Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 31, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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    R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E
P A G E 10
w ith
Joseph S c h ild k ra u t
A r t h u r E dm ond Carewe
Nights of love and s ing nnder
tbs dreamy sapphire skies of tbs
Algerian Sahara.
Next Sun.— Mon.
A | ir il 4—5
Beginning A p ril 1, for tbe
convenience of our patrons, our
Matinees w ill begiu at 1.80 p.
no. including Sunday,
A lb a n y
Halsey Happenings
(Continued from page 1)
Bright, sunny days.
Much garden has been made.
Claude Davidson was in Ai-
bany Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Hayes was an Al­
bany visitor Saturday.
An E aster program is being
planned a t the M K. church.
John Bressler and son Harry
drove to Newport Sunday.
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran and Doro­
thy went to Albany Saturday.
The W. F. M. S. will meet with
Mrs. Eliza Brandon Friday af­
Dan Hayes was among those
who attended Clayt Sm ith's sale
M A R C H 31
Grove Sunday for an all-day out
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote of
Cres.'well visited home folks
here Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Robnett of Browns
ville was the guest of Mrs. Eliza
brandon Tuesday night.
Donald Bramwell spent Satur
day night and Sunday with his
friend, Francis Leeper.
Wayne Robertson and Delos
Clark are home from O. A. C
for their spring vacation.
New-laid sidewalk along the
Good E ats restaurant ground on
H street. Much needed in some
other places.
Friday evening. Twenty-four
youngsters were present, includ­
ing some guests from the M. E.
church.Games were played ant
ice cream and cake served.
Among those who attended
the meeting of th e Odd Fellows
a t Shedd Saturday evening were
Elbert Isom and family, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Skirvin, Oliver Cold­
iron and family and Misses
Ernestine Coleman, Dorot h y
Corcoran and Lillian, Elsie and
Bessie Reynolds. A program was
enjoyed and a banquet served.
The next m eeting is to be a t Al­
bar uncle, Parley True, at Harruu
Curtis Veatch, Oren From
and E. E. Gormley and their
families motored to Cottage
The F a il Noble Granda' club
w ill have a
Cooked Food Sale
at Koontz' store iron» IO t i l l 4
Saturday, A p ril !l
R a f f l e d 4? X »
T io k r ti for vale be m ruiherx of tbe
Proceeds go toward remodeling
and refurnishing d in ing room.
F U .R JN Jirr P.R1E.1C O M P A N
Bill Reintroduced by Author
in Modified Form.
W aehlngton, D. C .-T h e fight against
perm itting railroads to charge higher
freight rate» for a long than for a
shorter Interm ediate haul waa renew
ed In the senate. Despite the defeat
of the Gooding long and short haul
hill. Senator Gooding, republican, Ida
ho. reintroduced the hill In a slightly
modified form.
T he defeated measure would have
prevented application of the long and
short haul principle to meet any wa­
ter com petition but the new bill
would prohibit its invocation only to
meet w ater com petition through the
Panama canal.
Senator Gooding also Introduced a
bill to define the phrase "reasonably
compensatory” rates, which played a
large part In argum ents on the Good
Ing bill. The phrase, under the bill,
would “Im ply three things-—payment
of cost of service; Interest on bonds
and then some dividends."
The senate rejected by a vote of
tS to 33 the original Gooding long
and short haul blit. Thus represen
lativea of the In ter mountain territo ry
again lost In th e ir «0 year fight to
prevent transcontinental carriers from
granting a lower rate for hauls to
Pacific coast porta than to Interm e­
diate points
Tw o years ago the sen­
ate passed a sim ilar measure. &4 to
II. but It failed of action In the
(Form erly D ad’s and M im 'i res.
lau ra n t. U nder new management)
Open 6 a. in. to 10 p. tu.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. West Props
H A L L 'S
Floral and
Music Shop
H a ls e y P h a r m a c y
Tbe application of thia plan, besides
making tbe nation a coherent unit In
time of war. would Im prest upon
every class la society a sense of lta
own responsibility la each e v e n t If
It were known that thia universal re
aponalbtllty would be enforced, no
class—«octal, financial or Industrial—
could tall to understand that tn ease
of war it would have to bear Its share
of tba burdens Involved and would
have to make sacrifices of p ro fit con
venlenee and pereoual liberty correla
tlvely with those made hy the soldiers
la the field. To thia extent the plan
would act a t a poettlv. deterrent to
any haaty recourse to force In an in
ternatlonal controversy.
