Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 14, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    APRIL 14
brsateued to do) the
.n lnd»p«oi)«Dt— Not neutral—o«ws- ist*
who have tbs
paper, published eveiy Wednesday,
power, would take toe
w, » ■ h . » H i m n
the donkey aud pin it
with the large trunk.
The Great Outdoors
balance of
wet label of)
on tbs beast
Where Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced
11 a year io advance
Arrearages 12X C • month
After long study the republiaam
decided that
Brookbart could
hurt them less in the Iowa cam.
paigo than in a six-year assured
seat in tbe federal senate and have
declared Steck elected. The fire­
works will be la Iowa this fall.
Advertising, 20t an in c h ; no diacoun
lor lim e or apace , no charge for com
position or changea,
Sa T a lC -fo i Paragraphs." 6c a line.
» • advertising dlagulaed aa newa
In olden times, and until not
very long ago, man imagined
th a t th e sun’s planetary system
constituted “the universe.” As
tronomers with modern tele­
scopes, now know th at the solai
system is small compared with
others that they see, and th t
idea of boundless space filled
with such systems is dimly
space” is as much beyond the
comprehension of the human in­
tellect as is “endless time.”
On the other hand, what we
call early man knew of no en
titles smaller than those h t
could see. Now we know th a t a
man, an elephant or a flea art
all actually composed of millions
of smaller organisms, and these
of others smaller still. The mai
who wrote:
“Great fleas have little fleas to
bite ’em,
And little fleas have lesser
fleas, so on, ad infinitum.”
little realized how exactly the
two Latin words expressed the
truth. Animal life has been de­
monstrated down to a degree of
smallness that to a human mind
is infinite.
Man ¡s constantly making dis­
coveries which prove th at the
greatest or the smallest of which
he can conceive are not limits
in the two directions, but he is
increasing his knowledge withi i.
the limits of his capactiy.
It is known th at during much
of the prenatal growth the hu­
man and animal organisms are
wonderfully alike. The discov-
P illsbu ry, now
working with the university of
California, carries th s similarity
in early life stages down through
the vegetable kingdom. Read
“ Photographing the Origin of
Life” on this page.
— - -
— -
Judging from the number of
firms offering us canned edi­
torials they must find many pa­
trons. One received last week o f­
fers "home towney editorial.*
your readers will recognize as
your own.”
The w riter of the canned stuff
knows of Halsey w hat he finds
in the directory. He w rites.
Spring is sometimes laggard.
Out of doors the trees are still
bare and the fields of a dingy
but. ”
If the editor of the E nter­
prise tried to pass off such stuff
Jis th at on our readers, who a rt
and have been enjoying a riot
of (lowers and watching calves
and lambs grow in the lush green
fields, he might land in an in­
sane asylum.
No, thank you; we don’t need
any of your canned goods, even
at your bargain offer of 50 cents
a column.
There are 43,860,127 depoaitorr
with »23,134,062,000 in savings
banka in
»avinga bank money is not idle
It finance« industry.
Seven million families In this
country own their own home* and
4,000, 000 more have borne* partly
paid for. That leaves more than
h a lf of tba in renting or boarding.
Don’t send money away to
somebody you don’t know to be
used in advertising your farm
for sale. There are swindlers
who get money in this way and
do the contributors of it no good.
Tbe courts of Boston picksd up
a man with tbe foreign name ol
Mencken on a charge of publishing
indecent matter. He was acquit­
ted. Tbe entire offeudiug edition
sold quickly. 'Iben tbe poatoffict
department issued an order barring
th e already exhausted issue froia
the mail. It would have taken
lot of money to give tbe magazins
so much advertising in tbe uiuai
Oregon’s first woman judge it
Miss Mary Jane Spurlin, ap
Governor Pierce
judge of the Multnomah county
district court.
i Q
. 0
Chick Starting Milk Mash
Baby Chick Scratch
Egg Producer
Attractive prices on Shell, Bone Meal
and Fine anti Coarse Grit
nish the $ 3 6 per ton at Harrisburg warehouse
3 6 .7 5 at Halsey warehouse
Ground or cracked 92 extra
Our GOOD LUCK EGG MASH is a hummer.
and better than other mashes
O. W . F R I M *
Half Million Fewer
Farm and Home
People on Farms
and Superpower
Much of the Drudgery in
Rural Lite Will he
“Rome De Lwve’*
Sleep Sold Here
H a ll’s C a t a r r h
First-class Work
Statem ent o f th e ownarahlpc tn v n -
agement, eta., of the Rural E n f r
vnaa published at Haclaay O ra<o*
Triangle Egg Mash
The New Hampshire experiment
station, in co-operation with state
ind natioual committees on the
relation of electricity to agricul­
ture, has selected ten farms in New
Hampshire for experiments.
