A g rc u ltu re H o rt c u ltu ro L iv e s to c k A W eekly C hronicle ol Local E vents am i P ro g ress in Linn Countv D a i r y P o u ltr y W ool ENGLAND MENACED BY GENERAL STRIKE Halsey Happenings Happenings in and County Events Public Schools MRS. H. W. PEABODY Government Arranges to Ration Food, Fuel and Other Necessities. FUNDING OF WAR I g DEBTS COMPLETED < Enterprise Oorreepondence) Lee and Mrs. Ingram were in the county seat Thursday. In the county tests which were Only $317.000,000 For Which Bert Minckley shipped out 300 sent out by Mrs. Geer, of which No Agreement Has Been there were five sets, the following lambs Saturday night Reached. M records were made io fourth, fifth London.-Greet Britain Monday fared Mr. and Mrs, F. Buford Morris and sixth grades. Leiela Gansle the gravest domestic menace which has were in Albany a short time Tues- made an average of 100 percent in Washington, D. C.—For the first overhung the nation since the fall of day. time since the treasury began sending spelling, and Vivian Frum an av the Stuart dynasty. This was a genep. billions of dollars across the Atlantic al strike which it was estimated would Mrs. Amos Ramsey and C. E. crags of 99 3-5 in arithm etic. In nine yeare ago, officials are able to call out some 1,405,000 men to join present a clear, composite picture of Smith were in Eugene Friday to the fifth grade W alter Foot led in the 1,120,000 coal miners, who went what the government may reasonably spelling and John Smith in arith ­ see Mrs. Smith. on strike at midnight Friday expect in the way of return from these metic. Those ranking highest in Premier Baldwin told the house of loans during the next half century. Harry Chance has been ill for the sixth grade were Retta Arm­ commons that continuance of the gov­ The funding of the four billion dol­ several days, but is now much im ernmental subsidy to the coal industry strong who made an average of 100 lar French debt virtually wiped the proved. was out of the question. in spelling, and Alice Sturtevant foreign debt slate clean of the major Premier Baldwin presented a mes Items. who averaged 97 in arithmetic. Mi?B Beulah Wade of Peoria sage from the king, declaring the ex­ Of the $1-0,655,000,000 In outright Bessie and Elsie Reynolds were spent Saturday evening with her istence of a state emergency and cash advanced io foreign powers In moved that a humble address be pre­ absent from school Mouday on ac­ cousin Ernestine Coleman, the war period of 1917-1920, there re­ sented to his majesty thanking him count of illness. mained only $317,000,000, on which no James McWilliams and George for the message. The motion was promises to pay have been reduced to The Halsey schools observed Maxwell are busily engaged paint­ carried by a vote of 308 to 108. writing. Of thia unfunded amount, Dr. Albert Woods, former president “ Better Home Week” by a study To meet the emergency the govern of Maryland State university, who la ing the residence of Mrs. Ward. $270,000,000 is owed by the Russia of of the home life in various coun­ ment made elaborate preparations. now director of scientific work in the the czars and $16,000,000 Is owed by Mrs, Charles Straley and family Mrs. H. W. Peabody of Washington, The country was divided into 10 dis Department of Agriculture. tries. Armenia, neither.of which can proper­ who is chairman of the woman's na­ enjoyed a visit from her mother, tricts, each under a civil commission ly be aald longer to exist. Ernest Dykstra was absent from tional committee for law enforcement. er with large staffs of officials. These Mrs. Esther R;ke of Corvallis last Of the principal amount advanced, *chool the last three days of last will assume complete control of public Saturday. the treasury has promises In writing necessities. week on account of illness. that if fulfilled will bring into the Mrs. Freeland and daughter Mrs, Apparently trade union proposals to treasury approximately $21,817.000.000 The seniors are rejoicing over run food trains and transport other Reitman spent Saturday and Sun­ during the next 62 years. This amount the fact th at their commencement necessities, will not be considered. Is slightly in excess of the total na­ day enjoying the salt air at New­ invitations have arrived. A system of rationing, similar to tional debt of the United States as It Washington, D. C.—The French war port. that of war time, will be established, debt settlement was transmitted to exists at present. The biology class went over in Washington, D. C.