RURAL SPORT HATS ARE GAY IN COLOR; NEW FROCKS STRESS FEMININITY 0 jie sure. a h at may ap p ear "oh, but is It? "Tlx true, at first glance, to th e uninltluted, t ,en the most sophisticated hand- worked hat may look th e p a rt of •pre,! simplicity." but try to copy it. Aye, there's the tefct! Study th e de­ sign, count the stitches, then let the verdict be given. "S titches" did we “Strokes of the brush,” would he Just as correctly spoken, for hand T so simple,” „ It Is time to buy a new frock for E astertid e draw s near. W hat shall Its fabric be? Comes the answer straig h t from fashion's headquarters —choose some one of the duruhle yet sheer m aterials, for the thin silk weaves are going to be very stylish this season. In the d ark er colors they are thoroughly practical, and navy blue p articularly gives p ro m is e of w idespread vogue. The last word " • ’•tp . 7 E N T E R P R IS E USE T H E R M O M E T E R KITCHEN ■ IN B A K IN G C A K E I : CABINET : I Right Temperature Depend* <<-. lyjff, Western «paper Union.) T h e co m m o n th in g » o f Ilf« a r e a ll ■o dear: T h e m<>ou » » o ft ray» th a t th r o u g h th e le a v e » do sh in e , T h e m o r n in g ’s su n on g lis t e n in g w a v e s so c le a r, T h - . loud» o f g o r g e o u s hu e ara m in e and th in e . — E d ith L o u ise F a r r e ll. on Kind of Leavening. <^ r*i>ar*4 by th* United S t a t e s Department of Agriculture.) More cakes a re spoiled in the b ak­ ing than even a hungry schoolboy ever dreamed of. says the bureau of home economics of the United S tates De­ partm ent of Agriculture. The heat of baking does five things WAYS WITH MEATS to cake batter during baking. It speeds up the baking powder or other Common wients m«v lie so prepared chemical u*ed for leavening in form ­ th at they seem quite different and un­ ing gas and so causes the cake to rise usual. It makes some of the liquid in the h at­ H aricot of Ox­ ter change to w ater vapor, which also tail».—Cut three aids In leavening. It hardens the pro­ oxtails into four- teins. particularly the gluten in the inch pieces, ad d flour ami the albumen of the egg so oue half cupful of that after the cake rises it sets anti carrots, the sam e rem ains light. It cooks the starch in of minced onion the flour and takes away its unpleas* and four table­ I ant raw taste and browns the crust. spoonfuls of any I The chief knack in baking then is to good fat. Cook ten minutes, add four | regulate the tem perature so th at the tablespoonfuls of (lour and four cup­ i cake will set as soon ns enough gas fuls of stock or w ater. Cook one hour, ' and w ater vapor have formed, hut be­ season with salt and pepper. Serve fore they have time to escape or con­ the vegetables In the center of a p lat­ dense. Tiie right tem perature depends on ter with the oxtails around the edge; garnish with potato balls and parsley. the kind of leavening, w hether the Lyonnaise Tripe.—Cook two table- batte* ’« thick or thin, and on the spoonfuls of minced onion in two ta ­ blespoonfuls of butter. Add two cup­ fuls of cooked tripe, cut into strips, cook ten minutes. Serve on buttered toast, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot with bits of bu tter and garnish with finely chopped parsley. Stuffed Calf’s H eart.—Wash the h eart and remove the tongh portions; till with stuffing used for chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and place on a rack In a hot oven to roast for two hours. B aste while roasting with beef stock or hot | water. Baked Sw eetbreads.—Parboil the Considerable Quantity of Scrapple Often Made On farm», when hogs are killed. It is frequently the custom to make uaa of the head» and som etimes the hearts, by combining them with corn meal to make scrapple. A consider­ able quantity is generally made up at once, and as the farm household Is often large in number, and there are also storage facilities for foods not immediately used, this is the most convenient practice. For small fam i­ lies, and those living In cities, w ith­ out good storage space, the am ount of scrapple from even one hog would be more than could ordinarily be dis­ posed of. Those who enjoy the flavor of scrap­ ple, however, may make it with lean pork, using pieces which Include some hone to help “Jelly” the loaf. They may thus have scrapple In any desired quantity. The United S tates D epart­ ment of A griculture gives the follow ing proportions und directions for making it: Scrapple. 