Rl JRAL I EN TERPRK3E A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County I,and A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k 1 HALSEY, OREGON i L. E. Bean, republican, is out for the Linn-Lane senatorship. Clarence Evans and Douglas Taylor drove to Portland Friday. Delegates to the Endeavor convention at Albany Saturday were: Misses Louise Seefeld, Doris Dykstra, Mary Smith, Hel­ en Carter and Hazel Johnson. The convention lasted Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mr». CrippJii left today iu. Portland. Hrleey went over to Brownsville and got beaten at baseball, the boys 9 to 0 and the girls 12 to 8, Friday. The Mountain States Power The Christian church Ladies’ company has put up a new wire Aid will give meals prim ary day through this part of the country in the building formerly Dr. so that power and light may Marks’ office travel in different conductors Albert Miner got bon e Monday and the light will not quiver from Raymond, Wash , and for whenever somebody turns power the present will be at his father's on or off a machine. plsce at Crabtree. Bert Minckley had hardly got Mrs brad Moss has her mother, Mrs. Lockhead of Ontario, Ore., home from Belknap Springs for a guest. She expects Mr. when he was taken worse and he has been painfully ill since. Lockwood iu a few days. The Minckleys have abandon J. W. Ribeliti died yesterday at Prineville and will be buried there. ed the idea of moving from town Mr. Rifcelin n»> a hiehly respected to the Clayt Smith place this resident of Halsey for 35 or 40 spring. years. He wat 84 years old last Hugh Allman of Philomath November. For the last year or was here again Friday with his so be has resided with bis son at car and took Mrs. Wheeler for Prineville. another visit to the vicinity cl hie S x of the best of George Me- Cart's registered Holstein cows home. Mr. Allman is a printer were stolen Monday night and j who helped Mr. Wheeler and his butchered. The hides were sold I successor in getting out the in Portland. A truck was used, j Brownsville Times. Halsey may which suggests th at the thieves see more of him. may be the same who took Mr. While playing near the school Sparks’ sheep from near Shedd. Most of the business houses and residences on North-and- South streets in Halsey have been located on the west side or the roadway to avoid dust pick­ ed up in the street by the pre. vailing west wind. Since Second street has been paved the dust there is out of reach of the wind, under the asphalt, and one side is no more dusty than the other. building Thursday evening about 5:30, Charley Willis climbed the ball stop and shouted to his com« panions that he was going to jump, but as he did so he caught his arm in the wire, hung a mo­ ment, snapping the bones, anu then fell. The break was so ser­ ious, he was taken to Albany to have it attended to. He was brought home the next day. W M King of b rownvville «a« Mrs. Lucy Pray went to Albanv in town Friday and is advertis­ to consult a foot specialist whe ing some 4-foot body fir wood which he will deliver in Halsey. The Oregon fir trees are hard to beat. One of them sometimes yields enough lumber to make a good-sized house and enough N ext Sunday, A p t 25 wood to run cooking range and heater in that house for a long time- Blacksmith work a n d S e r m o n S u b je c ts : heavy welding have been done Morning, with the bark of this fir in place Methodist Church “ Home.” of coal. Malta of it Bail the wa­ “ Lesson From Genesis,’4 ters of the world and its uses in furniture are many. Great is the Oregon fir in more ways than one. 6tb sermon of series. (Continned on page 8) Evening, y {o /e p ro o f h o s ie r y to m ate/ every costume, in t/e season’s smartest colors, $1.50 for men, in plain anc) fancy colors, oontzq A good GOODSk J (By an Enterprise Reporter) X J-” " / 74 ...I j Happenings in Public Schools Joseph Comely went to Eu i B n ttrp rt» « O o rrv ip o n d v n t« ) gene Saturday. A new specimen has been add­ I John Brooks spent Sunday ed to the collection of the biology with Carl Isom. H u m a r\ P qpvi Ilation class in the shape of a small turt­ Com □arison of Automobile and 'b n lt t a r n t a f R j p u i o n o 'i Keith Hayes spent Wednesday le. Miss Georgina Clark contri­ I92J 1920 1915 1910 I9OO 1905 AUamoU« A o , ò ò ù .o o o night of last week with Carl buted it. Isom. A sixth grader has discovered Leonard Ingram and family of a new disease, to judge by one of Noti visited at Lee Ingram’s the test papers recently handea la t a a a - a o a . in. He says “disinfection is a Sunday. f J disease caused by a germ. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Straley While riding on the highway •rioX *** / were afternoon callers at A. E. on his bicycle recently Andrew- •0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Whitbeck’s one afternoon last Connor was run into by an auto­ week. •••• mobile and knocked off the high­ way. He was bruisejl up some E. D. Isom accompanied his 6 0 0 0 0 00 Û brother-in-law, C. E. Mercer of and unable to participate in the Eugene, to Albany Sunday af­ bail game Saturday. The baseball games w i t h ternoon. Brownsville resulted in defeat J 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Q u-ll Veld a Curtis spent the week for both Halsey boys’ and girls’ (o fa l A u to n ' end at the home of her grand­ teams Saturday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Il- Friday evening the boys and rrn w e e e » . Tandy, near Harrisburg. girls of the seventh and eighth AffT-WAMNCW «/▼OatoeiA 0 grades and their teacher, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard Kizer, drove to the Brandon a far cry from the full skirts, wasp waists and leg o’ mutton sleeves of I TB twenty-five years ago, but we have traveled also a long way from the and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rickard school, where a baseball game two-cyllnder gas wagon of 1900 to the high-powered motors s e e d in g over our spent Sunday at the Chris Trac­ was staged between the Halsey highways today, declares the Stewart-Warner Safety Council. er home in Benton county. boys and an opposing team made A quarter of a century ago there was one automobile for every 9.500 people in the United States. Ten years ago there was one automobile for every Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and up from Brandon, Kirk and Row­ 88 people, while today the motor population is one-sixth as lurge ns the human daughter Doris and niece Georg- land schools. The score was 13 population, or one car to every six people. Thia rapid growth has put the to 14 in favor of Halsey. automobile as foremost among American Industries, but It lias also produced 1 ina Clark were Sunday afternoon The Halsey baseball teams a fearful menace to the public, points out the Safety Council which has for Its ‘ callers at Chester Curtis’. played at Philomath Saturday purpose the prevention nt automobile accidents. A vigorous campaign of Jack and Fritz Cramer of Har­ afternoon. Mrs. Nora Coleman public education must be pushed If annual rate of automobile fatalities la risburg and Merle, Lloyd and acting aa chaperone ror the g iili’ to be reduced from 22.000. Ray Kropf spent Sunday after­ team. Both teams met defeat on noon with Leo and Ernest Cer- account of serious handicaps. Lake Creek Locals •oyski. The Halsey boys practically had Kirk Kinks (Enterprise Correspondent) M r . and Mrs A. E. Whitbeck the game won until a bad play and Thelma Ingram attended was made by one of their players (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) Mrs. Luther Brock is ill with the Rebekah entertainment at which gave Philomath the ad­ Mrs. Edna Geer visited school tonsilitis. I Harrisburg Wednesday night of vantage. The score was 9 to 7 Wednesday afternoon. aud the score of the girl»’ learn Only three weeks of school last week Doris Jones spent Friday and Miss Lillie Rickard, accom­ 21 to 28. Some of the best play­ then vacation. afternoon with Betty Jean Falk. panied by two of her pupils, Leta ers were unable to play and sub­ J. S. McMahan is farming here Taylor and Evalyn Miller, spent stitutes were put in. Mrs. C. H. Davidson and Mrs with a large force of men. the week end at home. Her Walter Frum spent Thursday at Silver Charivari Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and brothers, Emery and Jesse, took W. R. Kirk’s. Doris visited in Halsey Sunday. her back Sunday. atlnndi g Saturday, April 17, being the Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirk and Clarence Williams jr., spent church at McFarland and Alpine. twenty filth anniversary of the daughter Grace were Albany the week end in Harrisburg vis­ wedding of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. callers Saturday. iting Glen Peterson. Veatch, they were surprised by Threaten Recall Mrs. J. B. Waggener and the sudden appearance of a Martin Cummings and family children were visitors at J. P. visited relatives near Bellfoun­ charivari crowd outside the Against Officers Templeton’s Saturday. door. After listening to the mu­ tain Sunday afternoon. sic (?) for a time the guests The J. P. Templetons had as Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owen and were invited in and spent a very dinner guests Sunday their Mrs. Henry Brock attended; nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. church in Halsey Sunday even­ Chehalis. Wash.—The resignation« pleasant evening. Visiting and singing, with a of Don O. Abel. Lewis county prosecu Keech of Stayton. ing. uncheon of punch and cake, ting attorney, and F M Roiierts, coun William VanNice and family Guy Bramwell, who is employ- ty sheriff, war« demanded by the were the diversions of the even­ of Dufur and sister Ellen of Mon­ ed on the Martin Cummings! i ^ wi , county Law Hnforcement ing and all were invited back mouth spent the week end at farm, spent Saturday visiting ill! league as a reault of federal liquor for the golden wedding celebra­ raids In the county recently Twenty tion. the VanNice home. Salem. five persons were said to have been Present were Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ardry arrested on liquor chargee In Chehalta Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Falk sT., P. Kizer. Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Brock were dinner Centralia and In southern Thurston