A p p ly G eorgia'a S e a l yille. from m arble by J. Massey Kldnd, ami people of th e community, who fre­ Iioctor Ixmg'g office, but they seem to A tlanta, Ga.—Twenty minutea a re “Gosh, no." exclaimed the native, I accepted by congress under a resolu­ quented It for w hat they term ed “eth er have kept as quiet about It as he did. required for an expert to attach the O na m tnut»— that'« how quick D r Scholl'« “Jim 's gettln’ to be a reg'lnr spend­ i l n o pad« and th e p a in of corn«. T h e y tio n Introduced by S en atfr H arris. frolics." They would inhale nitrous E ventually the dispute as to the great seal of Georgia to a document. do It aa/a/y Y o u ris k no Infection from th rift. Why. lip even gets Ids h air cut T his Is the second memorial, how­ oxide gas and while under its influ­ right of discovery and the honor of Only a couple of seconds are necessary a m a te u r c u ttin g , no d an g er from “ drop«* a t the barber shop now ¡"—American (a c id ). Z ln o pad« rem o ve th « c g u » a - ever, placed In the Hall o f Fam e to ence do many ridiculous things. These having perform ed the first operation for the process In other states. Legion Weekly. pressing or ru b b in g o f «ho««. T h a r a re th e “discoverer" of anesthesia. Mas­ parties became quite a fad. Doctor reached congress. In 1849 Doctor Tile difference Is between the seal th in , m edicated, a n ti septic. p ro te c tiv e , sa c h u se tts already has pu t one there Long wished to encourage his young Morton asked congress to recognize of 1799. which the state still uses, aud heeling. G et ■ boa to d a y a t yo u r d ru g , g is t « or ehoe d ea ler1«—35c. O u t o f S e a to n to the memory of W illiam T. G. Mor- ' friends In th eir fun, but he found It his clulm, hut S enator William G the seal of modern Invention. fee fre e Sim ple m u Tke Sckotl Mfg. Ce., Outage "Our boss discharged three pretty ton, a den tist of Boston, who for a difficult to supply them w ith sufficient Dawson of Georgia, fought so effective­ Sealing wax is rolled Into thin w a­ long tim e disputed w ith Doctor Long nitrous oxide to meet th eir demands, ly for Doctor Long th at M orton's am ­ fers when G eorgia's seal Is made stenographers today." "Isn 't It a strange tim e of the year th e rig h t to he known as the first to With the Inadequate laboratory equip- bition was defeated. No action was ready for operation. Gilt paper, cut u se e th e r in deadening pain in a sur- ment he possessed he found it irnpos- taken. circular In form, th e exact size of the to be canning peaches?" glcal operating. B ut various author!- tible to prepare this elem ent In quali­ It m ust be said. In ju stice to Doctor I die, with serrated edges, next is laid P u t one. on—the pain is gone ties have acknowledged Doctor Long's I titles. COLD H O T STUFF Jackson, th a t before he died he ad­ upou each side of the wax wafer. At claim to th e honor, and It seems to j So he perm itted them to use Rul- m itted in full the ju stice of the claim the sam e time ribbons are Inserted 'Vise men say nothing In dungeroua between th e w afer and the p aper Jiave been established thoroughly phuric ether, and "eth er p arties" be- of Doctor Long. tim es.—-Selden. th a t the Georgia physician as early came the rage In the w inter of 1.841-42. Dr. J. Marlon Sims of New York. disks. Tile w afer then is placed be­ «8 M arch 30, 1842, perform ed a pain­ The youtfg doctor observed th a t ether In 1877, a fte r a com plete Inquiry Into tween the plates of the die and less operation with the aid o f sul­ seemed to m ake those who partook of , th e controversy, declared th a t Doctor stam ped tightly, leaving the devices p h u ric ether. The monument, th ere­ It insensible to pain. One night at a | Long's right to the honor w as unmls- Im printed on either side of the soft fore. w as unveiled on the