4 b^ny ree tory ’T 'ne Court- ay Shop R ei d v- l a m i e n Mr*. I L. Fox A PRIL 21 M illiners LILLIT. ROSENDAHL 117 Broadalbin st., Albany T h u is good advice ; " II you live in Albany, trade in Albany if you live in some other town, trade in that tow n." B u tin these autom obile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of tlieir buying in ‘ the larger town. T hose who go to Albany to transact business will bud the bruis named below ready to fill th eir require­ m ents with courtesy an 1 fairness. rvra : b n t e r p r is e When in Need of an Out«»'« PRINTER. See FRANK TAYLOR & SON Albany, Oregon INFORMATION q P H E MARTIN LU D W IG SH O P Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and Man­ ager W arm air furnaces, plum bing and sheet metal work, tin and gravel ruofilig, general jobbing in tin and g al­ vanized iron work, metal skylights an.l cornices, pum ps of all ksnds. 136 Ferry street, Albanv, Ore lbany F loral. Co. C ut flowers Phone 127J. and plants. Floral a rt for every and all occasions. TpY FST R A lN brings on a tra in Flow er phone 458-f. of ill», such as headache and 5iy jl*d e ltis b u lh a n o w di ranged digestiou. You re SO an ! "Sc p.-r dozen Allow for things in d istin c tly and your eves postage H all's Fioral and Music Shop. so jn begin to tire, sm art and ache. W estside greenhouse products. / &- A * ' ' '-*1 Learn About These Travel Extras B «7 N ature is sending a w arning signal you should not disregard. You Tire Vulcanizing- Battery re- should go a t once to your optom e­ charging. 221 W. Second. tris t and have your eyes exam ined. £ d Falk, Prop. p E M R A L TIR E. SH O P E Lieut. Com. C. E. Rosendahl, ap- pointed com m ander of the dirigible Los Anpeles, a siste r Rhip of the ill- fated Shenandoah, was the sen'ot si*1 vlving officer of the Shenandoah tragedy. E Home cooktug. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. We make our oivn candies. W. S. D uncan . ord sales and service Tires and accessories Repairs |D r k -P o li .. vk M otor C o . - ax lite C afeteria and coufectionery ____________ .. At 00 cdditicr* ftrt. g»t rxtta advanug.t when vou travtl. Profit hr Mopevtr piixiltgrs on 15 day icondttip tnkrix Fciw-rca many Otrgon points. Visit at wverzl pom 15 instead of only ore Wccktnd icundtiip tuktts 10 and Horn Poilland— w ithout stopover— are greatly reduced *n eoat. Buy them for over-Sunda' trips. Return limit is follow ing Tuesday. « w te a s t b u r n B r o s .— T w o big g ro c e ry stores, 212. W. F irst and 225 South Main. Good m erchandise at the right prices. F PAAB < MRS. ROEI\SJN Mr». A rthur Robinson, wife of Sen , ator Robinson of Indiana, who man- aged her h usband's-cam paign for re nroiinatton. protection of rhododendron a u h I uh grow abundantly In th e vicinity of Devils hike on the Roosevelt coast highway a few m iles south of N es­ l'ell your agent your tr*v«l plana. H e 'll gladly advise you leg ard iag n most a d ­ vantageous itinerary and arrange for all re»crvutions, includ:og steam abip accom ­ modation!! if necessary. Southern Pacific Lines S eventy thousand dollars wortli of street im provem ent c o n tra ils w ere let kowin. yrtm iller F u rn itu re Co., furni by th e city ef Marshfield Iasi week for l’hone 22« C1«V P. Moody, A^flit The form ation of a new road dis ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges JeYY c le rN , paving and sew ers to th " downtown ti ir t and the levying of a two-mi11 »ax Funeral directors. • 427-433 west First O ptom etrists and M anufacturing district. street, Albany, Oregon for im provem ent of th e road betw een O pticians Clyde M. McKay of Bend w elect Halfway and H om estead has been pro­ D U L L E R G R O C E R Y , 2«o Lyon ALBANY OREGON ed grand com m ander of the O re-on posed by William Puby. chairm an of (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) grand com m andcry, K nights Teintilar, the state highw ay com m ission and in (igoceries F ruits Produce Us at th e annual conclave of the o rd er at dorsed by the R aker cham ber of coni PbonoKi3K A storia. m« rce. olman a jackson W ashington. D C W ith n ringing The recen t diphtheria scare at G rocery—Bakery Amoid Bennett iisti 1 r of ^ o r of No Discussion nf Reservations pronouncem ent In favor of prohibition E v ery th in g in the line ol eats Sherldap ha« p a ;;e d into hiftfiry Poth p n lttt'al science at the t nlycraity of Opposite Postolfice u rc. 1 t:,.