Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 31, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    HAGE 4
The Great Outdoors
or Boss-Started
An Independent—Not neu tral—naw«
paper, published eveiy Wednesday,
W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and V igorous Hum anity are Produced
t f f Was. H. WHKICiJKIft
SI a year in advance
a month
Advertising, 2<>c an inch ; no discoun
for tune or space . no charge for com
position or changes.
The Finish is All That
Interests the Wise
in "Paid*for Paragraphn," lc a Una
* • advertising dla*ul»ad aa nawa.
The Weak-Minded
Seek the Cities
Efficient, Trained Minds
Required in Modern
(Donald A . L a ird , Ph. D,a in
Dearborn Independent)
Inoculate Legmues
Keep Dodder Out
Farmers Income for 1925
Shows Rise in Prosperity
Good Dairy Blood Pays
in Tillamook or
i u
n »
h ay
it SO I t JO
«1 «A-g
nvrsrocK n 4 '
G reat-grandfather and great­
grandmother acarcely »old a thing
from the fa rm . C loth ing waa
FRUITS, 167'/,
made in the farm house. M utton
were taken to
the blacksm ith in paym ent for
repairing the plow. Firewood wae
taken to the little church and the
best of the field to the m inister.
Son e butter, a few dozen eggs
and other products were conveyed
to the village from tim e to time
and exchanged for sugar, spices,
•KAft»-M O<BUC4l A*R«CWt.TV«AA
tobacco and a little silver to pay
Alfred E. Clark
l i i a t elem enl among politi­
HILE farm production has not yet assumed a proper relationship to con
cians which regards direct pri­ Crop rotation, stock feeding, soil
sunptlon as a whole, states the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation
preparation, m arketing, c o m p li­ American agriculture has been more properly balanced during the past year
mary as an orge who spews out cated machinery and educational
than It has for five years, and Is slowly reaching correct proportions.
self-starters upon the people as courses have changed the routine
Only three staple farm crop groups, reports the Foundation, showed a
canidates for office is apparent­ farm ing of tw o generations ago decrease In gross farm prices for 1025 as compared with 1924. The crops In­
ly now p uttin g ibe •• hoss-s arted in to work more reseuibliug that ol cluded were hay, cotton, corn, wheat and one or two small miscellaneous crops.
a factory engineer.
On the other hand, the products which Increased substantially In price for
brand an Patterson for govern­
The demuuda placed upon the 1925 over 1924 were cattle, hogs, sheep, fruits, vegetables, fluid milk, butter,
or and Stiwers for Senator by farm er have ra p id ly increased and cheese, tobacco, poultry and eggs.
The American farmer Is beginning to place some figures on the right-hand
it is o nly natura) th a t many
boosting them.
side of his ledger for the first time in five years and renewed feeling of na­
The talk which A. E. Clark
tional farm prosperity, due to Increase of farm prices. Is being reflected In the
broadcast Thursday night flay­ up w ith these demands through business and Industrial prosperity of the entire country.
lack of a b ility .
ed the opponents of the direct
M eanwhile the work o f the
primary, the Oregonian and the in d u stria l employe has been
pre-prim ary conventions.
increasigly sim plified. One engi
Stiw er’s candidacy is repre neer plan» and com m only does the
sented as sponsored by the th in k in g for a hundred worker».
Wheat—Big «Bend bluestem, $1,51;
newspaper in the interest of The mental demands upon tb>
Established in the year of 1895.
hard white, $1.50; soft white, western
destruction of the prim ary law. in d u s tria l worker haye been grow
Auccurate weights, accuratele
white, $1.61; hard winter, northern
The fizzle of the 1910 pre ¡ng iess and less.
test», guaranteed.
spring, $1.40; western red, $1.45.
prim ary convention is recalled
A schoolteacher in Minneapolis
We are a farm ers’ organization
Hay—Alfalfa, $19.50@20 ton; valley
and its shrouded ghost dances a short w hile ago met on the streei iu that we pay a price fo r butter
before the backers of the pres­ one o f her pupils of the preceding tat to absorb a ll receipts less the timothy, $19@19.50; eastern Oregon
year, a moron w ith the in te llig e n c t cost of maiutenanoe and operating timothy. $21.50@22.
ent convention movement.