Data are being obtained on
What a glorious feeling
electric refrigeration, water
it is to escape from the
supply, home lights, barn lights,
deadening effects of a
poultry house
sagging b e d sp rin g .
ranges, washing machines, dish
When you sleep with
-vasbers, flatirons, vacuum clean-
your spine straight—
rs, water heaters, cream separat­
when you eliminate the
pressure on delicate
vasbers. bouse refrigerators, farm
nerves—when the whole
hop equipment, feed mixing, silo
system clears itself of
tilling, bay hoist, fertilizer mixing,
fatigue poisons and
lewiug machine, incubator, brooder
ind apple grader.
every muscle and nerve
The following summary of what
feels refreshed—then
las been done toward electrifying
you’ll appreciate the
(arms in Pennsylvania, the pioneer
benefits which we offer,
tate in this line, is made from an
you in Rome Quality
trticlo in the April number of the
p'artn Journal:
De Luxe, The Bed­
General Order No. 27, Pennsyl­
spring Luxurious. There
vania public service commission,
vent into effect March 1. Under
De Luxe—let us show
[ rural extension must be made'
it to you. All sizes car­
t tbe expense of tbe power com­
pany into all territory in which
ried in stock. For wood
tre not lees that three pledged
or metal beds.
□onsumers per mile and in which
the corporation bolds a charter,
his provision being limited to
ines carrying 16,000 volts or less
if the line carries between 15,000
and 83,000 volts prospective con-
umers will ba required to give
easonable assurance of a peak
oad reaching 100 kilowatts during
he first year.
Where there are less than three
ustomers per mile the cost of
natallatiou is divided between the
Note: K S Ä Ä S ’«
i l I. n u d e only hr T X . Ruase Caas
-ornpany and the consumer, thr
p m v . W . Mil tha ■•■ulaa aad n »
• » M d Is fot b o d & u l tlaao.
company paying »300 per con­
sumer, In figuriog the number of
consumers each mile is to be con-
idered separately.
Northwestern European coun-
ries, with no greater resources in
power and
coal, have
electric distribution through large
sections of rural territory.
Farmers in Penusylyania have
for y e a rs been trying to bring about
wherein resident?
along high-tension lines could
rid your «v»tem of Catanh or Deafncw obtain light aud power at a rat*
caused by Catarrh.
which compared favorably with
l« w »V 4—tt« w lb .
40 > M n
that charged city consumers.
F, J. CHENEY Cic. CO., ToLtdo, Ohio
The farmer was unwilling to buy
electricity because the price was
too bleb and the power companies
were unwilling to extend service
to farmers because there were not
snough customers per mile nor
enough prospective consumption of
power per farm.
Tha effect of the dtadlock ap­
J- W S T E P H F .N S O N .
pears when we realise that only 6
per cent of Pensylvania farmers
use central station eletric lerviee.
The percentages in other etales
except on tbe Pacific coast,
are similar.
Halsey and Brownsville
At tha itn is time ths electrio
utility corporations are universally
Hill & Co.
Special Sale on
Corn for 10 Days Corn,
10 w you
e o fur­
Creamery Association
We have attractive prices on Fisher's Blend, Cherro and
patent FLOUR. Give us a trial
T. J. Skirvin Seed (°
Low er Rates on Farm Products Askec
Photographing tbe
Beginning of Life
Washington, D. C.—Declaring then
was no legislative relief In sight foi
agriculture. 18 co-operative farm or
ganizations of Colorado and the pub
Washington, D. C.—A decrease In lie service commission of Oregon ask
the farm population of the United ed the interstate commerce commis
States of nearly 500,000 in 1925 is re­ sion to alleviate conditions by estab
ported by the department of agricul­ iishing lower freight rates on farn
ture, which estimates the number of products. The Oregon commission de (H. H. Dunn in Dearborn Inde­
persons living on farms January 1, dared the carriers bad failed to meel
1926, to have been 30.555,000, compar­ the requirements of law in their at
On a thin glass stage, not more
ed with 31,134,000 January 1, 1925.