One thing that has definitely come
from tbe w ar la the necessity of
arranging affairs so that a portion of
the population shall not be sent to the
front to bear all the physical hard
m I V v “ t . » . r
S A T U R D A Y N I G H T , A P R IL . 3
H u n d re d s
h a v e e n jo y e d o u r c a r n iv a l d a n o c s
J o in th e c ro w d
Music by Brick Headrick and bis
ooncomitants of modern w a r--th e con­
fusion and waste Incident to war time
Portland-Brownsville > Truck
1 Line
Thia term "conscription of wealth,"
need by so many, bss created a hope Leave Portland at 5 p. tn. S a tu r­
unonc those of socialistic tendeaules.
day, Tuesday and Thursday.
and a fear among those who. like ins
Leave H arrisburg at 2:30 p m.
believe In our system based upon per
Monday, Wednesday A Friday.
eonst Initiative and reward, of a tak­
Phone P ortland 8226
ing of money, without payment, ter
the use of State.
N either tbe hope Halsey depot, Sw ift A Co.
Portland, care A uto F re ig h t Ter­
nor the fear Is Justified by the reeom
mendatlon herein contained or by ear
experience In the war
- —— use
— Of
i i A R \ O L D L . U i i N
^ i D i . Q U I S T
money should be controlled an d sl I u r : ii
rected In a national emergency, a l "
suruly appreciate your
men should no more be permitted te I
use his money ns he wlsbee than be
■Mould be permitted to uee the pro­
ships and their consequences warn
duction of his mine, milt or factory
others are left behind to profit by
except through the general superrle-
th eir absence, i f applied st the out
Ing agency. This was being done to­
break, the W ar Indaetrtee Board (as
ward the end of the war.
It was functioning at tha close of the
prices for tbe government were fair
W orld W a r) would prevent this and
prices for civilians
I must say. how
lessen. If not remove, the social and
ever, that the vest m ajority of Amer , soonemlc evils that come as the after
lean manufacturers rose to the situs
math of war.
lion la such a splendid way ns tc
—— —
— —
bring the following commendatlot
v Gtt ! r v : n a T H i l l f l r e n
from Woodrow Wilson: “They turned
J ^ ¿ 3
V r J' I
to enjoy a few days’ vacation.
Outgoing Mail
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Falk sr.
A t the Haleey pontoffiee mails
and grandson E rnest Kastei
were Sunday visitors a t L. R. close going north at 11:50 a. m
and 5:20 p. tn.
Going couth, 11:10 a. m. and
R. E. Bierly and son Charlie 5:20 p. ns.
motored to A rth u r Connor’s ana
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. nr. and
Burye, north of A lb an y, 12 tn. M ornin g stage to Browns­
v ille goes on to C raw fordsville
H olley and Sweet Home.
Mildred Hubbard,
who is
spending her spring vacation at
the J. H. Vannice home, visited
school Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Falk and
Mrs. A. L. Falk motored to Scio
Wednesday to attend the funeral
of the ladies’ uncle, Peter B ilyeu.
Paid-for Paragraphs
(5c a lin e )
Old papers fo r sale at 5c a bundle
at the E nterprise office.
S. W. Angel and family ot G E T A C Q U A IN T E D for a dollar,
bend $1 for a special 5-mouthe'
Haines, Oregon, were guests of
subscription to SU N SET, the
the form er’s sister, Mr». J, H-
west’s great national magazine
Vannice, several days last week.
— the clean, u p-to-date m on thly
The Angels were on th eir way
for the whole fa m ily .
to th eir fu tu re home at Medford.
tim e agents wanted.
460 F ou rth street, Ban F ra n
A pleasant surprise was given
cisco, Cal.
