PAna s A P R IL 2» MURAL CNTERFR19B Poison Oak CO O KED FOOD SALE Y«* ! I t ’ « COBB iOR ! at K O O N TZ’ STO RE, S a tu rd a y , M ay 1 in ‘THE SEA BEAST’ The love and bate of brother« on the whaling ships of Atvo ; a mighty drama of heroic live« and treacherous infamy. Next Sun.— Mon. —Tnes. May 2—3 —4 G L O B E R E M E D Y — A aura cura- guarautecd lotion. Prepared by tbo Halsey Pharmacy. Give it a trial. Money back if not satisfied. by Willametto Chapter O. E. S. JO H N BARRYM ORE A lbany Benefit Cbildeo'a Hospital. tion, which begins Friday even­ ing. Herman Steinke and wife were in Eugene Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Buford M orns were in Eugene Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller were in Albany Saturday. Cecil Quimby and wife are go­ ing back to their homestead. (Continued from page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gardner were guests a t M. E. G ardner’s Sunday. Milo E. Taylor of the Browns­ ville Tiouee and wife were in Haleoy Monday evening. West & Mack are working for tbs S. P. to make it «take while the restaurant rest«. A amokobouse belongind to E. D. Isom and meat in it from two bog* burned Wednesday. Wrecking Shop Mrs. O. W Frum had a Sunday REPEAL Prohibition Blamed for Crime "Gigantic Seale.” Washington, D. C.— France must re­ on Senator Clark’s Estate Aided in Law Cate of Alleged Daughters. New York.—Theodore Roosevelt, son Butte, M o n t—Hopes of two Mis of the late president, urged the re­ souri and a Denver woman for shares peal or modification of the Volstead . In the (60.000,000 estate of the late act and the substitution of local op 1 Senator W. A. Clark seemed shatter­ tion in various states ed after the death of another W illiam Speaking before the bureau of ad A. Clark, a resident of Butte, who vertlslng of the American Newspaper signed a statement saying that he, and Publishers’ association, Roosevelt as not the late Senator Clark, was the serted that the prohibition enforce­ father of the women ment act "has brought «bout law vio­ Mrs. Effie Clark McWilliams of lation on a more commercialized and Clarksdale, Mo., Mrs. Alma Cook gigantic scale than our country has Hines of Orrick, Mo., and Mrs. Addle ever known before.” Clark M iller of Denver joined a short When Mr. Roosevelt was a candi­ time ago in a claim that they were date for governor of New York in entitled to a portion of Senator Clark's 1925 he was indorsed by the state estate, on the ground that they were Anti-Saloon league his daughters. Roosevelt said that he Is opposed The father of the three women had to the return of the saloon. “I am been missing since he left Stewarts­ convinced," he said, "that the repeal ville, Mo., ln 1879. He left his family or modification of the Volstead law behind in Missouri and efforts to trare does not predicate the return of the him led eventually to the belief that saloon. That can be prevented by he was the same man as Senator enactment.” M AY DAY DANCE HP------------- 1 UM BLE INN Saturday, May 1 Alfred E. ( half, Patuishsd in wh,te htue • a a » « l or enamel trim R ., | .t. * K.U r n f i r ' •*»«— * . wool A.he. removed every moatha. Nour old r . , g, , . kfn « b t.g e F U Urge three bartcher R ‘N IjT tU R K COMPANY ALBANY FOR SALE LANGW OOD & ♦ 4 4 -fo o t Body Fir Wood $6 SO delivered in Halsey. W. M. King, Brownsville. was filed by the Oregon state grange, Vote for him. while the other was sponsored by the He is able, fearless, progressive. Public Service league The bills were Favors law enforcement, construct­ said to be Identical, with the except ive legislation for agricultural tion that the Public Service league relief and the upbuilding of the would give the taxpayers a property industries and resources oi the tax offset. state. For the conservation and develop­ (Paid adv— Clark for Ouiied States Sen ment of Oregon's water power two ntor Committee bills have been filed with the secre­ tary of state. One of these bills was O. W. Frum made a trip to initiated by the Oregon state grange Buckley, Wash., last week. and other organizations. while the other bill wag sponsored by the Ellen