anniversary frollc a youth slipped ami fell. He tnkahle Hnd so reported to the Virginia wax and revealed, like an engraving, on the glided |>a|ier. This Is attached o f th a t date. dislocated his ankle, hut suffered no Medical society. T his new est memorial is only onp pain. Then the young p ractitioner The unveiling of th e mem orial In by narrow ribbons to the docum ent of o f several erected to D octor Ixmg In concluded th at If eth er Inhaled In fun S tatu ary hall n t W ashington has state, forming what Is known as a th is connection. In the sta te rnpitol eould make a person oblivious to pain. placed In Im perishable m arble the wax pendant. a t A tlanta, there Is a life-size por­ It could be employed In a scientific story o f this g reat achievem ent. tr a it of Doctor Long placpd there by way to stop pain in operations. It Is curious th at every rival o f Doc­ P r a y e r Faila to C ure Take without Fear as Told a friend to honor him for his great Among th e young men of, Iioctor tor Long fur this honor cam e to a d ra­ H it T a lk in g — F in e Doea Hobble—(iee. th a t’» hot stuff. «llscovery. ’As early as March 30. Long's acquaintance was Jam es M m atic end. Dr. H orace Wells, over- In “Bayer” Package Hager*town, MJ. — When prayer M other—What, Bobbie? 1912. the U niversity of Pennsylvania Venable, who suffered from tum ors In c o n e by the rejection of his claim by failed to cure Jesse W. W earer, Jr., Bobbie— Tills Ice cream. unveiled a bronze medallion In the his neck. Doctor Long suggested he the French aendemy, comm itted sul- G eorgian's honor. Two years before could put him under the Influence of c ld e ; Morton died from congestion of of talking during aervices in the C a s u a l O b s e rv a tio n th a t d ate at Jefferson. In Jackson sulphuric eth er and remove the tum ors j the brain. Induced by excitem ent over Church of God at Sample* Manor, In r e e t t g a t lo n e b r in g county, Georgia, w here Doctor Long w ithout pain. The young p atien t was j an article seeking to deprive him of his n ear here, member* of the congrega­ A « fa te o f m in d In ta n a e — •bad lived and w here his first use of gam e; he consented to let Long do the i honors, and Jackson, like Wells, bc- tion took heroic measures. T a t seldom e h o w a t h in g T hree membera of the congregation e th e r In a surgical operation took Job. Doctor Long adm inistered the I cam e Insane from the contention over T h a t m a k e e m uch d iffe re n c e . place, his friends and old neighbors anesthetic, and when Venable awoke j th e disputed honors and died In an »el zed W eaver during service* one and adm irers had erected a marble he would not believe th at he had re- i asylum. Doctor Long himself, "In the night and brought him to the p olhe A ll H it O w n W a y celved relief. Tills operation was j fullness of service,” was stricken with court here. A fine of $14, which the ! "Do you never resent th e eontrnvee- . sh a ft In his memory. Justice assessed, wa* ¡»aid. On the cam pus of the Georgia State perform ed on March 30, 1842. It was apoplexy at the bedside of a patient, Member* of the congregation »aid (tai attitu d e tow ard your S|x*eches?“ university at Athens there Is also a followed by another as shown by the i T he discovery alleviating m an's suf th a t W eaver ta ile d continually during “Never,” answ ered Senutor Sorghutn. j hill rendered for the service. This ‘ ferlng came, not only from a scientist m arble tab let telling of Doctor Long's , services. They prayed for him, begged “T he only man I know of who ran go bill was as follow s: j hut frotp a man of large sym pathies discovery, and the Republic of France him to dsslst. and finally threatened on talking w ithout risk to provoking has paid trib u te to this country doc- i Jam es Venable to Dr. C. W. Long, Dr. j Iioctor Ixmg loved people and h o rses, him, they »aid. but w ithout aucceaa. ’ controversy Is a radio announcer.' 