Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 07, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    The stage terminus is at the
Good Eats restaurant again.
R. I. Edwards of Brownsville
called a t the Enterprise office
Mr. and Mrs. Algy Sweet
came from Eugene Thursday and
spent the night with Mrs.
Sweet’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Forster. _____
Corinne Griffith
Percy M a rm o n t
M alcolm M acG regor
W a rn e r Olano
Over $28 worth of eggs was
taken in at the caster offering at
the Christian church Sunday. A
cash collection was taken also,
which brought the amount up to
A drama ot a woman who
dared tall her husband the
Next Sun.— Mou. —Tnes.
April 11— 1 2 -1 3
H«lsey Happenings
(Continued from page 1)
The four men who blew a
safe a t Cloverdale and were
caught have pleaded guilty and
been sent to the penitentiary
without any fu rth er develop­
ments connecting them with the
Shedd bank robbery.
Mias H enrietta Starnes spent
Sunday with Mrs. May Smith.
Edwin and Eldon Brooks gave
Parent-teachers’ meeting at many Halsey people a musical
the high school Friday afternoon. treat E aster morning when they
went early to various houses and
Jack Curtis of Peoria was a sang their E aster hymn, “C hris;
Sunday visitor a t J. J. Corco­ Arose,” which was beautiful, ap­
propriate and well sung. We
William Corcoran of 0. A. C. predict a great musical future
spent the week end with home- for these little boys if they keep
folks here.
A short easter program was
Mrs. Ella Wallace of Portland
came down to attend the funeral given a t the M. E. church Sun­
day during the Sunday school
of Mr. Stafford.
O. W. Frum has bought S. period. There were recitations
Crippen’s 200 sheep, which were and songs by the little folks ani
a very beautiful solo was sung
'on the Carey place.
by Mrs. B. M. Bond. This was
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran was visit­ followed bv an interesting talk
ing the dentist at Brownsville on “ E a s te r’ by Lytnan Patton,
Monday of last wreek.
which concluded the program.
Misses Lena Bass and Elsie |
Reynolds were Brownsville visit­
Olds Coffch, 1925
ors Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Isom and
2 Ford Coupes
daughter Beverly spent Sunday
Jew ett T o u rin g , 1926
afternoon a t W arren Isom's.
The W. L. Wells family attend­
1 Ford T ru c k , 1 ton
ed the cantata at the Methodist
O verland T o u rin g
church at Albany Sunday a fte r­
H ig h w a y G a r a g e
Bert Minckley and Jim Mc-|
Williams took George Maxwell to
Belknap springs Monday, seek­ First and Baker
Albany, Ore.
ing health.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miller and
son Gilbert and Ellsworth Gard­
ner spent Sunday with relative >
a t Lebanon.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross!
spent the week end a t Hillsboro
as guests of the la tte r’s p a re n ts,1
“Rom e De Luxe”
Sleep Sold H ere
Mr. and Mr«. Morrell.
Carl Williams is another boy
who chopped his wrist with »n ax J
while cutting wood. He had to
have several stitches taken in
the gash.
The W. F. M. S. met with Mrs.
Eliza Brandon Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Robert Parker had charge
of the lesson. Eighteen ladies
were present. Mesdames C.
W right and Lura Davidson ar •
among new members. Miss Ruby
Bchrull sang a solo.
Mr. and Mrs. George Finley
motored from Portland to Craw- |
fordsville Monday and made a
short stay in Halsey. Mrs.
Chester Osborne, their niece,'
came with them for a visit with
her mother, Mrs. Eliza Brandon
She returned home Thursday.
W h a t a glorious feeling
it is to escaiie from th e
(leadening effects o f a
s a g g in g b e d s p r i n g .
W hen y o u sleep w ith
y o u r sp in e s tr a ig h t—
w hen y o u e lim in a te th e
p re ssu re o n d e lic a te
nerves— w hen th e w hole
sy stem clears itself o f
fa tig u e p o iso n s a n d
every m uscle a n d n e rv e
fee ls r e f r e s h e d — th e n
v o u ’ll a p p r e c ia t e t h e
benefits w hich we offer,
you in R o m e Q u ality )
D e L u x e , T h e B ed­
spring L uxurious. T h e re
ison ly o n eg cn u in eR o m e
D e L u x e — le t u s show
it to y o u . All sizes c a r­
ried in sto c k . F o r w o o d
o r m e ta l beds.
