/ ( i p -C' Halsey Happenings acres 800111 °f Brownsville for a' tL r \ „ J r~ . » c < T- T eed the Orphans and County Events The Clayt Smith auction Sat- or They Will Die , i urday was -well attended. Doinge. Ox O u r P opulace Chronicled in Briel Paragraphs Tangent came up and wallop led Halsey, 11 to 1, at baseball Friday. J. D. Isom is a candidate for county commissioner to succeed himself. Alford Arrows Lake Creek Locals Idle Work in Being Done; )- 'Chester Curtis and daughters. (By an Enterprise Reporter) ( Enterprise Correspondent) C. P . Stafford Goes to Rest Mrs. C. R. Evans was hostess Patient and Cheerful, Ho V Velda ’s* 111 <* and la __ a a . 1V _ . to the L. C. and B. sewing club and A Alice, went to A Albauy Set Us All a Good Thursday. Saturday. Example. Easter next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Chisholm M artin Cummings was a week- \ , . ’of Monroe called at Lee Ingram’s end visitor in Eugene. While About 2 o’clock yesterdar Bert Minskley cautiuues to in;, filed it«n »nn,.e^ St re if f hau JU8t. Sunday morning. ■ gi)ne he drove to Pleasant Hill morning Clive P. Stafford breathed prove slowly. Mr. Sparks’ fox is still living hled its annual report with con- > and visited R. K. Stewart, form- his last. He was 46 years of age. 1 Joe Cersovski and family were erly of this place. Mr. Stafford w it a victim of J. E. True is out again after in the Powell hills , defying K eas- hounds and hunters. When bait During the year, 747,565 per- Sunday afternoon callers at creeping paralysis for many years. a battle w’ith flu. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rowan and is left for her she takes it, but sons were aided, the service to Joseph Cornely’s. „ Time was when he was wont to the adults, of whom there were' ' Mrs- Henry Hogue of Eugene come into Halsey from a farm on The A rthur Wesley estate is she avoids traps. being chiefly in th e f E’ S> Hayes sheared a goat /pent l/.iday p t Martin Gum a bicycle. I.ater be walked with appraised at 115,774.85, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams 576,600, form of clothing; 68,159 chil- for E- D- Isom last week which ming.’. a cane and was bookkeeper in Mrs. J. C- B. am well expects to of Albany were in Halsey Sat­ dren were served and more th a h , yieId‘id J3 pound» of mohair. I , ,, McCully A Sturtevant’s general urday. Mrs. McWilliams was a return to Portland Tuesday. store. caller at J. C. Standish’s and lO O W widow. w„h children. | Mr. «„d Mrs. Raymond Rick- The total relief administered ard from near Monroe visited ' J1 0 a a w M were week.»nd The disease progressed until he Linn county gets $45,64rfroin Lyman Patton’s. to date is $94,587,709.37. Last at Michael Rickard’s Sunday. Mr ^ M ^ C ^W illiarn’T"1'*' was unable to walk at all, and for the state market road fund. a num le- of years he has »pent . iL | Frank Kirk was home from years income of 4,752,239.25 i’lr ‘ and -” , s - L. S. Williams, The Highway restaurant has a 1 the OACO orchards at Monroe was raised at an expense o t ' George Godwin and family of Collin Carver is running Jay his days io a wheel chair, being new cook, a Mr. Mac from O k ld -'over the week end. Asked if the 13.16 per cent. , Buena Vista visited Mr. God- Suitar’s tractor these moonlight helped into and out of it. This b0U)a' company was doing summei To enable the impoverished W1,1’s mother, Mrs. John Rolfe, nights. Mr. Suitar keeps the ma- winter Iris disease has at times been very j ainfnl, and finally Mis. Oren West went to Albany ■ work in this summer weather in Armenian government to receive Sunday. i chine going through the day. when a cold, contracted a couple ilur.ln II 1 will» 1', I 1, Mr. A f - A ...1 Mrs. M .. March Yi 1» 1«Z> 1. ks\ J ; I *• . S You F i bet. * yesterday and he replied quested by the league oTnations1 Al)out ha’f of tl-fL Alf,’rcl George Ledgerwood, Henry of weeks ago, was supplemented bv Herman Steinke. They are spraying to Leat the the near * east relief agreed to SCh 8U^ enng w,t.h w.ho° Y Brock and George McNeil were prieumoDia, bis weakened system band.” . Ray Austin, 25, and Laureila continue the care of about 12 . ’ ing,.coogY are having ,l among those who received a con yielded to the latter disease. Southern Fac]flc Pacific has some 000 children in Armenia fot Pn?tty llght’ They hoWeVer’ Fifteen years ago be married Weger, 26, both of Brownsville, I The ^°uthern bas som' signment of day-old chicks iron, were licensed Saturday Miss Franklyn Dean When were licensed Saturday to to wed. wed. g ,at e ^ lclency and safety rec three years from 1925. No work the Williams poultry farm