1S42: j enjoyed cards and th« theater. In bis i ________________ to r of the South for the p art he played reading, of which he w as very fond. In m aking surgery painless. They tell | Jan. 28th. Sulfuric E t h e r . . . . $ .25 Unlesa you see th e “B ayer C ross" T h e A r t o f S e llin g P a y a fo r V ie w j he shared his pleasure with th e futnlly the story, too, of the late King Edw ard I March 30th, E th er and Ex- Secretary—Mr T erry said to tell on packnge or on tablets you a re not T arrytow n. N Y. —John O. Rockefel. secting Tum or .................. 2.00 circle. VII, who. when he awakened following getting the gpnulrie Bayer Aspirin Doctor Long died In attendants» on ler ha* paid $R/WiO to prevent a reser­ you he is too busy to talk to yon to May 13th, Sulfuric E ther . . . .25 an operation for appendicitis, asked proved safe by millions and prescribed day. an obstetrical case, his last words be­ voir obstructing hl* view from hla who had discovered anesthesia. Those ' Ju n e Oth. Exsectlng T u m o r.. 2.00 Life Insurance Agent—Tell him b« by physicians over twenty-five years for In atten d an ce replied. "Dr. Craw ford ! It Is recorded th a t w ithin a few ing directions for th e recovery of the Pocantfco HUI* estate. The village w on't have to say a word. Colds ha* changed the *lte. with John IJ. H eadache Long, your m ajesty.” The king's phy-1 months' tim e Doctor Long performed patient. N euritis defraying the difference in co at Lumbago Toothache Rheumatlstn Ju »t an Im p r e tiio n "The clown ml««ed the company of i Murdoch used to am use hlnyself by N euralgia Bain, Bain "Did you get the num ber of th» car P e ttin g P e rm itte d the ventriloquist and asked th e circus . filling bladders w ith the gas and car- New Balts. N Y —Any sum m er via- th a t hit you?” asked the traffic cop Each unbroken “B ay er"p ack ag e con­ manager w hat had become of his rylng them with him a t night so th at Itors to the Cetakl Is who care to pet "Look a t my back, officer," replied tain ! proven direction!. H andy boxee he could find his way about the coun­ th e victim weakly "I think you'll find T he psychoanalyst had been called friend. here may do so. A proposal to turn of tw elve tahleta coat few cents. Drng- " •Oh,’ explained the circus m anager, trywide In the dark. in to address the W ednesday evening off the light! on moonlight nights w as th e num ber stam ped there."—Amerl glsts also sell hotties o f 24 and 100. he found be could make more money We can well understand, ssys a can Ix»gion Weekly. ’ l>et m eeting” of the salesmen. He carried li> an election. w riter In the Journal of th e London related many Incidents of men and selling parro ts.' " Society, how frightened w ere country , women who “w asted" th eir lives by B e it S p o rt T o o ttie M itu n g T h e G a t " G h o tt” people, and they cam e to Im agine him ' doing work to them uncongenial. O th­ Bob—W hat do you consider the Nome, A laska.—Tootsle, an Eskimo One o f the first to discover coal-gas ncss to be some kind of ghost. ers. he said, w ere half-way successful, woman who helpwl Stefansson and best indoor sport? Clear enjoying th eir work but not u«lng was William Murdoch, who. about 130 Bohette— Holding hsnds—no m atter a«.,n Twelve per ren t of ail people oa Amundsen. is mlss'.-.g. TI.» th eir ability In a line th a t gave them years ago. made it by heating coal In H e a lth y Skin w hether you're playing cards or Irish the highest rew ards. Then be told the a c lo ^ d vessel w ith an open pipe coo the e arth take th eir law» of life fro » »t her was when an lee cake » u car- tng love. rylhg her out ln Lering sea. Mecca. • to r y ; J nected to IL Vaseline S ch olls 'ZAno-pads “BAYER ASPIRIN” PROVED SAFE Using His Talent C u ticu ra A