« A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land ^ ¿ r c u l t u ro H p rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k APRIL 7 HALSEY, OREGG.-v ■ P a ir y P o u ltry W ool took the train for Salem at Al- Kirk Kinks Pine Grove Points Alford Arrows Happenings in bany. Miss Leila Gansle is the proud (By Special Correspondent) (B y an Bnterpiise Reporter) Public. Schools (By aD Enterprise Reporter) owner of a new piano. Rev D. R. Plunkett spent Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Falk went Mrs. Shotwell treated the sen­ i)Oings of Our Populace Rev. Robert Parker went to E. D. Isom visited A lb an y mon- Thursday night at L. E. Eagy’a to Albany Wednesday. day. ior English class to a “feast of Albany Friday morning. Chronicled in Briel Mrs. W. G. McNeil and daugli-’ The Brownsville pioneer picnic fudge” Thursday which was 3 Frank K ropf is building a ware­ Mrs. J. J. Corcoran visited at i Paragraphs ter Ida are ill with severe colds. wj|j be June 16, 17 and 18. decided departure from the usual Jack Curtis’, near Peoria, Fri­ house on his farm . Arthur Dorsey, grandson of J. Mrs R E Bierly called at H. April 1st jokes. The students Dorothy Corcoran of Halsey day. Monday n ig ht w ith Beverly R. Mode, is ill with scarlet -ev* j Falk’s Tuesday afternoon, They have caught that windi- were then required to each write Mrs. Harry Bressler and baby spent or. | Isom. are home from their visit at Rev. Mr. Gillisipe of Ingrain R- E. Bierly and tamily spent a rhyme in which the letters in Joe Cersnvski and fa m ily spent Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holt went to Newport. Island spent Wednesday night at Sunday at Arthur Waggenei s “April foolb day” were used as Sunday at Lee H e itzn ia n ’s, in Harrisburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley Eugene. W. G. McNeil’s. , Vivian Gibson called at A. L. the first letter of each line. Some Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill were and niece Velva visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy of Waggener’s Thursday afternoon. of these rhymes showed decided Hadley’s sister, Mrs. C. L. Jack- George Godwin and fa m ily of Oakville attended church at Pine Albany visitors Saturday. RiRe was gun. talent. Buena Vista were at Johu oR lfe’s G rove Sunday afternoon. , day dinner at E E Car. Don’t forget the meeting of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill spent son, at Brownsville Sunday after­ Sunday. noon. the I*. T. A. Friday evening. «•’today afternoon in Eugene. Miss Joy S tarr and several ey’s. ¿ B e v e rly Isom spent Thursday The baseball game between Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ridings of n ig h t of last week w ith Retta other young ladies of Ingram Mrs. Stafford will probably Q stafford of Ra j s t o n, Halsey high and Belfountain jry on the telephone business Eugene and D. E. Skirvin and Arm strong. Island attended the special set- yyasjj spent Wednesday at W. boys Friday afternoon, w a s family of Junction City spent indefinitely. Misses Anna and Josephiue vice for young people at Pint much enjoyed by Halsey baseball Sunday afternoon at the T. J. Comely of Eugene spent the week Grove church Wednesday even- »> *-'!*■• Miss Dorothy Corcoran spent Skirvin home. fans for it ended with a score ing. | Mrs. Albert Waggener spent of 4 to 5 in favor of Halsey. De­ end w ith th e ir parents. Monday night with her friend, Mrs. M. H. Shook and her E- D: Isom and fa m ily spent The revival services at the Saturday with her sister, Mrs. J. los Clark acted as umpire. Beverly Isom. , ! three children visited Mrs. .....,, C. P. Sunday at W. E. Isom ’s, betweeu Pine Grove church closed Sunday P. Templeton, The game scheduled to be , _____ , , ___ Mrs. E. C. M ille r is home from Moody several days last week. Halsey aod Brownsville. played with Albany Saturday Lebanon, where her mothe; who uig ht. There was * good rtten- Cecil Bilyeu initiated a new Mrs. Shook was on her way to was called off on account of the seriously ill, is im proving. Roseburg, where Mr. Shook is Mrs, Delbert Wallace and sm all dance and much i n t e r e s t disc iast week, which he pur- rain. daughter of Ingram island visited throughout the entire three chased from Hill & Co Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Corcoran now located. Visitors in the fourth, fifth at Lee Iugram 'soue day last week. weeks. ve had radishes out of their and sixth grades Tuesday after­ Nellie Falk spent Friday even Robert Loucks of Brownsville adly garden. Can anyone beat Miss L illie R ickard spent the community meeting will ing and Saturday with her aunt, noon were Mesdames Frank was in Halsey Tuesday evening week end at home. H. H. R ickard be The • r held Friday evening. There Mrs. Alex Snodgrass. Gansle and Ed Zimmerman. to help the M. E. Sunday school and fa m ily took her back Sunday will be a play, "The Girls”, given Miss Mearle Straley spent the orchestra Mrs. George Workinger was a its practice. Mr. and attended tbe M cFarland week end at Corvallis with her Louks is an in experienced by tbe ladies of tbe Busey d is­ ! Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu and visitor in the primary room playet church. ! Mary Carey visited Sund a y tern* friends, Misses A n na and Sophia on the violoncello and trombone. trict. A lunch will be served afternoon at Clarence Gillette’s. Tuesday. Sunday evening callers at Ches­ Thomas Palmer, Ernest Dyk­ Heinrich. The infant son of Mr. and ter C u rtis ’ were M r. and Mrs. C. after ihe program. Ladies are re­ stra and the latter’s sister Doris, Ernest Raster and family, Carl William Corcoran visited his M rs. Glenn Richards of Lebanon H . Tandy and son E lm er, Mrs. quested to bring cake or sand­ were all absent last week on ac­ Gengenbaeh and family, Mr. and sisjter' Willmina at Salem Satur- G oodlin of H arrisburg, Jack C u r­ wiches. Mrs. Messner and Herman Ras­ count of illness. dffy and reports that she is show­ died April 1. Mrs. Richards tis of Peoria and Mrs. J. J- Charles Steinke has been ab­ ter of Portland were guests of formerly was Elinor Bennett. ing inprovement. Corcoran of Halsey. C. L. Falk sr. Saturday evening sent for more than a week on ac­ She is a sister of Mrs. W. H. Oppose Chaplains Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hoffman Robertson, Mrs. E. C. Miller and and Sunday. count of rheumatism. Seattle to Vote on Manager Plan. too a a trip to Salem Sunday and Mrs. I. E. Gardner. on Public Pay John Quimby, who chopped i Mrs. J. H. Vannice reports Wash.—A commission revis­ ate' dinner at a large cherry his wrist with an ax, got infec­ The young people’s Bible class ing Seattle, --------- I that there will be a parent-teach- the charter of Seattle lajd before ranfih near there. of the Christian church held its the public a proposal to create the of­ Washington, D. c.—A petition for erg, asso;;jat,ion meeting, Apr. 9. tion in the wound and was ab­ have speakers Oti sent from school several days. T?he Standard Bearers held a regular monthly business meet­ fice of city manager, while retaining an injunction to prevent payment of rpRe e x p ect salaries of chaplains of the senate J . . .. ln .it » Mrs. M. E. Gardner and business and social meeting at ing at the church Thursday that of mayor. The manager would the and house and of all clerics attached "T he U nion H igh School, ln v .ta - the M. E. church Monday even­ evening. Carl Spurling was elect­ be removable by the council and also to the war and navy departments tions are extended to the parents daughter, Mrs. Chas. Green, vis­ ited in Mrs. Lorena Rizor’s room ing. Refreshments were served. ed president, to fill the place of subject to recall by the people, though was filed In District of Columbia of the Kirku district, Wednesday. Mrs. May Markham, who resign­ the latter could not elect him in tbe p Buford Morris, our new _. * . Dean returned to Ban- ed to go to Monmouth. A1 Savage first place. The manager would take supreme court. James 1 Elliott. m«n> Mrs. C. P. Moody and Mrs. M. her of the recently chartered Amer . d ru ^g is t ( married Miss Blanche d. n Sunday. Before he started is vice-president. over all the functions of the mayor, lean Association for the Advancement p^g^burn Sunday at the home of H. Shook visited the grades and hi» son Ray wired him that primary rooms Thursday. Lucile Mrs. Hannah Cummings left except the task of welcoming conven­ of Atheism, is the plaintiff, and Frank the bride’s , -------- „ „ a Mr. Ttt.e and Mrs. Shook also visited among her old th i mill where he was employed parents, tions and performing the customary had burned down. I Monday for Oregon City, where social duties which visitors expect of White, treasurer of the United States. W. A. Eastburn, in Albany, and playmates. she was met by her daughter, Is named defendant. went north for their honey­ T. J. Skirvin must be selling Mrs. Lydia Hanna, and taken to a mayor. The petition sets forth that "the moon. They will reside in Mrs. Many at Funeral employment of chaplains In the con­ Rike’s house on Second street, lots of his Good Luck egg mash. the latter’s Portland home for a gress of the United States, in the de­ The M ethodist church was filled This office prints tags for 10b visit. Mrs. Cummings will also Church Notices north of the railroad property. w ith sorrowing people Thursday tbe depart pound sacks of it, 500 at a time, visit another daughter, Mrs., Schedules of services in local partment of tbe navy and the has cnarge charge oi of mt' the at the funeral of C promo James Rector nas live P. Staffora. and the repeat orders for tags Glen Stevenson, at Beaverton. and nearby churches, if receive# t)