FACE « KLRAL ENTERPRISE An APRIL 2» RURAL ENTERPRISE Independent—Nut neutral—n ew s­ paper, published eveiy Wednesday, The Great Outdoors they will <•» here that dewauded referendum, and they will gat in the neck. Where Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced «r Wn. M. UUttlCLtM Jan. 1 last stats and local gov eminent« owad 111,630,000,000, an 11 a year in advance Arrearages. 12XC ■ monti' iocraase of over ona-tbird io tbres Advertising, 20c an inch; nodiacoun years and a charge against homes Sor time ur space ; no charge for coin and farms. position or c.iatiges. l a " P a id -fo r P aragrap hs." le a lina sr* a d v e rtis in g disguised as news. GOOD BY This M tba last issue of the Bnterprise to ha published by me 1 have been with it four years and nine mouths, which is loDger tbsu it remained in tbs bands of any i f its previous publishers. The Halsey community bas my aim era thanks for the way it bah stood by me in adversity and in prosperity in my effort to produce the beet weekly iu the smallest newspaper town in Linn county 1 bave enjoyed tba experience, but failirig eight compels me to seek a sphere less trying on thc eyes. Hugh L. Almon, the new pro prletor, bas bad experience in th> newspaper pnbliabing business am is a good printer and man of good character. I bespeak for him th> same loyal patronage I havi enjoyed and am aura he will g i'e satisfaction to readers and adver isers. Accounts due for subscriptions are payable to Mr. Almon and t< to tboae who have paid in advance ha will send the paper until theii subscriptions expire. All dues foi advertising up to May 1 are pay able to ma or to him on my account. Wm. H. Wheeler. 9CATTERGUN SHOTS 'lemperanoe people do not want • boozer representing them in the senate, even if he does promise to support prohibition measures. Read, on this page, what Suusi i says of “ the new farmer of th« west.” Are you one of these new farmers? They are coming frou schools a ad colleges, and they an not waitiug for congress to pull them out of a hole. Theodore Roosevelt says the prohibition law canuot be enforced unless it is made milder. That sounds not much like the Thsedore Roosevelt of the big stick. In the republican sanatoria1 campaign in Oregon tbe wets have let loose a Sandblast that the) hope will so erode the prohibition wall that more kick will get trough into wine ami beer. Thus U tility Investments are Protected by I K err’s Chick Starting Milk Mash Halsey is on tba longest super Baby Chick Scratch power line in Ilia world, told Egg Producer about on page 1 in an article from Sunset. Halsey is also ou tba Triangle Egg Maah longest paved highway in the world. Halsey is in the state that Attractive prices on Shell, Bone Meal Aral taxed gaaoline to build roads and Fine and Coarse Grit Neealy every other state is follaw ing our lead iu this. Oregou is ■ live state and bag taken the lead iu many other moves that are grow iag popular elsewhere. Halsey is the happy medium betweeh tbe dissolute big city and the humdrum oackwoods. It is the center of i prosperous farming community, Notice tbe steady growth of the on the main lioea of rail and auto 373,000 FARMERS HELPED Albany travel and electric light aud power Federal Loan Official Dtllvera 8peech wires, with grade and high schools Creamery Association at Spokane. and within ferty msnutes of tbe Number of pounds ol butter nianufac Spokane, W ash.—More than 373,000 tnred in tba last five years: state agricultural college. farmers In tba United States have O. w . F R I M Your Home Paper A professor in the college ^^^school of journalism writes: ” The cititens of Halsey have reason to feel pride in their com* munity paper and I trust it may thrive and become increasing! v able to give them the service t h'-l will belp them in tbeir work of upbuilding tbe district.” Are you giving loyal support to your home paper? Halsey Rural Enterprise 8 pages weekly T year for"! dollar 1931........... 414,205 1922 ...........520,902 1923 ........... »26,402 1924........... 627,107 19z5........... 706,7S2 borrowed money through the federal farm Ioan banke etnee their establish­ During Mereb this year we man* ment la farms. Many of the larger ufaotured 9500 pounds more than the federal farm Ioan board at Wash­ ington, D. C., told representatives of in March last year. farm loan organisations In Washing ton. Oregon, Idaho and Montana serv­ ed by the 9pokane bank. In a meeting here. More than »1.000.000,000 has been loaned to them, at rates of 5 (Sunset for May) and 6H per cent. In addition, he said The other day the treasurer < f the federal hanks hare standardized the Californf* Prune and Apricot farm mortgage loans, which In some escalation signed 11,000,000 wi rth sections formerly drew as high as 10 per cent. ot checks, payable mostly to Delegates from the four Northwest­ farmers ef the Santa Clara valley. ern states also reported home move­ The association bad already paid ments In farms. Many of the larger members ever $6,000,000 on farms are being divided and sold to neighbors and In other instances farms the 1925 crop. are being blocked together and then The interesting thiug about it is sold In advantageous units The Successfni Farmer is a Business Man Th* management of most large, we)l-wstablisbed publie