U / O -L r' rural e A g rc u ltu re H o r t c u 11 u r e L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land A P R IL 2«, 1926 Halsey Happenings and County Events D a i r y P o il 1 t r y W ool Luckey, and family in Eugene t riday. Â lîord Arrows Happenings in Miss Beulah Miller spent Sat­ Pedestrian Greatest Victim urday in Albany. (B y an Enterprise Reporter) Public Schools Doings o? Our Populace Mrs. T. P. Patton is home of Automobile Accidents Jack Curtis visited at Chester Chronicled in Briel (Enterprise Correspondent«) from Seattle. Curtis’ Sunday. Paragraphs W ilham Landon, Leila Gansle, Mrs. J. J. Corcoran was in Al­ I Chester Curtis and famiiv bany Wednesday. visited at Chas. Tandy’s Thurs­ John Miller, Danid Wesley and day evening. Keith Hayes have all been ab­ T. J. Ckirvin was in Eugene Skirvin and wife were Thursday. in Albany Sunday. ' E. D. Isom and A. E. Whit- sent part of the week on account beck attended the I. 0. 0. F. of illness. Jiin McMahan visited Port­ Rev. Mr. Tate and wife have meeting at Brownsville Satur­ The grade girls played an in­ land Monday. a boy born Monday. Pedestrian day night. teresting game of ball with tho Grant Taylor has new shing­ Mrs. William Zellmer had grade girls of Harrisburg Fri- Mrs J. F. Isom of Oakridge les on his roof. three incubators of eggs hatch v is ite d at the E. D. Isom and A. day afternoon. The score was 8 ing Friday. Mrs. M. M. Ward got badly E. Whitbeck homes over the to 6 in favor of Harrisburg. Tho jarred in a fall but is recovering. Mrs. E. A. P. LaFoHette of week end. Halsey team was made up of smaller girls then the Harris­ Georgina Clark was the guest Corvallis was a week end visitor -COIISIOP Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter of burg team which gave them a of Miss Genevieve Wells Sunday. in Halsey. Portland and Mrs. Will Porter decided advantage. J. C. Porter and wife and Mrs. Miss Ernestine Coleman took of Shedd were callers at A. E. Coraleah Moody returned to P red Sprenger were in Albanv dinner with Dorothy Corcoran Whitbeck's Sunday. school Tuesday after being ab­ Friday. Friday. Mrs. Rump and daughter Miss sent on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Yates otuect Charlie Willis has been taken Nina of Eugene spent the week M rs Moor« was a visitor in I he to Albany four times with that and family of Albany spent Sun- end with their son and brother, primary room Thursday. 1 day at Warren Isom’s. T i ’ ^ rK D E S T R IA N Is the greatest sufferer In automobile fatalities accord j I B ria n I ’e rrv , and family. broken forearm. Coughs and colds have been Ing to records analyzed by the Stewart-Warner Safety Council for »be I Dr. Marks and wife spent the Mrs. C. S. Veatch went to Mrs. Harry Wicks, formerly so prevalent among the children United State« aU,° ” ’ bl.le •«*<>«“ » No complete record 1« available for the ' Portland with Cottage Grove eek end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred In h i nS / * Wh° ? ' bUt " rep0,', baMd ° n 3 023 iH ,(’ fata litie s occurring primary iourri room v the past Miss Avaiiuicu Mildred lu Goodman n M in iu n of or this vfilS in the , ne p ast ... Applegate of Yoncalla. friends Wednesday. neighborhood but now of Cor- weck X°u would think a cough- " T t “" T ’ Of 1925’ QDVerin,r 0 P°P“ «>tK>n of thirty-one million 1« significant. Two thousand of these 3.02S fatalities have been clae-lflcd vallis, and her baby son visited '”8 contest was being staged and Mrs. W. A. Muller and son according Mrs. C. P. Stafford, Mrs. Dr. to type. Sixty-eight per cent of the victims were pedestrians. I t ; Thelma Ingram Thursday night their teacher finds it decidedly Harold and Mrs. J. C. Porter and Marks and W. M. Burbank were L ,b ’’ " oth* r motor »ehlcle; 7 per cent with horse