Mrs. L. R. Falk Wednesday,
when a num ber of neighbors and P IA N O m ust be sold— W ill sacri-
relatives stepped in to spend the
fice high-grade piano in storage
afternoon. Those present were
near here fo r im m ediate sale.
Mrs. J. P. Templeton, Mrs. R. B.
W ill give easy terms to an estab­
Miller, Mrs. F. W. Falk, Mrs.
lished home. F or fu ll p articu ­
Herm an Steinke, Mrs. C. L.
lars and where it may be seen
Falk jr., Mrs. M. B. Harding,
address P ortland Musio Co., 227
S ixth street, P o rtla n d , Ore.
Mrs. William Pence, Mrs. E. E.
Carey, Mrs. R. E. Bierly, Mrs.
M r. A. W . D ykstra, route 1, is
G. J. Rike, Richard Pence, Doris
Falk, M argaret Carey, M argaret, s till te llin g his friends a ll about
Frank and Fred Harding, and his his im ported Belgian M elotte
Homer and M arie Miller. Re- cream separator w ith the self-
f re s fc tn e n tB
were served, the balancirig bowl and porcelain-lined
oreain chambers. I t skims so
guests having brought well la­ closely that not even a trace of
den baskets.
cream can be found, He invites
Funeral Directsr and Licensed
B row nsville, Oregon
any one to come around about
m ilk in g tim e and he w ill g la d ly
show how i t works.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holloway
of Brownsville spent Saturday
at the home of the la tte r’s par­
ents Mr. and Mrs. Oren From.
Notice is hereby given th a t pursuant
to an order of sale made and entered in
W . L. W R IG H T
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn, Department
No. 2 on the 1st day of March, 1426,
in that certain suit therein wherein A.
G. Waggener ta d E. A. Wnggener his
H arrisburg, Ore.
wife were plaintiffs and Agnes Struth­
ers. J. E W agjener. M E. Davidson,
Theo Davidson her husband, K. I. Wag-
gener. Lvdm Waggener h it wife, Veda
Roush, George Roush her husban 1,
George H. Waggener, Pauline Wsggen-
er h it wife, Oscar P Waggener. Marga­
ret W aggener his wife, E lv ira W. H all,
aside from every private Interest o' * runl and EraIlk Gansle were lli
George K. H a ll her husband, Irw in O.
their own and devoted tha whole of Portland
Y\ cHncsday,
Waggener, Mabel W aggener his wife,
Laundry sent Tuesdays
tifcir trained capacity to tha tanks
Ted Bayne and Dean Bilyeu of
\ irg il E. Waggener, Lois Waggener his
‘h“‘ ,,upp" ' d,
• ‘" •Z : of ,he who1' Peoria
were Halsey visitors
wife, George E Waggoner, Katherine
great undertaking
Tha patriotism. [ « lin it a v
Waggoner his wife, Jessie Allen. M inn ie
tbs unselfishness, tha thorough going -5 u n u “ Jr-
L L illy , F ran k L illy her husband. Lau­
devotion and distinguished capacity
Lloyd Hughes and Thomas
ra B. Gatchell, L. W . Gstchell (hereto­
impleaded by name of A A. Gatch-
that marked their toilsome labors day Logan of Peoria Were business
e ll) her husband, H arry B. Waggoner,
after day. month after month, have visitors in Halsey Saturday,
of Appointment of A dm inistratrix
Margaret Waggoner his wife, W a lte r R.
made them fit mates and comrades tc
Notice it hereby given that the un­ A/aggoner, Amy W aggoner his wife.
