FAG h 4 K URAL bntbrmusb * A T R IL 7 RURAL ENTERPRISE An agricultural h e a d i n g reads: “Breeding Counts.” Per-, haps th at would work better paper, published than im prorting them from Eu­ * » Was. H . M H K 1 C L M rope. We have an idea that Jer-I sey cows would pay better th a n ’ 11 a year io advance A rrearages. 12XC • wonth imported counts. u» in dep end ent— N ot n e u tra l— ■ • « a * eveiy W edueaday, The Great Outdoors W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and V igorous Humanity are Produced the basis used in computing your Boys and girls of Pilot Rock have net income for reporting to the organised what is probably the first Market Outlook federal government and you will sheep club of its kind in the state of and Conditions find, in all probability, th a t his Oregon. Fred Bennion, Umatilla coun ty agent, has announced. zx X ma------ . . . . property taxes amount to some- One o f 1 hem fells of H its thing like half of it. S. M. Tuttle of Central Point was Barley, Corn, Flax and Success in Twenty If th at is tru e> the farm er, appointed trustee of the Oregon State Hairy Vetch Seeds on the basis of ability to pay, is Horticultural society by Governor Years in Oregon over-taxed. For his part, he is Pierce, to succeed C. B Minton, whose Recommended convinced th a t he is overtaxed, term has expired (Eugene Reg..ter) The following, from Professor which is why w he „ is uclllalR11I1K demanding Construction of Salem’s proposed hare ken» it out. " a t ?Vr Pra,s«? would make Hye op of O. A. C . was received Here are some opinions of an a tax th a t will reach intangibles. new $640,000 linen mill will begin _____ them blush if they were to let II __I____1_ il I Getting back to the business within the next ten days, according to too late for use last week out i. March came in like a lamb £ e?r vot.” a ild the , purity of upper valley farm er. They are in still of interest : 1 teresting, because they are out man and the farm er, here is announcement made by tbe directors and was so busy playing the lion I th eir motlvea become known. Wheat condition* in Oregon another broadside from the busi­ Machinery costing $105,000 has been E r t Ht hlS e x ,t We arc asked 10 leave ¡»conus of the ordinary. ness m an: ordered and will arrive in Salem be­ point to rather an exceptional here u a s also lamblike. untaxed, a t the expense of farm- “People are doing too much yield. I f the United States Croo “If you’ll take a census of the fore Ju n e 1. cornea through with aoythiug Rk, crying about the farm er. It isn’t One hundred acres of land near Jo­ I ers and others, because th at will retired business men here in Eu­ Something like 50,000 acre.,, .. - ------------------- of land between here and Har-| a ltrac t. owners of capital to Ore good for the farm er himself, and gene, I’ll bet you something sub­ seph, and more than a score of acres the condition of the northwest risburg have been bonded fori gon- ¡n addition, we remove it isn’t good for the country. It stantial th a t you’ll find the of test plots in other points in Union crop, unless some aurplus-export oil exploitation and if oh apou«» fa r° and keno gets th e farm er into th e habit farm ers in the m ajority. There and Wallowa counties, will be seeded arrangement is developed wheat we w ill surely be " o n the wap ” " amca We, ,shaH a ttra c t some of thinking he’s ruined, whether is a lot of talk about th e big prof­ in flax this year, according to H. G. will be cheaper as harvest ap he is or not, and th a t is a bad it made by the middle man, but Avery, Union county farm agent. An proaches. Marketing tbe north- r more capital. fram e of mind for anybody to how many m erchants out of the attempt is being made to substitute west crop continues slow. Most of th e republican lead­ Oats, corn and barley look like Cashiers and others are get­ be in. for cereals. total number engaged in busi­ flaxseed ers are so blamed disobliging ting a habit recently of boring surplus crop* in the United States sour tnousana acres in say, days “The farm ers aren’t all ruined. ness make enough to retire on?’ th a t