Key. Swedish Lecturer, Dies. Housewives’ Council of Portland. Stockholm. Sweden. — Ellen Key, Oregon State Auto Income (9.600.000. who has had a powerful Influence on Salem. Or. Motor vehicle operators Swedish literature, died at the age of In Oregon this year will pay In license 7( years fees and gasoline taxes approximate- ly (9.5OO.OOO. or nearly twice as much as the total direct property tax This was revealed in a statement Issued by the secretary of stats. FOR SALK Olds Coach, 1925 2 Ford Coupes Washington's Sehoel Debts (26.214,409 Olympia. Wash —School districts of the state of ttashtngton were under s bond snd warraat indebtedness of 6M.tl4.4O6. June 80. 1925. the close of the last School year, tt Is' shown In figures compiled by the division of municipal corporations of the state auditor's office Jew ett T o u rin g , 1926 1 Ford T ru c k , 1 ton O ve rla n d T o u rin g H ig h w a y G a ra g e First and Baker Albany, Ore. HOWARD SR1GLEY Halsey Railroad Tjme DYING MAN HURTS SUIT Big Carnival T h e W est’s Rest Range 212 Last First st., Albany Phone 379 Prop. yisit from her brother, Joe Kirk vise its new offer for settlement of it» war debt to thia country. j f Eugene. This decision was reached at the Mrs. Mildred McMahan and There are 10,166 voters regis­ second meeting of the American com­ Mr». C. P. Moody visited the Re­ tered in Linn county, 985 less mission to study the proposal put bekah lodge at Lebanon Tuesday than last year. forward last week by French Ambass­ evening. Miss Eva H ulburt was the ador Berenger. Secretary Mellon will Mrs. C. P. Moody accompanied guests of her friend, Miss Grace confer with the ambassador before M re. J. S. McMahan to the Liun Kirk, over the week end. negotiations are resumed. douuty I. O. O. F. convention at Although France will be asked to Mrs. A rthur Wesley and son modify its offer, It was emphasized at Junctiou City Mouday. Daniel and Delos Wesley were by the American commission that the Mr. Miockley w n enough better Eugene visitors Saturday. latest discussions have not been in health Mouday to collect 400 John Bressler and son H arry terminated. ebeep, which went out the next and their families drove to Cor­ One of the principal hitches is now day by train and truck. vallis for an outing Sunday. how much France shall pay at the out­ Bert Minekley'e niece and her Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill were set. Berenger proposes initial payment ehildreo, who were viaiting here, Sunday of last week of (25,000,000 annually but the com­ left yesterday, the huaband and at Eugene Sund lor a visit with th eir son Glen mission is understood to desire high­ father having come for them the er payments. and family. day before. It was generally understood that the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle total of the French offer was in the N. H Matheny, who was injured O v e r 5 0 0 p e o p le e n jo y e d , o u r la s t C a r n iv a l by a Hying stone at the Sawyer and daughter Leila were visit­ proximity of (7.000.000,000. including J o in th e c ro w d fo r a g o o d t im e logging camp, near Brownsville, ing the dentist a t Brownsvi'k? interest payments over the 62-year last week, was operated on for V\ ednesday period. This Is almost (1,000.000.- intestinal injuries Monday, but Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holloway 000 higher than the Calllaux proposal. died thia morning. One of the problems worrying the visited Mrs. Holloway’s parents, l a d k |E n d W e t and D ry negotiators is believed to be an In­ O. W. Frum and wife, Saturday Mary Smith, Gladys WillbanJ». clination of the French to insert some Candidate for the Republican nom­ T a lk to C ongress Genevieve Wells and Clifford Caray » day evening. kind of a clause which would come to ination (or United States had charge of services a t the 1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Albertson the aid of France In case the Ger­ Senator Church of C hirst Sunday even­ and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsey mans defaulted In reparations. There Both Sides Confident That They ing and gave reports on the En­ were Sunday guests of Mr. ant has been no Inclination on the part of Had the Better of Argument the American commissioners even to deavor convention at Albany, to Mrs. J. N. Elliott. consider such a proviso, which Is held which they were delegates. Over the Volstead Act. L. L. Swan, member of the to be flatly against the policy of this Tile senior Endeavor had a legislature from this county, op government. business and social meeting at poses both the Dennis resolution Washington, D C.