Butterfat—41c shippers' track.
Standfield’s candidacy to be of a ten-year-old ch ild . She dis­ expenses.
his own successor is dismissed
Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook;
pupil was now earning in industry
is being an unconeidered trifle .
Hats off to the farm ers! They Triplets, 31c; loaf, 32c per lb.
more than shn herself was paid hy
The claim th a t the prim aries tne c ity of M inneapolis.
set themselves to the task of de­ Cattle—Steers, good, $8@8.75.
have resulted in inefficient of­
Hogs—Medium to choice, $13@14.
In ia into in d u s tria l work that vising a state income tax to yield
f i c i a l is replied to by holding the farm er who cannot keep in th* approxim ately $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 a
Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice,
up the examples of men who do race enters. There his th in k in g is
year. I f the job had been turned
things a fte r being so elected, done for him and his work is much >ver to a comm ittee of the lead­
of whom McNary is one. But less com plicated and leas taxing ing business men of Oregon, we
W heat—Soft white, western white,
Mr. Clark says McNary is to be on bis m ind-
doubt w hether they could have
defeated, if the ring wins, when
1 gain increasing adm iration for produced a less objectionable bill $1.53; hard winter, $1.48; western
his term expires, because he those who remain after each week’s than th a t initiated by the red, $1.46; northern spring, »1.47;
Big Bend bluestem, »1.52.
hits not been pliable enough in batch is forced off the farms Into grange com m ittee I t was a 1926 Hay—Alfalfa, $26; timothy, $28;
the c ity .
the hands of the bosses.
Frederick Steiwer
"A n apple a day keeps the doc
to r away.” Poor, lonely old doc
Congretituian H aw ley in candi
date (or another term. Nobody
want« to ruu against him.
San Francisco has a children’s
theatre and Dayton, Ohio, has a
church for children. Which is
the more propular?
The hyporcrites are not all
in the churches. Some of them
talk and vote dry to hold the
votes of their constituents and
in W ashington take a "nip” on
The wets want a national re
ferendum on prohibition. The
only objection we have to it it
its cost. When a fellow wants a
black eye the way to quiet him
is to let him have it.
Creamery Association
The Junction City Times tolu
of an apple 52 years old as the
oldest apple. II. R. Goddard ol
Cottage Grove says he has one
62 years old. A Halsey man has
Mr. Clark defends his sup­
Adam’s apple. How old is th at? port of Roosevelt in his last
campaign on the ground of
Two men shared the samt Roosevelt’s strong American
good fortune, followed by disas personality and a friendship ot
te r .
O n * s p e n t the rest of his life long standing.
mourning the disaster. The oth
He claims th a t thd hand­
er went rejoicing over the mem picking organization proposed
ory of what he had enjoyed. that if he would keep out of the
Which would you rath e r be campaign this year and let an
eastern Oregon man go to the
A learned w rite r whose word»
are reproduced from the Dearborn
Independent on this page »aj» the
m any who ere leaving fu iiu r f. r
cities do so because they have i i t
enough intelligence Io I e go d
modern fanners. W<‘ ailepecl t l i . l
some of them are operating lin o ­
cii'ii McNary when the bosses
«laughter the latter.
Where Does Steiwer Stand ?
H jwo the Foxes Are Fed
Goddard, Alaska, S. A.
M it la w rites .
It has been an unusualy warm
w inter and 28 above was our
coldest, which I presume was no
colder than it was there.
We have tw enty-four foxes on
the island now, which we f ed
twice each week at this time ot
year, but will feed every day
when there are young ones. The
feed is cooked in a sixty-gallon
kettle and is usually two tacks
of herring, seven gallons of roll­
ed wheat and one one gallon of
cracked rice, which makes two
Frederick Steiwer of Pendleton,
man whons the old guard
republicans want uom inaV il to
-ucceed the deserted Stanfield as
-eoator, in announcing his can­
didacy set fo rth a set o f ’* p rin c i­
Read, on th is page, wl at Dr- p le ’ ’ in terms so elastic that
H urrah for the Cow !