Ideal (or Halwy Home Owners
Line county homes w ill aopreeisle
the lu p rim e quality of the L A N tJ-
W O O D and its inarvelou« fuel saving
Guaranteed to cut fuel costs one halt
In gray, blue or white enamel. Vour
•h l rang« takeu* n exchange,
r v R’> ;irr u it b c o m p a ny
N o t e : . __—
S S _ Â Quj-Htv
S Î ’. S I r L ÎT .'a
o n I t b t T * e Mo
rtitv. W« m H ih« ■•auina
M M M d U (ur bMkJuul
I« U
Hill & Co.
M n a lc
iv lv ttlS
Auction Sale
A P R IL 7
Special Chicken
Dinner Sunday
"'.““ ."Confectionery
(Formerly Pad’« and M am ’s res­
taurent. Under new management)
Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J , West Trope
HALSEY De„.r H udson
Furniture, Stoves & all Kinds
of Household Goods,
Good trad«« allowed
for lei*
P. P A PM A N Prop.
M ust H a v e W a rra n t
to S e iz e L iq u o r
Portland. Or — Prohibition officer«
relying only on tbalr sense ot «mall
and holding no ««arch «arrant« arc
outside their right« In entering hoases
and aeltlnx evidence.
Such waa the declelon of Federal
Judge Bean In sustaining the motion
of the defence to suppreaa the eel-
deuce In the caee against J. A. Tracy.
Estelle Tracy and Evelyn Waehbum
Federal end state agent« made ar­
rests February 1 when they called at
No. 1175 Commercial etreet.
seeing the officer«, Mr«. Tracy la said
to have attempted to escape by an un­
derground passage leading from the
house to the garage. In doing eo, how­
ever. she was Injured and taken back
to the house. There her wounds were
dressed while the officers were In­
vited Inside
Detecting a fam iliar
odor, the agents followed their noses
to a quantity ot liquor, which they
seized and held at evidence. Judge
Bean's decision was considered high­
ly Important In the effect It will have
on other similar cases.
Officers to De voted for a t th e
primaries, May 21, are United
States senator and representa­
tive, governor, three justices of
supreme court, superintendent
of public instruction, commis­
sioner of the bureau of labor
statistics, inspector of factories
and workshops, commissioner of
public service, state senator
district, state sena­
tor fourth district, two rep­
resentatives in th e legislature,
second district, and minor of­
ficers t hroughout the county.
ay bestos Hi-sp«ed
Brake t
212 East First it., Albany
S a tu r d a y , A p i r l 1 7
Anyone else having goods of
this kind for sale is invited to
bring them io and they will be aold
at this sale on commission.
C ol. B. T . S U D T E L L ,
W hen O ne H as
N o F r e s h M ilk
is here
R a w lin g B ill D o o p e s G lo v e s
G e o . S e s le r F irs t B a se M itts
B a se b a ll S h o e s , B ats, T e n n is G o o d s
Fishing Season <>«"»•“
& 15
R o d s , R e e ls , L in e s, H o o p , S p o o n s,
1 pound sm ok ed
1H cup* w a ter
t green pepper
• m edium p o ta to ee
(m ay ba
1(6 cupe ev a p o -
o m itted )
rated m ilk
F lo u r
d ilu ted w ith
C over the bottom of an oiled b ak ing
dish w ith allced, raw p ^ a to a a . S p rin kle
w ith flour and place* “ f ham H Inch
equare. R ep eat u a tll dtah la full. F ill
dish % fu ll o f d ilu ted m ilk. B a k e u n ­
til p otatoea are tender.
L . J. H A U S E R , P ro p .
W a s h in g to n R o a d
A s s e s s m e n ts S ta n d
Olympia, Wash. — Three railroads
loat their fight to save about 1900,-
000 In taxes for the present year by de
clslon ot Judge J. M. Wilson of the
Thurston county court, dismissing the
action of the Northern Pacific, the
8polcane, Portland A Seattle, and the
Chlrago, Milwaukee * St. Paul lines
against the state board of equalisation.
The suits attacked the validity ot the
ratloa of aaaessed to actual market
value In the various counties, as fixed
by the board last September. The
ratloa. the rallroada contend, are far
too high. Increasing their burden.
Thia decision closely follows one by
Judge Wilson, holding In favor of the
board a t against the rallroada In the
matter ot the assessed valuations ot
the three lines. Appeal to the supreme
court In both sets of cases Is virtually
The trial court holds that It was not
error on the part of the board to re­
fuse to permit the railroads to cross
examine the assessors and other w it­
nesses. All they or any taxpayer la
entitled to Is a fair hearing In their
own behalf. It la held.
