Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 14, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    ^ ^ b a n y j2 )ire c to ry
T ’be Courtesy Shop
Ready-te-wear and Millinery
Mrs. Ç. L. Fox
117 Broadalbin st., Albany
This is good advice: “ It you live
in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live
in some other town, trade in that town."
But in these automobile days many re­
siding elsewhere tin.l it advisable to do
at least part ot their buying in the
larger town. Those who go to Albany
to transact business will find the firms
named below ready to fill their require­
ments with courtesy an 1 fairness.
When in Need of an Outside
Albany, Oregon
F- Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and Man­
ager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing
and sheet metal work, tin and gravel
roofihg, general jobbing iu tin and gal­
vanized iron work, metal skylights and
cornices, pumps of all ksnds.
136 Ferry street, Albany, Ore.
Phone 127J.
lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers
and plants. Floral art for every
and all occasions.
Flower phone 458-f.
uy gladiolus bulbs now.
Greek, optimoa — belonging to
50 and 75c per dozen. Allow for sig h t; metron — measured.
postage Hall's Floral and Music Shop.
word is pronounced like geometry.
Westside greenhouse products.
O ptom etrist—(op-tom -et-rist), one
Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ who practices optomeiry.
221 W. Second.
Ed Falk, Prop.
Bros.— Two big grocery
stores, 212 \V. First and 225 South
E astburn
Main. Good merchandise at the right
E lite Cafeteria and confectionery
Hom e cooking. Pleasant surround­
Courteous, efficient
We make our own candies.
Tires and accessories
K irk -P ollak M otor Co.
Meade & Albro
J e w e le r s ,
CYirtmiller Furniture Co., futni-
•V ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Optom etrists
Funeral directors. 427-433 west First
street, Albany, Oregon.
and Manufacturing
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
F Groceries
Phone 263 R
olman & jackson
Everything in the line of eats
Opposite Postoffice
MPER1AL CAFE, ¿09 W. First
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
Phone 665
News Notes From
All Over Oregon
G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n
N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r
B u s y P e e p le
W k n e v er close
L. STUART, " tb s insurance
• man ” Stock Co. Insurance at
J mutual
rates. Farm property, automo­
biles, trucks.
Cusick bldg, (upstairs).
agneto electric co .
Official Stromberg carbur etor serv
ice station. Conservative prices. A1
work guaranteed.
Of en
423 W. First
and money are best when
’ * busy. Make your dollars work in
nr savings department. A lbany S tate
ank . Under government supervision.
arinello parlors
(A beauty aid for every need)
Francis Hotel
Prop. Winifred Rose
The Winchester Store ’
Second street, opposite Hamilton s
"Sudden Service.
make roctn for our spring
stock, will sell organs at almost
own prices. We must have more
room. Davenport Music House.
sldo Anderson & Son. distrib­
utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal-
Essex, Hudson 4 Hupm obile cars,
isories, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin
He’s Shoe repair service.
Opposite Hotel Albany
f, Oregon
S ta tio n
.rveail makes ^ ’jlJar<l»
and sell
Under new managemen
L. M Taylor, Prop.
/. Second, Albany.
If you enjoy a good meal,
.ind know a good meal when you get it,
You'll be back, tor you’ll not forget it.
Our aim is to please vou.
11 at lowest rate of interest
Real Estate
Prompt service. Courteoua treatment.
W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank
bnilning, Albany
Why suffer from headache?
Have your eyes examined
Dr. Setl, T. French f
F H. Frenen & Son
Optom etrist*,
Cut worms again are appearing In
Lane county, according to O. S Fletch­
er. county agent.
Umpqua valley strawberries will be
on the market within a few days, ac­
cording to reports made by growers.
Madtson-street bridge, long an old
landmark of Oregon City, and con­
demned for a long time. Is to be re­
placed by a new structure.
