f FA «B « R U RAL ENTERPR ISE Greta Garbo “ IB E N E Z ’ TORRENT” w ith A P R IL 14 S ta tio n e ry McMahan took her there T hurs­ day. E. E. Gourley was in Albany Saturday. Cal Williams is off on a trip to Idaho. Mrs. J. W. Drinkard was in Albany Monday. 33c Regular 60c, 60c and 76c value Your choice of auy box Dealer iu H UDSON & ESSEX TORRANCE econditioning Shop, C a rs R Good trade* allowed ay best os Hi-epaed Brakes S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Two Cars for Sale or Trade A freeb etock of Wrecking Shop Candy, Cigars and Cigarettes Miss Grace Kirk was horns from Albany over the week eruk George Boggs of Astoria has A v iv id and fiery love story of been here visiting his mother, modern Spain told by a great Mrs. J. W. Morgan. cast. Ida and Theodore Mitzne.- Next Sun.— Mon. —Tue*. F. Buford Morris were home over the week end. A p ril I t — 1 9 -2 0 S. J. Smith and family visited ORIGON D. S. McWilliams at Albany Sun­ H A L S E Y A lbany day G LO BE F. Buford Morris and bride w< fill m ail ordere Halsey Happenings have been extensively serenaded Phoae 183 by Halsey and Albany friends (Continued from page 1) since their arrival home from Going fishing tomorrow? the honeymoon trip. Beer Boosters Eldon and Jess Cross and their Hugh L. Allman of Philomath wives spent Sunday at M ary’: M ake Their Plea with his car took Mr. and Mrs. peak. ... „ . . . . , . I Wheeler to th a t city and back Miss Meta Livic was having Saturday, his two round trip dental work done a t Brownsvilh footing up 104 miles. Canadian ex-Officials Tell o Tuesday. Improved Status Under About tw enty relatives and Clarence Hetzel went to Salem friends gathered at William Da­ Restricted License. Sunday for treatm ent of his af­ vidson’s, Brownsville, Sunday fected face. j and celebrated his 81st birthday. Washington, D. C.— The first week’s Mr. and Mrs H arry Mason of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson both Albany attended services a t thei stand their age well and he drive against the Volstead act before a senate committee was wound up by Christian church Sunday. , drives his own auto. S. J. Smith and wife and Mrs.I Mrs. D. J. Hayes has been suf- the wets with the testimony of Cana dlan ex-offlclals as to Improved con­ Eliza Brandon attended the holi-l fering from an attack of pneu- ditions in provinces which have turn ness meeting a t Peoria Thurs­ monia but js improving and Mrs ed away from prohibition, and with day. Lillian Howe of Brownsville, further demand of labor leaders for Mrs. P. J. F orster’s mother, who was nursing her, has gone- legalized beer. Sir W illiam Stavert of Montreal, ex- Mrs. Maud Ackley, has come up home. The patient’s daughter, from Portland for an indefinite Mrs. Dan Nash of Portland, Is member of the Quebec liquor com with her. mission, declared that province bad stay. 'Vanished the bootlegger” by return­ Fred Roberts and family of ing to restricted license and had In Eugene visited Mrs. Roberts’ Bankers Organize creased temperance. pr rente, I’ . J. Forster end wife Describing condition* In Manitoba Against R o b b e r since prohibition was voted out Sunday. Francis William Russell, president of Mrs. W. M. Burbank’s niece, Chicago. — Bankers of five middle the Moderation league of that prov­ M re. C F. Groch of Independence, western states have taken Into their ince, said there wa* an Increasing pur­ and husband visited the Bur­ own hands the task of protecting their chase of beer and wine and a falling banks Sunduy. off In hard liquor consumption and funds against the raids of outlaws. At a meeting here, representatives that conditions as to temperance had Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin motored to Salem Sunday. Mrs. from the bankers’ association ot Improved. Demands for legalized beer were Corcoran and Dorothy accom­ Illinois, Iowa, Indiana. Wisconsin and Minnesota, formed a fIVesfate organ presented to the committee by Mathew panied them. Izallon against thieves. It is probably Woll. vice-president of the American Elbert Isom and F rank Gausle the most pretentious thing of Its kind Federation of Labor, and John Sull and their families attended the ever attempted. Ivan, president of the New York State community m eeting a t Pint- The defense plans call for the em­ Federation of Labor. Grove Friday evening. Modification of the Volstead act ployment of thousands ot vigilantes to would be a good thing for prohibition be recruited from small business Rev. Robert P arker and family attended the all-day holmes.