< ^/^banyj2)irectory T his is good advice: ‘'i f you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. rT he Courtesy Shop APRIL 28 Ready-to-wear and Millinery Mrs. C. L. Box _________ 117 Broadalbin st., Albany When in Need of an Outside PRINTER. See FRANK TAYLOR & SON Albany, Oregon R E P IR L IC A M for U, S. Senator A of ills, such as headache and deranged digestion. You see •*-* 50 ami 75c p:r dozen. Allow for things indistinctly and your eyes postage Hall's hi or a I and Music Shop. ¿«on begin to tire, Stuart and ache. Westside greenhouse products. Nature is sending a warning signal (CENTRAL TIR E SHOP tou should not disregard. You Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ should go at once to your optome­ charging. 221 W. Second. trist and have your eyes examined Ed Falk, Prop. •ls d oin.-i bulbs now. What Judge Lawrence T. Harris Thinks of Steiwer E astburn Bros. — Two big grocery stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. Mrs. Frederick M. Paist of Phila­ delphia, who preaided at the ninth George E. Brennan of Chicago, biennial convention of the Y. W. C. A. in Milwaukie. She Is a sister of democratic candidate for United States Senator from Illinois, whose Secretary of the Navy Wilbur. campaign keynote is modification of The annual mpeting of the Umpqua the Volstead Act. lite Cafeteria and confectionery E Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . VJRD SALES AND SERVICE Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . Baptist association was held at Rose­ Plans and specifications for the burg with approximately 100 delegates, Oregon Linen mills, to be constructed representing the 14 churches of the ortm iller Furniture Co., furni- at Salem at a cost of $210,000, have association, in attendance. ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges J e w e le r s , arrived from Belfast, Ireland, and have Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Thirty tons of earwig bait will be Optometrists and Manufacturing bought by the city of Portland to use been turned over to architects pre street, Albany, Oregon. paratory to advertising for bids. Ma Opticians in the spring offensive against the chlnery for the mills is on Its wsv ULLER GROCERY. 235 Lyon ALBANY OREGON earwig in the city parks and in the (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) from Liverpool. Groceries Fruits Produce parking strips in the streets. On his first trip to Portland as Phone 2b3R An election held In the Ferndale driver of a truck for the Royal Bakery TJOLM AN & JACKSON school district in Umatilla county on company, Glenn Knuttson, 25, ot U Grocery—Bakery a bond Issue of $28,000 to replace the White Salmon, Wash , was killed when Everything in the line ol eats school building destroyed By fire in the vehicle skidded on wet pavement Opposite Postoffice February was defeated, 77 to 23. of the Columbia river highway and MPKR1AL CAFE, 209 »V. First With members frhm all parts of plunged over a 25-foot perpendicular G le a n e d b y t h e W e s t e r n Harold G. Murphy Prop. the valley attending, Hood River embankment at Starvation creek, west Phone 665 N e w s a p o r U n io n 'f o r Masonic lodge, A. F and A. M„ had of Hood River. W B NKVER CLOSE a mortgage-burning celebration. A B u s y P e e p le Construction of the basketball pavi­ L. STUART, “ the ineurauci final debt of $6500 had been paid. lion at the University of Oregon at • man ” Stock Co, Insurance at William Wort man. aged resident of Eugene, which will be the largest In mutual rates. Farm property, automo­ Lumber shipments by water have Hammond, who was seriously burned the west, with an ultimate seating biles, trucks. Cusick bldg, (upstairs). increased at Newport 400 per cent some time ago when his house was capacity of 12,000 will get under way since 1923. ly A G N E T tt ELECTRIC C o T destroyed by fire, died In an Astoria early next month, It Is announced The The district conference of the Amer­ Official Stromberg carbur etor serv hospital as a result of his injuries A. Pajunen Construction company of ice station, Couservative prices. A1 ican Legion auxiliary was held at Out of the $4500 taken in the last Portland was awarded the contracl work guaranteed. 423 \V. First Roseburg. few days from the bedrock -if the bar on a bid of »167 401 60 The 30th birthday anniversary ol en and money are best when Construction work on a viaduct which the Burnt Rtver Gold Dredging busy. Make your dollars work in the Salem lodge of Elks was cele­ company is working 30 miles out of highway crossing on the Old Oregon our savings department. A lbany S tate brated Friday. Baker, $4000 in nuggets was picked trail at Meacham will get under way B ank . Under government supervision at. once, it is announced by Ross New­ The annual conference of the state up by the laborers. ARINELLO PARLORS court of the Catholic Daughters of A piece of fuse, a case of detonat­ port, contractor. The Old Oregon trail (A beauty aid for every need) America was held at Astoria. at this point will be taken over the ing caps and a box of dynamite con­ T'wi-.w SI. Francis Hotel ’1» . Increased premiums for dairy cattle Prop. Winifred Rcsr tributed to an accidental explosion at A half million bushels of wheat for exhibitors have been decided on by the camp of the Coats Driving A Boom July and August delivery have been Linn county fair management. OSCOE AMES HARDWARE the Mrs. company, seven miles south of Tills George «Boedegheimer died at a contracted for so far In Umatilla coun­ mook, that sent four men to the bo» Salem hospital from burns suffered ty, according