rA u i • FUMAI. LNT LK I'M I Sit C E C IL B. D e M IL L E ’S production, THE VOLGA BOATMAN with William Boyd Victor Varoonl Elinor Fair Julia Faya The io ippH’k «toryol a great, overwhelming love, an uprising, ill grave perils and the strangely tangled llvea of a (air-liaired titanic boatman Claying ahead of Portland Neat Sun. Mon. Tn«s. April 25—2« 27 AMMU. 21 ed from a visit in Corvallis Tues­ day. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran spent Thursday ut Jack C urtis.’ Yirrimie Yonson will be at the City hall Saturday evening. Poisoners have killed dozens of good and poor dogs a t H arris­ burg lately. S. 8. Gilbert haa filed for the republican nom ination for county commiasioner. Stationery 33c Any bos ul your ewn choice while they last T ry your HALSEY GARAGE HUDSON u1Îler & ESSEX C a rs Two Cars for Sale or Trade Neighborhood Drug Store 10 Parts coonectioo R econditioning Shop ' JLVaybestoa H ¡-speed Good trades allowed Wrecking Shop TORRANCE for lets m osey i Brake r S E R V I C E S T A T IO N 212 Eaet Pirat at., Albany Phone 379 P. P A P M A N Prop. lor all your wants I bava a complete stock of and will be ready for use by ¿>unday. P. J. F orster visited Monroe Saturday. Karl Bramwell and family were in Albany Friday evening. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill were in Al­ bany Friday. Dr. and Mrs. M arks visited Halsey Railroad Tjme Carl Koppe at Eugene over the North week end. 3:24 a. m. flag South drugs and medicines I). C. Thomas has filed for the Ì2, 17, 12:09 p. m. 16, 5:15 a. m. 15. 12;45 p. m. republican nomination for coun­ Mrs. W. H. Robertson is home 18, 8:16 a. ui. flag 33, 8:12 p. in ty commissioner. from a week’s visit with her 34, 4:08 p. ui. 31. 1:34 p. m. Wilma llaverlund of Browns­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ben­ Nos. 14 and 16 atop to let off passengtri from aouth of Eugene ville is the bride of Frank B. nett, Lebanon. No. 31, direct counnctien for Marshfield G LO B E Albany Faatburn of Albuny. points. Mrs. Gordon M unker s o f Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross w ere' Passengers for aiuth of Eugene should Brownsville Saturday visited Haliey Happenings take train No. 17. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley Mrs. Charles Green, who was H&lsey-brownsville stage leaves Hal- Patton ut lunch Wedia-sday. I (Continued from page 1) t t y at 7 a. m and 12:IS and 8;lk p. m. and niece Velva were in Albany here from California. Leave« Hrownsville at 7:40 a. m. and C. II. Koontz has been having) Yimnile Yonnon’a yob. Mrs. C. P. Stafford had as 3.35 and 8:45 p. ni. i big new sleeping porch built day evening at the Methodist Friday afternoon. I). 8. McWllliuniH wan a Halsey .it his residence. Walt Smith did church. Misses Ellen Vannice and Sunday guests Mrs. E. E. W yatt visitor Wednesday. the work. Gladys Hadley came home from of Eugene and Mrs. Benson, Outgoing Mail Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Foote House .m other of Pi Beta Phi, Guy Jordan of Corvallia was in Virginia and Pearl Moore, who were in Brownsville Monday Monmouth for the week end. A t the Haleey postoffice mails U. of 0 . f Hulsey Thursday. ire living with their aunt, Fleta close going north at 11:50 a. m, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . W . Frum and morning. The sidewalk ut the O. M. Mil* Li vie, had a visit Sunday from daughter Vivian attended ser­ C. F. Morse, S. C. Veatch and and 5:20 p. in. their lather, William Moore of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cross vices Going south, 11:10 a. m. and er building is 0 . K- again. a t th e tabernacle in Lester Green went to Cottage Oakridge. spent the week end enjoying Brownsville Sunday. 