Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 31, 1926, Image 7

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    he Courtesy Shop
r- . J^dy-ta-wear and Millinery
*•*«». v. L. rox
___________ 117 Broadalbin at., Albany
he m a ru n ludwig shop
. Geo. 1.. Hurley, Proprietor and Man-
aKer- Wtrni air furnaces, plumbing
and sheet metal work, tin and (ravel
roofifig, general jobbing in tin and gal­
vanized iron work, metal skylights and
cornices, pumps of all ksnds.
136 Ferry street, Albany, Ore.
Phone 127J.
Tbi» >s go<*l advice: "If you live
in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live
in some other town, trade in that town. "
But in these automobile days many re,
si, lin g elsewhere find it advisable to do
at least part of their buying in the
larger town. Those who go to Albany
to transact business will find the firms
named below ready to fill their require­
ments with courtesy and fairness.
¿ Z )° N 1 WAIT until too late.
o Z -/ Don’t take chance?. Have
your eyes examined the moment
J. LINDAHL, hardware,
Dinnerware you feel your eyesight failing or
Tin shop i:i connection
your eyes give you the least dis-
330 W. First St.
Albany, Oregon tress or uueasiness.
Nature ie
warning you th at your eyes need
lbany Florul Co. Cut flowers help.
Floral art for every
A and and all plants.
Flower phone 458-f.
Tire Vulcaniztug-
Battery re
221,W. Second.
Ed Falk, Prop.
f’astburn Bros.—Two big grocery
4 stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
i Main.
Good merchandise at the right
Representative Albert Vestal of In­
diana, who is Republican whip in the
lower house of Congress.
Cafeteria and confectionery
4 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
I |d|ite
Meade & Albro
Courteous, efficient service.
We make our own candies.
W. S. D uncan .
J e w e le r s ,
Optometrists and Manufacturing
ortmiller Eurnituie Co., furni­
ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges
Funeral direc ors. 427-433 west Firs:
News Notes From
All Over Oregon
Tires ar.d accessories
K irk -P ollak M otor C o .
street, Albany, O egon.
GRO< ERV, 235 Lyon
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
G le a n e d
Phone 2b3R
olman & jackson
Everything in the line of eats
b y th e W e s te r n
N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r
B u s y P e e p le
Opposite Postoffice
Steelheads have begun their run up
the Umatilla river from the Columbia.
Spinal meningitis claimed two mors
victims In Klamath Falls with the
agne io electric co .
death of two boys, aged 7 and 10.
Official Strömberg carbur etor serv
Citizens of Sumpter turned out en
ice station. Conservative prices. A1
masse and donated their services In
work guaranteed.
423 W. First
repairing the highway leading Into the
en and money are best when city.
busy. Make your dollars work in
our savings department. A lbany S tate Logs will be rafted from the Slus
B ank . Under government supervision. law river to Coos bay to save railroad
freight charges by the Stout Lumber
a rinello parlors
(A beauty aid for every need)
St. Francis Hotel
Salem's annual blossom day (estival
Prop. Winifred Rose was observed Sunday. The fete was
two weeks ahead of any previous ob­
OSCOE AMES HARDW ARE servance of the occasion.
The state highway commission meet­
The Winchester Store
ing has fixed April 10 at New Grand
econd hand Pianos from $185 up Ronde for the hearing on the Salmon
If you want a bargain in a piano now river Improvement district.
is your chance. They’re in At condition.
The annual conference of the South­
Davenport Music House, 409 W. First
ern Oregon Seventh Day Adventlat
TIM8ON T H E SHOE DOCTOR church was held for three days In the
Second street, opposite Hamilton's new church edifice of that denomina­
tion at Medford.
"Sudden Service"
Sheep shearing started Monday In
aldo Anderson & Sou, distrib­
utors anti dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ the central Oregon country. The first
shearing was In Crook county and it is
mers, Essex, Hudson & Itupniobile cars.
Accessories, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. expected that shearing will continue
until at least June 20.
trite s Shoe repair service.
Investigation of an alleged defective
at Salem showed that it was
Opposite Hotel Albany
blocked with moonshine mash. The
Albany, Oregon
officers were notified and an effort Is
being made to determine the source of
b tm e S e ta tio n the trouble.
Coos county will have a baseball
We serve all makes
W i l l a r d s league thia year, which will open May
and sell
2 and close the season after playing
Under new managemen
the twelfth game July 18. Mem^rs
L. M. Taylor, Prop. are North Bend, Coquille, Marshfield
121 W. Second, Albany,
and Bandon.
