Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 07, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    'p b e Courtesy Shop
Mr,. C. L. ? S dr't- We*r “ d M,U,Bery
^ /^íbany.£7)irectory
117 Broadalbin s t , Albany
T h u is g o o 'l a d v ic e ; " i f yon liv e
P R IN T E R , See
in A lb a n y, trade in A lb a n y ; i f you I n ­
in some o th e r tow n, trade in th a t town.
But in these a u to m o b ile days many re
Albany, Oregon
t i d i n g elsewhere fin d i t advisable to do
at least p a rt o f th e ir b u y in g in the T H E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP
larger to w n . T ho se who go to A lb a n y
A Geo. L. H u rle y, P ro p rie to r and M a n ­
to transact business w ill fin d the firm s ager. W a rm a ir furnaces, p lu m b in g ,
named below ready to f ill th e ir require
and sheet m etal w o rk , tin and g ravel
wents w ith courtesy an I fairness.
roofihg, general jo b b in g in t in and g a l­
vanized iro n w ork, m etal s k y lig h t, and
coruices, pumps o f a ll ksnds.
136 F e rry street, A lbany, Ore
A lbany Floral Co.
Cut flowers
—yet go more often, travel farther, than ever
Go by train. Save in many important waya
by doing so.
Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value
for your travel funds. Figure your expense in
driving your own car against the cost by train.
The saving in train travel will amaze you. So
save the car for pleasure purposes.
Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­
sponsibility ends when you hoard the train.
Thus ride in entire comfort, with a chance to
relax and rest and plan your activity at your
Phone 127).
For Your Own
Good Do This
uy "ladioltis bulbs now.
FA&E 5
Cut Travel Cost
" hen in Need o f an Outside
4 * and pla n ts. F lo ra l a rt fo r every
and a ll occasions.
F lo w e r phone 458-f.
R U R A L e n t e r p r is e
50 and 75c per dozen. A llo w for
postage. H a ll's F lo ra l and M usic Shop
W estside greenhouse products
Every couple of mouths have
your optom etrist see that your
glasses are rig h t and properly
adjusted. You w ill
T ire V u lc a n tz iu g - B a tte ry re­ strain and your glasses w ill last
cha rg in g . 221 W . Second.
l.d Falk, Prop
W hether you are planning a to ur o f the
Uuited Stale« or a tr ip to the oneot or
Europe our ageul w ill g in d ly aid you w ith
a ll detail«, iu clu d in g uteatusliip reservations.
j^astburn B ro s.— Two big grocery
stores, 212 W . F irs t and 225 South
M ain, (fo o d m erchandise at the r ig h t
Mi»» M. A. W u lfu rt, d a iry m a rk e t '
Ing s p e c ia lis t o f th e U n ite d S ta te s De ’
M aj. X. H. Price, w h o is se c re ta ry j p a rtm e n t o f Com m erce, w h o fin d s i
o f th e A m e rica n B a ttle M on u m e n ts m a rk e ts fo r A m e ric a n b u tte r and eggs
com m ission w h ich plans to m a rk th e a ll o ve r th e w o rld .
scene o f e ve ry A m e rican a c tio n In
F rance w ith a m onum ent.
E lite Cafeteria and confectionery
H om e co o kin g . Pleasant su rro u n d ­
Courteous, e fficie n t serviee
W e m ake o u r own candies.
W. S. D u n c a n
T ire s and accessories
K ir k -P ollak .M otor C o .
Meade & Albro
Lportmiller Furniture Co., furni-
J e w e le r s ,
•*• ture, rugs, lin o le u m , stoves ranges.
Funeral d irecto rs. 427-433 west F irs t
street, A lb a n y , O regon.
285 Lyon ALBANY
(Successor to Steuberg Bros. J
G roceries
F ru its
Phone 2b3R
Everything in the line of eats
and M anufacturing
O pposite Postoffice
R IA L C A F E , 209 W . F irst
I M P E Harold
G. Nlurphy Prop.
Phone 665
W k n e v er close
Gleaned by the W estern
Xewsapor Union for
Busy Pee pie
L. STUART, “ the lniurauc
• man ” Stock Co. Insurance at
m u tu a l rates. Farm p ro p e rty, autom o­
biles, trucks. C u s ic k bldg, (up sta irs).
George W. Halter, 61, prominent
rancher of Arago, was drowned in the
Coquille river.