5:20 p. in. Grove vicinity Monday. Mr. Miss Maude Arkley came To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and F. S. Hayes’ house and barn Newport sights. Green stopping in Eugene, Jown from Eugene Friday. Mrs- Flora Bishop and Miss where he has employment with 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ >n his place east of Halsey, oc- Miss Ruby Schroll is suffer­ Mias Beulah Miller was an Al­ upied by George Snodgrass, ing from the cold and sore throat M argaret Gillett of Salem visit­ ville goes on to Crawfordsville, the railroad company’. Holley and Sweet Home. bany visitor one day last week. turned to the ground Thursday th a t is prevalent. ed a t D. H. S tu rtev an t’s Sun­ day. The Holiness association plans afternoon. Nine mem bers of th e Study Mrs. F. W. Sylvester anc a camp meeting here the coming Mrs. Eliza Brandon was the daughter Eunice were in Corval Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shotwell club responded to rollcall a t Mrs. Argument Against summer. guest of Mr and Mrs. A. VV. lis Saturday morning. attended the “student volunteer George I^aubner’s Thursday. The retreat’’ a t Monmouth Saturday. lesson, by Mrs. Lyman W. Pat- Mrs. Will Curtis of Lebanon Foote Sunday at a dinner in hon­ Lowering the Bars Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross or of Mrs. Brandon’s and Walter was visiting her daughter, Mrs. The principal speaker was Mr. tun. wss on “ China and Pottery Foote's birthdays, which occur took a trip to Alsea Sunday and Taylor, a missionary on fu r­ of Our F orefathers.’’ There was Bert Clark, Tuesday. enjoyed a little fishing. lough from India. Miss Amanda a discussion of “Home Interiors,” Prominent Canadians Testify Mrs. John Salash is seriously the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Bayne Mitzner, with a group of stu ­ followed by a luncheon. Next on Conditions Under Gov- The King’s Herald s met with ill at her home here. Mrs. L. A Mrs. S. J. Smith Saturday to cel­ and little son Seth of Peoria dents from th e evangelical in­ meeting, tw o weeks hence, with Pray has been curing for her. c nment Control. were in Halsey Monday. stitute, also attended. Mrs. C. R. Evans. Miss Lillie Barber came home ebrate the birthday’s of Jimmie Smith and W alter Foote. A gen­ Herman Steinke and Free from California last week and is Washington, D. C.—The dry» tann­ with her sister, Mrs. J. I), P itt­ eral good time was enjoyed ami Roberts, with th eir families ed their heaviest artillery on the wet» plenty of good things to eat spent Sunday a t Triangle lake. man. were in evidence. this week a« they concluded pre»enta- Mrs. Eldon Cross’ parents, Mr Frank Gsnale is putting in * tlon of their case before the senate Mrs. Ed. LeFrancis, aged 74, and Mrs. Morrell, and a little prohibition committee. • new Associated service station w as strike» with paralysis while niece are here from Hillsboro for a comedydrama in 3 acts, presented by Chief among their w itnesses were and rest room at th e Arrow alone in her home at Tangeirt on a visit. General Lincoln C. Andrews, in charge Garage. the evening of Saturday, April Misses Roberta and Edna of prohibition enforcement, who has Miss Gladys Wlllhanks w ent to 10, and not discovered until Mon­ become a center of fire because of bis Vannice took dinner with Clara Albany Friday to attend the Eti day morning. She died in un Al­ Blood, Eunice Sylvester and statem ent before the committee that deavor convention and visit her bany hospital Wednesday. government sales of non-intoxicating Mary Heinrich Monday evening of grandmother, Mrs. Davla. beer might aid In making the dry laws J. W. Clark's address is Mrs. Jess Cross will present more effective. Mr. and Mrs. David Foote took route 2. Halsey, and not Browns- her H arrisburg pupils in a re­ They also called Mrs Mabel Walker the morning stage for Creswell ule. The Clark children, who Wlllebrandt, assistant attorney-gen­ Saturday and visited their son. were ju st recovering from a cital Saturday evening at 8 at the H arrisburg Met h o d i s t eral In charge of liquor prosecutions. Allx’rt Foote, and wife for a few bal’d attack of Hu when they church. A square deal for prohibition was days. left here, have come down with at