2 p o u n d s le a n pork, p a r t m e a t and p a rt bone. 2 c u p f u ls c o rn m e a l. 2 te a s p o o n fu ls s a lt. 1 te a s p o o n fu l p o w d e r e d s a g e . W a te r . Pigs feet may he used for p art of the meat. Cook tile pork in tlie w ater until tiie meat can be removed easily from the bone. Remove the meat, cool tiie broth, and remove the fat. Re­ duce the broth to about two q u arts or add w ater enough to bring it up to this amount, und cook the corn meul In It. Add the meat finely chopped anil the seasonings. I’aek in enainelw are bread tins or other suitable molds. Cut Into slices and fry when cold and firm. Beef may be used In the sam e way. Celery Is Particularly Crisp in Cold Weather N e w h e a lth in T a n la c "Two rears a fe t n'a> l ra"t,c i™ " lots of sleep. and tfiw . V ^ ■8$? < .» j fc, , » s r f ■ r« d «c(»4 arreosj»«». “ Tanlac has hul/t me ttp from 129 th s .lt IS 2 lbs. " I eat atsj sleet liheachilj—»ever fell better. “ Mrs. K. O. Hair J. Mil- w atsltt, H is. T his statem ent merely backs up w hat over one hundred thousand grateful users have said uhout Tanlac. O ur tiles are packed w ith such testimony. If your systrtn 1» run down, if you can't seem to eat or sleep, Imvo lost weight or suffer from trying pain, why not let T anlac stn rt you back to vigorous strength and health. No long, w retched w ait to get re­ sults I T anlac sta rts right In to build yon up. It d e a n s the blood, revitalizes digestive organs, fixes up the liver nnd m akes yon feel like a new («erson. F or constipation take T a n ln i V egetable I’llls. PASTOR KOENIGS N E R V IN E for J Epilepsy Nervousness & Sleeplessness. »RICE $150 AT YOUR DRUGSTORE W rite f o r free b o o k le t - K O E N I G MEDICINE CO. 1 0 4 8 N? WELLS. ST. CHICAGO.ILL Celery Is particularly crisp anil good during cold w eather, and as It Is val­ ued for Its texture as well as Its flavor, It Is usually served uncooked. Chopped raw celery may be added to many dishes such as stews, hushes, creamed vegetables und salads, to Improve thetr flavor, and the reelpe below, which Is from the United S tates D epartm ent of O n th e R o a d Agriculture, shows how It may be used “Your c ar raises a lot of dust.” to make a quickly prepared und very “Not so much u s I had to rulse to delicious soup. : get it." Celery Soup. KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy WITH CUTICURA I drain, wipe dry and lard them with sa lt pork. Place them on slices of sa lt pork in a dripping pan. Cover with stock and bake until well done. i Serve with tom ato sauce. A Suitable Therm om eter May Be Fricassee of Rabbit.—Cut nicely Bought at Relatively Low Cost and dressed and cleaned rabbit Into eight Used in Any Type of Oven. j pieces, cover with boiling w ater and S om e H a n d s o m e S p o rt H a ts . | cook five m inutes, then simm er on the i shape and size of the pan. The thick painting this season has become a defi­ from P aris is fo r black georgette back of the stove for two hours, un­ I b atter of fruit cake baked In a loaf, nite factor In the decorative schem e frocks for very sm art occasion wear. til tiie rabbit Is tender. T ake up the for Instance, takes longer to beat 2 c u p f u ls fin ely c u t b u tte r of fashion. These show little trim m ing except a meat, place on a hot p latter, melt one through than the rattier thin b atter of r a w c e le r y 2 ta b le s p o o n fu ls It Is colorful han d craft inim itably lavish fluttering of draperies and set­ tablespoonful of butter, add one-half j cup cakes In small pans, and the fruit 2 t a b l e s p o o n f u l s flou r c h o p p ed o n io n t % te a s p o o n fu ts executed w hich gives distinction to J on panels und m ultitudinous godets cupful of the liquid from the kettle, I cake needs a lower tem perature