Alva A Bonney. 24. wag killed at
Lasen station on the Oregon Electric
railway- by a short circuit when operat­
ing * switch at the sub-atation
F. B. Ingels of Dufur, who recently
was appointed a member of the state
fair board to succeed Wayne Stuart
of Albany, has declined to accept the
The contract for building four miles
of the Missouri Flat market road has
been let to the Security Construction
company of La Grande for >20,812 50,
by the Union county court
Marshall Fleshman. a farmer about
85 years of age residing about 20 miles
north of Wallowa In the Promise coun
try, was dragged to death by his team
while logging In the woods.
Headquarters company, third bat­
talion. 182d infantry, of St. Helens, was
mustered fn Monday night as company
K, 188th regiment, Oregon national
guard, with a roll of 52 men.
Hearing on the motion of the pub­
lic service commission to determine
the condition of the roadbed and equip­
ment of the Oregon Electric railway
has been set for Friday In Salem.
Officials of the bureau of agricul­
tural economics of the department of
agriculture will visit Portland on
April 23 to hold hearings on the pro­
posed official grain standards for bar­
The new Young Men's Christian as­
sociation home which Is nearing com­
pletion at Salem will be occupied on
May 1, according to announcement.
The building cost approximately >150,-
The boatd of Multnomah county
commissioners will go before the vot­
ers at the primary election May 21
with a request for a >2.600.000 bond is­
sue tor county road construction and
Rev. A. T Smith of the First United
Presbyterian church of Portland was
elected moderator of the Oregon pres­
bytery of the United Presbyterian
church at the semi-annual aeatlon of
that body at Albany
The Thompson-Kelly sawmill In
Marshfield, which had debts amount­
ing to more than >40,000. was sold by
Deputy Sheriff Malehorn for >1400
which sum represented a portion of the
taxes due Coos county.
The request of residents along the
John Day htghwa’y for a motor truck
mall delivery service out of Arlington
ts receiving favorable consideration at
the postofflce department. Represents
tire Staaott has been informed
The Portland Feed 4 Fertiliser com­
pany with headquarters la Portland.
nel to toe intake or the central Oregon
canal. The water then would be car
rled through this canal to the Powell I
butte district for the reclamation ot
approximately 2000 acres of land
Oregon branches of the American'
Association of University Women will
offer a graduate fellowship for women
of Oregon, according to an announce
ment by Miss Mozelle Hair ot the ex
tension division The scholarship wil
total approximately >1200
Twenty days earlier than in norma)
seasons, the apple orchards of th<
Hood River valley are now in full
bloom. Trees of all varieties have
never been loaded with a greater pro­
fusion of blossoms, and orchardists
anticipate a heavy yield cf fruit this
R U R A L e n t e r pr ise
PA 4E 5
Learn About These
Travel Extras
Ruth Matthea. 6 years old, was
killed, and her mother. Mrs. Frank
A t no addition al fan . get extra advantages wben
yon travel.
Matthes. was seriously injured when
Profit by xopover privileges on I5-dav roundtrip
the automobile Mrs Matthes was driv
tickets between many Oregon points. Visit at several
tng was struck by a southbound Ore
points instead of only one.
gon Electric train at the Qulnab)
Weekend roundtrip tickets to and Iro n Portland—-
crossing about eight miles north oi
without stopover— are greatly reduced in coat. Buy
lor over-Sundav trips. Return lim it iafollowing
T nesday.
The present high condition of wlntei
Tell your agent your travel plans. He’ll
wheat with practically no winter kill
gladly advise you regarding a most ad-
ing of the acreage seeded last fall In
Howard Sutherland, alien property
vantfgcous itiuerarv and arrange for all
digates the probability of a very ex
custodian, who is making progress In
including steam ship accom­
cellent wheat crop for the Oregon 1926
winding up the business of his bureau.
modations if necessary.
harvest, according to F. L. Kent ol
the United States department of agri
filed with the public service commis­ culture.