Mrs. Nora Coleman and daugh­ urged before the senate hearing com­ Mrs. G raet Kizer and little measles and whooping cough mittee by church leaders of many de­ ter Ernestine and Mr. and Mrs. daughter Virginia were Halsey combined. nominations. laymen and the Anti- W arren Isom and family were visitors Tuesday and also calk'd Saloon league. County Agent Briggs of Ben­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph on Mrs. Ed Kiser at the school ton county has ju st received his Opening the counter-offensive of Wade at Peoria Sunday. _____ Saturday, April 24, at 8 p. m. building. the drys against the wets, witness fifth carload of pyrotol for the C. P. Bishop and wife of Sa- after witness insisted that congress R e s e rv e d S eats, 45c i G e n e r a l A d m is s io n , 3 5 c ; Mr. and Mrs Prank Gansls and season, making 109.600 pounds lem, Mrs. Clara S ta rr of Browns­ reject all proposals for modification in all. The explosive is taken ville and Miss Beulah Miller of C h ild r e n . 15c Leila attended the chicken pie of the Volstead act and adopt In their from the car at Albany and the Halsey spent Sunday with Mr. ■upper and meeting of the com­ place measures putting more teeth T ic k e ts on sale a t C la r k ’s s to re munity club at Peoria Friday tarm ers in lx>th this county and and M rs.: B. M. Miller. Into that celebrated law. Benton have been using it. evening. The Corvallis Chamber Wayne Veatch of U. of 0., The drys concentrated on conditions L. E. Walton and wife were „ , _ , . . of Qeuinerce put on the program «inndav I’red Taylor visited her in Canada In an effort to refute testi­ When D. F. Dean returned to while spending the week end horp here bunda>. father, j Q Standish, over the mony of wet w itnesses for the domin­ for the evening. Bandon from the Stafford funer- with his parents, jumped from George Maxwell is helping I. week end. Mr. Taylor took her ion that licensed government control “SeiMor flunk day’’ was oKser ul here he was out of a job, the the hay mow on a pitch fork, MeCord. home to Portland Sunday. hsd proved a boon. W. E. Raney, ex- *•>1 «1 W . I Wrl.» si* > . t ie mill where he w as employed hav­ hurting his foot very badly. i n g burned while he was here, L. H. A rm strong drove to Oak­ attorney general of Ontario and W. students, with a goodly number " . P. Wahl drove to Portland Douglas Taylor was in Port of chaperones, drove to lX>vil * but it was only a few days before Saturday to get some tractor land Friday. land Sunday and took dinner W. Peck, educational secretary of the lake for the day and camped out he was at work at Coquille at repairs and John Bressler ac- with Mrs. A rm strong’s parents. Prohibition Federation of Canada, Alberta Kooots wai home over testified Mr. Raney said Ontario's under the stars that night. Miss the same satisfactory salary he ecompamed him and visited his Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Chenoweth. experiment In that direction had not th e week end. had l>et>ii enjoying. AJt>erta Koonta was one of the daughter. Mrs. George Tyeer. W iiliam YanNice will teach proved successful. P*rtjr. S. Crippen and wife were in school near Freew ater next year, Rev. Robert Parker drove to A ruiiung boom is ¡n progress Both Mr. Raney and Mr. Peck pro­ Mrs. William McMahon r e t u r n - '’*’ the little north fork of the Brownsville Sunday’ afternoon Albany Wednesday. i He was a t J. H. Vannice’s visit- duced official records of Investigation -------------------------- -------------- Santiam. The Calumet and Ari- to attend th e M ethodist services D. H. Sturtevant was in mg his parents and family over In Montreal, where liquors of all kinds j the week end. I zona mining company, a well- at the tabernacle and Mr. and Brownsville Friday. are sold by the government, to the 1. MeCord is gaining strength effect that bootlegging and vice and ’ financed corporation with no Mrs. A. W. Foote and Mrs. Eliza A lberta Koontz was home and expects soon to resume crime are