L a ird says shout the qualification» they m ight he etretched to cover
Dr. E. V. McCollum, school of
is many sins or virtues as doee
a f a good farmer. Then tu rn to ch a rily . He says:
hygiene and public health, Johns
the fir»t three columns on page 8
" I stand for justice to the Hopkins university, who has for
and compnr» his income with that (aim ing in d u s try ,’ ' etc.
more than a decade been giving
W ould you help the farm er by to the world a newer knowledge
i f the incompetent who leaves ti.e
larm to become a part of tie 'pending aouie more money on the of nutrition, has said : "T he peo­
series of investigation« and report«
ple who have achieved ; who have
m achinery of a factory. How
th it have been run nin g since the
long can tlieie conditions endure? memory ot man? or by ta xing become large, strong, vigorous
- ■■■
him to buy his own surplus and people; who have reduced their
i t for a rise? or hy p u ttin g infant m ortality; who have the
The federal bureau of efficiency
a higher ta riff on meats, o, which best trades in the world; who
found a department in Washington we im p o rt 71 m illio n d o lla rs’ have an appreciation for art, lit-
em ploying 250 men to collect cer­ worth, or on hides and skins, that gessive in science and in every
a modern
hank we
over 96 m illion s for activity of human intellect, are
system was installed and the force «broad, w hile the hide of our steer the people who have used liberal
reduced to 80 men, saving »230,. '• nut worth ca rrying to market? amounts of milk and its pro­
000 a year in th a t one office and or how ?
making 170 enemies.
In 1924 the money value of
Like a ll the rest, he favors
'eduction of taxation and increase milk produced
in the United
f ' xpendilure in the locality where States at the farm was more
Anton Faltus had a hatch of tie w ill want votee.
than the total farm value of the
1800 Hollywood strain white
’ ’ I believe in the p rincip le of cotton, the wheat, and the pota
Leghorn chickens come off Tues­ the 18th am endm ent.”
to crops. T here waa produced
day, and they are all sold.—
W ill you work and vote against fifty billion quarts.
Scio Tibune.
leg sliiiog more kick in wine and
Dairying is a gigantic indus­
beer ? You may he juet the man try and America's one of the
we want. We would tike to be leadng dairy countries in the
“ 7 ;!:;
timothy P. S„ $20; do, mixed, $26.
Butter—Creamery, 40@42c.
er the repealed 1923 law, and so
Eggs—Ranch, 25@30c.
perfect in detail th at it will stand
Hogs—Prime, »13.75@14.10.
up in-contparsion with the feder­ Cattle—Prime steers, »8@8.75.
al income tax act of 1926,—ex­ Cheese—Oregon triplets, 27c; Ore­
cept th a t it may not reach in­ gon standards, 25c; Washington trip­
come from intangibles owned in lets, 27c.
model, a vast improvement ov­
world. The clim ate and green
at the post office or b e t* * n there
fields of this state place it
and C lark's corner. F r * dollar»
The Oregon Christian Endea­ among the foremost dairy' states
in coin. Leave
at Enterprise vor union will meet in Albany erature end music; who are pro­
office and receive rewar I
April 15 to »8.
of our country.
Oregon and deposited outside
the state— Oregon Voter.
Hogs—Prime mixed. »13.75 ® 13.85.
Cattle—Prime steers. $7.50@8.25
T here was an increase of 1000
per cent of farm failures be­
tween 1910 and 1924, while APPLE
there was no increase in com­ Q u a n tity and V a lu e D ecreased in C om ­
mençai failures during this
parison W ith 1924.
time. T a riff justice, if th a t were
Washington, D. C.—Exports of boxed
possible, would help the farm ers
from the United States, com-
a little, but the old saying, “Put I apples
merce department figures show, fell
not your tru s t in princess” ap­ 1 from 6,718,872 boxes in 1924 to 4,922.-
plies to present-day lawmakers. 140 last year, while sales declined
Cooperative m arketing will help from $15.738,601 to »12.787.495. Barrel
some. The rush of youth from apples also decreased, exports In 1925
the farm to the cities will do amounting to 1.706,916 barrels worth
more. But th e farm ers whose $8.275.586 as against 1.880,775 valued
production cost is too great be­ at $8.547,442.
cause of antiquated methods
Commercial apple production in
must adopt new inventions and creased, the 1925 figure being 31,909,.
discoveries or go under.