tempt to justify proposed Increased
than two inches long by half an
The estimated net movement away rates, and that rates on agriculture
from farms last year amounted to 901,- on the other hand, should be reduced inch wide, the tiny germe that pro­
000 persons; but there was an esti­ particularly in the Pacific northwest duce lile, and the even smaller
bacteria whose activiliee result in
mated excess of farm births over farm
death, have at last been compelled
deaths amounting to 422,000, which re­
Cutworms have invaded several
to reveal their secrets to man.
duced the loss due to cityward move­ orchards of Wasco county, and are
Too small to ba aeen by tha
ment to 479,000.
causing considerable damage by eat­
unaided eye, many of them mov­
The estimated decrease in farm ing the foliage and blossoms, accord­
ing with such rapidity that tbe eye
population in 1924 was 182,000.
ing to reports reaching the office of
wearies and the brain tires after a
The loss in 1925 was general In the county agent.
few seconda of watching them
all sections of the country. The larg­
Bend is to be the 1926 Convention through tbe strongest of micro­
est percentage decrease was in the city of cattlemen and horse raisers
scopes, these infinitesimal creatures
mountain states, where the loss is of Oregon. The 13th annual conven­
may be studied at leisure
given as 3.9 per cent. The west south tion of the Oregon Cattle & Horse
J through a combination of micro,
central states showed the lowest esti­ Raisers' association «-111 be held there
scopes and motion picture cameras
mated figure. 0.2 per cent. The aver­ on M ay 28 and 29.
brought to success in 1926 after ten
age for the entire country was figured
years of effort by C. A Pillsbury,
at 1.5 per cent.
a former newapap r photographer,
Actual migration estimates, dlsre- 1 has a ewe which gave birth to working in the botanical depart,
garding births and deaths, show a net
flow and th e lamb iS ment of tbe university of Caiifor.
movement away from farms for the in milk
entire country of 2.9 per cent, the being brought up on a bottle.
Out of a line of high-powered
figures for the east and west north
microecopes the lens of the camera
central, the south Atlantic and the forth twins, a male and a female» under his direction picks the pro-
mountain states all being above 3 per and she freshened and has plen­ toplasm of the pollen g.-aio aa it
cent, tbe last group being the highest ty of milk for them.
fertilizes the ovary of the flower—
with 5 par cent. New England ihows
in other words, the beginning of
the lowest migration figures of 1.4
life in the vegetable kingdom, an
per cent.
activity never before aeen by man.
Through the same lenses tl •
same camera records the mov.mani
of the bacilli of typhoid, pneumo-
nia and other
P. 0 Salmon
Wheat—Big Bend bluestem. »1.47;
hard white, »1.46; soft white and weat
Magnified 110,000 times, these
ern white, $1.48; hard winter, *1.40;
bacteria go through tha process of
northern spring, $142; western red.
reproduction, growth, destruction
of tisauea and contact with blood
Hay—Alfalfa, $19.50®20 ton; valley
corpuscles and, finally and moat
timothy, $19@19.50; eastern Oregon
important, reveal the effect upon
timothy. $21.60®22.
of hostile baettria
Butterfat—41c shippers' track.
introduced into tho glass elide
Eggs—Ranch. 22®24c.
which makes the stage on which
Cheese—Price« f. o. b. Tillamook; in Internal Medicine for the they perform.
Triplet«. 31c; loaf. 32c per lb.
The discovery catre indirectly aa
Cattle—Steers, good. $8®8.60.
the result of Mr. Pillsbury's work
Hogs — Medium to choice, $12.50®
ia making motion pictures of
D o e s N o t O p e r a te
flowers in the Yo Semite valley.