they seem likely to disre­ was the plowing record made by Pru next year, but Oregon can afford gard the plea of the democrats holes in bandits and would-be L ast year I hired only about $300 fer brothers on County Judge Weath, to expand tbe acreage of both TKl MAAsrAia bandits. This method of letting worth of help, and I sold $3500 for the renomination of Stan­ erfords’ ranch near Arlington. The barley aud corn, a great deal of light into a dark subject is worth of crops. T hat isn ’t so field. work was done with a tractor pulling C alifornia barley is shipped to Portland rath er discouraging the latter bad, now is it? twelve 16-lnch plows, plowing six Oregon. Wheat—Big Bend blueatem. 11.48; class of gentry. Edward W. Browning, GO-year “And it isn’t tru e th a t a farm ­ hard white, >1.4*; soft white and weat inches deep, and operating day and The interest in seed flax is rap- millionaire, and a 16-year-old gir Mr. Haney saves the repub­ e r can’t get ahead in this coun­ era white, >1.41; hard winter, >1.41; night. An average of 104 acres a day dly gaining as farmers appreciate propose to marry in New York. lican leaders many a nightm are try. I came here about 1900 with northern spring, >1.4>H; western red was made. value of the guaranteed price for 1926 and the Duluth price for 1927. I hey are heading for the divorce by keeping out of the senatorial nothing, and now I have 400 >1.40. unnam county’s pet flock of wild acres of land, all paid for. The Hay—Alfalfa, »1*50 0 20 ton; valley geese, which Is growing In size, is Reports of contracts show subsisn. court, but the path len’t a lonely race. farm er who can do th a t has timothy, >1»®1».6C; eastern Oregon one, these days. proving a decided annoyance to farm­ tial acreages signed, with the The farm er whose success is nothing to shed tears about. timothy, » 1 .5 0 0 » . ers of the region, upon whose fields prospect of many more. Flax is told in an article from the Eu­ “But you can’t spend all your likely io remain a good-price crop Butterfat—41c shippers' track the birds are complacently fattening, City chambere of commerce gene Register on this page pro­ time running around, and still because we do not produoe enough Eggs—Ranch, 22® 24c. according to reports from ranchers claim credit for helping farmers by bably used good seed, good stock get ahead in the farm ing busi­ Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; that have come into the state game to supply our own ueeds and there ness I have an idea th a t you Triplets, 11«; loaf. |> c per lb. bringing in settlers. We haven’, and gumption, and the greatest ness. IB a forty cente-per-bushel tariff on commission offices at Portland. have to stick p retty close to any it. W hile there ie a tariff on corn Cattle—Steers, good. »©8.50. beard of their helping dry good- of these is gumption. Reduction of alfalfa acreage, in­ wheat and oats it is ineffective as business if you are to make a Hoge—Medium to eholce, $13©l«.io dealers by bringing more dry success of it. 8haap—Lambs, medium to choice crease in pasture acreage, increase we grow a surplua which we must goods dealers or hardware men by Stanfield Working from 60 to 200 acres of asparagus land sell abroad aud have no need for “I am ju st one out of many, $11011.75. bringing more hardware men. and a 100 per cent increase in other importation exuept a few million but in my opinion they shouldn’t for Refund of Tax reduce the licenses on old cars truck crops is recommended in the bushels of hard wheat. •eattle. Umatilla county economic conference A professor of plastic surgery The seed demand continues Wheat—8oft whit*. $1.48; western below the figure charged fo r new u s. ■ z,. . n g u ie vnajgeti io r new is sueing a woman for pay for Hia Influence! as Chairman of. ones. The old car does ju s t as white. >1.49; hard winter, >1.4*; west­ report, a survey of which has been good. Clovers are in a fairlv operations performed to increase strong condition. The demand for Public I^ands Committee is Big much damage to the road as the ern red, >1.42; northern spring, >1.43; completed by a special committee. her