•*■’ * O fficia l S tröm berg ca rb u r e to r serv
A safe in the railroad station at Red­
ice station.
C onservative prices. A l mond was blown with nitro-glycerine
w o rk guaranteed.
423 W . F irs t
and $175 stolen.
en and m oney are best when
Vessels entered at Portland during
busy. M ake y o u r d o lla rs w o rk in March numbered 120 against 114 In
o u r savings departm ent. A l b a n y S t a t e
B a n k . U n d e r g o v e rn m e n t su p e rvisio n . March last year.
The Southern Pacific trestle at Ada
(A beauty aid for every need) between Eugene and Coos bay, was
damaged by fire.
S t. Francis Hotel
Prop. Winifred Rose
Fred Oakes. 75. ended his life at
The Dalles by firing a 30-30 rifle
OSCOE AMES HARDW ARE bllllet Into his head.
Oregon postmasters have been nom­
T he W in c h e s te r Store ,
inated as follows; Klamath Falls.
TIMSON T H E SHOE DOCTOR John A. McCall; La Grande, Ralph R.
Second street, opposite H a m ilto n ’
"Sudden Service."
fn the first quarter of 1926 building
permit totals In Bend exceeded those
r l o make rocm for our spring
for any previous year by more than
stock, w ill sell organs a t alm ost
yo n r own prices
W e m ust have more $15,000.
D a ve n p o rt M usic House. .
King Bros. Boiler works of Port­
aldo Anderson & Son, distrib­ land was lowest bidder for the new
uto rs and dealers fo r M a x w e ll, Chai
mers, Essex, Hudson & H u p m o b ile car,.
Accessories, i> police. 1st & B roadalbin
bite's Shoe repair service.
Opposite Hotel Albany
A lb a n y , O regon
Willard Strvice
We serve a ll makes
W illa r d s
and sell
U nder new managemen
L . M T a ylo r, Prop
121 W . Second, A lb a n y.
if you enjoy a good meal,
•vnd k n o w a good m eal when you get it,
Y o u ’l l lie back, to r y o n ’ l l not fo rg e t it.
O u r a im is to please vou.
i I
at low est rate o f interest.
Real Estate
Prom pt service.
Courteous tre a tm e n t.
W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank
builning, Albany
W hy suffer from headache?
Have yo ur eyes examined
Dr. Seth T. French
F. M. Frencn & Son' 3
O ptom etrist’
A lb a n y
pipe line for The Dalles. The bid
was $52.043.90.
Marshfield is furnishing a tempor­
ary airplane field in the north part
of the city, where visiting planes may
land this summer.
Mrs. J. A Hills, 45, of Lowell, was
killed suddenly when the family cow
became frightened and trampled upon
her while she wag milking the animal
The body of Roy Campbell, ex-prize
fighter, aged 26. of Klamath Falls
was found In Lake Ewanna. The body
had been In the lake between one and
two weeks.
A movement has been launched at
Hood River to place a monument of
native basalt over the graves of Na
thanlel and Mary White Coe, the
town's first residents.
William Chancy Winston, father ol
the broccoli Industry and planter of
the first commercial pear orchard in
Douglas county, died at his home six
miles south of Roseburg
Influenza is declining
throughout the state with the advent
of spring weather, according to fig­
ures complied by Dr. Frederick D.
Stricker, secretary of the state board
of health, which showed but 97 cases
Two weeka ago there were more than
Net operating revenues of the Pa­
cific Telephone & Telegraph company
in Oregon during the year 1925 ag
gregated $1,415.014 06. or $64.763.73 less
than in the year 1924. according to the
annual report of the corporation filed
In the offices of the public service
commission at Salem.
Plant for Immediate construction of
a 30-room concrete and steel to
the present building of Tho Dalles
hospital, at a coat of approximately
$60.000, are announced. Tlie wing
will be the first of three units to be
built, which, when completed, twill give
The Dalles a 160-room fireproof hoa
Clay P. Moody Agent
rho ne 226
90 days by filing an application wttl
the county auditor and paying foi
Representatives from communities
each month one-twelfth of the regulai to .nt .nterstate commerce commls
along the lower Columbia river gath
fee, according to instructions sent ou' slon.
ered at the Astoria chamber of com
by Charles K. Maybury, state dlrectoi
Oregon pensions have been granted
merce Friday night to form the Lower
follows: Eugene F. Rice, Portland.