- e x itin g taw and a t l r r l n g grade ami high schools have fcoja-n- \\ i . on -io, unanim ously was elected to American Adherence Nec­ th iniirul for public support in th e tr en ed. a fter ¡111 enforced vacation of n e a r­ pr> si*!* in of the U niversity of O re­ [M PER 1A L C A F E , 209 'V. F irn essary. Note Intimates. fo r e , n ie tii \l|-. Anthony W avne Cook, (ile a n e d b y th e W e s te r n ly tw o weeks. f Harold G. M urphy Prop. gon by the hnnrd of regents. He su P o rtlan d 's new $3,000.(>60 U urn'id» cecils (lie late president. P rince 1. pro.-iriant general, «'pencil the thirty Phone 665 X e w s a p o r U n io n f o r W e nev er close xtb 1 1 -nt Inem »1 ongresa of th«’ W ashington, D. C. - T he Uni1 cd stre e t bridge, the finest, mu. t beaut* Campbell. Dr. Hall has accepted the B u s y P e o p le rul bridge w e * ..* < h........, ,» *i 1 1, Klasos governm ent, in a note to the D aughters of the Auiarlcun Revolu­ position. L. STU A RT. “ Ibe in .u ra u c tion. officially opened to the puiilli Friday * man " Stock Co Insurance al 1!. I, H utton, pioneer stockm an and League of Nation» declined 10 alleeil " Hast'd on a nationw ide su rre y tho m utual rates. Farm property, autom o­ M others' week end at th e U niversity m orning, May 2S. tlie proposed I a#u • 1 inference on owner of a large ca ttle ranch in the biles, trucks. Cusick bldg, (upstairs) lis t th ree years, 1« ’a my dcllherato of C r.'gcn will be held May 15-16 this George W. Eyre, retired farm er ami V ag o n tire d istrict, wag acquitted In Septem ber I io discuss sen ate rcsar opinion that tlie people of A im rtc i year, vice-president nf the United S ta te s Na­ cireuit court at Burns of a charge of ra tio n s io A uicriein a d lp 'ren ie Io lie ly fA G N E lO E L E C T R IC CO. will never repeal (lie IRtli Hmeiid- world court. •t '*- Official Stromberg carliur etor se n tional bank, died at his home I1 1 Salem. fir 1 degree m urder in connocthiu with M arshfield’s $503,000 hotel will be : ineiit.’’ she said. The note stated thr.t Hie reaervn ice station. Conservative prices. Al com pleted end ready for business Mr. Eyre was C9 y ears of age and had the fatal shooting last D ecem ber of P ointing o u t that America w as al work guaranteed. 423 W . F irst lived lu Oregon since lSE6. Hnrold Bradley. youthful neighboring tlens were plain and unequivocal and the crossroad« regarding law enforce early in August. mu d h - accepted by exchange of non ; rancher. |e n ami m oney are beet whei Bids for the construction nf approxi­ liie-it. Mr« Uook '.aid th ere « «mid tie ni> An unidentified man was killed at d lrio ily betw een tin' United State: busy. Make y our dollars work in m ately 27 m iles of highw ay end a mini O tivcrnor Pierce revoked condi­ nagaOva rendu"f "In relatlen Io thin O akland, when he w as stru ck by e cud each nf Ih" 16 slg n a io ii nation« our savings departm ent. A lbany STATE b er of bridge-, will be -. n iig e rtd at tional pardons Issued io Hud Slulilcr B a n e . Under governm ent supervision. Southern Pacific freight train "H would ."cn i to m e to he a m atter gr-'at I sju * f"r all conduct is posi a m eeting of th» sta te highw ay tom ap*l Janie . C harles Connors Stulder of regret it the council of On league i tlv » ” The Mountain S tates Tower com mission, to b« held In Fortland. April arinello parlors is in th " federal pen iten tiary at Mc­ Th* cong’ »«» from th.» atandpoir* Should do anylhdig Io cr* a l e l l n ' Im (A beauty aid for every need) p in y is m aking plans to double the 29. Neil island, while Connors Is under Af attan xnca. Is the larg est on rec­ prcaslon that there are su b stan tial dif capacity of its distrib u tio n system at SI. Francis Hotel John \ . Webb, 45, night w atchm an .o rc t in Seattle. Boil* n o n will be flrulttea In the way of sm li dlri el ord For the first tim e several Prop. W inifred Res« C ottace Grove. retu rn ed to the Oregon sta te peniten­ eoim niinlenllop," said the note, which foreign chapter.