The south Jetty being constructed
If you enjoy a good meal,
on Coos bay has been damaged to a
• tnd know a good meal when you get it,
You'll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. considerable extent by rough water,
which has broken down rocking and
Our aim is to please you.
washed out piling, 200 yards going out
in one section.
Business and professional men of
Eugene have announced a state-wide
G E O . M, G IL C H R IS T
celebration to be held at Eugene Aug
ust 19 and 20 in honor of the comple­
tion of the Eugene-Klamath Falls line
of the Southern Pacific.
I k at lowest rate of interest
Sale of logs on the Columbia river
Real Estate
Insurance totaled 30,000,000 board feet last week,
Prompt service. Courteous treatment. according to John T. Dougall. manager
W'q B ain , Boom 5, First Savings Bank of the Columbia River Loggers' Infor­
bnilning, Albany
mation bureau, setting the highest
sales record of two years.
Contract for grading of eight miles
of highway between Corvallis and Phil
Why suffer from headache?
oraath on the Corvallis-Newport road
Have your eyes examined
was let by the state highway commls
slon to the Slate Construction com
pany of Albany for 136,439.
United States Senator McNary pre­
_____ with
sented to President Coolidge the name
of Justice John L. Rand of the Oregon
supreme court as a candidate for ap
O ptom etrists,
polntment to the federal circuit court
of appeals at 8an Francisco.
Two hundred physicians of the state
gathered In Portland Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday to attend the an
nual conference of the city and county
Ninety ton« of prunes we
hipped b r Lebanon growers in
health officers and the annual meet
day recently.
ir.g of the slate medical society.
Influenza eases declined throughout
the state the last week, only 172 be
[M PER I AL CAPE, 209 'V. F irsi
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
Phone 665
W k nkver close
James Tanner, recorder of deeds In
Washington, Is believed to be the only
as popular as tractors is shown In the
survivor of those who witnessed the
report that there are 5771 tractors on
shooting of Abraham Lincoln in Ford's
5455 Oregon farms. The total number
of farms in the state is 55,908, an In­
crease of 5702 since 1920.
Ing reported as against more than 200
Unless tax receipts increase msvier
the week before, according to the bul­ ¡ally' the state treasurer on April 10
letin of Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, sec­ will be compelled to draw from the
retary of the state board of health.
various state depositories a large
The state highway department has amount of money to defray current
announced that special load restric­ expenses of the state government
tions in effect on certain state roads The shortage of funds is due, the state
for several months would ba removed treasurer said, because of interest due
April 1. After that date the maximum from the state on April 1.
load limit prescribed by law again
Minor alterations In the hospital at
will be effective
the Oregon Soldiers' Home are con
The Home Telephone & Telegraph templated by the State Board of Con
company of southern Oregon In Its trol, as a result of an Inspection
annual report filed with the public made. The large number of aged men
service commission shows profits of suffering from Infirmities requiring
220,894.68 on its operations for the hospital attention has made a rear
year 1925. The company operates In songement necessary in order that
more beds may be provided.
Medford and vicinity.
The state public srevice commission
Justice of the Peace Miller Hayden
of Bandon sentenced Dr. James Wheel­ held a hearing In Eugene on the ap
er of Gold Beach to 60 days in jail, a plication of a large number of persons
fine of 3150 and revocation of his au­ living in the western end of Eugene
tomobile license for one year, on Dr. and outside the city limits for exteu
Wheeler’s plea of guilty to driving an slon of street railway service on the
Southern Pacific tracks which extend
automobile while Intoxicated.
The state supreme court has af­ on Eleventh avenue west and on a
firmed the convictions of C. H. Owens county road for a number of miles.
Revival of the shale oil industry Is
and Chester C. Kubli, who are under
sentence of not to exceed three years promised ter Ashland early this sum
In the state penitentiary for aiding mer. A new 250 ton retort for melting
and abetting W. H. Johnson, cashier of the shale has been In experimental
the Bank of Jacksonville, in the mis­ operation for the past seven months
application of funds of the institution. and it has proven capable of doing the
Several hundred Finnish residents work. When the plant gets in full
of Astoria gathered at the Captain operation it will have a capacity ot
Robert Gray Junios high school and 1000 tons daily, according to present
unanimously adopted a resolution ex­ plans.
A stream of smoke bearing a pun
pressing their approval of the action
of school authorities in compelling the gent odor of sulphur is coming from
resignation of Paul Slro, 14, as presi­ a fissure In the hillside near McLen
dent of the school student body after non's station on the O.-W. R. & N.