- houses, gasoline filling stations and enforcement, District Attorney Emery Buckner of New York told the senate meeting at Peoria Thursday. even parsonages. They are to be ready prohibition investigating committee. at a moment'l notice to take up arms Mrs. A. W. Foote also attended. Interrupting the presentation of the in defense of banks in their respective Mrs. P. J. F o rster and Webster- neighborhood*. case of the weta. a corps ot 65 dele Falk went with Herm an Steinke The bankers met under the aus­ gates from civic, temperance and other and family to the Sandy and pices of the Illinois association, which women's organizations passed before brought home a big lot of smelt. has used the plan for the last year the senate prohibition committee Mon urging enforcement of the Vol Dr. Bellman and fam ily of with successful results Hank raids day stead act and opposing any modifica In this state are said to have be«n Dallas visited a t Douglas Tay­ tlon of the national dry laws. lor’s Sunday. Mrs. Bellman was cut down 80 per cent. "We represent the homes, the formerly Miss Nellie J e ste r ol church and the school,” was the elo Halsey. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS gan contained In the testimony of the first witness, Mrs. Henry M. Peabody Rejoice! Beat the turn turn! Automobile accidents brought death of Beverly, Mass., chairman of the Sound the hugag! Halsey dcleat- ed Junction City a t baseball here to 1484 persons In California last Woman’s National Conference for Law year, which was an Increase ef 120 Enforcement, which Is meeting here Friday, 8 to 5. over 1924. “We stand for enforcement and no Mrs. Donna Cross and Mrs. The senate ratified the Cuba-United modification We have a strong feel Merle Applegate sung a solo, States ’’rum” treaty. The agreement Ing that the women ought to be repre “Cast Thy Bread upon t le V at- provides that Cuban vaesels msy be sented by the men who hold our er,” at the C hristian church searched outside the threem ile limit views ” Sunday evening. and within "one hour's steaming dis Mrs. W. H. McMahan visited tance." If a newspaper fails to publish An estimate of the United Kingdom relatives and friends at Gorvallis a news item th a t m ight h u it alliance Is that bootleg whisky nhlp the last of the week. M m. J. S. ped Indirectly to the United States somebody’s feelings a lot of peo pie jum p on the publisher foi last year approximated 1.600.000 proof being partial. If it publishes gallona for which Scottish distillers such an item the fellow th a t gets received £2.000.000. hit does the jumping. The news A formal decree of foreclosure against the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. paper man catches it, going or Paul Railway company, now In the coming. Our policy is to “ “ noth­ nor set aught hands.of a receiver, wa* asked In fed ing extenuate you don’t oral court at Chicago by counsel for down in malice.” If want disagreeable news pub­ LA N G W OOD creditor* of the company The American government le oppoe lished, don’t make it. Ricardo Cortex H A L SE Y GARAGE 10 Parts connection for ¡ess m oney P . P A P M A N Prop, Halsey Railroad Tjme H a lsey P h arm acy Baseball Season is here Rawling Bill Doopes Gloves G eo. Sesler First Base M itts Baseball Shoes, Bats, Tennis G oods F ish in g S e a so n opens Th ApSi 1» Rods, Reels, Lines, H oop -, Spoons, B a s k e ts to c u t fu e l OJStd , 2 BARTCHER F U R N'QT.U.R K C O M P A N Y ALBANY •d to lending any money to Ruaala. either directly or Indirectly. This was made plain when the state de partment confirmed report* from abroad that It had opposed a plan by which W Averill. New York capitalist, hsd proposed to finance Oerman eg porta to Russia W o m an S h arif» In N e w Y o rk Nam ed. Albanf. N. Y Governor Smith ap pointed the first woman ahertff In the history of New York stats when he named Mrs Clara Seneca, widow ot Sheriff Ell Renee* of Plattsburgh, who died last weak. A L B A N Y GUN STORE L . J. H A U S E R , Prop. Auction Sale STOVES and Saturday next, Apiil 17 hardware at 1 o’ clock sharp H a rris b u rg gA R G A IN 225 W First F U R N IT U R E ",nh7"Confectionery I S ' . " / ; 0«",’! 1' “ ,M • “ HOUSE A t the Halsey poetoffice mails close going north at 11:50 a. m and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. in. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and 12 m. M orning stage to Browns­ v ille goes on to C raw fordsville H olley aud Sweet Home. Paid-for Paragraphs M r. F in e ’ i lease has expired and the entire etock. I f you are look- H a rrisb u rg , Oregon iag for fu rn itu re of any k in d d o n 't A t the eame tim e I w ill sell at auction a nyth in g you may wish to sell th a t way. L is t your goods ith overlook this sale. A. Fine at H arrisburg Bargain Stare before day of sale. T. SUDTELL BEN of A lbany, Auctioneer 'ime • to spare • Even if only to escape that wash- tday drudgery— That’s enough. But with an “E A S Y ” one has time to spare for to many other things I M ore than this— you’re not fa­ tigued. That tired, washday feeling is gone. « The "E A S Y ’S” big capacity; the gentle washing action and the thor­ ough washing principle combine to do your bigett washing quickly, eas­ ily and safely. See fo r yourself in your own home with your own washing next washday. No obligation— No "catch” to i t ’ Telephone or call for Free Trial Demonstration, W A5HER Guests a t the Stafford home T hursday were Mrs. Lloyd Shis- ler of H arrisburg and daughter. To encourage land buying, th ’“EASY : V acuum E lectric The Im ported Belgian M elotte Cream Separator, which M r. A. W . D ykstra is operating on his farm on route 1. has been s ttr a it - mg a great deal of a tte ntio n. I t skims so closely th a t not even a trace of cream is left. M r. D y k ­ stra invites any of bis neighbors to come in and see the w onderful self-balancing bowl which cannot get out o f balance. Some Halsey trade is bound to go to th e county seat. Some Al­ bany dealers are under contract not to advertise in any paper ex­ cept the Albany daily. This mo- nopoly arrangem ent cuts both ways. It prevents th e bound m erchants from telling readers of the weeklies about th eir waies and it adds to th e draw ing Power of advertising done in tho weeklies by free Albany mer- chants. These free m erchants are doing more outside adver­ tising than all Albany did before the monopoly was thought of, and finding it profitable. fo r many things Easy to pay in i small monthly paym ents G E T A C Q U A IN T E D for a d o lla r. Send $1 for a special 5-m outha’ subscription to S U N 8K T . the west s great national magazine — the clean, up-to-date m o n th ly for the whole fa m ily. Spare­ tim e agents wanted. Address 460 F ourth street, San F ra n ­ cisco, Cal, ? e Southern Pacific company an­ nounces special land-seekwrs’ excursions for parties of seven or more passengers on the basis of one and one-third the one way fare for the round trip from San Francisco, Oakland, Stockton, Sacramento, Fresno, Ix>s Angeles and San Diego to all points on Southern Pacific Lines in Cali­ fornia’ Arizona and Nevada in addition to Oregon. Tickets will i ? FridayS’ The « tU l’I. lmit tickets will be four days w hen the one way fare is fifteen dollars or less, but a seven day return limit will be allowed when doHar«6 o»ay fare exceeds fifteen t Ln A to,pov®r Privileges will • and com- ing m th in the limit. Minckley, Maxwell and Mc­ Williams, the three “M’s’’ who went to Belknap springs Mon­ Charles Straley took his fami­ Sunday M artin Cumming • day, April 3, got home Monday, the 9th, feeling better. Perhaps ly and his radio and visited at brought Mrs. Cummings hom« from a visit with her sister, Maxwell had been kneeling too E. E. Gourley’s Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Cummings, and their much. He had trouble in the mother. Mrs. Jones, at Albany. knees. Clarence H. Mackay tells the world th at he certainly is not FOR SAL« reconciled to his daughter Ellin. D E LB E R T STAI Olds Coach, 1925 A man as sensitive as he to Funeral Director and Lia derogatory publicity should have 2 Ford Coupes Em bal mer kept th at bit of news in the* l a d y a s s is t a n Leave Portland at 5 p ro. S a tu r­ family.—Portland Oregonian. Jew ett T o u r in g , 1926 Portland-Brownsville i Truck Harrisburg Line O v e rla n d T o u rin g H ighw ay G arage (Form erly Dad’s and Mara’s res­ taurant. Under new management) F irst and Baker A lbany, Ore. Open 6 a. m. to lO p . tn. Mr. and M r*. O. J. Weat Praps H O W A R D SRIGLEY ♦ A d a y , Tuesday and Thursday. Leave H arrisburg at 2 30 p m. Monday, Wednesday A F riday. Phone Portland 8226 Halsey depot, S »dt A Co. Portland, care Auto F re ig h t Ter- minus. Modern Barber Shop LanndrT sent T u e *lays H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T \gency Hub Cleaning Vovka A B E S w i P LA C E ’ **• t i “ i (5c a lin e ) Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle at the E nterprise office. I am instructed to sell at auction I Fo rd T ru c k , 1 ton H fn n lta Special Chicken IMI d l S Dinner Sunday North South 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m, 16, 5:15 a. mv 15, 12:45 p. to. 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag 34, 4:0« p. 31, 1:34 - p. m. aaa flag i Nos 14 and 16 stop to let off passenger from south of Eugene. No. 31, direct connnetien for Marshfieli points. Passenger* forsm th of Eugene ahoul, take train No. 17. Outgoing Mail •M o u n ta in S tates Pow er ( 3 * Guaranteed 212 East F irs t st., A lbany Phone 379 < W ill surely appreciate your patronage i , Brow nsville, Oregon W . L. W R IG H T funeral director H arrieburg, Ora.