and 2 t e a s p o o n f u t s s a lt the group of handsom e sports hats shlrrlngs und rutillngs. The extrem e one-half cupful of sw eet milk, the longer baking. c h o p p ed green % te a sp o o n fu l here pictured. S traw and fabric, like­ of the mode finds expression In geor­ yolks of two eggs well beaten with I For most cakes, If the tem perature p e p p er p ep p er 1 q u a r t m ilk 2 t a b le s p o o n fu ls Stop them quickly—all their dangers »id wise hand painting and embroidery, g ette combined w ith taffeta. Two out­ two tablespoonfuls of cold milk, salt, Is right at the sta rt, It need not be c u p fu l c r e a m m in c e d c e le r y discomforts.End thefeverand headache. Force play an intriguing p a rt iu the design­ standing favorites are navy georgette pepper to se a so n ; boll up once and . changed during baking. A reliable 4 ta b le s p o o n fu ls le a v e s the poisons out. Hills break colds in 14 hours. ing of tiie models in this collection of with m atching taffeta also gray. i oven therm om eter or nn autom atic pour over the stewpd rabbit. They tone tiie whole system. The prompt,«» Cook the onion, celery leaves and sm artest spring styles. If your preference is for o th er than i tem perature regulator th at lias been greeu pepper In b u tter for two min­ liable results have led millions to employ theta, Dishes Not Ordinary. A n ote of o utstanding chic In th e J a sheer tra n sp aren t fabric, the mode Don’t rely on lesser helps, don't delay. The following is a dish which uses J tested Is the surest means of know­ utes, stirring constantly. Add the salt, hat o f green openwork straw shown ' recommends any of the handsom e silk ing when the tem perature Is right. A Be Sure It’ D ic e 3Oe first In the group is its im posing ( crepes, notably flat crepe and crepe de j the leftover o f chicken In a way th at suitable therm om eter may be bought pepper and flour, cook tor a few m in­ la different: utes, und then add the milk. Cook un­ high crown w ith Its gigolo crease. chine. From force of habit, the wom­ Chicken Pancakes.—Re­ nt relatively low cost and used In any til thickened, then add celery and Note, too, If you please, th at Its wee an of conservative taste will select a move all bits of white type of oven. cream, and let stand for about one half brim tu rn s up at th e hack, which, ac­ dark shade, hut the tren d of fashion The oven door should be opened hour in a double boiler, but do not m eat left on the fram e­ G et Bed B ui w ith portraM cording to fashion's decree, is the is Just ns surely tow ard Joyous spring work of a chicken which only when necessary nnd the pan have the w ater In the under pun boil­ proper ttdng for it to do this season. tim e colorings. It will tak e real should tie moved us little as possible has been roasted. Take ing, or else put tiie soup In a warm The em broidered flowers are in purple strengtli of mind to resist such allu r­ No benuty Is like tiie beauty of tha place, to bring out the flavor. Reheut the bonea, skin and gib­ while the b atter Is setting. and rose, w ith green faille silk edging ing shades as the lovely new rose mind.—Cook. Cakes may generally be considered lets of the fowl and, If at and serve. tones, artistic greens, blues, yellows, the brim. hand, cover with chicken done when they shrink from the pan, Something very new and extrem ely mauves, grays and many more as If your eye« srs sor*, »et Roman Eye b ro th ; If none, add wa­ but for safety they may be tested with P a ls N in . A p p ly It nt n ig h t a m i y o u « r e C o o l P la c e fo r M i l k fashionable Is crocheted straw . Of charm ing which may be summed up a clean straw or toothpick. h e a le d b y m o r n in g 173 P e a r l Ht., N . Y A d v. ter. Add one onion, one carrot and such Is the oatm eal-colored sports h at In one w ord—pastel. As soon hs possible a fte r delivery, When the pans are taken from the sim m er for an hour or two. Strain, I'lillosopliy Is the greatest foe of oven they should be turned upside milk should be put In a cool, clean remove from the fire and add the down until the cake cools partially place and