beauty. We have seen her Don’t plant u nacclimated corn. alfalfa is quiet and for grass seed Boost for Return of $4,907,000 new one, and the owner of the Big Bend blueatem, $1.47. recent picture in the newspapers Hay Alfalfa. »36; timothy, >38; Get seed of a strain that has been fair. H airy vetch prices have to Eighteen W’estern Oregon old car gets ju s t as much good and it is decidedly in her favor timothy P. 8., >20; do, mixed. $26 bred in Oregon until it is at home risen slightly because of higher out of th e roads as th e owner Counties European quotations. The acreage in th e case. The fellow’s services here. Butter—Creamery, 82041c. of the new car. of it for Oregon may still be were not worth a cent. Eggs -Ranch, 26® 30c. “Our licenses aren’t hurting Cream m producers will do well expaaded safely. Hogs—Prime, $14®14.26. us anyway. They may seem pret­ to read, from week to wtek, the Because saloonkeepers who The potato market baa continued Cattle—Prime steers, »8.08,50. ty high when we pay for them, advertisement of the Albany to rise, with record prices used to violate the laws regulat­ 1$ Cheese—Oregon triplets, 27c; Ore but when you figure the saving co-operative creamery, the oldest d"e‘ no‘ aPpear that the price of ing the sale of liquor are now gon standards. 35«; Washington trip- effected by the better roads you lets, 17c. and most successful in the state. >3 30 to >4 a hundred is out of violating those which prohibit soon see th a t the license fees are it we are asked to repeal the Complaiotg come in that some line with the supply, cheap enough. We are saving lots of alfalfa soed sold from laws. Why not repeal laws pro­ 8 p nit ana. A bulletin received from the enough in tires alone, because of hibiting m urder and robbery’ Hoge—Prime mixed $1$ 76©1S.8$ farmer to farmer, and not under college yesterday morning says the better roads we have now, the seed law, are very bad. Sam­ They are violated daily. Cattle—Prime atoara. >7.50 01.55. no other grain project is in as to pay for all our licenses cost ples from Malheur county bear us. M r. Coolidge's sound common this out in some instances. Seed strong a position, as far as price ii Albany eoncerned, as that of seed flex “I am not the one to go around sense makes him oppose any should be tested before buying — growing ; the potato market has with a long face, complaining Creamery Association 0. A. C. attempt by law to make the farmer advanced to >4 to 4.20 a hundred about the farm er’s ills. Things lif t bimaalf by hia bootstraps, i. for U. 8. No. 1, while new etock A successfu farmers’ orgamzaticn To encourage the development may not be ju s t as rosy as I e.. furnish funds to buy his on n would like to see them, but they Manufacturers of L IN N B U T T E R of purebred livestock in the west te coming into tome of the mar- and cash buyers of eggs the Southern Pacific aud other kets, though the volume may not surplus to keep tba prioe up. This m ight be worse.” Our payments for cream art once coast railroads will carry registered be expected to be large for several higher ’ price would stimulate So much for the fanner. Here a month, twice a month or check sheep, cattle and horses, except weeks ; hairy vetch prices are production the world over sn 1 is a business m an’s viewpoint. each delivery, any way the pro­ racers, in less than carload lots, at advancing ; a Hal fa rather slow. His business includes the sale of further increase a world surplus ducer chooses. half price when shipped for shoes, and he has a tale of woe Lime for Legumes and u n til—crash ! breeding purposes. The fact th at U n i t e d to unfold. Legumes for Fertility tates Senator Robert N. Stan­ “So far he as »ays, the women are 't con­ Kred Koopman of Nyssa applied lory kiinlmli i'i-tl,1,. (• ',',r1 field ' is t , chairm “ “ 1™ “ an " of the “ senate n“' e “you can tcil (0- A. c.) 100 pounds per acre of treble cerned,” he says, “you can't tell <>. «ay» “ Europe ' 2 S X f t S J t f ’r ' '»nd,. is thy much more than a ’week in ad. will do what wc "uperphospbate to a second year’s Legumes, as clover, alfalfa and claim for it — emigrant» from her psycoloyr b K r the p a jm e rt of •” " * “ • they * are " ' going Oi" g *» em igrants ............... — w rid your «yuem of Catanh or Deafnest crop of clover, at a cost of $3 an vetch, are the keystone in tbe arch RCr*. He got 2 tons hay per acre of soil improvement. buy next. And if they aren ’t buy­ caused by Catarrh. cal levels. American industry i Sereral of tbe legumes will grow on tbs fertilized field and 1 ton 1.