vehicles, 4.2 with noisy. son Harry were in Albany Thurs­ fixed objects such as tamp posts, 3.5 per cent with street cars, 2 7 with rallwav and Friday. in Albany Thursday. day. The grade rooms engaged in S ita ta ^ P* r 7 “ W“ b blcTcle"- Th* temalalog «.g per cent Involved no Miss Agnes Chandler has been Mrs. Florence Leeper and son a poster-making contest for the i 8ma 1 proportlOB Involving railway trains la encouraging and engaged to teach Alford school George Maxwell was visited doubtless due to the gradual abolition of unguarded grade crossing. The Francis of Eugene visited at play given Saturday evening a next year. Mrs. E. D. Isom, the Frank Leeper’s Wednesday. Sunday by bis sistars, Mrs. Ida menace to the pedestrian, however. Is alarming, and calls for greater care present teacher, is to teach the prize being offered for the neat­ his part In cros«ln< streets and on the drivers for more careful driving. Mrs. D. F. Dean went to Co­ Cummings and Mrs. Alva Smith Powell school, between Halsev est one. Alice Sturtevant was the lucky little girl and the prize quille the last of the week for of Albany. and Brownsville. a visit with her husband. was a reserved-seat ticket to the Mrs. J. J. Corcoran went to Mrs. Seth Hollis, formerly play. Kirk Kinks On account of indisposition Salem Sunday to visit her Pine Grove Points Irene Calvert of this commun­ ,u T o t IlaJsey 8rade ^°ys Played Mrs. Crippcn postponed her de­ daughter Willmina, who is in ity but now of Goshen, with her tne lSb£dd grades in a baseball parture for Portland a day and the tuberculosis hospital. (B y an Bnterpiise Reporter) (By Special Correspondent) baby daughter and her mother. game Thursday. Halsey was vie- went Thursday. Mr. Sylvester has a light case I MrSx J °Ln 'y iHou8hby, and torious, with a score of 15 to 5. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rike were Miss Agnes Chandler, who is grandmother, Mrs. Brown, called Keep your eyes on this team. It Mrs. Slater, teacher of the „ „ 7 ^ ” smallpox Albany and Brownsville callers of smallpox. on Thelma Ingram $unday. hasn’t lost a game yet. h J r Per SChT h damaged end at home and attended Thursday. Mrs. W. G. McNeil was an Al­ her auto in a crash but escaped the high school play. “Yimmie Yonson’s Yob,” ren­ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson bany caller Saturday. personal injury. dered by a cast from Halsey high B R IE F G ENER AL N E W S spent Thursday afternoon at W Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eag.v and l»»l Saturday evening, filled the G. W. Starr went to Browns­ Mr. and Mrs. Morrel and I R. Kirk’s. son Lyle were Albany visitors Chauncey M Depew re­ 92 vnftr(, ville Saturday to the funeral of niece Mildred w of Hillsboro j Halsey opera house. No crack old laat Friday. A. L. Falk and family and Al­ Tuesday. his uncle, G. W. Starr. His wife J. turned home Wednesday aQer ‘ a It aiding troupe could have giv­ bert West motored to Albany went with him. j sit with Mrs. Eldon Cross Mrs. Rosa Overton of Albany Luke F. Parson«, laat sgrvlvor of en better satisfaction to a Hal­ Wednesday. the John Brown bands of Civil war spent the week end at the Bert days, died at Ssllna, Kan sey audience. The receipts were Mrs. Frank Porter of Portland! o S’ J Smith and wife and Mrs. $111. Haynes home. Grace Kirk came home for the visited Mrs. C. P. Stafford and 1 Stafford visited at 0. B. Stal- Restrictions against entrance of Clara Hoppe, daughter of other friends in these parts thei Sund»y and brought week end, bringing her friend, Miss Agnes Chandler was at Ifawallan-born citizens of Orients' last of last week. Mrs. Stalnaker home for an ov- Eva Hulburt, with her. home for the week end, she is origin Into the United States Dave ’.larence Hoppe, new arrivals from