A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L i v e s t o c k A Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Briel Paragraphs eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land aged by a bullet in the Philip pines. P a ir y Po ni tr y W ool Pine Grove Points W. M. Burbank and Paul Daw son visited Salem Thursday. (By Special Correspondent) Mrs. Catherine Brooks died at Crawfordsville Friday, her 81st birthday. Carl Nichols was an Albany visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. A. Johnson and daugh- , ter were Albany visitors Satui- ’ day. Mrs. T. P. Patton went to Paul Papm an was in Eugene Seattle Sunday for a visit witb her son, C. E. Patton, and family Saturday. P. A. Pehrsson and Grace were Brownsville callers Satnr- ' day. Mrs. Ream of Brownsville is The annual Crawfordsville helping Mrs. Clarence William» roundup will be July 3 and 4. during the illness of Clarence j r Miss Emily Simons, once ;> with the flu. popular Brownsville girl but in W. F. C arter and family have later years insane, died April 2, moved from th eir town home to aged 70. th e recently remodeled one on George M o n t g o m e r y of th eir farm. Brownsville dropped dead on T. P. Patton had a visit Sunday the street from h e a rt disease the from his daughter, Mrs. O- B. other day, aged 62. Stalnaksr of Albany, and husband, Albany and Corvallis propose the lady remaining a few days. to have a great tim e celebrating May day and the completion ot I Miss Cleona Smith, who teach­ the Albany bridge a t once at es at Sweet Home, spent the week end with her father, Walt Smith. Takenah park, Albany, Miss Smith will teach the coming Harold Lundquist, who oper­ year a t Shedd. ates the Portland and Harrisburg Dr. J. Brown of Scio has paid truck service, advertised in thia $3600 for two pairs of silver paper, has moved his family to black foxes from Prince Edward Harrisburg to make th a t place Island and proposes to devote his home. his time to fox farming. The W aggener forty acres, C. N . and F. S. Moody w ill between C harity Grange and move their residence buildiog from Twin Buttes, advertised a t re­ its site at Third and Moors streets, j Mrs. Rosa Overton of Albany ' spent the week end at E. E. Hover’s. | Miss Grace Pehrsson was home from normal school for the , week end. i Lyle Eagy was absent from ’ school all last week on account 1 of sickness. | Several from this vicinity a t­ tended the high icbool baud con­ Happenings in Public Schools The Halsey baseball team did some good work again Friday when it m et the Junction City team here and defeated it 8 to 6. The Halsey girls’ team also played the Junction City girls and met defeat. The baseball schedule for th s season is as follows: April 16, Brownsville at Hal­ sey. April 17, Halsey a t Philom ath, April 23, Junction City a t Junction City. April 30, H arrisburg at Hal­ sey. May 7, Halsey at Bellfountain. May 14, Brownsville a t Brownsville. May 15, H arrisburg at H arris­ burg. May 21, Tangent a t Tangent. May 22, Philomath a t Halsey. Mrs. Edna Geer, county school superintendent, visited the grade rooms Wednesday. She seemed much pleased with the progress th at was being made by the Hal­ sey pupils. The P. T. A. met at the school building Friday evening and gave the following p ro g ram : Community sing, led by Mrs. Shotwell. test a t Corvallis Saturday. Mr. Dyer of Albany sheared sheep for Dean Bilyeu, A. L. Knighten and E. E. Hover Tues­ day. Mr. McConnel of Shedd was in the neighborhood Tuesday and purchased the Knighten and Bil- ycu wool. J O H N K. S T A N D IS H Mrs Charles Nichols left Look here, girls. See w hat ter to S tandish: “ You know I Thursday noon for Iowa, being Harrisburg, and in its place will feree's sale to quiet title, was go up a big concrete home for the you missed when you let John hardly believe th a t the showing called there by the serious illness knocked down to J. B. W aggener Song, Fourth and tixth grade*. Moody Hardware company. Standish go away off to Mon-Iyou have madc in securing r e - ‘ of her mother. for $1200. Piano solo, Roberta Vannice. I newals could not be considered. Mr, Grftnt McNei, attended Mrs. Irm a Shotwell spent the tana to get m arried. Address, “A dvantages of a Mr. and Mrs. H arry Mason of week end a t Salem with homo T . , . I as luck. As a m atter of fact, the .. ,, , .. , -7 , - John has been a t Broadus, paper itself m ust be responsible Lhe alW ay meeting of the Linn Uuion High School,” Prof. Beattie Albany loaded a truck with fur-1 folks. Mr. Shotwell also came niture a t th e lady’s form er re si-1 from Portland. His class is tak­ Mont., longer than he ever stay-, for this and the honor of m ak-. V°unty Holiness association at Union High School” Prof. B eattie dence here and it stuck in the ing a course in mental study at ed in one place before, so far as ¡ng it a journal