—There Is no sub­ especially as regards fuel and light. congress by President Coolidge and it Ernestine Coleman, Billy Kirk the vicinity of Brownsville Tues­ The government’s Income this y—- stitute. In the opinion of President Immediately met with an outburst of and Dorothy Corcoran took a pic. day morning, on a field trip, study­ Coolidge, for the influences of the from the foreign debt settlements la reckoned at approximately $209,71$.- opposition In the senate. trie lunch and spent Saturday at ing and observing the evergreen home and religion. )00. Demands that the finance commit­ Peoria. Addressing the national council of trees, especially. For the next half century the an­ tee make a thorough-going Investiga the Boy Scouts of America here, he Keith Hayes had the misfortune Eunice Sylvester has been quite said the Boy Scout movement "can nual federal Income will range bo- tlon of all the facta upon which the American debt commission acted were to sprain his ankle recently while ill with what seems to be a form never be a success as a substitute, but tween thia figure and about $420,000,- made by Senator Reed, democrat, Mis engaged in the sport of skating op of intestinal flue, but is reported only as an ally of strict parental con 000. which is the maximum to ba real­ Washington, D. C.—Pacific North­ ized in any one year. The larger souri; Chairman Borah, of the foreign western interests represented by W. the highway. to be much improved. Eunice trol and family life under religious amount, however, will not be coming relations committee, and Senator Har influences." B. Keene are willing to offer more in until about 1950. Mrs. C. P. Stafford entertained may be small but she does make s "Parents cannot shift their regpon than $4,600.0(M* Tor the five liners of rison. democrat. Mississippi. While the foreign debt payments noticeable vacancy io the class­ The agreement for settling France's slbllity," he added. "If they fall to Mrs. J. J. Finley of Corvallis and the Admiral-Oriental line running out would seem to afford a hope for fu- war debt of $4,377,000,000 to the Unit exercise proper control, nobody else of Seattle, Senator McNary, republi­ Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Seavey of room. ’ure tax reduction, such la not the ed States calls upon France to pay a tan do It for them." can, Oregon, told the senate commerce Harrisburg and H«l'ey clashed Eugene last Thursday. ase. at least in a direct aense. The total of $6.847,000,000. 'Such thought as I have been able committee. on baseball diamond here Friday, to give to the subject and such oh orelgn payments are to be devoted to The agreement covers a period of Mrs. Omar Reitnftsn and son This would eoBipare with the $4,- the retirement of Liberty bonds, of 600,000 bid of the Dollar interests, 62 years, with payments running an Paul, of Ione, have been spending which resulted in a victory for the servatlona as have come within my vhlch there are outstanding today be- nually from $30.000,000 to $126,000,000 enemy by a scoro of 10 to 9, alter experience have convinced me that which the shipping 4 board has voted ween $16,000.000,000 and $17,000,000.- Interest begins at the end of five the week visiting the former’s a well fought struggle on both sides. there is no substitute for the Influ to accept, but which has been held up 900. Thue the benefit to the taxpay­ mother, Mrs. Freellnd. years and is graduated from one per ences of the home and of rellglfcn as a result of a senate resolution of Daniel Wesley has been Absent These take bold of the innermost ns- ers will be Indirect, rather than direct. cent for the first ten years to 3H per protest.. ! ’ Mr. and Mrs. Patton, Mr. and cent for the last 27 years. Thia set­ from school for over a week on ac­ lure of the individual and play a very Chairman O’Connor of the board Many Lambs to Market tlement was reached after French Mrs. Eldon Cross, Mr, and Mrs. count of the joys of whooping dominant part In the formation of read a statement explaining the rea­ ------ -— iee1 McKenzie of Portland spent S atur­ Ambassador Berenger had acceded to personality and character. cough. sons for tite sale. He said the Ad Several hundred head of lautbe the United States' demand for better day and Sunday on the Alsea. "This most necessary and most valu­ mlral-Orlental line had qualified as to Mrs. H. Steinke was a visitor at able service has to be performed by have been started on their way to citizenship and responsibility, had the terms for liquidating the obligation Albert Isom and son Carl, Dean school last Tuesday. the parents, or It is not performed at market by numerous Halsey sheep support of the domestic communities LIFT BAR Bilyen and Ray Hoover blasted primarily