sion application for reduced rates on
Judge William Ramsey of the Polk
horses shipped to the plant from east­
county circuit court upheld the ruling
Phone 226
Clay P. Moody, Agent
ern Oregon and other points in the
of the state engineer in connection
with the adjudication of water rights
Rev. Walter Benwell Hinson. D. D., on Mill creek in Yamhill county. Ap­
M. A . LL. D„ pastor of the East Side proximately 30 persons owning water
a highway bridge which is the highest ]
Baptist church, Portland, author, rights on Mill creek are affected by
ot Its type in the United States was
church-builder and recognized nation­ thia order.
completed. The steel span when final­
ally as one of the leading ministers
Governor Pierce received a letter ly completed in July will bridge Crook
of his denomination, died In Portland
from Governor Plnchot of Pennsyl ed river on the route of The Dalles-
vania, urging Oregon to send a nutn California highway.
Orders for pine lumber booked by ber of Its singers to Philadelphia next
Four surveys of Oregon streams ami 1
38 mills of the Western Pine Manu­ July to participate In the exercises
facturers’ association for the week commemorating the 150th anniversary bays are authorised out of the lump
ending Aprtl 3 totaled 1294 cars or of the adoption of the Declaration ol sum appropriation (or that purpose by |
the general rivers and harbors bill. |
33.644,000 feet, which was 299 cars, or Independence.
They Include the Coquille river from
10.774,000 feet more than for the pre­
Loren D. Willis. 25. Portland, a the entrance to Bullard's; Yaquina
ceding week.
teaching fellow* in mathematics at the river, from Toledo to Yaquina hay;
Contract for the construction of the University of Oregon, was found dead Clatskanie river, from Clatskanie to
Alder Slope ditch near Enterprise has in his room In Eugene. An empty the Columbia river channel, and ‘Tilla­
been awarded to Edward Bishop ot ether bottle beside the body and facial mook bay and entrance.
Baker. It Is estimated the ditch proper burns led W. W. Branstetter, Lane
Favorable reports on two Oregon
will cost >8800. but cost of bridges and county coroner, to declare that Wills
were ordered by the public lands
engineering will bring the total to had committed suicide.
committee of the senate. The first
about >15,000.
Activities of the state prohibition would reduce the area purchased by I
A. D. Dawes, who was said to repre­ department during the year resulted the city of McMinnville for Its water 1
sent some large mining interests in in 465 arrests for violation of the pro­ shed, while the second authorizes the I
the middle west, has filed in the office hibition statutes, confiscation of 74 county court of Coos county to pro- '
of the state engineer on a power alte stills and destruction of 25,486 gallons tect the groves of myrtle trees within !
m the Little North fork of the San- of mash and liquor, according to a re­ Its jurisdiction Both were introduced
Ham river, approximately one mile port prepared by William Levens. by Representative Hawley of Salem
from the mouth of Gold creek. The state prohibition director.
ind have passed the house.
filing calls for 200 theoretical horsa
Mrs Ellen J. Shortridge. pioneer of
1853, and Mrs. S B. Kern were killed
Luther Burbank, noted plant wizard,
Oiling of the Old Oregon Trail,
in an automobile accident at Cottage
who died at bit home in Santa Rosa,
from Heppner Junction, la In progress Grove, when the Shasta limited No. 12.
Cal.. Sunday.
It Is planned to oil the road to Blalock northbound, struck an auto driven by
at present. The Sherman highway will Rev. Chester Smith, pastor of the Free
be oiled from Biggs to Wasco and Th« Methodist church. Rev M. Smith,
Dalles-Callfornla highway from The Mrs Smith and their little daughter
Washington. D. C. — The plan of
Dalles to Dufur.
were also severely Injured.
Secretary of Agriculture William M
At a meeting of the Umpqua Chiefs
Orders booked by mills of the West Jardine for handling of surplus farm
Roseburg's hospitality club, a reso Coast Lumbermen's association in the
produce by co-operative associations
lutlon was adopted opposing the clos­ week ending April 3 slightly exceeded |
is now regarded as the only measure
ing of motion picture theaters on Sun production, the sales reported by 1U7 i
covering exportation of farm commodl Plant Wizard Dies at California
day. An election Is to be held at the mills totaling 112,087,342 feet, as com I
ties which Is likely to receive admin
Home After Two Weeks'
same time as the May primaries tc
istratlnn approval at this session of
vote on the matter.