which all folks eor>a hnday. of the extension departm ent of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten U. of O. soft ground and Gansle had dif-1 the state hospital. Mrs. Shotwell we have his record. He learned1 of the community desire must to set type in the E nterprise o f-( naturally be laid a t the door of o j j v u i the uw first u m oi of m the e wees week ai at m the i ficulty in sta rtin g it. Song, Fourth end sixth g rid e -. was present a t the m eeting of the lice while attending high school its editor. It has been my plea- spent farm , looking a fte r the sheep . Jay W. Moore’s move from the students there. A business m eeting followed. here working late . a ti l ° sure over of shearing, etc . , ' frequently • -- 7 —i UI'- to look vw i a a u number u iiiu v i ui Harrisburg national bank was. The resignation o f I-awrence Virgil L. Warden killed a cou­ P 1 «r i rom 10re *le hopped in-j copies of recent issues and I say A doctor from Corvallis was Eagy as treasu rer was accepted into the H arrisburg Service Mo­ to Washington state. Nimble as in all truthfulness th a t you are gar on his farm , eight miles called Wednesday to lance a and Mrs. N ora Coleman elected tor company’s business, where he southeast of Brownsville, th a t a flea, he made two or three I getting out one of the nicest gathering in the th ro a t of little to fill the place. Officers were sells insurance, real estate and measured 8 feet from tip to tip. jum ps and then landed in south- weeklies in Montana ” A rth u r Dorsey, who has been ill nominated for the coming year- cars and keeps books. Calves, lambs and chickens are ern Oregon, where he had charge Now John has decided th a t he for some time. as follow -s: president, M rs. of th e McLeay newspaper in About 4 o’clock Friday morn-: safer there. Virgil got $36 in terests. Everytim e he jum ps he has been long enough in one The entertainment at the Freeland, vice-president, Mr. place and h as notified th e board . com m unity m eeting F riday even Patton, secretary, Mrs. Lorena ing a wheel on a south-bound i bounty and the hide will make has a soft spot picked out to freight c ar slipped on th e axle' a grand rug. c. directo rs th a t his resignation njg consisted of music bv the Kizer; treasurer, Mrs. Nora Cole­ light into. From Oregon he l will l’ill Itn U « when passing the Halsey depot I he presented „ a I. t 4 the next orchestra, Reading by * M r s man. They will be voted on at th e Mr«. W illiam Wheeler wn and before it got out of town it | going down Second street yesterday hopped to Montana and soon stockholder’s meeting, May 10. Nicholson, music by Mr. and May meeting, the last of the» again into his present berth as He expects to leave Broadus Mrs. Jesse Cross, Reading by year. had ruined nearly 100 ties,! when, just past Grant Taylor's m anager of the Broadus Pub­ 15 twisted some track and piled a residence, ai sbe war speaking to lishing company and managing June , , for . a vacation , . of a cou -• , Miss Lucille Shedd, and a one-act Mrs. Mildred Smith visited the* couple of th e cars across tpb D. H . Sturtevant, a winged insect editor of its Powder River Coun­ u-° ,;jfn W7 k:< f Ien I Play, “The Girls,’’ given by the prim ary room Thursday. \v°ic D°*n*’ ^ u nH j an? ’i ° n ladies of the Busey school dis- track. A carload of ties had been flew into her mouth with great ty Examiner. Clarence Williams has been ab­ Wolf 1 oint Herald, take p art I trict. A very large crowd was sent from school on account o f sidetracked here th e day before, force, lodging in her throat and W. A. Sigourney, m anager of and some of these were very causing violent strangling. While the Western Newspaper Union in a hot political campaign for present and the program was en- a struggle with the flu. handy in m aking repairs. T raf­ sbe waa struggling for breath Mr. a t Billings, Mont., said in a let- the republican p arty against the joyed The biology class w ent on a red element. ' _________________ fic was suspended until 8 o’clock, Sturtevant called Dr. Marks, but specimen hunt Tuesday m orning, when a wrecking crew and car Mr«. Wheeler soon recovered and three auto’s being furnished by Alford Arrows cleared the track. went on her way. The insect panied by Ixjui3 Seefeld, visited the gentlemen of the class. T h eir Kirk Kinks went down red lane, never to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck bunt was a t Lake Ogle and H et- Mrs. Carl Seefeld at the hospital Wednesday evening W. M. ceturn. Mrs. Wheeler prefers went to Brownsville one day last zel’s grove. at Eugene Thurday. Burbank ran against an obstruc­ rooked meat in her regular diet. (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) In with the w inter collections Mr. and Mrs. W aggener a n d , ' week tion in the dark and broke a rib. of the biology class was a cocoon Mr. and Mrs. Grissith of