Siro had openly declared himself as Bend branch, railroad men report. The
smoke Is pouring from a crack vary
favoring communistic principles.
Refunding of outstanding bonis of tng in width from 4 to 20 feet. The
Oregon Irrigation districts through the f edges of the fissure are caked with
Issuance of state bonds as a solution sulphur. The earth crack Is less than
to the present financial dilemma now 100 feet from the railroad tracks.
Sales of lumber reported by 104
faced by Irrigation projects In this
state, was suggested by State Treas­ mills to the West Coast Lumbermen's
urer Kay, a member of the state irriga­ association for the week ending March
tion securities commission, at a con­ 20 amounted to 116,342,905 feet. This
was 14,000,000 feet below the abnor­
ference at Salem.
There are 3251 radio sets on the mal bookings of the previous week,
farms of Oregon, it has been disclosed but was well above the normal aver-
by a recent survey by the department 1 age. Production came up during the
week also, rising from 107,947,524 feet
of commerce. That the radio Is nearly
the previous week to 110,346.886 feet.
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
we »erve will prove none too Lig
for your aip etiie after vou once
tasle it. In fact, you'll wish you
could find room for more. Trv
some a t home for deesert. I be
way the fam ily will enjoy it will
make yo ir heart feel glad.
Dr. Seth T. French^
P.TL Frencn &
Clark’s Confectionery
may communicate with Enngn Lee of the Salvation Array at the
Shield Home, 563 Mayfair avenue, Poftland, Oregon.
• • f —————
———————— — —— ——••té :
Any Girl in Trouble
The semi-annual distribution of au­
tomobile registration fees to the 36
counties of thr state, representing one-
fourth of the net receipts for the six-
month period ending March 16, has
just been completed by Secretary of
State Kozer. The amount distributed
among the counties totaled 11.120.000
and distribution was made upon the
basis ot the contribution made by each
county to the automobile registration
The senate public lands committee
has reported favorably on a bill tor
reconveyance of Sand Island, at the
mouth of the Columbia river, from the
government to the state ot Oregon.
The Island originally was ceded by the
state to the government in 1864 with
the understanding that it would he
used for military purposes. The state
contends that the island wus not so
used but was leased for fishing pur­
Portland was announced as winner
of first prize for 1926 among the coun­
try’s big cities in the national fire
waste contest conducted jointly by
the national tire waste council and the
chamber of commerce of the United
States. Prizes were awarded to cities
ot each class on the basis ot the re­
duction in fire losses shown during the
year. Portland made the best showing
among cities having populations of
more than 100,000.
Seven hundred barnyard hens will
soon be sitting on thousands cf Chi­
nese pheasant eggs at the two state
plants at Eugene and Corvallis, ac­
cording to Gene Simpson, superintend
ent of the plants. Prospects are good
for a big hatch this year. Eggs nre
being laid by the pheasants earlier
this season than usual. The wild tur­
key hens recently brought here from
the south are also laying, and quite a
hatch of these birds Is expected.
Bids will be opened by the state
highway commission April 29 on the
following Jobs: Klamath Falls Lake
view highway. Bly mountain section.
13 5 miles of surfacing; Alsea valley
section, 10.5 miles of grading; Roose
velt highway in Lincoln county, two
bridges with reinforced concrete arch
over Depoe bay and Rocky creek; 1.5
miles of grading through the city of
Wheeler; a section of the same high
way between Hobsonville and Miami,
two miles of gracing, and on the gam*
highway a bridge over the south fork
of the Nehalem at Mohler.
Crooked Lawyers
are Kicked Out
Washington, D. C. — Twenty four
lawyers have been disbarred from
practice before the treasury depart
ment as a result of an Investigation
of charges of collusion between them
and employes of the Internal revenue
A list of those disbarred, made pub
lie by Secretary Mellon, also included
15 others who have been suspended
The disbarments covered a period of
three years.
Charges against the lawyers were
varied, some including attempts by
attorneys to bribe employes of the
Income tax unit and others involving
efforts by the lawyers to obtain lists
of taxpayers subject to extra assess­
Senator Glass of Virginia, former
democratic secretary of the treasury,
complained recently against practices
of this character.
T h e W ets Court
Another Licking
New Jersey Senator Introduces
Resolution Calling for Na*
tional Referendum.