the mea la tba tranches and on th>
Tile E aster offering a t the dersigned
by an order of the Comity
rv ille V. W aggoner. Orvsl C. W a g ­
Christian church will be given to u rt of Linn County. Oregon, has been O
goner, M argaret W aggoner h it wife
* 7 B’.BBr m*B wh0 ,r * afraW >n eggs next Sunday. Last yeat appointed adnunistratnx of the estate Ailsa I.. Thomson, Henry B. Thomson
that tbs adoption of thia plan by Con
ta ken in in th is w av of A rth u r Wesley, deceased. A ll per­ her husband, Daniel S. W ag go rer, M a r­
grass would g lv ,
im p ,,,,, t8 ^ i . ,
UUven ln ln l n l s w a >- sons having claims against said estate
garet E W aggoner, George Roberts,
hereby required to present them the unknown heirs if any ef said George
lim or com nunUm or sovietism O’
“ ‘
Harms and children. are
within six months from the date ot this R o h m , if he he deceased. His Roberts,
whatever they may call It. because
Doris, Virginia and Verle, ol notice, with the proper vouchers, to the the unknown heirs if anv of said I l i t Rob­
“If yon show It can be done
In war tim e there will be a demand Roseburg visited; a t th e home nndersigned i t her residence iu Halsev erts if he be deceased, H attie Thompson,
iu Lmn County, Oregon
that It bs Sons In peso* time,
llie unknown heirs if any <t said H attie
It of Mrs. H arm s' parents, Mr. ana
Dated and first published this )Oth Thompson if ske be deceased. Charley
cannot bs doae tn psac« time There Mrs. John Willbanks, last week. day of March. 19-6.
Roberts, the unknown heirs if any of
can bs no rrs a t uadertaktng without
I-.ffie R Wesley, Adniv. of Estate said Charley Roberts if he he deceased,
U. 8. Bread Usa Slumps
s strong moving cans«. In peace time
fussing & Tussing. Attys for Adinx.
unknown heirs if any of Susan Rah-
the moving ranee le personal Initially»
W ashington. D. C — The Am erican
ei i * * ™wBridge, deceased, and gener­
and payment for services performed
people are eating lees bread. It Is In
ally all persons unknown hsvm g or
Thff substitute tor that In war time Is
dlcnted ln a departm ent of agriculture of Appointment of Administrator de claim ing an interest or estate in the
the eommoa dancer
property tn said suit were defendants,
Bonis non with W ill Annexed
report showing per capita consump­
Tbe W ar Indnstrtee Board was the
Notice is hereby given that the under­ and appointing and directing the under­
foremost advooats of pries fixing and
signed by an order ot the County Court signed as sole referee to sell the realty
distribution, and It bad great power tn In 187» and that the rate of the de­ of u to iln tv , Oregon
has 1 - hereinafter described, I. the undersigned
this field, bat wbea the Armistice cline I t increasing.
reieree, w ill, on Saturday, the 3d day of
sppomted administrator de bom,
April, 1^ the hour of 1 o'clock p.
cams It recognised that peace oondi
of said day, at the front door of the
tlens were being restored, end It ws» Senate Asks W heeler T ria l Accounts
A ll person, couithouse st Albany, in Linn Connty
tbs first to change the war time order
W ashington. D. C.— The senate has
Oregon, offer and sell st public auction
of things end te leave to ike people
,o »he executrix of to the highest bidder, for cash, subject
adopted a resolution by a vote of 41 I v r
themselves the readjustm ent of their
to confirmation of said court, all of the
to 1». demanding an accounting from
1 am satisfied that tt te Im
i , r ot* r v° ” cher» to the under­
S- H
of the N B. H of sec 2t, ,« tp.
possible for tbe government to do In the departm ent of Justice of all funds signed at b i. residence, about four m ile, 14 S of range 3 W. of the W illa m e tte
T to iZr.1
,n L ,u " count».
spent In the tw in prosecutions of
I peace tim e what I ans advocating, nl
l e i ’ ** P“ bl“ h• ' l “ ’ l l 3d day meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, con­
though tt becomes abeolately
Senator Burton K. W heeler, dem o of March, W i .
taining 40 acres
Dated and first pub­
E. D. Isom,
esry tn order to eonduç} e modern | cmt. of Montana.
lished March J lvlk.
. _ Administrator Aforesaid
F ran k Richard Referee,
I lussing & Tasting Attys for Admr
lu s tin g & Tussing Attys, for Plffs.
V f f h ' l l a Special Chicken
Dlnner 8unday
I- A N G W O O D
complained that during the war prices
were too high had thia ready recourse
to hand.
econditioning Shop
P alm olive Soap
• « p W n ls d fro m T K t A tla n tia M on th ly
(By an Bnterpiisa Reporter)
Robert Carey was on the sick
list last week.
ay best oa Hi-apeed
10c a lb
3 lbs 25c Wilson Gillette is helping C. E.