The court also holds that the board
did not act In an arbitrary and capri­
cious manner In refusing to give con­
sideration to a dig«*' of transcripts of
realty transfart, taken from the coun
ty auditor's records In the various
counties, and checked by the railroad*
Relatives of Mrs. 0 . J. W est
from Portland arrived Thursday
on th eir way to California. In
the p a rty were Bert Sessions,
Bert Seward, Mrs. Clara Gaddis,
little Miss Dorothy Schenvk
and, we w on't omit, Trixie, the
la tte r’s canine pet.
Barber Shop
laundry sent Tuesdays
Kgency Hub Cleamag Works
A B E 'S
A . F in e ’s S tore, H a rris b u rg ,
In this new order of things, with
women, both married and single,
broadening their business activities, a
very serious problem arises. It is the
problem of what, when, and where to
Breakfast is atwsys a hurry-up meal
for the men but much more so for tbs
woman who goes to business. Lunch­
wasmugton, D. C.— Secretary W il­
eons, of course, are taken In the
bur haa received a report from the lunchrooms and restaurants in tbs
Boston navy yard that a total of 4.- business districts and are no problem.
101.000 school children have subscrib­ But how about dinners? Shall they,
ed to the fund for the restoration of too, be restaurant meals or can they be
the old frigate Constitution. The work so planned that business women may
will cost approximately half a million enjoy the home cooking of which they
dollars and subscriptions now aggre­ are so fond? Take away the element
of haste and snxlety and In Its place
gate 1100,000.
put carefully thought-out menus, well
planned and easily prepared, and home
Parmer Governor Davis Aoqulttad.
dinners will again regain their high
Topeka, Mans. — Former Governor favor with the working housewife.
Jonathan M. Davie and his son, Rue
One of the big worries Is frequently
sell, were found not guilty by a Jury with the milk. Did It come? Is It
here oa chargee of eelllng a pardon to fresh? Is It frozen? Has the milk­
man been paid?
Are the bottles
Fred Pollinas, ex-oosvlct, for 11250.
washed and set out? However, there
is no cause for worry about milk. Why
not keep a dozen cans of evaporated
milk In your pantry? There are large
cans, equal to a quart of milk and
smaller cans that will meet the lesser
For evaporated milk Is Just pure,
fresh milk with more than half the
water missing. This water can be re­
placed In a Jiffy, If you so desire or
you can use It as cream If rich and
creamy foods are desired.
Here are a few recipes that may be
used by “The Woman Who Works”
for forming her plans for eelf help
and good home cooking.
Scalloped Ham and Potatoes.
Baseball Season
econditioning Shop
new anJ second band, at
Two Cars for Sale or Trade
Wrecking Shop
225 W First
Portland-Brownsville» True!
1 Line
Eggs en Casserole.
hard -b oiled
% cup evap orated
m ilk
Leave Portland at 5 p. m, Satur­
I to m a to es
% cup w a ter
day, Tuesday and Thursday.
I tbsp. b u tter
H cup grated
Leave Harrisburg at 2:30 p. tn > tbep. flour
ch eese
u ttered crum bs
Mouday, Wednesday & Friday
In h a lf and a r ­
Pbone Portland 8226
ra n g e around the ed ge of a greased
Halsey depot, Swift A Go.
o a e,era le
S lice to m a to es In can ter of
dlah M ake a w h ite sa u ce of th a m ilk,
Portland, care Auto Freight Tei
w a ter, fa t and flour. Add c h e a ,e and
stir over a low Are u n til ch eese la w ell
m ixed and sm ooth. Four over to m a ­
to es and eg g s.
C over w ith crum bs
sn d h ak e tw e n ty m in u tes In a m ode­
rate oven.
W ill surely appreciate your
Andrews A eeart a No Danger Saan In
1.76 Par Cent Malt.
Washington. D. C. — Calm In the
taae of the flurry caused by word that
I 71 per cent malt tonic would be on
sale shortly, prohibition officials as-
eared dry«, disturbed by the announce-
meot. that they need fear no break
down la enforcement and cautioned
the drtaking population not to reguard
the extract as a haver age
By no stretch of the Imagination
ran »ba product be regarded as "beer.”
said Assistant Secretary Andrews, tn
charge of prohibition, adding that its
sale was "practicable and reasonable "
T f the public attempts to use the
tonic as beer.” Gaarenl Andrews said.
"It will ba withdrawn Instantly from
tha m arket" He enplatned that tha
manufacturers of the extracts, which
wtH contain 15 par cent solids, had
accepted responsibility for legitimate
Solicitor Britt of the Internal rev
enne bureau axpreesad the opinion
that states could prohibit sale of the
tonic tf they se desired, although It
waa pointed ont that grocery stores
genesmlly have on band products con-
thflng more alcohol, which. Hke the
toato, are unfit (or beverage purpose*
Colonel Carmi Thompson of Ohio
was selected by President Coolidge to
make an Investigation of economic con­
ditions In the Philippines
Roumanta baa signed a military alli­
ance with Poland and la seeking an
ether with Italy, according to dis­
patches from Bucharest
Both al­
liances. It was dsolared. are born ot
a fear of Russia
Federal Judge English of the East­
ern Illinois district must stand trial
before the senate on charges of high
misdemeanors In office, or resign His
Impeachment on five counts was voted
by the house of representatives, 801
to «1.