Eugene Lillie, Jesse and Em ery Rick- (Continoed on page 8) He says th e same rib was dam- The H. J. Falk family enjoy a were Saturday dinner guests a t ard were Sunday callers a t Lee from which a few days ago new piano. "emerged a beautiful moth with • J. H. Vannice’s. | Ingram ’s. Grace Kirk spent the week end Vivian From visited her cous- Joseph Comely and son Frank red and black m arkings. T his a t her home. ins, Francis and Raymond Kirk, I called a t Wade Spurlin’s Sunday moth is considered next to tho luna moth in beauty. G. J. Kikes were Sunday visit­ Wednesday evening while her afternoon, The Halsey student body will parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. John Cersovski of Eugene ors a t C. L. Falk j r ’s. From , were calling a t Joe El visited his brother Joseph and give “ Yimmie Yonson’s Yob” a t the city hall a week from next Loren Nelson is helping Cecil liot’s. family Sunday. Saturday evening. Bilyeu with his farm work. Kenneth VanNice gave his E. D. Isom and family spent Tim Irish nook berating vaeon* The Joe Elliots were Sunday pupils p a rt of a holiday Frl- Sunday afternoon in Albany, member, of the fam ily g i r s » day afternoon when he took visiting relatives, visitors a t W. G. Abraham ’s very amusing display of Irish them over to Brandon to see a Chester Curtis and family brogue and temper. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Harding ball game th at was scheduled to visited a t Jack C urtis’ a t Peoria Yimmie Youson, a Swede who motored to Corvallis Tuesday . imagines himself in love with come off tietween. Rowland ano Sunday afternoon. They were M„ j j . versoviKi Ctersovski and daugh- every girl he meets, appears a F. . . W. . . . . . Falk . . . . helped u A. n . L. ... Falk . ..in Brandon. . , j sadly , disa-j -'irs. ana aaugti- last week with some rtiechanical' pointed when Rowland and Bran- ter Anna Theresa are again in typical lumberjack. n n v lz (In n lir l n n i n tro Ik n iv -n n A n Mickey, the hired man, Pal, the work. don r did not h have their o game. Portland caring for the form er’s detective, and K itty , the cook’e But team s were chosen from the mother. Mrs. Heitzman. Mr. and Mrs G J, Rilte were all outstanding three schools, including several M,. and Mrs J(,ss WaIker ()f helper, are Brow nsville callers Tuesday af­ characters. from the tn rie schools An inter- Salem, Miss Audrey Treble of ternoon. piling game was pi eyed Portland and B. E. Cogswell were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Templetoii Literary W illm ina Corcoran, a t th e Sunday evening callers a t U t A -Misdirected motored to Albany Saturday af­ tuberculosis hospital a t Salem, is ln g ram s.______________ _ Effort ternoon. good results from treat- Frank Kirk was home from (Portland Oregonian, April 10) Alev Snodgrass and family getting ment with ultra-violet rays. Monroe Sunday. Six months iu the county jail were Sunday dinner guests at H. and a fine of 11.500 was the J. Falk's. C h u rc h N o tic e s Merle Applegate delivered two sentence bestowed Thursday by J. II. Vannice and family wei< Pine Grove Churoh sermons a t the Christian church Federal Judge Wolverton on W. Sunday dinner guests a t J. S. Sunday. He was accompanied by ('. Kirk of Brownsville, who was Sunday School, 10. Nicewood's. his wife and little son. Clifford found guilty of sending an im ­ Preaching, 11, by Rev. Mr. Gil- j Carey filled his pulpit a t Crab­ proper lettor through the mail. Rawleigh Hike and Mrs. Alices lispie. tree both morning and evening K irk was alleged to have written Jones and daughter Doris visited Prayer-m eeting, Thursday 8. : services. two letters to W i|iiam Fdktna in at F. W. Falk’s. p. m. January and March of last year^ Mrs. R. E. Bierly and son Ken­ Quite a crowd gathered to heat- The intent, according to tho neth and Edna Falk were» M. E. Church the music by the Mexican work- government, was to break up th*. . I Brownsville callers Monday af­ Robert Parker pastor. j ers Wednesday evening. Not »»» Filkins home. ternoon. Sunday school, 10. njany of the band participated Kirk's wife waa a witness in bis Preaching, 11. . in the music as was expected, but behalf. L. R. Falk and family are the Junior League, 2:30, I two of them, with a violin ano proud parents of a nine-and-one- Epworth league, 7. 1 guitar, made some very good H. Bateman and wife and Mrs. half-pound boy, who arrived L GOOD lA Preaching, 8. music th a t was much enjoyed. Charles Elswick were visiting a t April 12. Praver-mceting, Thursday, > GOODS - It had a sound sim ilar to Hawai­ H. W. Chance’s from Browns­ Bible S tilly Tuesday, J . E. E. Carey and family, accom- ‘ V . S ‘ 4 ' • ian m uptc.; , ville Thursday. J t o i e p r o o f ^ to s ie r i^ to m a tch every costume, in the season s sm a rtest co hors, $1.50 hor men, in p la in anD fancy colors, 35 to 75c rOONTZQ t I - . « - . .