— Amid burst« of th e church of Christ Wednesday and the income tax bill proposed ipplause from partisans and sighs of night. Mrs. Nora Coleman was by the State grange. T o D iv id e the relief from senators, the final curtain chaperone. Sandwiches and cake fell on the colorful prohibition drama Prof. Hector Macpherson and Incom e T a x V o te were served. which has been staged for three weeks J. D. Bryant, vice-president of before a senate Judiciary sub-commit­ Will Robertson says he is go­ the county forum, were speakers tee. Salem, Or.—Two state Income tax ing to let his moustache grow and at the forum meeting a t Charity The senators. several of whom fre­ initiative bills, a measure looking to wear a red tie and a loud pair of grange hall Friday night. the repeal of the motor vehicle title quently assumed leading roles, retire socks since his wife has had her registration law. and two offerings now to the wings to discuss alike the h air bobbed, so now ju st watch having to do with the conservation fate of the proposals of the wets to R e st H o p e d for by developments. modify the Volstead act and the and development of Oregon's water T. E. Elliott will preach at the propositions of the dry» to put more M id d le of M a y power, are among the Important Issues M. E. church next Sunday morn­ teeth Into that law. that will go before the voters of the ing. Mr. Parker goes to Lebanon The wets never entertained any state at the November election Washlo«ton. D. C. — Senate and to the Epworth League conven- hope of immediate victory in con One of the state Income tax bills house leaders emerged from a break­ fast conference at the White House with two things in mind — holding down appropriations and adjourning House leaders even saw prospects of quitting for the summer by May I.'-, and some of the senators thought it would be possible to finish up the Im-lslatlve program early ln May and then consider the Impeachment of Fed oral Judge English of Illinois. The guests got the very definite Im presston that the president thought ap­ propriations had gone about fai enough for this session, and Repre sentatlve Tllson. the republican floor leader, rip reased the opinion that It would be best for congress to adjourn and go home. Inasmuch as "we have no money to spend." It was gathered from expressions of the leaders that farm relief leg Islstlon which would place an Imme­ diate tax on the treasury would have a rocky road to travel, but none would a»v definitely whether the pending measures came In thia class Another hill which come of them ex pact to be vetoed le the meseure to Increase the pensions of disabled Spanish war veterans The president now has this measure and Is seek ing the opinion of Director Lord of the budget as to how It will affect gov ernment finances Brake) S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Parts L0;? ;; cmnectioa ROOSEVELT URGES I were Albany visitors Friday. E . B U F O R D M O R R IS William Corcoran of 0 . A. C. Halsey, Oregon spent the week end in Halsey. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran and Jack Curtis were in Albany Wednes­ F ren ch D e b t Still day. U n d er D ispute Ben Holt and family visited Mr. Holt’s brother a t Wendling Commission Believes Initla Sunday. Payments of $25,000,000 Robert Ramsey went to Port­ land Thursday to look for em­ Not Enough. ployment. D e c o n d itio n in g Shop I X X a y best oa Hi-spaed P. P A P M A N H alsey P h arm ac y TORRANCE C a rs 3 3 c Tbia s t o r e will be open Wednesday and Saturday ev­ enings each week until 9 p. m. for the benefit of those residing cut of town. HUDSON & ESSEX Two Cars for Sale or Trade Stationery Big values for D e a le r in Good trades allowed D on’t forget the Mr. and Mrs. James Driukard HalMy Happenings HALSEY GARAGE A Modern Barber Shop « •« V» I e a , a A — « *6* — — 1 - LannJrv sent Tuesdays tgency H ubC le.m ag Works A B E S P LA C E North South 32, 3.24 a. m. flag 17, J2:09 p. m 16, 5; 15 a. m. 15, 12;45 p, in. 18- a iu * “ fla* 33' 8:12 P’ “ • 04, 4:08 p. ui. 31, 1:34 p m Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers from south of Eugene. No. 31, direct conanctien for Marshfield points. Passengers for south of Eugene should take train No. 17. Halsey-hrowntville stage leaves Hal­ sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 snd 8:1k p m ^ 'a/ e’ A roJT“ ’ ville “ 7:40 4 “ • «»•> o . od and fl:45 p. ni. Outgoing Mail A t the Haleey poetoflice mails close going north at 11:50 a. ni and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ ville goes on to Crawfordsville Holley and Sweet Home. ’aid-for Paragraphs (5c a line) Old papers for eale at 5c a bundle at the Enterprise office. Attention is called bv the Sand­ blast for Senator club. 420 Railway Exchange building, Portland, Or­ egon, to his platform, which is published oa page 8 of the voter»' pamphlet by the secretary of state. Chief plank is “ M O D IF IC A T IO N OF T H E V O LS T E A D A C T - R E F E R E N D U M OF P R O H IB I­ T IO N L A W S .” His slogan is: “ Wine and beer under government control. No saloons.” P ian o M u s t be Sold W ill sacrifice high-grade used piano in storage near Halsey for immediate sale. W ill give easy terms to an established home, For full particulars and where it may be seen addrese Portland Music Co., 227 6th st.,Portland, Ore. F o r C ounty Com m issioner D. C. Thoms of Scio is a candi­ date for county commissioner and should be given a good vote in this community. Crane & Co., m anufacturers of plumbers’ ware», have an ex­ hibition truck which goes about giving the people of the country a chance to see the latest achiev­ ements. This traveling showroom is in Oregon and will visit Hal­ sey next Monday, making a stop *t Hill & Co.’» (tore. Visit it v°? can see the Corwith bath Nova, Clermont and Nor- folk lavatories, combination sink gress. but assert they have accora and laundry tray, prem ier stor­ pilshed their purpose of giving the age gas w ater heater, autom atic facts about prohibition to the country water system , kerosene w ater The drys believe they have had the heater and Corsyn and Illini better of the argument and will get closets. This is a chance to enacted most of the bills they sponsor The prohibitionists ended their case learn something about the latest with the declaration by Director An- sanitary and convenient plumb­ ^r-'w, that he did not favor loosening ing devices. theniquor laws fo allow light beer Andrews’ statement was adduced by the drys to rebutt the declaration drawn from him -last week that he believed light beers for home consump­ tion would aid law enforcement. "A guest” sends us an account of a silver wedding which we would be glad to publish, but no name of the w riter is attached and we do not publish communi- unless we know who don’t care to Mr. Thoms was a good and se? i S publish the w riter’s name, but economical county commission­ er. He is a farm er living near we want to know who is res­ Scio and seeks another term ponsible for w hat we print. "By their fruit« ye shall know E. E. Gardner of Halsey, J. E. them ." Duncan of Shedd and Chester Austin of Brownsville are) on Those Mexican railroad labor­ le ? rand ju ry now sitting. ers have gone to Oakridge. Portland-Brownsville Harrisburg Truck Line L* ‘ v' Portland st 5 p. m. Satur- day, Tuesday and Thursday Lesve Harrisburg at 2 30 p m Mouday, Wednesday A Friday* Phone Portland 8226 7 H*I»»y depot. Swift A Co. Port lend, care Auto Freight Ter. minus. H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T w ill surely appreciate your patronage D E LB E R T STA R R funeral Director and Licenaed Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon W . L. W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR Harrisburg, Ora. ft l i ’ 1 z