After two years of efforts In which
six finance ministers have fallen.
French budget finally la balanced. The
chamber ot deputies voted new re­
sources sufficient to wipe out budget
! deficit and establish surplus of be-
' tween 30.000,000 and «0.000,000 francs.
Miss Julia Clarke ot Carthage.
Mo , a grednate of a Pannsvlvsoia
college, bas been in* sa Oregon
farmer— one of the k»ad who ar*
not driven by leek ot intelligence
to become mere cog« in
machinery of city factories. She
has bought a farm in Clackamaa
county on which is a I20TM1 patch
of rhubarb. She proposes to spé­
cialité in bulb« and pohltry.
Funeral Director and Licensed
Brownsville, Oregon
W . L. W RIG H T
Harrisburg, Ore.
Pbone 379
Halsey Railroad Tjme
3:24 a. tn. flag 17, 12:09 p. m.
5:15 a. in.
15, 12;45 p. m.
8:16 a. m. flag 33,
8:12 p. m. flag
4:08 p. tn.
1:34 p. tu. flag
14 and 16 stop to let ofl passengers
from south of Eugene.
No. 31, direct connnctien for Marshfield
Passengers for svuth of Eugene should
take train No. 17.
Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­
sey at 7 a. ni and 12:15 and 8:15 p. m.
Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. tn. and
3.35 and 8:45 p. m.
Outgoing Mail
A t the Halsey poetoffice mails
close going north at 11:50 a. m.
and 5:20 p. m.
Going south, 11:10 a. m. and
5:20 p. m.
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and
12 m. Morning stage to Browns­
ville goes on to Crawfordsville,
Holley and Sweet Home.
Paid-for Paragraphs
(5c a line)
Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle
at the Enterprise office.
G E T A C Q U A IN T E D for a dollar.
Send $1 tor a special 5-moutbe’
subscription to S U N 8K T , the
west's great nutional magazine
— the clean, up-to-date monthly
for the whole family.
time agents wanted.
460 Fourth street, Sau Fran
cisco, Cal.
Anyone interested in cream sep­
arators should cail at the term of
A. W. Dykstra, route 1, and see
his Imported Belgian Melotte. M r.
Dykstra says that with the self-
balaucing bowl the Melotte will
skim as efficiently after ten or
fifteen years’ use as when uew.
I l is said to be quite a sight to
witness his Melotte in oparation.
During the tim e th a t Ja y W.
Moore has been cashier of the
H arrisburg national bank his
name has frequently been in the
banking news, both here and
farth er east. He has resigned,
and the next field of his personal
versatility is not yet announced.
New restaurants and garages
are the only additions on th e
highway in Halsey,
though no other itreets a rt paved.
In Harrisburg^ with other paved
risburg, with other newly paved
streets, there has been a rush
to the highway th a t has left
other business buildings desert­
A subscriber the other day
ordered the E nterprise stopped
because it had published an item
of news which disagreed with
his digestion, though he con­
ceded th a t it was true. W ithin
two hours a fte r he left the of­
fice two new subscriptions were
sent in by parties who wanted
the paper because it publishes
all the worth-while news.
Only $5 came in on our ten-
day otfer to send the Enterprise»
a year to each new subscriber
and give his or her dollar to
the near east relief. Of this, $2
was from an orphan girl, and $1
from Jim McWilliams, who said
he and others gave it to send
the paper to an old fellow who
was down and out, phvsically
and financially, and who had ex­
pressed a wish for the paper.
Jim did not give us permission
to publish his name, but a hard­
ened old bachelor like him can
stand it.
N O T IC *
of Appointment of Administratrix
Notice is hereby given that the w
dersigned by an order of the Co” ni
Court of Linn County. Oregon, ha* bee
appointed ad m ia iatra tn x of the estai
of A rth u r W esley, deceased
A ll pe
•on* having claim * against said estai
are hereby required to present thei
within six months from the date ot th
aotice. with the proper vouchers, to th
nadersigned at her residence in Halse
in Linn County, Oregon.
Dated and first published this 101
¿«y of March, 1426.
P.flSe R. Waaley. Adrav. of E«ta»
Tuasing A Testing, Atty« for Adma.