«, ineiiiding .those as T here is less snew In the W allow« at th e T hom as mill, south' ef Tilla to s»r«» out th e tr unexpired OSCOE AMES H A R D W A R E m ountains, the highest range in e a st­ monk, died In a hospital a fte r being tiary w a- signed by S ecretary id S late K I tahllahed in l.nndou. England, and io lee’eo injured when the bicycle on which he | Pah. m s. are presented A laska's D logg. ern Oregon, at presen t th an in any D tipcrintenueni Met m n or the The W inchester Store , was riding was stru ck by an auto A 11 ehapt»r has se n ’ a delegation ‘ If apaci.ll ipaebireo • Is n re e s -s il April for 30 years Puget Sound Bridge x Dredging com­ mobile. for r* 7 ♦ irfp >fo*ui fhr to Its first eongreaa too Oiling The Palles-C alifornla high C T IM tiO N T H E SH O E DOCTOR pany, who Is in charge of the roil Binger H erm ann, ex congreram an rnqrf, fh n ’ ?$»unl!v b* ,1 Second street, opposite H am ilton's way from Crooked river to Bend and slim fien of th»' bridge of tho ge*da Bondbiwcn cf Cel. C. R. Forbes Sued. stor ;. from Iaiva butte, south of Bend, to La from Oregon and form er commission over (he Coliimhia river In i ween Cas­ ered after the i" s e r'a tio n ha«c t.een "Sudden Service." Chicago. Knit to i-oHert $1(1.000, th«. er of th e U nited S tates general land , adopted bin th e U n it'd S ta tt h '- Pine, is under way. cade ben ks mid .Stevenson, stufe» thaï 'm ount of th«1 fine asarsoed agginai office died at R oseburg H erm ann's ih» i. i 00 objections, however, tf the signa I ne presb y tery for th e southern Ore­ o m ake roeui fo r our spring m e «or., fa progn sing 111 a most »al- 1 1 col flin rlrg R Forbes In connection death followed illness ef several stock, m il- sell organs at almost gon district, in session at C entral month» i -factory m anncri The iw o concret» I • »Ith Ms ronvlrtfon of charges of d» y o u r own prices. W e m ust have more Point, closed with the election of Rev olere „ r , compiei i..,,„i d , " „ ’i ,, ihi i ,, o*' i ■ ifh cm s* lv es at th is tim e," the pot I f- .-iidtpg the governm ent while hesd or Annual observance nf F ounders' day , room. D avenport Music House, I R Lamb of Sutherlin me and ti» i id« tor ibe met stru. 1 M ' a t C ham poeg park in honor of tlie die veteran«' bureau, wax filed hv the A business district lighting system birth of the Oregon $eriltory in IRt.l a ld o A n d e rso n «V S o u . d i s t r i b ­ governm ent here ngainsl the Hnrl utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ for Pendleton is being urged liy the has been set for Saturday, May I Dollar "L iberty G oddcso' Dies. ford In-urani c A Indem nity company. Many Auto T 'u r t i t i r e g i s te r in Oregoe mers, Essex, Huihion A Hupmobile ears. m erch an ts' com m ittee of the Pendle The observance will be under the Philadelphia. Pa Mis Anna W The governm ent contends In It» suit, Accessories, e pnliea. 1st 6c Broadalbin. Salem . Or A total of "sdii tourls ton Comm ercial association. direction of the Oregon r’io'near asse autom obiles w e:e regi toreri In On-got Willlama, retired puhlh school tem li list the indem nity com pany. In fur •■L.'ir. slaver of S heriff Aus elation and the Oregon historical so b ite's Shoe repair service. during the first three mentii- cf 1928 er. whose profile as the "Goddess o- Malting bonds for Forhes. now serv in Goodman of H arney rounty. paid d e fy 4001 of these during March alpn", ac L iberty" Is stam ped iiwi the allvm lug a Iwo-yr.