Shipments reported by the mills were congress, although It may not receive
Ex-Governor West of Portland has 106.809.082 feet, as against 112 218,- the support of a majority of the farm
filed with the state engineer applica­ 537 feet tn the week ending March 27 organizations
Santa Rosa. Cal.--Luther Burbank,
tion for permission to close the outlet
Cantilevers built out from opposite
The arrangement favored by the sec­
of a nameless stream In central Ore­ v alls of Crooked river gorge were low­ retary would take advantage of the noted plant culturlat. died here *t
gon, construct a dam and divert the ered Into place at 3 o’clock Thursday present system of federal reserve dis 12:13 A. M. Sunday. For two weeks
the distinguished scientist had been
trlets. which were used to some extent
111 at his home, with intermittent
In government supervision of farm pro­
rallies and relapses.
Nervous ex­
duction during the war The co-Oper
haustion complicated by a heart at­
ative marketing associations in each
tack caused his death
district would select a member for a
Burbank was born at Lancaster.
central directing board, part ot whose
Mass , March 7. 1849. son of Samuel
duty would be to encourage forms
W. and Olive (Ross), of English and
tlon of additional co-operatives In his
Scotch ancestry
He was the thir­
teenth of 16 children born on his
The board would nave general dl
father's 200 acre farm He attended
rectlon of exporting the surplus of
the Lancaster academy, from which
farm production In earh district. This
he was an honor graduate.
would include computation of the
Next to the potato, the sccompllsh-
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
actual surplus on the basis of crop
mant which brought first fame to Bur-
reports and notification to each asso
hank was the spineless cactus, where­
elation as to what proportion of the
by he turned a worthless desert
produce of Its members should be sold
growth into a valuable forage and fruit­
plant In recognition of thia work
REFRESHMENT Co-operatives would bear the loss ing
he received In 1912 a United States
on export shipments directly, dlstrlb j
One th at is relished at all times By uting It on a pro rata basis among the grant, congress under special act turn­
% young and old alike, is our ice members The plan contemplates re i ing over 7880 acres of non-lrrlgable
55 cream. It is made from pure,
land to be located either io Cillfornla.
unadulterated cream and flavored inobursement of the producers through Nevada or Arizona
Increased domestic market prices on ,
; with pura fruit flavors Try some
It has been estimated that Bur­
the remainder of the crop
whenever you can. There ie no
bank’s 100,000 or more experiments
The herlous fault In the Jardine
more wholeeome or delicious re­
with plant life Involved the planting,
freshment on earth. Parties and scheme, as congressional agricult ur-1 pollination, observation and propaga­
Ists see it. la that non-members of co- !
families supplied in any quantity.
tion or destruction of a billion in­
operatives would participate In Its
dividual vegetable growths. From this
benefits without sharing any of the I
vast number, however, only 385 were
selected and recommended by him as
of value to humanity. Home of these
Ixm Angeles.—Charred craters were
were under his observation for 25
all that remained of what until a few
years before being given to the world.
days ago were the large underground
storage reservoirs of the Union till
Bill Would Standardize Baskets.
company. Oil fires set by lightning
Washington. D. C.—A bill to fix
during the middle of last week on the hampers standards, making round
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the
company's tank farms st Fan Luis stave baskets and splint baskets (nr
White Shield Home. 565 Mayfair avenue. Portland. Oregon.
Obispo and Brea had all but burned fruits and vegetable etandard. wae In­
themselves out with destruction of troduced by Senator McNary. The bill
W W w <■ W W W W W W W W W W W W W w w w w
property that will aggregate approxi­ la the same as one pending In the
mately >16,000.000.
Southern PatlficLines
Jardine’s O . K.. May
W in in Congress
Luther Burbank
Passes from Life'
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Clark’s Confectionery
. J •>>»>>» ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
8 • ••
Any Girl in Trouble
T he wisest girls keep out of trouble