interested, as evidenced by MAYOS WOULD Mrs. Sturtevant and Mrs. L. H. all It Is the root of the family life. men doting the past week. Shear- stum ps in the field adjoining the their financial investment in Seattle Armstrong were visitors in the Nothing else can ever take its placa. ng is progressiog nioely and wool These duties can be performed by fos­ and by a resolution of the Seattle German Surgeons Should Be Put On cemetery at Pine Grove Saturday. primary room last week. Equality, They Say. ter parents with partial success, but s coming in to the local buyers a t chamber of commerce. He spoke of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Hender­ any attempt on the part of the gov a lively rate. 781 telegrams received from the west Rochester, Minn.—Dr. William J son moved into the Chance house arnment to function in these direc­ coast commending the sale, 355 of Mayo, famous surgeon, confirmed a Large Delegation From Halsey Miss. Bessie Reynolds is suffer- tions breaks «•««»u almost entirely.” them being from Seattle and other recent Berlin report that he has for­ just recently vacated by Mr. Crip- ng from an attack of appendicitis. parts of Washington. mally urged reinstatement of German pen. Mrs. Henderson wiil be re­ Twenty-two young people repre. At noon. April 6, in accordance with and Austrian surgeons In the Interna membered as Miss Melba Neal. seating the local M. E. church at­ public advertisements, he said two tional Society of Surgery, with full (Continned on page 8) tended the Epworth League con­ bids submitted for the liners were equality In every respect with other opened. The Dollar bid was tor 1900,- members. vention at Lebanon over Friday “Medical science, like all science," 000 per vessel and one by Keene was evening, Saturday and Sunday. Celebrate Silver Anniversary FUNDING OF FRENCH WAR DEBT ARRANGED PRESIDENT PLEADS FOR HOME INFLUENCE OFFER FOR PACIFIC LINERS IS INCREASED for $800,000. he said, "has no country and no lan­ On April 13. he continued, the Fleet guage. To continue international ran- corporation president presented an en­ eor based on prejudice is unthinkable, velope "said to contain an additional justifiable in neither principle nor fact." bid from W. B. Keene." With his brother. Dr. Charles H "The board, upon advice of coun- ■el,” O’Connor said, "declined to open Mayo, he "sponsored a resolution (0 this bid because It was not in accord- ! be presented before the meeting of ance with the advertisement, and to ! the International Society of Surgery In Rome" for reinstatement of the do so would be.unethical and unfair. Germans and Austrians. Frederick J. Steiwer in Halsey Frederick J, Steiwer, candidate for Senator on the Republican tick­ et was in Halsey Wednesday afternoon shaking hanJs with the Voters, Omaha Banker New Scouts’ President Washington. D C.—Walter W Head of Omaha, N eb, was unanimously elected president of the Boy Scouts of America He is president of the Omaha National bank. SUNDAY IS Mother’s Day Honor H er by Attending the Lord’s House “ God’s Co-Worker’ M ORNINO SERMON Church of Christ ‘*Why Reverend?” IV B N IX O SRRMON Clifford L. Carey, Minister On the 25th Mr. and Mre. A rth­ ur Albertson were surprised I y O n Election Day about twenty-five friends who came with good things to eat to The Ladies of the Christ celebrate tbs twenty-fifth anniver­ lan church will serve sary of the m arriage of the Al­ chicken dinner at the bertsons. A most enjoyable after­ Highway Inn. noon passed. Lunch was served cafeteria style. Mr*. Higbee, Mrs. COM E AND EA T Albertson's mother, is ill at her home near Peoria, therefore the M . E. Church Higbee's were not present. Mr Robert Parker pastor. Albertson cams from Kansas with Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. the Higbees, and the oouple were Junior League, 2:30, married within a month after ar­ Epworth league, 7. rival and have resided here ever Preaching, 8. since. Their children graduated Praver-mcetinz, Thursday, 8. in the Halsey high school. Bible S tu iy Tuesday, 2. Your Co-operation is Welcome C o rresp o n d en ts who did so m uch v o lu n ­ tary work tow ard« m aking th is p a p e r a c h ro n ­ icle of all th e local news a re urged to co n tin u e th e good work. L e t’s m ake th e E n te rp rise b et­ te r and b e tter. Every friend who p ro m p tly re p o rts an y event of in te re s t a t th is office helps th e p a p e r and h elp s th e co m m u n ity . 5% e p ro o f ^y lo s œ ry ) to m a tch every costume, in the season s sm a rte st co/ors, $1.50 fco r men, in p /a in an fa n cy co/ors, 35 to 75c OONTZ0 K good A GOODS*-7