« *y »««»»». for „ „ 4g roor, fostering this class of labor.” $4,907,000 of lost O. & C. land ing. they simply aren ’t buying. grant taxes to IS W estern Ore­ < > n a similar one unfertilized, and on a moderately sour soil, but art If you happen to get caught r. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio There lies the reason why the 8.3 bushels of seed on the former « way. m„re , b rif,y jf , hey have m ajority of im m igrants stay gon counties has a chance to with shoes of shapes and m ater­ sumcient lime. against 5 on tbe other. in the J . W. S T E P H E N S O N . a powerful chairm anship and they think it is, which amounts aa at the U. of O. school of business plant food. officerj who were invited into a i therefore, would be unable to ad- administration. Items include or­ to the same thing.” «,Vnnie» k *n be/ P P li#d »ny ti„ house and there discovered illegal | \ance such legislation through rose ganization of county federations Here in Oregon, it is only fair wnen the surface is fairly dry liquor bad no right lo sessa it the committee and pass it in the to add, the farm er has one legi­ of producers with which chambers Where clover >e seeded on winter TUSSING & TUSSING of commerce shall co-operate; a without a warrant. Furthermore I senate. tim ate grievence. In proportion lime will need IO to ba .. , the , ------ -••• »ecu Immediate payment will be bueiaese survey of farm conditions gram LAW YERS the act use. I were turned loose' I ■ P«J"w in win be to his net income, he is taxed applied ahead of grain seeding in the state; promotion of the dasuiia it» ii niade to the 18 counties if the more heavily than anv other Halesy and Brownsville Lime will not take tbe pl.c’ or m e h the officers, bill passes, ,n the following budget system, support of 0 . A of class. Compute the income of drainage, fertilizers or the proper Oregon might have given. Suppose the Amounts; Benton, $230 0 0 0- ( . in the effort for more complete the average Oregon farm er on officers bad found stolen jewelry Claokamaa, $347,000; Columbia,’ soil surveys and organization of preparation of the seed bed nor ?iu°eth#,e ,,CtOr* l , * # lh# place of county settlement committees for which they were Inokiug, m ight! LOGO; Coos. $422,000; Currv. they have seised that nr testified , Douglas, $1,085.000; against the parson in whose 'J in * ” 1' $’ «56,00; Josephine. A d v e rtis in g , 20c an in ch ; no diacoun *nr lim e or apace ; no charge lor c o m poaiUon o r r jauges. * • " P a ia -fu r P a ra g ra p h !.'• te a lin e • • a d v a rtla .n g d la g u lu d . . nawa. No, Anxious Reader, it isn’t because they fear we wouldn’t ' approve of their actions th a t the I senators refuse to tell us how I they voted on the Whitlock case. SC A TTER G U N SHOTS I If you had heard their speeches ---------- . when they ran for office you Often a horse pulls a car out of would not think of such a thing, a ditch w le , hors« aenae would ' ^ eir reticer** » da* to a fear Why Farmers Fail Well, Some Don’t a H a lF s C a t a r r h Medicine BARBER — « •« > » •» — vin-a a . at tha’ law M d nt ‘ * ' S Z ; he $30,000; i n r ; ton W » '» i twin• *CC” K' «?Q'- Hi11’ Wash * 50«°W i 1< at tba law. Mauy an unthinking youth felt tempted to follow his epactacu'ar example. T h* last time Gerald was arrested he mad» • Joke of it and said ha would ba •u t soon. The joke end.d when $135.000. n *e Stanfield bill futher pro- vides tor the annual payments h e r v ifter of nearly $500,t>00, art w ^ lT h a ^ ^ i th2 extra Oar GOOD LUCK EGG M i a n r ■nJ k . » . , . . . . f o r ten days, beginning Apl. 10. we offer Corn, you fur- r=. . . ; , M A S H '■ • v Chtaper <*»» -j T. J. Skirvin Seed (o