kept there until used Ex­ suicide. yolks of two eggs th at have been and becomes firmer. Cake la too soft posure to the air of pantry, kitchen, beaten up with the juice of half a anil hot for handling when It first or nursery Is harm ful. Unless It is lemon. Pour this sauce over the pre­ comes from the oven. It should lie I11 the bottle Into which It was put In pared chicken and let it get cold. removed from the pan, however, be­ the dairy, the milk should be poured E very day find you m iserable w ith Make two very thin cakes rolled from fore It reaches room teni|>eruture or Into a freshly scalded vessel und cov­ backache? bu ffer »harp, »tabbing a rich biscuit dough. Cover each ered. has a chance to sw e a t pain»* Feel lam e and »tiff—alw ays cake with thinly sliced bacon tire d , n ervous ami d isp irited ? Then (cooked) ; on the bacon place a spoon look to y o u r kidneys! Your kidneys are th e blood filter». P e rh a p s they fill of the chicken, fold over, aeal C L U B S A N D W IC H E S FO R L U N C H O R SUPPER have failed to pro n erly rid th e blood with a little beaten egg, sprinkle with of body poison«. N atu rally , th e n , you crum bs and bake a light brown In a suffer th e inju rio u s effect» of th is slow p o iso n in f. D on’t risk neglect! If your well-greased dish. Serve hot. kidneys need help, u»e D o a n 's P ills . Virginia Brunswick Stew.—Into a No o th e r kidney d iu retic is so well k ettle put four onions chopped fine, recom m ended n o r so »ucce»«ful. A s k th ree cupfuls of tom atoes, two slices y o u r n e ig h b o r ! I of fat bacon, one large chicken or two A C a lifo rn ia C ase squirrels, disjointed. Pour over all M rs. A . K. M e- . C ls lla n , 617 W. j four quarts of boiling w ater and cook " e n - <■- . « D r y d e n Ht., Gl j for tw enty minutes, then place on the Uittsy, nnyg, d a le , v C atu a l i f ., , sa ys: “M y b a c k w a s i back of the range to sim m er for sev- I la m e a n d w h e n I eral hours, until the meat Is tender. I s t o o p e d , sharp c a tc h e s to o k me Remove the hones from the meat, also J a c r o s s m y k id * . the skin and gristle, chop the meat a n d It w a s c u lt to g o t u p o r fine and return to the kettle with one dow n. I a lw a y s ! can of corn, one cupful of fine bread had th a t t i r e d fe e lin g . D lz s ln e ss , too, w a s a n o th e r i crumbs, one cupful of sweet fat, and sy m p to m . Ho I fin ally s t a r t e d u s in g salt and pepper to tuste. Cook until D o a n ’s P ills. T h e y c o m p le te ly r e ­ An Appetizing and Convenient Combination. lie v e d m a.” very hot, then serve. Tripe Ragout.—Wash one pound of ( P r » p « r « 4 by tha U nit'd S t a t s « D o p s r t m s n t w heat bread la used It may be pre­ P IL L S o f A f r lr u l t u r a .) j tripe and cut Into two-inch stripe for ferred untoiisted. 60c Tiie "club” sandwich Is one of the [ serving. Saute the tripe in two table- T hree slices of bread or to ast are STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS most deservedly popular item s on the ! spoonfuls of butter, add two table- used, providing two spaces to be Foster-Milburn Co., Ml». Chem., Buffalo. N. Y. restau ran t menu, but the liousekeeper spoonfuls of chopped onion, cook ten very rarely offers this appetizing and filled. Both may have the sam e fill minutes, then add one cupful each of convenient combination at home. Con­ Ing, or a different combination of fla tom ato and celery, the latter cut Into taining, as It usually does, an asso rt­ vora blending together well may be 'Alhers stands far hits and simm er until all is tender. ment of food from several of the Im­ used In each part, but tiie whole m u e Detter llrtalt/asu“ be a palatable combination. A typl Serve garnished w ith toast points. p o rtan t food groups—meat, or an cal club sandwich containa lettuce, Tomato Salad.