Washington. D C.—A national ref­
erendum on modification ot the pro­
hibition law was proposed in the sen­
ate by Senator Edge, republican ot
New Jersey, leader of the senate
Under terms of a Joint resolution,
the stales would be called on to ar­
range for the national "wet and dry"
vote In connection with the election
ot the 71st congress In November,
1928, and the presidential election
The resolution, which requires ap­
proval of both branches of congress,
further, would provide that If any
state falls to arrange for the referen­
dum before July 1, 1928, the post­
master general and the secretary of
commerce would be authorized to
"conduct the referendum through the
postoffices, the bureau of the census I
or such other agencies within thetr 3
respective jurisdictions."
An offer to "reputable" members of 1
congress to poll their constituents on
the prohibition question was mnde by '
The Association Against the Prohibi­
tion Amendment.
The wet organization would pay
the cost of the polls, which would
include every registered voter tn tha
districts concerned, and the co-oper­
ating member of congress would have
the right to name the ballot counters.
W on’t Let Us Know
H ow T hey Voted
Washington, D. C.—Repented efforts
to have the public let In on the deep
secret of how senators voted on tha
nomination of Thomas F. Woodlock
of New York as a member of the in­
terstate commerce commission were
blocked in the senate by practically
the same combination of republicans
and democrats that confirmed the
The senate wrangled over the ques­
tion for more than two hours and
then voted, 34 to SO, against going
hark Into legislative session to de­
cide the Issue of whether the vote on
confirmation should be made public,
as usually Is done in the caso of
votes on highly controverted appoint­
ments made by the president.
President Coolidge won his first
Important victory over the senate this
session with confirmation of Wood-
lock. Woodlock's name had been sent
up three different times and pocketed
twice. The successful outcome of the
administration Woodlock fight which
has lasted for a year, was won by a
vote of 52 to 25
Uniform Laws for States Declared
Necessary To Safety
Washington, D. C.—A uniform traf­
fic code for the guidance of motorists
and pedestrians through the coun­
try was adopted at the concluding
session of the second national con­
ference on street and highway aafety.
The rode embraces three legislative
proposals which would govern Issu­
ance of motor vehtcl^ registration
cards, certificates of title and opera­
tors' and chauffeurs’ licenses, and
For the first time In Its history, regulate the operation of vehicles on
the franc sold Saturday for more than highways.
Governor Wlnant of New Hamp­
29 to the American dollar.
John J. Blake, former law partner shire urged the approximately 1000
of United States Senator William E delegates to the conference, includ­
Borah, died in Boise, Idaho, following ing representatives of 44 governors,
Io take the Initiative In placing the
an operation for Intestinal trouble.
Peter Norbeck of Redfield, senior recommendations before the various
United States senator from South Da states and municipalities.
kota, was overwhelmingly renomin
ated in the state wide republican pri­ Ocsan Voyagers to Be Vaccinated
Washington, D. C. — The United
The winter wheat acreage In 15 States public health service has or­
countries as reported by the Interna dered that all persona leaving the Pa­
tlonsl Institute for the crop of 1926 cific coast for Alaska and Hawaii be
Is 117.895,000 against 120,608,000 last vaccinated for smallpox Fear of a
smallpox epidemic along the Pacific
Eight hundred thousand dollars for coaat, where the disease la reported
permanent barracks at Camp Lew!«, spreading, caused the drastic action
to be expended In the next fiscal Surgeon General Cummin said cities
year, Is provided by action of con­ on the coast were combating the dis­
ferees on the army appropriation bill. ease "very energetically” and no fed­
France will never be given terms eral assistance was needed at thia
as liberal as those accorded to Italy time.
in funding her war debt to the United
States. Senator Smoot, republican, Coolidge Asked to Free Gov. McCray
Utah, told the senate In opening de­
Washington, D. C. President Cool­
bate on the Italian settlement plan idge was asked to commute the sen­
tence of former Governor McCray of
Two U. of W. Regents Named
Olympia, Wash. — Appointment of Indians, now serving a term In At­
Roscoe It Balch, Spokane, and Sidney lanta penitentiary for using the mails
B. Lewis, Clear Lake, Skagit county, to defraud. His petitioners were Sen­
as members nt the board of regents ator Watson, republican. Indiana, and
of the state university, effective at two Indiana politicians, John L. Moor­
once, has been announced by Gov- man and George M Foland
ernor Hartley Balch succeeds
Rogers. Spokane, and Lewis
the place of Winlock W Miller,
tle, whose terms expired March
The wisest girls keep out of trouble
R R.
W. A Elkin - of Eugene seeks
takes the republican nomination for
Seat­ jo in t Senator for Linn and Lam.-