Brake i
Carey with his farming.
Loren Nelson was a t M. B.
Stone’s Saturday evening.
212 East F irs t sL, A lbany
Mrs. O. W. From visited at
Phone 379
2 for 25c
Mrs. W. R. K irk’s Wednesday.
G. J. Rike was a T hurs­
Turola Shaving Cream
23c day Mrs.
afternoon caller at Herman Halsey Railroad Tjme
A. D. S. “
“• *
23c Steinke’s.
N o r‘ h
A. L. Falk and Albert West 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12.0V p. m
5:15 a .m .
15, 12;45 p. m ’
Parole Tooth Paste . .
23c are helping C. L. Falk jr . with 16.
18, 8:16 a. m flag 33, 8:12 p.
m flajr
his farming.
4:08 p. m.
1:34 p. m
Mimosa Lotion . . . . .
47c W. R. Kirk and Cecil Bilyen Nos.
14 and 16 stpp to let off passenger.
attended th e sale Saturday a t
from south of Eugene.
No. 31, direct counnction for Marshfield
C. E. Sm ith’s.
Vivian Gibson of Portland is Passengers for s m th of Eugene should
F. Buford Morris
take train No. 17.
visiting her grand} arene, M r.
Halsey-Brownsville atage leaves Hal-
7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:11 p m
Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m and
Ellen Vannice, who attends 3.35 and 8:45 p. m.
war successfully and to oonduct It on
noroial, came home Wednesday
a non-profiteering basis
I (Continued from column
M i k rvinKs
For Internal use
For the Bath
For Your Livestock
Taking the Profit
Out of War
In the meantime all the Industries of
the country would have bean mobilised
by the formation of committees repre­
sentative of each Industry as was
dona In tba W orld W ar. Over them
Miss Beulah Miller spent Sat­ would be placed a government direc­
urday night a t B. M. Miller’s and tor or commodity chief. The various
attended an entertainm ent at government departments would ap
point committees representing their
the grange hall.
requirements, so that on one eommlt
Miss Grace Pehrsson went to tee the resources of the nattoa would
be represented and on the other the
Moro to spend her spring vaca­ demands
of the government. The gov­
tion with her sister Pearl, who ernment director wonld stand b e tw « _
is teaching there.
to declds, la conjunction with the pri­
ority committee, to what department
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miller supplies should go
drove to Lebanon Sunday to vis­
Money would be controlled and di­
it Mis. Miller’s parents, Tom rected like any other resource. “T a k ­
Bennett and wife.
ing the profit out of w ar" Is not
synonymous with “conscription of
Miss Gladys Hadley, who has wealth," as It Is sometimes regarded
been spending her vacation at Tbs latter le a theoretical project, p ro
home, motored back to Mon­ hlblted by our Constitution, contrary
mouth Monday af ternoon with to the spirit of our social and political
Institutions, and Impossible la prac­
her uncle, Frank Hadley.
tice. Taking the proflt out of war Is
The Epworth League will hold an orderly and scientific development
services a t the cars of the Mexi- of tha economics and conduct of mod­
ern war. neceaaary to the effeotlve
i an workers who are employed mobilisation of national resources and
by the S. P. next Sunday even indispensable to equallxtng the har­
dens of war among the armed and
civilian population.
Born of >vpe-
Mrs. Will Robertson gave _ rlenca and proved by practice, ft r e
party for the Junior Endeavoi moves some of the moat destructive
Miss Gladys Hadley is spend­
ing her spring vacation from
normal with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley.
S. J. Chaney of Eugene, super­
intendent of the Southern Dis­
trict Oregon conference will
hold quarterly conference a t the
M. E. church Thursday evening.
All are invited to attend.
Short Haul Rate
Misses Lena Bass and Lila
Fight Renewed
Dudley were shopping in Albany
Wednesday. Miss Dudley, who
has been making her home with Defeated Long and Short Haul
burg, expects to go to Eugene
soon to find employment.
E rS U M S A L T S
M odern
B a rb e r Shop