Columbia River Commercial^ Union.
Five hundred college students rep­ $12; Stanton L. Cable, Portland. $15;
The Oregon Electric railroad had an resenting every state in the union
operating deficit of $153,378 in 1925, and practically every college and uni­ Frank Gibb, Portland, $12; Thomas , Ward Food Products CorDOra-
R. Hamer, Portland, $12; Milford H
according to the annual report filed versity In the United States, have ap­
tion Agrees to Surrender
Broughton. Portland. $15; Mary N
with the public service commission plied for the 70 summer jobs at Crater
Roberts, Portland, $30; William Rio J
Charter to State.
The loss was $23,478.24 in excess ot lake national park this year, according
pelle, Portland. $15; George A. Day t
that for 1924.
to Richard W. Price, managing direc­ Portland, $12; Carl A. Illig. Portland j
The fish patrol boat Governor ol tor of Crater lake lodge and affiliated $12; Covlll F. Gill. Portland, $18; E l-[ Baltimore—Outright dissolution of
the Oregon fish commission, valued al concessions.
mer F. Butzer. North Portland, $16; a potential $2.000,000,000 corporation
$10,000 and only partially insured
The survey of the Columbia river ' minor of Oral F. Gibson, Wasco. $20; and drastic curtailment and regulation
was destroyed by fire while patrolling channel from Portland to tl»e sea 1 Minnie I. Smith, Bandon, $20; William of other members of what the govern­
the Columbia river off Three Tree which will be ordered by the board of 8. Gilbert, Milwaukie, $12; William ment had alleged to be a huge baking
point near Astoria.
army engineers as soon as fuuds for D. Pickett. Bend, $15; William J organization was effected In federal
In an effort to stem the spread ol the next fiscal year become available, Schaffer. Multnomah, $12; Moses Wod | district court here in one of the inoat
sweeping decrees ever promulgated In
pine beetle infestation within the will be made on the basis of a 35-foot aege, St. Helens, $15.
an anti-trust case. Twenty-three mil­
boundaries of Crater National park channel as well as a 30-foot channel
lion shares of corporate stock—$2,-
the government will establish a pine at the request of Senator McNary,
300,000,000 potential capital under
beetle control camp in the southern Major-General Harry Taylor, chief of
Maryland corporation laws—were wip­
section of the park.
engineers, has announced.
out and a charter ordered forfeited
Fire which broke out In the bollet
Hundreds of women In Oregon are
to the state of Maryland.
room destroyed the lumber mill and wearing coyote skins around their
The decree brings to a close, with
planing mill ot the Chiloquin Lum necks under the impression that they
her company, located on Sprague rivet had purchased fox furs, according to Two Weeks to Be Given Over victory to the department of justice,
but with the consent of the corpora­
near Chiloquin. Loss was placed at Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian.
Involved, and without trial, the
between $100,000 and $125,000.
I Dr. Lytle says that between 5000 and
government's action filed last Febru­
The fiscal year of the state game ' 6000 coyote pelts are available in the
ary against the Ward Food Products
commission ends September 30 and state of Oregon annually and that
corporation and alleged allied con­
not November 30, as has been ob many of these are put through a pro­
Washington, D. C. — Opponents of cerns.
served by the commission for sev cess that gives them the appearance
prohibition marched on congress Mon­
All defendants, both corporate and
eral years past, according to a legal of genuine fox skins.
day In their first organized demon­ individual, are enjoined from "doing
opinion prepared by the attorney-gen
The earliest forest closing order in stration In several years.
any act or thing In furtherance” of the
j the history of the district forest office
At a hearing before a senate sub­ alleged combination which the govern­
A telegram from the war depart
committee wet leaders marshalled a ment describes as being In violation
ment Indicates that German wat than eight thousand acres in the Cas­ colorful array of arguments, ranging of both the Sherman and Clayton anti­
trophies consigned to Oregon have cade national forest on account of ex­ from a demand for modification of the trust acts.
been given priority over other west treme hazard caused by slashing and prohlbltlon amendment ltae„ to a petJ
The corporations, including all of­
ern shipments and will arrive In Port dry weather. The area affected Is a I tion for wine and beer.
ficers and employes, are further en­
land on May 4. The shipment weight
The whole week has been set aside joined from entering any contract or
70 tons.
| limits smoking to designated safe for hearing the wets and all of next agreement for the Joint purchase of
The state highway commission hat areas. Such closing orders as this week will be given over to arguments supplies, materials or equipment, or
announced that oiling Operations or usually do not occur until the months by the drye.
for common prices or policies In mar­
a number of the macadam hlghwayt of July or August.
