PAGE » M A R C H ,1 K t'K A L E N T E R P R IS E W e sell you Floor Covering and Furniture for less than any mail order HALSEY I)eaIer HUDSON GARAGE in & ESSEX house. C a rs E . Good trade« allowed We sell tira« for Jess than you can buy theta (or from any mall order bouse Wrecking Shop Parts 10 connection T FURNITURE O i l IT EXCHANGE 422 W. First at., Albany. (Continued from page 5) We sell only GOOD It is treacherous weather for baby chicks. A reliable brooder will take all the worry and much of the loss out of raising chicks. We have both coal and oil brooders, reasonable in price and guaranteed. F U R N IT U R E Compare our prices before purchasing F o rtm illerFcoMPANYE Attractive Home Furnishings Gasco Briquettes, Albany, Oregon $1.35 a cwt-. p V gpx" QUAIITV W hat Our Exchanges Say on the Subject Harrisburg Sends Away Ten te Fifteen Thousand Dollars Kevery Month to Mail Order Houses...Halsey How Much? (H arrisburg Bulletin) | (Wasco News-Enterprise) Tliis is tin' season of the yeiu Encroachments of mail ordei when the big mail order houses, houses upon the trade of local send out their regular annual stores has long been the subject supply of catalogs.The Oakland ol concern to home merchants paper says th at one day last and will continue to be, no doubt week 25 sacks were dumped off indefinitely. Of late the bell-ringer, who in th at town— and no doubt goes from house to house taking every town in the country receiv­ orders for his wares, has becom ed a share of them. Ju st think another formidable competitor for a moment what it means to in certain lines. If the home m erchant is to a community the size of Harris hold his own against these en­ burg and vicinity to be drained croachments, he m ust fight and every month of from $10,000 to light hard. $15,000, sent to the mail ordei Satisfactory goods, reasonable houses in Chicago, Portland and prices and advertising are th t other big cities. Not much wond­ weapons he m ust use to hold his e r it causes hard times, as mon­ own. They are the same weapon? his outside competitors use ey sent out of the count .y to against him. mail order houses never finds its The three m ust go hand in way back again—it is gone for­ hand. Satisfactory goods will not ever. One thing can be truthfully- alone secure the business with said about the mail order houses out reasonable prices: both to — they are constant and liberal gether will not draw th e ful advertisers—and it is the vig­ measure of trade without advei orous and constnnt advertise! tising. First have the goods and who gets the business. There i.i values—then tell the public no stronger argum ent in favoi about them through your local newspaper, of advertising. As was said to the Americai Retailers’ Association recently (Scio Tribune) by T. K. Kelly of Minneapolis. Albany’s spring style show “It has become the habit ol drew a large number of our peo the American people to do prac pie FYiday night. - If any tically all . their shopping througl • — - last - - — —- - reader cannot find what he or j the newspapers and the newspa she wants in Scio, then go to A1 . per® iji America to day have too Iwny. Keep your purchases in great an economic force to need Linn county, if possible. J any recommendations.” i v iiv ii c i i » III v M E I There’s a dangerous risk in restless sleep! OOR h e a lth is often paused b y p oorsleep; If y o u lie on a sagging b ed spring w hich cram p s y o u r m uscles an d tw ists y o u r spine, y o u c a n n o t fu lly elim inate fatig u e poisons from y o u r system . W hy gam ble o n a sagging bedspring t h a t causes restless sleep a n d broken h e a lth ? S w itch to R om e Q u a lity D e L u x e , T h e B ed sp rin g L uxurious. T h is bed- sp rin g su p p o rts th e body jn p erfect balance, lets ev ery m uscle relax and induces sound, w holesom e sleep. P So h o nestly a n d su b sta n tia lly b u ilt t h a t th ey k eep th eir resilience for a lifetim e. B u y them fo r econom y a s well as h e a lth . All sizes carried iu stock by ys. D. H. STURTEVANT GENERAL MERCHANDISE it satisfleti with a «mall profit o i a large and growing buslnas*. That ia why you cannot save miner on a purehass by sending your ord«r abroad, lust price goals and compare with IB 1 bora 1 0 (0 figure* alaewLere. I TURTEVANT S i ERVICE S atisfaction We Invite a Comparison W* carry a pretty complete stock of general merchandise. We have to buy these goods and so do the mail order housts and other dealers in large cities. \V ‘ make a percentage. So do they. That percentage we put in circulation in Halsey. They don’t Our homes are in Halsey, Their* are not. W’e pay taxes in Halley. They do not. We are iuteresteu in schools, churches, lodges and othsr. activities in Halsey. They are not. Come in and compare the good* iu our stock with the descrip lion o| those outsiders offer. Then compare the price*. You may find that your money will go a* far in buyir g what you want her* without going aa far lo he returned to circulation. 1 * G O O D S * -' for the proposed campaign of 131$ after 4,000,000 soldiers bad already been takes. Mach h at been said about the pro« teertng ef labor. It Is an unjust aeeu aatloa. It Is only fftlr to say that this .« •d itto s was prim arily brought about throngh the Inexperience of the organ Isatloa w ithin our own governmental departments and by the furious bid ding of mualtlona makers and ship builders for services. That altuatloa together w ith tba Increased prlc«s of the things that labor haJ te buy with the rweiiits of Its work, made it Inert table that labor must get blgbar wagea. Bo it became snldent that tha price fixing program had to go even fur lhar, and tha W ar Industries Baard whan tha Armistice came, was pro eeedlng with a campaign to fix the prioea e f all tba basic things that la bar bad to buy. Soma had previously been fixed. I epeak of labor in a much broader sansa than manual labor, for the unorganised »«-called "w hite col la r” part of our community— elarks, teachers, government employeos, pro­ fessional men— were less able to meet the aitnation than labor in the nar­ row er sansa For tbs protection and re lie f of inch groups eertaln plans wars devlaed. • To illustrate— Curing the final phase of” the WbrtJ War no man or corporation or institu­ tion could raise money without tha tpprovai of the Capital Issues Comm it­ tee of the Treasury Departm ent, which committee in turn would not perm it the borrowing of money unless tha War Industries Board approved the use to which it was to be p u t Thus the City of New York was not perm it­ ted to spend «8,000,609 for tha build­ ing of schools. The City of Philadel­ phia was prevented from making im ­ provements that In peace tim e would have been necessary, bat In war time were net. Various states, counties and cities, and a vast number of pri­ vate concerns, were denied the use of money and materials for purposes not necessary for the winning of the war. Each part of the community had tp adjust Its wants to the whole great undertaking. m TH E B E D S P R IN G Th> " D , Lwc«’ way to sleep N o te . 1700NTZQ | \ GOOD A By BERNARD M. FARUCH R r ? r < n lti f r o m T K t I t ¡ a n tic M c n tM y . for l o t m oney P. P A P M A N Prop. m Taking the Profit Out of War L U X U R IO U S T he wrong way to sleep There It only on* tcnuln« Rom« Quali r y De Luxe * n d *• *• pnly by Th« Rome Companv, W« fieli ta« geauUA« tu^l i .vujnm ^iJ it (vc bc^iih/ul tl««p. Hill & Co. It Pays to Be Good FOR SALE Baby Grand Chevrolet A u.ovie picture girl, home to