—Peel small even­ equivalent, vegetables such as lettuce, sized ripe tom atoes and cut them Into tom ato, w atercress, peppers, or other dressed with mayonnaise, a slice of eighths w ithout separating the sec­ salad m aterials. In addition to the chicken, seasoned, tom ato, and ham tions at the bottom. Place on a let­ three slices of toast commonly com­ or bacon. In plrn-e of the chicken the tuce leaf and fill the centers with a pleting Its som ewhat bulky stru ctu re United S tates D epartm ent of A gricul­ spoonful of pearl onions. P ass French —the club sandwich lacks only sweets, ture suggests th a t cottage cheese may dressing to which chopped green pep- easily supplied In some other form, to be used to give a filling of excellent flavor. Tiie other Ingredients may be i per has been added. be a well-proportioned meal In one S h o w * T r e n d o f th e M o d e . Corn Bread.—T ake one cupful of dish. For lunch or sup|>er It makes the same, or one may use Instead of them, with cottage cheese, some of the Fabric, however, as exquisitely col­ sour cream, one cupful of brown a very aultable main course. to the top at the right in tiie picture. following com binations: l-e ttn c e , The flowers are lu m ulticolor, and orful and as finely textured as it is sugar, one cupful each of flour and Tiie chief point about making and these days, Is not the only expressive corn meal, one teaspoonful of soda, serving club snndwlcbes successfully mayonnaise, sliced ta r t apple and hand woven Into th e background. p u rt of a charm ing springtim e frock. I two eggs and one half teaspoonful Is to have all the different Ingredients n u ts; sliced Spanish onion, pimento, Hand painting glorifies the charm - dressed lettuce ; cucumber, lettuce, So much depends upon the making assembled conveniently so that when Peanut straw sp o rts hat pictured T his season’s modes abound In in­ < of salt. Bake as usual. m ayonnaise; w atercress, mayonnaise, Dumplings.—Take one cupful of but­ the toast Is ready the sandw iches can sliced orange. The use of mayonnaise to tt, .e n te r left. T he m otif Is of triguing detail which bespeak the con term ilk, one beaten egg. tw o tea­ be put together w ithout delay and ■oodemlstlc inspiration, expressing sum m ate a rt of the stylist. The frock spoonfuls of baking poAder, one tea- served before the toast has a chance results In a moist and tasty sandwich, 'I'M yellows, greens and reds. T here in th e p icture is representative o f the to cool appreciably. Experience has eapeclully when the bread has been I of silver ribbon with a trend of th e mode to create types spoonful of salt and flour to make a toasted. drop batter. Drop from a tea*|>oon shown th a t It Is best to cut the slices tillered I ew of sam e at th e back. A Sweet cottage cheese club sand which In terp ret a charm ingly femi­ and cook for eight minutes. of to sst In half before the filling Is ’o ’> <>f silver Is one of th e mode’s wichea may he made w ithout the let nine spirit. One of the newest colors, spread over them, rath er than run the For Sunday night supper serve the pleading whims for frock or h at. A hot, nourishing cereal is the verdigris green. Is chosen for this risk of crushing out the filling In cut­ tuce and salad dresatng. filled with Quilted millinery Is a fashionable dress of crepe Louise. The front old fashioned mush nod milk with a ting the sandwich later, spoiling Jta layera of the cheese and m armalade, prime morning need of a growing heme. The im ported sp o rts hat shows gathered panela In apron effect, bit of dry salt codflab for an sp- appearance. While It la custom ary or cheese and stewed, m ashed dried child. This Is why the wise mother ! petizer. * "wn last |„ (he group i , of w hite finished with deep band of cream lace always serves Csm sflon M iu h to to toast the bread, at least on one side. fruits, such ss prunes, apricots, or flgs. His Highchalr Highness. W hole , l " ” silk, all-over quilted w ith gold Apron d rap es are very modish. In making club sandwiches, th is Is or raisins. Whole-wheat biead I» p a r wheat and dcliuousl thread, then em broidered lu J U L IA B O TTO M I.F.Y not essential. When graham or whole tlcuiarly good in these aandw lrba* brown and orange. tO, 1128. W M N sv sp a csr V sles-i Fever Grippe Co Stop them today Colds CASCARA % QUININE a Backache Wearing You Out? DOAN’S Carnation M ush® .f