000 ba.hels as against 28.063,000 the
The actual average earnings
of farm ers per year are $700;
factory workers $41256; rail­
road workers $41572; clerical
workers $2,141; m i n i s t e r s
$1678; government w o rk e rs
(From 0 . A. C. Bulletin)
Legume bacteria are your free
laborers— try to enc o ur a g e
A n d th is ” ""•
where the soil is well inoculated
This is especially true of westl
em Oregon annuals, as they pro­
duce more nodules and a more
vigorous plant during the early
period growth.
It is much easier and cheaper
to locate dodder-free seed in
Oregon than to eradicate the
Many good lots of alalfa seed
free of dodder are for sale.
Twenty-two per cent of alfal­
fa seed received for purity test
a t the Oregon experim ent sta­
tion seed laboratory this spring
A nd
th is
In January, 1926, there were
more than than 5 million pounds
or red clover seed imported, as
compared with less than 1 mill-
lion pounds for the same month
*?. 1925- From JuJy> T925, to
February, 1926, nearly ten mil­
lion pounds of red clover seed
was imported while a little Over
1 million pounds was brought in
during the same period for the
previous year.
The supply of certified pota-
tatoes in the United S tates is
small. The m erits of certified
potatoes are pronounced. Many
fat mers hesitate to use certified
seed. The general experience is
th a t th e certified seed pays even
though there is no attem pt for
certification, because it usually
3 substantia,1y larger
It appears th at Oregon may as
plant its normal acreage
of spring wheat on th e good pro­
ducing lands, but for the ex-
treroely dry Jandl th#re wi„
probably be nothing in it. In
year before The state of Washington
led all others with New York second weetern
»pring « he at
Michigan and Idaho tied for third place
h« replaced
and Virginia. Oregon. Illinois, Califor­
nia and Pennsylvania following in
' ,The P ^ t o m arket has pick-
ea up considerably. The new
W. A. C arter of Portland seeks o r o r movement, w hich bexim in
nomination for governor.
March and increases to some ex-
e n i1 in April and represents
nearly half the movement in
May, will not get into the m arket
v^nFy BenuUgh this year to pre­
vent higher prices for old stock.
(’hick S tarting Milk Mash
If potatoes can be held in good
Baby Chick Scratch
the m arket should in-
Egg Producer
VI. price to
Triangle Egg Mash
Attractive prices on Shell, Bone Meal
and Fine and Coarse Grit
o . w . FRUM
a larger percentage than during
other years. The seed laboratory
is ready to help any Oregon
grow er by m aking free purity
and germ ination tests.
There is an increase of about
200 dairy cows in Tillamook
county this year over last year
to be tested for production. The
cow testing association has been
in operation since 1912 and is
the average fa t yield hud teen
the average fa t yield has been
raised to 289 pounds; in 1921 it
was 380, with 296 cows tested;
in 1924 1475 cows averaged 370
pounds. Tillamook dair y me n
have built up a flourishing bus­
iness in the sale of calves from
pure bred bulls and dams with
records of 300 pounds of fat ot
better. Klamath county has used
more than 300 of these calves,
and about 100 have been shipped
to Josephine county. The de­
mand exceeds the supply each
year. Up to March 1 this year
110 head had been shipped o u t
Orders have come from all over
the northw est territory.
some e x te n t
itnin the next several weeks.
The Umpqua va lle y ship« 1000
carload» of broccoli th is year.
The Oregon Linen M ills com­
pany at Salem has bought; »100.-
„ L d ’" ’’“ ’
't 1* m,ny
. k A ep
have brought 125 to 160
.lamb» per 100 ewes this year