p refllen t. They also testi aharoa for sale, has purchased Brandon went with him. the Lewis and Clark. Dawes and Mrs. Irm a Shotwell spent the over the week end. activities. His neighbors plowed fled that bootlegging was general In Sarah Moody has been pretty twelve acres for him Tuesday of all the licensed provinces. Silver King mines. Nine men are week end in Salem and attended Professor Irving Fisher of Tale last week. reported at work at the camp as the concert given bv the Willam- ill with flu, but is recovering. estimated that prohibition had saved : i t ueieus and SiXH' pound« o f ' . s . G .rl. n — rin k v riday a ' ¿ V ivwder are being used " G " ' bnd‘ 5 S. Crippen and Floyd will Mrs. Belvary Logan was over the county »«.OOO.OOO.OOO annually In by a crew in improving the road evening. One num ber on the make th eir home in Montana from Corvallis Friday. H e r increased efficiency of the workers daughter. Mrs. Jam es Newman, and declared that If enforcement cost to the property. There’ is talk of program was a solo by Alberta again. billion dollars a year It would be the installation of a $300,000 Koonta. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop of with whom she makes her home » worth IL smelter in th a t region The Woman M issionary soc:«> Salem visited Misa Beulah and or the time, came with her. ty of the C hristian church will Mr Parker is giving a series hold an ali-day m eeting at the B. M. Miller Sunday. Or««OR s i l t * Automobile F t « « G « .n Would Negotiate Aiffi.Rum Treaties. Washington. D, C — An effort will Mrs- M. M. W ard had a visit of “Lemons from Genesis,” the church ITtday. Members fnwn SAlvm. O r— F-o» for the r-«lttro - \th of which will be next Sun-1 from her son, William Moore of tlon of motor vehicle« to the «tato 01 he made to negotiate with Csnada and Albany. Lebanon and Browns­ Brownsville, Thursday. Orv«on durtoit the period Januare J lermany trestles similar to the agree ville are invited. Dinner will be to March 11. lit« , aggregated «4.7SS. ment with Great Rritain providing for J . A. Stevenson and wife are served at rxxvn. » 4 J » . a* against S t i l t ' » TJ durtni 'ooperation in suppressing rum run- home from th e ir visit with th eir Cuta fuel Costa one-half The new furnace for the son. the Eugene druggist. a corresponding period in the yeai aing off the American coast. It was an­ Saturday. April J4. at nounced at the treasury UH C hristian church has arrived '" « lA N a w O O O W w uw deali Mr«. M . M Ward b id » visit “ So keep S-e Iw x e «« Ivng A llp h in 's Auction Exchange • u h »nr b Of the w-x-d n-e.1 hv asvMhe< Wednesday from h e r daughter. FOR SALS Albany, Oregon Bring ta ie what DELBERT STARR •»•«• K m i carrte-l «remad Yon Yonson’s Yob The Student Body Halsey Hi School CITY HALL, HALSEY, Big Auction Sale ’• '« » JS ia«h eve» w j n a t evwsi heat la « V ,x>r «14 rasge tahsv a ea-hangv B A R TC H ER F V R.X I. I T R K C O M P A N Y ALBANY i ou have We n il ««II it. 4-foot B o d y F ir W o o d > SO. Jyhveied in Halaey, W M. King, Brownaville. Highway Inn Old« Coach. 1925 2 Ford Coupes Jewett T o u rin g . 1926 I Ford T ru ck , 1 ton Overland Touring Highway Garage Open Day and Night F rat aod We«t ft Mack L OOl> Frops Raker Albany, iXe. HOW ARD SM GLFY liS T S Portiand firownsville ( Track Harrisburg Line i Mrs. Bert Clark had a visit Sunday from h er sister. Mrs Charles I\x4e of Lebanon, and Leave Portland at 5 p. m. Satur­ d a y . Tueedav and Thursday. husband. A M odern B arb er Shop idr> seat Taeadays Agvwc- H a b C trs e ia g Vt-wks A B E S PLA C E I .eave Hsrrishurg at 2 30 p n . Monday, Wednesday A Friday. Phone Portland" S226 Halsey dep> t, S’ lh -k To. Portland, cars Auto Fre’ih t Ter- sninne. H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T W ill surslv appreciate your pair Funeral Dirsctsr and Licensee Enthalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon W . L W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR Harrisburg, Ors.