Minnesota, is a pupil in er night visit with her father, been ordered removed Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirk at­ teaching at Eola. Misses Dorothy Cororan, El- f . P. Patton Wind and floods In Texas and Okla Mrs. Cdieman’s room. tended the open forum meeting nestine Coleman and Bessie Rey­ George McNeil and family homa claimed at least 14 lives, caul at Charity grange Friday even­ were nolds spent Saturday afternoon1. Wr8‘ s - J- Holloway had a via ing. Sunday guests at Will Mc- ed Injuries to a score of persons ind Halsey in tho W orld’s I it last week from her daughter, at Warren Isom’s Laren’s. resulted In thousands of dollars prop Mrs. Lulu Brock, and grand­ The M. B. Hardings are caring Longest Power System erty damage J, W. Evans and family had I daughter, L. E. Eagy and family andi Mrs. Lee Lowery, of for 1000 white Leghorn baby (Sunset for May. at their Sunday dinner Mr. and Oregon City and the latter’s chicks which they purchased at Mrs. Mary McNeil visited Mr. The senate elections committee unanimously agreed to throw ou» « the Mrs. Ralph Thoms, Mrs. S. ■*. children, the last of the week. and Mrs. Will Eagy at Oakville The longest ' ‘ iupvr«pow super-power’ - .w I - ..V .vrnjrov er SV*. Eugene. A c tio n contest brought ngninnt Sena teni in the w orld is operating over Sunday. Holloway and Paul Jensen. Hiram Bierly, who has been or Brattan, democrat- New Mexico, by lilies stretching fro m M o n ta n a At the Linn county Jersey A. F. Albertson and W. G. Mc­ ».S e n a to r Bursum, a republican Harley St. John of Shedd is jubilee working in Southern Oregon, th ro u g h Id a h o in to W ash in g to n at the county fan- under a doctor's care with a grounds, May 19, Lewis W. spent the week end at R. E Neil and their families attended Premier Brtand replying to a go and down the coast through Ore- the revival meeting at Peoria, clallst Interpellation m the FrSnch son aud C a lifo rn ia , ending iu Bierly’s. sprained ankle, a result of the Wooley of the American Jersey Thursday evening. ‘ chamber of deputies, said he was con Mexico Its d irec t connecting ball game here last week. Mrs. Ella Long, who has been Cattle club will be a speaker from .'ed Pr«mier Premier Mussolini Mussolini was waa trying trying power no war lines Mrs. Hover and Mrs. McLaren ! v,cc*d lines e«t»nA extend more than 1800 nursing at L. R. Falk's, returned C. R., Mary and Maria Evans New York. to realize Italy’s Ita ly « icgitims.tr legitimate aapira ajiplrs miles. A aeore ef great d is trib u ì-* attended the group meeting off to her home near Rowland Fri­ visited their sister, Mrs. E. (Continned on page 8) uting systems «re connected by the Womens Missionary Societv ,ions and ,ba’ h* d,d not " l,b t0 day evening. thia " snper-power” chain. at the South Methodist church | ,arb 'b* ’*ar’ * gurop* Edna Geer called at Kirk Various branda of “ ¡n ice ” are Tuesday. MU«Cie Shoals Bargain Mad« school Monday afternoon. A at Peoria gome ------------------------------ 'Vashlugtoc. D C - T h « bid of the servad by tbia system. special meeting was held and it comes from hydro-electric pianta The High school baseball S 7 o r t i X M ^ M P° 7 r .H * 7 was decided to build a new high in the mountains, some from teams played Junction Citv 1 was reported unofficially M * M"acU >’”’a,a school house this summer. steam plants in the cities, aorne as ft» pro. teams I riday. The games all posal which would receive the Indorse from oil burners. All "su p er­ Visitors at L. R. Falk’s Sunday went in favor to Junction City. power” means is that the conneot- were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bitny Mrs. Irma Shotwell chaperoned ment of the majority of the Joint mg companies agree to plug for Muscle Shoal« congressional commit and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. the girls’ team . one another in emergencies and to tee. Rike, Harllie Rike, Mr. and Mrs. aid each other at times o f peak F. W. Falk and daughter Delma, C h u r c h N o t ic e s New York Selena Repel Wet Project loads. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Christensen How many minute», by actual Albany, N. Y ._ T h e New York as and Mrs. W. R. Kirk and son Church of Christ count, has your power been off m »•mbly by a vote of «1 to SI defeated Raymond. » bill »«king congress to call a na the past year? Not many, we’ll ^ to /e p ro o f jto s ie r y to m a tc h euer y costarne, in t/ic season s s m a r te s t co/ors, $1 .50 z o , r m en, in p la in an J fa n c y co/ors, Can a Halaeyite, who has uot seen soow within a year nor a day when stock might not grio io green fields aud a bouquet of Mowers be gathered io the garden, visualize the situation described in the fol­ lowing dispatch from St. Albans, V t ,, dateo Apr ll 16: bpri'ig seemed farther away than ever in uorthern Vermont tonight alter an all-day snowstorm, ih e storm extended south to central Vermont and westward beyond the New Hampshire line. I he ground ib m il inowoovered and in Ihe woods drifts five feet d..p . . . b „ .d . 35 to 75c OONTZC1 K good GOODS^ '•a I tlonal «onatltutfonal convention to re­ wager, unless a fuse gave out under the strain of tba new electric range, peal th» prohibition amendment Not Much JJke Oregon T„. the percolator, the toaster, the water heater and the alectric pump, Thank ' super­ Rome -P re m ie r Mussolini express all going at once »'I the thanks of the Italian govern power” for wiping out all those ment to Ambassador Henry p Fletch annoying breaks of an hour or two er for his valuable aid In effecting the we used to regret in the good old days. A lightning bolt can knock settlement of the Italian debt out the plant in Montana, but they’ll hare " ju ic e ” up there in 1000th U. of O. Student Enrolled, » few minutes from Mexico cr t ’igen» Or OSMtSMC ' • — land broke all enrollment re c o rd te f southern California. Mussolini Extends Thanks to Fletahsr Sunday School, 10. Mor ning worship, 11 ‘ What are you Doing Your Voice?” W it h i 'b ’ ic j F’reaehing 8 -r ' ,,, thermometers sank to near zero | levels on two recent mornings and Clifford L. Carey, pastor. aud snow fell Wednesday and Thursday. Tho snowfall today M. E. Church reached to Woodaville, in the Robert Parker pastor. upper Connecticut valley. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11, George Githens and sons Rus­ Junior League, 2:30, sell and Merle of Peoria were in Epworth league, 7. Halsey Tuesday and attended the Preaching, 8. practice ball game between! Praver-mceting, Thursday, Shedd and Halsey. Bible Stu ly Tueaday, 2. Vnlverslty of Oregon when the filed her card end brought the total of the unlverelty to 3000. Judge English Ordered to Face Trial. Washington. D C —Federal Judge George W English of the Eastern llllnola district, waa commanded hy the senate to appear at its har on May 3 at 12:30 p m., to answer charges of usurpation of power and other mis­ demeanors N. Y. Turns Clocks Forward Ona Hour. >-ew to rk .— Daylight saving wen' Into effect here at 3 a m Sunday Clocks wera to he turned ahead one hour. Mrs. Anna Bailey of Eugene "as a sjieaker at the all-day meeting of the Women's Mission­ ary Society of the church of Christ Friday. Albany, Browns­ ville and Lebanon members were present. W bih- p la y in g in fr o n t o f W « t 4 Mack’s restaurant recently Frederick Robins snapped a play­ thing he was carrying in a dog’s ear and is carrying the marks of the dog’s teeth in his cheek. Dr. Marks dressed the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason wens visiting in llal.->ey Sunday. J