to announcement of The Winchester Store] pltal with Injuries which were be­ when she was' cooking at her home Henry Collins, of ths Collins flour lieved likely to prove fatal t6 one OTIM SON T H E SHOE DOCTOR near Sublimity. mills The wheat was contracted for or more of the victims. Second street, opposite Hamilton's William Macy, aged 26, was killed £uto insurance in force in the state on a basis of $1.18 a bushel. store. Out of a total of more than $4» mi ,- when he fell under the front trucks "Sudden Service." • of Oregon December 31, 1925, exclu of a car of a logging train on which slve of Industrial and group policies, 000 lent to farmers of eastern and central Oregon under the so-called o make rocm for our spring he was riding. aggregated $447,402,402.71, according stock, will sell organs at almost wheat seed relief measure enacted at The first annual convention of the to the annual report of the state In­ your own prices. We must have more the 1925 legislature, there has been room. Davenport Music Ilouse.^ southern division of the southern dis­ surance commissioner. A total of returned to the Btate all of the prin­ trict Epworth league for Oregon held 283,000 policies were listed in the re­ cipal and Interest, with the exception aldo Anderson & Son, distrib­ a three-day session at Medford. port. utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai of $16,646 71. Of this amount, $14, The Baldwin mill at Anlauf in Lane Owing to the unusual low water at 663 65 Is due from farmers In Morrow mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. county, which has been closed down Accessories, a police 1st & Broadalbin. this time of the year mill A of the county, while $1983 06 is due from for nearly two years, will resume oper­ Hawley Pulp & Paper company at borrowers In Gilliam county. ations as soon as repairs are com b ite’s Shoe repair service. Oregon City, has been closed down Oregon pensions have been granted pleted temporarily, and will not resume as follows Concllff B Rowland. Port Opposite Hotel Albany Joe Sylvester of Milligan was kill operation until after a rain yelda suf- rand. $18; Malcomb U. Van Osdol Albany, Oregon ed instantly at Vaughan's camp of the ficient water to turn the wheela of Portland, $15; William M Coplat, Coos Bay Logging company), about the plant. Portland, $15; Paul W. Kreyer. Port midway between North Bend and Co­ S ta tio n quille. A special city election Is proposed W e s a n d s c i “ ake9 W i l l a r d s in a petition now being circulated fn Eugene asking that six outlying dis Under new managamen trlcts southwest of the city be an L. M. Taylor, Prop. nexed. 121 W- Second, Albany. R. W. Price, managing director of Crater Lake lodge, reports seven feet If you enjoy a good meal, of snow at the lodge, five feet at .«ml know a good meal when you get it, You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. Government Camp and thres feet at C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S Anna Springs. Our aim is to please vou. The annual Oregon conference of Commercial and Savinas accounts Solicited the Women’s Missionary association of the United Brethren church was ALBANY held at Salem with delegates in at­ EO- M, G IL C H R IST tendance from many parts of the state. THE BEST DISH F Meade & Albro F and th at through honor.” I VOTE M R T W Willard HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $ 35 ,0 00 PA RA G O N CA FE for children as well a« grown people during the hot days is a plate of pure, fresh ice cream. N othing else is io cooling and nourishiug to the system as this. The ice cream we sell is made from the best milk and cream and if fresh every day. Try it aud be cool. FA R M LOANS Dr. Seth T. French F M . Frencn & Son' Clark’s Confectionery ••••••••«•••••»••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••••a«« Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the L White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. 1 he wisest girls keep out of trouble j FOR. S T E IW E R I Paid Adv. Steiwer for 8e ratnr Committee ISAAC STAPLES, Chairman J M ” I am supporting and shall •ote for him because his splen. lid qualifications highly recoin» uend him to the voters of this ommonwealth. " His training, experience, latural ability, high ideals and -pleudid citizenship give prom- se of uotahle accomplishment. “ I predict th at if Frederick ttein er is seated in tho U. S, -enate he will, before the end >f his first term, become recog- lized throughout the nation aa one of the leaders of that body, hiui Oregon will reap much ciedit and Vote for a Republican Who Can Ba Elected News Notes From All Over Oregon Medford post of the American Le­ gion has just concluded a successful membership drive during which 117 new Legionnaires were added to the i | at lowest rate of interest roll, bringing the total membership to Real Estate Insurance 353. Prompt service. Courteous treatment. The public service commission has W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank Issued an order authorising the build builmng, Albany tng of an overhead crossing of the Southern Pacific railroad tracks on the route of the Oorvallfa Newport highway near Wren. Why auffer from headache’ The properttee of the Coos end Have your eyes examined Curry Telephone company with heed quarters at Marshfield, have been valued at $844,597. according to a re­ port filed In the offices of the public W'lh service commission Figures complied at Salem by the county clerk indicated that the Me­ Jewelers Optometrist« rton county regletrnttoni for the prt mary election next May are 3307 less Albany f than those prior to the primary elec­ tion held two years ego PA&E 5 S T E IW E R T H E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP -®-Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and Man- aKer- Warm air furnaces, plumbing and sheet metal work, tin and gravel roofihg, general jobbing in tin and gal­ vanized iron work, metal skylights and cornices, pumps of all ksnds. 