utility companies is in the hands of executives and engineers with long etpsristice in servieg the publio. Sound management means high.class service, reasonable rates, pleasant relatoins with the public. The Mountain States Power company is in the hands of men who are well known as earnest, conscientious executives whose first thought is “ the best possible service at the lowest possible rates.” I nder their guidance the i-per-cent preferred shares have established a long reaord of uninterrupted dividends. I.et us give you eomplete details of your opportunity tor sound investment in this company. Mountain States Power Securities Company Office Mountain States Power (© Albany Corvallis C ltU fa O r e v , Independence Junotion City ueu. nan Dallas Springfield Eugene Stayton Complete line of Albers Brothers’and Brewster's C H IC K E N F E E D Fleece Twine and Wool Sacks T. J. Skirvin Seed (° More Farm Relief Piffle to Corne Washington, D. C. — The house agriculture committee voted to amend the Haughen farm relief bin by de­ ferring for two years the imposition of an equalization fee on basic agricul­ tural commodities to be used to stabil­ ize prices. Chairman Haughen announced that It also had been agreed to in crease a revolving fund proposed In his bill from »250,000.000 to $350,000.000. Under the measure as amended, agricultural prices would be maintain­ ed at the world market quotations plus the import tariff on each pro­ duct. This would be accomplished the first two years by the revolving fund, which would come out of the treasury. At the end of two years the equaliza­ tion fee would be levied automatically on the first sales of wheat, cotton, corn, cattle and swine. The Haugen bill Is dne of three measures the committee has ordered reported. The others are the Curtlss- Aswell commodity marketing bill and the Tlncher bill, supported by Secre­ tary Jardine, which would afford gov­ ernment credits to co-operatives. The amendment was accepted by the middle western farm organizations supporting the corn belt plan, the main features of which Were embodied in the Haugen bill. In a statement sent to the committee their repre­ sentatives explained they had not sought the change, but if the com­ m ittee considered it desirable, they would not oppose it. tbe way the new farmer of the west does business. He has made THE MARKETS farming a business He buys bis farm or orchard fertilizer, liis Portland insecticides and his cultivators, Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, »1.48; invests in his business just as does any other business man. He joins hard white. »1.47; soft white and west­ with bis neighbors in marketing, ern white, »149; hard winter and and bas his selling dene by the northern spring. »1.49; western red, »1.42. best experts he oan hire. Farm* Hay—Alfalfa, »18.50019 ton; valley ing with him is business, big busi­ ness, scientifically msneged. Tbe timothy, »190 19.50; eastern Oregon The proverbial "goose chase" has facts indicate that the new farmer* timothy, »21 50022, become a reality on Blalock wheat ef the west is a mighty successful' BUtterfat—41c shippers' track. Eggs—Ranch. 24®20c. ranches near Arlington. The geese business man. Stops when time expires. Send in names of friends who io not take the paper. Be sure and give postoftices and rura routes correctly. Twenty*Ave weeks is long enough time in wbicr* to get acquainted. A week or two is not. Therefor we offer the Enterprise 25 week» for 26 cente to any person within fifteen miles of Halvey who is not George Shims, Japanese potato acquainted with it. king, recently died in California, A friend of the Enterprise worth $3,000,000, *11 mads iu and of Halsey oilers to stand giowing potatoes, largely on leased tfie cost of fifty such subscriptions. lends. He knew bow to grow Send in names and addresses of potatoes end “ relief ” laws didn’t friends within 15 miles of Halsey worry hies. who ilo not know the Enterprise. A cow belonging to Henry Keizer If we receive the names before tbe list Is filled your friends will git of Gates died tba other day after the paper ailing for a year and in her atom- ash was found a gopher snake IS inches long, while attached to her 25 weeks F R E E liver were four blood leeches five inches long, one .( them still alive. Dishonest oom mission merchants are not tba only scoundrels who rob farmers. Beccuse of alleged excessive damage from tbe sugar* moth borar ia 1925 the factory buying cane from a Louisiana planter insisted on paying its. than th« regular price. It waa shown by tbs records of tbe gov­ ernment bureau of eotomologv that the damage dons by tbi< High Standards of Executive Management We want your Nsect on the p lantation in quts* tion during the period specified was no worse than usual, and (hat the cane of this particular plantar waa not unuaually damagad, to be received the fnli price (or geod cane. " » :« ( ia now running in atl canals of the Warm Springs Irrigation sys­ tem. Warm weather has mada the water needed. Attempt to collect 3» rents from James Jackson, a farmer, for a tuber ruler test of his row, resulted In a law suit for Washington county. Jarkaon and his wife filed suit to enjoin the county from enforcing a Ilea against hia property for the amount Involved They rharge that the law enacted by the last legislature purporting to authorize counties to levy thia rharge. unconstitutional. Sheep Shearing Hava am clipped. See Charles Kutsch, 31 miles southwest of ialsay, route 1, or phons Albany 10F31. Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets, 27H e; loaf. 28He per lb. Cattle—Steers, good. »898.75. Hogs — Medium to choice, »12® 13 90 Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice. »11012 Seattle. W heat—Soft white, »1.50; western white. »1.49; hard winter, western red. »14»; northern spring. ,142; Btg Bend bluestem »1.47. Hay—Alfalfa. »2« timothy. ,23 timothy P 8., »20; do. mlaed. »26 Batter—Creamery. 39® 41c. Eggs— Ranch. 28®31e. H ogs—Prime. »13 85® 14 10 Cattle— Prime steers. »8 2608.7». Cheese—Oregon triplets, 24c; Wash­ ington triplets. 22023c. Spekana. Hoga- -Prime mixed, 111.7». Cattle -P r im e steers. »7 50 08 ,6 Dr. Mellenthin D o e s N o t O p e r a te Hill & Co. HALSEY SHOP First-class Work Will be at J . W. S T E P H E N S O N , HOTEL ALBANY TU88ING & TOSSING Thursday, May 6 LAWYERS Halsey and Brownsville Oregon Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Remember above data, thateon- Good Work Team | sultatioa on thia trip will bo free and that hia treatment is different. women must be secom panieri 2 loads Clover Hay i bv Married their hnshends • J, jag« i ■v. We Mll th. | in Internal Medicine for the R A R R F R I past e fifteen years , . ONE DAY ONLY 1 K J n f p • There It onlv on« le e e in e i V O l C , R om. Quvlitv D< Lttx. u u t h It made only bv T h . R o m . C o » Specialist Th» I .ane county fair board has authorized the drafting of plans for a proposed building program on the No Charge for Consultation county fair grounds at Eugene a merger ot tne Mameur county Dr. Mettethhin is a regular graduate farm bureau and the Malheur Pro- in medicine and surgery and is licensed ducera' association waa the result of by the stste of Oregon He does not a meeting of the two bodies held re­ operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsil« or cently. adenoids. The state engineer hat been f ^ T - « ' He has to his credit wonderful results ed to investigate the condition of the in diseases of the stomach, liver, bow­ els, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney« Whited reservoir on Burnt river In bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lung« Raker county to determine whether | rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec­ tal «llments. It Is safe. Below are the names of a few of his Salaries hare not been paid for two many satisfied patients in Oregon months by tbe state hoard of horti­ Mrs. L. L. Peetz. Moro, heart trouble culture and the board has derided to Mrs P P. Hsgtr (daughter Mane). ask for relief from the state's em ir Walton, tonsils snd sdcnmds Mrs. E. C. Mullor, Hiltboro, ulcer of gency fund. the leg Mrs. Nets Peterson, Skamokawa. Tentative organization of the Lane couaty row testing association waa Wash colitis. «rover C. Coathier Coquille, colitis effected at a meeting of a number snd nlcers of stomach. of dairymen at the Eugene chamber Mrs. Carl Johnson Mirth field, ear Of COW’n®*«'« trouble, J W. Tnmtr. Dalles stomach trouble. E- A. Russell, Klamath Pells, appen­ dicitis. FOR SALE F. 0- Salmon What a glorious feeling it is to escape from the deadening effects of a sag g in g b e d s p rin g . When you sleep with your spine straight— when you eliminate the pressure on delicate nerves—when the whole system clears itself of fatig u e poisons and every muscle and nerve feels refreshed—then you’ll appreciate the benefits which we offer you in Rome Quality De Luxe, The Bed- springLuxurious. There isonlyonegenuineRome De Luxe—let us show it to you. All sizes car­ ried in stock. For wood or metal beds. THE BEDSPRING LUXURIOUS are wild and the chasers are the farm­ ers. Thus far they have been unable to keep the big birds off their fields. Com ing to Albany “Rome De Luxe” Sleep Sold Here Address. 211 Angeles Col. Bradbury bldg. Los NOTICE of Appointment of Administratrix. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned by an order of the Connty Court of Linn County, Ortgoa, hat been appointed administratrix of the estate of C. P Stafford, deceased. AU persons having claims against said estate »re required to present them within six months from the date of thia notice, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at her residence in Haltey in men County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 21st day of April, » 2 6 Pranklyn D. Stafford, Administratrix Aforesaid Tuasing A Tuasing, Attys. for Admx NOTICE of Hearing of Piaal Account Notice it hereby given that the final account of g p Isom as administrator ’* bonl» Bon » ' ‘h the will annexed of the estate of David I. Isom de­ ceased, hat been filed ia the County Court of Linn County. State of Oregon, end that the 24th day of May. »26. at the hoot of » o clock A M , hat been duly appointed by said Court for the hearing oi obiee- tions to said final account snd the settlement thereof, »t which time any person interested in said estate mar appear and file objections thereto in writing and Contest the same Dated sad first published April 21. 1926. E D. Isom. Administrator Ac Aforesaid. T uning fc T uning Attys. fot Admr,