Sheep—Lamba. medium to choice.
blossoms, be
became interested in tbe manner
in which grains of pollen, entirely
invisible to the unaided eye, peae-
Wheat—Soft white, western, $149;
trated the stigma and the’n the
Thursday, M ay 6
hard winter. »1.42; western red, $1.40;
ovary of tbe flower, resulting ia
northern spring. $1.41; Big Bend blue-
Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. t n .
the production ol seed and the
stem. $1.46.
perpetuation of the species. »Hie
Hay — Alfalfa. $3«; timothy. 323;
tiret work to this epd was. to study*
timothy P. S., 320; do. mixed. *28.
through tbe microscope, the pass­
Buttar—Creamery. 39®41c.
ing of the pollen grain into the
Eggs—Ranch. 26® 30c.
of the sweet pea, then the
No Charge for Consultation atigma
Hog«—Prime, »14® 14 25
extrusion of the tube of protoplasm
Cattle—Prime steers. »5 ®8.60.
Dr. M ellethhin is a regular graduate from tba grain and tbe entry of
Cheese—Oregon triplets, 27c; Ore­
in mediciue aud surgery and i t licensed that tube into tbe ovary of tbe
gon standards. 25c; Washington trip­ by the state of Oregon. He does not flower.
lets, 27c.
operate for chronic appendicitis, gall
lhen he placed the
«tones, ulcers of stomach, toasils or
grains, freshly gathered, in the
He hat to h it credit wonderful results little glass stage, and introdaced
Hoga—Prima mixed. »13 76® 13 85.
in diseases of the stomach, liv e r, bow­ to them an almost microscopie
Cattle—Prime steers. »7.50® 8.25.
| els, blood, akin, nerves, heart, kidaeys. drop of the fluid found in the
bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs,
B. W. Snow say’s, in this bladder,
rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers sad rec­ stigma of the sweet pea.
pollen graine in the elide performed
m onth’s Farm Journal : “Assum­ tal ailments.
Below are the names o f a few of his exactly as the others had done in
ing the ordinary rate of con­ many satisfied patients ia Oregon
the stigma of the flower. First
sumption up to June 30, when
Mrs. I L. Peetr. Moro, heart trouble the grim eularged, racing about
Mrs. P. K Hagar (daughter Marie»
new-erop wheat will be available, Walton
the slide as if endowed with life;
tonsils and adenoids.
and allowing for spring seed and
Mrs. E. C H u llo *. Hiiaboro, nicer of then suddenly the tube of proto­
plasm shot out, wandering about
a reasonable carry-over, the total tha M leg
N tls Peterson,
Skamokawa in search of the ovary of the
w heat stocks on March 1 are not Wash., colitis
O rover C. Coothier, Coquille, c o litis , flower, and then the pollen grain
sufficient to fully meet the«< re­ and
died. When Pillsbury threw this
ulcers of stomach.
quirem ents. This forecasts a M rs Carl Tohnaon. w <>rahfiwld. ear on the screen he had tbe first
strong and probably advanceing J. W Turner. D alles stomach trouble. motion picture of the beginning of
m arket during the m onths to
E. A. Russell, Klamath Falla, appen­ life in the animal kingdom. Later
he intronuced the ovary of the
flower into tbe tiny stage, with
“We have imported 11,000.-
the pollen grains, tod meds piet-
000 bushels of Canadian wheat aultatioa on Ibis trip will bo free ures of tbe complete process.
and if it were not for the 42-cent
Interesting Discoveries
Shown on the Movie
Good Work Team
2 loads Clover Hay
Com ing to Albany
Dr. Mellenthin
Mr Staniieldjie battling for a • a required by th» act ,«f conureae ol
A u | 16. 1111;
renomination again*! heavy odds,
A success fit farmer«* organisation
but bia campaign manager ia evi-
Manufacturer« ol L IN N B U TTE R
Halsey. Oregon. April 1, 1 t h
and ca-h buyer« ol eggs
deutly wall cboaen. Should be j Dwnvr, editor and m aaa«er. Wtn H.
gat the nomination and the demo- oriioa" °*
«•*»<»• Our pa v manta lor cream art once
M am ed women must he accompanied
a month, twice a month or check duty there would have been a by their husbands
Owner having good ranch
orate nominate Milton Miller (a
R*«<lhoi<i»re. m o rtra « *e e amt oth-
wheat here
each delivery, auy way the pro­ flood of Canadian
211 Bradbury bldg Loa state cash price.
* r •e e u rtty hold era. n o * .
M. Hitchcock,
thing they have not yet loudly
Angalea, Cal.
this season, no doubt.”
ducer choose*.
Wm H W H i n . fR . M m -
235 ah ave., San Mateo, Cal,