Five emlneot jurors, composing a keting.
Revenue requirements of the west­ special senate judiciary tub-committee,
I d eastern and central Oregon wtl'
The corporate defendants are en­
be started in the near future. One oil ern railroads can be met more proper­ threw open the doors of the old war- joined from acquiring directly or In­
Ing crew began near Arlington ot ly by increasing the tonnage hauled draft room in the senate office bulld- directly all or any part of the capital
Monday and similar operations will rather than through an Increase In , |ng to hear the wets present their case stock of any other baking corporation
start at Bend and Pendleton April 15 rates, according to a brief prepared for modification and the drya offer engaged In Interstate commerce where
by the public service commission In their arguments for tightening enforce- the effect would be substantially to
and at Huntington about May 1.
, limit competition.
Residents of Oregon, except corpor proceedlngs involving a proposed In- ! ment.
crease In freight rates on the trans | More than 20 witnesses appeared—
atlons. who have paid the Oregon 11
cense fee, may operate their motor ve portation lines operating In the west- Bishops, rabbis, government officiale,
hides for hire or profit on the high ern district of the United States ' judges and police—to start presents- Maybe They Will Get it,
ways of Washington for a period q) Copies of the brief were forwarded tion of wet testimony for the six days
alloted the prosecution In this first
(Oregon. V o te r)
trial of the prohibition case since Its
enactment. Others will follow them
Western Oregon county courts
during the week and more than 100 are going about it right in send-
are expected to take the stand.
T h u 'w iT h e aTTUn'fo’r Z f o r pre- ' in * a delegation to Washington
sentatlon of all evidence,” Chairman to appear before the Senate Pul>-
Means of the committee assured beth lie Lands committee in behalf
■ides before the hearings began. "If of the land grant tax claim.
the committee determines that more
These counties have a legiti­
evidence la needed after the wets have
claim for back taxes ag­
used tbelr six days and the drya have
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
used their six succeeding days, It will gregating several million, and to
summon whom it pleases.”
get the lands back on the roll for
The wets’ c ite was begun with an
taxation in the future.
opening statement from William C.
be made clear that
Bruce, democrat. Maryland, author of
this claim is not being crowded
to determine whether they want pro­ by an attorney who is to get a
split, but is Inin»»
we serve w ill prove none too big hibition or liquor dispensed by the gov­ percentage
fo r your appetite after you once ernment under the Canadian system. presented solely in behalf of tho
public of the various Counties,
taste it. Io (act, yo u ’ ll wish you
could find room for more. T ry Estate Law Invalid In Washington. A delegation headed up by W. H.
Olympia. Wash — Upholding the Gore of Medford, and including
eome a t home for dessert. The
way the fa m ily w ill enjoy i t w ill Clark county court, the supreme court several representative officials
ruled that the Oregon law, which pro I and taxpayers, will make an im
mvke your heart feel glad.
tides that when one party of a martial pression.
ittnJty dies, the Joint property be­
These Oregon counties are en­
es the sole property of the surviv­ titled to this money. The taxa­
ing spouse, caanot be pleaded in Waah tion situation in most of these
lagton to oause deductions from the counties is such that the income
Washington part of the estate
is essential. Other tax-payers
Baking Monopoly
Move Abandoned
Mews Notes From
All Over Oregon
& jackson
o lm a n
Southern Pacific Lines
W ets and Drys
Talk to Senators
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Clark’s Confectionery
‘Any Girl in Trouble
m ay com m unicate w ith E nsign Lee o f the S alvation A r m y at the
W h ite S h ie ld Home, 565 M a y fa ir avenue, P ortland, Oregon.
T he wisest girls keep out of trouble
Olympia, Waah.—Wednesday. April each year have been paying from
7 the grist of new laws passed by the 5% to 20% more taxes than if
special session of the legislature, end- the land grant lands were taxed.
lag Jeauery 11. became effective. A The burden is bard lo carry atid
Dumber of Important measures are al these taxpayers are entitled to
ready Io effect by virtue ef attachment all the relief that can be provid­
of the emergency clause, including the ed by the grant lands paying
) ruWmlaous aew
game code."
Uieir share of taxes.