-ir«' sentence In tlie A t­ Opposite Hotel Albany he penalty for his crim e on the gal Mrs H Rexroad, tu a le tter to the cording io a report compiled by S etru dollar. dle«l at her bone lu re. Ste lanta federal prison, obligated Itself lows in the execution cham ber of i h ' Albany, Oregon » « J 6S. ’o pay hl« fine ¡ary of S tale Roger Oregon, sta te p eniten tiary st Salem. secretary of slate, pas appeal» I to the g ta'e a u th o rities to as del in t'i" Friday m orning. Meade & Albro F W e Said O ur Say I ake or Leave I News Notes From All Over O i 'egon H Not Stampeded by Wet Sophistry J M M R T W VV Willard ServiceSta tio n A pproxim ately 165.0iin »rout liar« been planted in the closed stream s in We serve all makes W i n a r < | s Marion snd Polk counties during the and sell past few weeks, according to an­ U nder new tnanagem en nouncem ent made by memliei., of the L. M. T aylor, Prop. state game commission C harter No. 4'» halsey HALSEY STATE BANK 121 W. Second, A lbany. Hidsey, Oregon The public service comm ission Is­ sued an order authorizing the estah If you enjoy a good meal, lishm ent of an undergrade crossing .wd'kaow a good meal when yoa get it, involving th e track s of the Oregon You’ll lie back, tor y o n 'll not forget it. T runk railroad in th e vicinity of U dr aim is to please vou. Crooked river gorge In Jefferson and Deschutes counties. C A P IT A L AN D SU RPLUS S 3 5 ,O O O Commercial and Saving accounts Solicited PA RA G O N CA FE The public service comm ission has Issued orders for hearings to Invest| gate rates, rul»» and practices Of the Bend W ater. Light A- Pow er company, the Grand R-mde r.nd the C loverdale Telephone com panies snd ’he F n ter prise E lectric company The com at lowest tate of in te re st mission has d e-id td , a fter a prelim Heal Estate Insurance insry Investigation, th at conditions Prom pt service courteous treatm ent. w arrant hearings. 4 d elegation’ rep resen tin g Oregon W m -B a in , Room .5, I irst Savings Bank counties th at would benefit under thr builning, Albanv term s of 1-cnstor Stanfield's pending Nil to reim burse them for tax receipts lost since th e Oregon A C alifornia W hy suffer front h e a d a c h e ’ wf rsiiio ad land g ran ts w ere tu rn ed h i. k to federal ow nership are in W ashing H ave your eyes exam ined ton, II. C , to p ress th etr 1 (9,43 II. L h erk ' on bank« outside city or tnwu ol reporting b.xnk and other 1 III m s nt total cash and due from hank», items a, to an d it, $.<9,164 a '_________ T c t’l «. '.'.i »4 I I 311 11 IES 16 Capital stock paid in . ........ 2(1,000,00 17, Surplus lund ............................... 15.000**9 IS (a) Undivided profits............................................................... $.5 28<> 12 b) leas current extiensea interest .1111 taxes paid .............. 2,781,00 2,495 13 D cmand D srosiT». other than bank» subject to reserve 23 Individual deposits m bject to check, including deposits due the date of Oregon, county, cities or other psibllc funds ___ M,3Q.'.9i* I. Demand certificates ol deposit outstanding ............... . 72,85 25. C ashier's checks of thia Izank outatandtug payable ou d e m a n d ___ l,JJ2.JO Total of demand deposit», other than hank deposits, subject Io reserve, items 73, .’4, 25, 2o, JA9 7u8 ll 1 (MB AND S a ' imus D kposit ». subject to reserve sud payable on demand or subject to notice > 27. Time certificates of deposit ontataiuim g . .......... ............ . 24.M6.IO ■> Savings deposits, (nyahle subject to notice ___ .51,909 51 I i.'l of time and sw in g s deposits payable on demand or d cl to not 1 item . .'7 n l - 4 7 6 ,7 5 'Al '"* • foi»i . . . . . St ite of Oiegcn. Count) 1 f Linn, is I I; J1 Boni. . 1 .liter ot th« v’«»« r named bank, do solemnly swear th at tba above statem ent is true 10 the hesto l my knowledge and belief B M Fond. Cashier. Correct—Attest D Fax lor t. O I vlor C. H Koontz. D irectors Subscribed and sworn to before me tl 1* 1 'th day of April. I92A I M) coiuuiisiiuu explica .-$2 28. Amir A. fussing Notary ubile.