136 Ferry street, Albany. Ore lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers Phone 127J. and plants, l-loral art for every and all occasions. ESTRAIN brings on a train Flower phone 458-J. O uy RURAL ENTERPRISE . > land, $15; John H. H all, Portland, $12; Edward C. Williamson, Portland. $24; Harvey Holston. Portland, $f8; Seneca FoutR, Portland. $18; John II Pehlan, Portland, $24; John Mert Portland. $12; Alfred P. Watson, Port Washington, D C —The aanata com­ land, $15; Joseph Q. Glegaener. Port merce committee's report favoring the land, $12; August Straub, Portland Longview bridge presented In the sen­ »12; John L. May, Portland, $15; Wll ate by its chairman. Senator Bingham Ham R. Brlese, Portland $12; Johr of Connecticut, 1» a general argument, Franbqa, Portland, $15; Elmer Jack for the bridge, coupled with gssertlon son, Portland, $15; Charles L. Mason that navigation on the Columbia river Marshfield, $12; Richard D. Maxon la fully protected, and that Portland The Dalles, »15; Joseph Iillff, Che representatives who appeared before mawa, $15; Samuel Ware. Eugene the committee seemed satisfied $18; Peter A. Blauser, Wauna, $18; The report argues that Portland has Thomaa C. Hawley, Multnomah, $12; largely received the benefits of money Ralph J. Wilson. Riverside, $18; Mark spent on river Improvements and that N. Tisdale, Sutherlin. $24. the three serretarlea of war. rornmih'« Lift Religious Ban on V. W. Members. and agriculture could be depended up­ Milwaukee, Wia. — Women of all on to protect river navigation. The religious faiths now may become mem- existence of the Vancouver bridge. It bers of tha Y. W. C. A., following the is declared, la an insurance against passage of a membership clause to high tolls The report recites the contantlone this effect at the ninth biennial con vention o f the organization» here. It for and against the bridge and states was the third voting on the proposal that the Port of Portland, the Cham and It passed easily 1174 to 199 The her of Commerce and the a'ate high­ present constitution restricts mam way commission of Oregon are op­ berahlp to women of protestant belief posed to any bridge at all. while the people of Washington, except these of Vancouver, are in favor of it. Longvview Bridge Up to Congress Charter No. 49 Reserve District No 12 Report of condition of the h alsey state bank st Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of butine«« April 12 1924 RESOURCES 1. Loan« and discounts, iuclilding rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30. if s n y ___ _____ ______ _______ ___ ___ ___ ______ . . . $145,244.93 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured ........ ..................... . ..... . . . 21 6$ U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in items 30 and .35, if sny ........................................................................ 1,504 00 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern­ ment, state, municipal corporation, etc , including those shown in itrms '«I and ’ 5. if s n v 12 146 43 Ranking houee $2,475 iuruiture and fixtures, $3,414........... ............ 5,885.00 (ab) Cash on band in vault and due front banka, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this bank . . . . . . ................................. 39,134 45 Check» on hanks outside city or town of reporting bank and other Cash items. ............................. — ................................................. ¿540 Total cash and due from banks, items *, 9, 10 and II, $.19,164.85 Total . ?4.1 '*'.$ 84 LIA’LITIES 16 Capital stock paid in ............ ............ ...................... .. 17. Surplus fund .............................................................. ............. 15. (a) Undivided profits................... ..................................... . $.5 380 12 (b) Less current expenses, interest ami taxes paid................2.7k$,#O D cmand D is o j i TS, other than hanks, subject to reserve 23. Individual deposits stibiec t to check including deposits due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public fu n d s .............. .4. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding ____ ____ _______ __ 2.5. Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on d em an d ___ Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $89,708 II T ime and S avinos D spo u t s . subject to reserve end payable on demand or subject to notice 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ............................................. 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ........................................... Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or •ubject to notice, items ’7 and 28, $76,755 61 20,000 OO )« OOO 66 2 495 U $8, ,302.96 72.8$ 1.3J2 JO 24,846.10 51,909 51 ♦ 'io « a «4 State of Oregon, county of Linn, st I II 'f Bond, cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly «weir that tha above statement is true to the bestdf my knowledge and belief. B. M Bond, Cashier. Correct—Attest D Taylor L 0 Taylor C H Koontz. Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 19th day ol April, 1926 Amor A. Tusting Notary ublic. My coniniutwm expires J-12-28.