thi> Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram ords. One factor in obtaining friends remonstrated with tlie J. B. Cornett and wife, about them has been the elimination is carried on in Turkey the cen- visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. week. beautiful and accomplished nirl to leave for California, were hon­ of drinkers of booze from among ters now being Armenia, Greece, Garrison Sheldon, and family of for her intention to unite for life Those attending S u n d a y Macedonia, Persia, Syria and Ingram Island Sunday, ored at the Shedd Eastern Stai its employes. Its ax has fallen M®ce«>nu morning service at Pine Grove with a cripple she rep lied : ‘ T meeting Saturday night. more than once in this cause re- 1 a* ®st]ne- 1925, 30,460,137 meals’ ¥ rA aod f 1” ’ A' f . Whjtbeck from here were: Harry Davis, would rather marry a man During cently in “ **«*«=/• Halsey and family, and Mrs. T. J an(j ’ r ’ nrovjfj,^j and family at- «ma iam ny, Mr. ana l. j J with a orippled body than one nd ratjons rations were Divided f for and and E. E; D. P- Isom and. fam,ly at' T ie Past Noble Grands’ club The Portland Rosarians have children and 5,102,326 to refugee tended tbe AlPine circuit meet-; Jackson Mr. and Mrs Thomas with a crippled m ind.” The r e f f k T quilt ^ K w n t z 8’41 store1 ^ ? cided ided to iLtlle show adults- the the majority majority Yf" thC lat- JPJ °i the th e L to v0,? omit the rose rose show'adults, of the lat- lng 1 . ? E- at Shedd Ardyy. Mr. and Mrs. Bass, Mrs. union proved a happy one, and j_ ___ v .. a »»__ . . . . , i ’ , ui «re m i - q Qt 11wi„ „ nifi-ni- M artin Cummings « and id laieille Lucille Mrs. Stafford, who survives him, next Saturday, the proceeds to 1^ 18 year> but M»- W. H. Mc- ter being widows with children. children Saturday night, was a ministering angel, doing all Herndon. 'aiting ___ ____ go to remodeling and refurnish ^’aaan lsn t waiting for June Incidental to the organizations Mrs. L. E. Bond of Albany in her power to smooth the path of the month of roses and brides, program of child welfare it has visited her daughter, Mrs. E. D. ing their dining room. J. J. Corcoran completed a ce­ the invalid. but began on the 21st, when eliminate malaria in parts Igomi Rll(J family from r n u . ’y ment For a gocdly number of years foundation and floor in the D. C Thoms, ex-countv com­ spring began, to pick blossoms of both Greece and Turkey. Dur-’ *•> c . ,, i new garage Mr. Stafford has been manager of Lyle & Thompson missioner, is io town. He has not from a bride rose which clings ing its ten years of service it ontd Su?day' HAr 8 o n and at Shedd last of week I be Halsey Mutual Telephone com­ and has lately filed for nomination for auolber to has prevented blindness in 80,. daugh,ter ^ s te r and Vera- came Through all his affliction the south wall of her home. 000 children. l>een making th© cement work pany. term in the office, but is likely to , after her on Sunday- I a maintained a cheerful, pleasant These, you see, are Halsey roses for the gasoline pump which is demeanor. do so soon. Largely by the children’s own’ and are as early as spring itself. being put in by Bradley Moss The funeral w ill be at the Meth­ efforts and by the use of Ameri­ Nobody Btole Stanford Sparks’ The first rose m Harrisburg wa< Pine Grove Points for his new filling station. odist church at 2 o’clock to­ fox from the Bechtel farm, near picked Monday and the first io can methods and machinery, morrow, Rev. Robert Parker Ash Swale, but 40 valuable Ham p­ Portland this inoruiug there were produced on orphan­ (By Special Correspondent) shire Dowu sheep recently disap­ age farms and gardens 438 tons officiating, with interment in a C h u rc h N otices G. Hoffinan, the meat market of vegetables, cemetery on the Stafford donation peared from the place and thieves 2,121 --------- bushels of The community meeting has . - - ------ Schedules of services in local claim ou the Mohawk, above man, has bought J. E. South­ grain with trucks are the only explana­ and^ 67^ tons of meat anil ( been postponed until April 9. and nearby churches, if receiver Eugene, worth’s residence, formerly the. dairy products. tion entertained. ___ ____ _______ ________ not later than Tuesday at 10 a Momhinweg home. Mr. South- Mrs. Rosa Overton of Albany A sister of the deceased, living During the year 1612 tons of Edward Fortmiller of Albany worth move Brownsville l T> /• i w i will w in u i u v e to tu D i u w n s v w e clothing were distributed but asi visited at the Hover home Sun- m., are gladly published in tht at Long Beach, C al., is expected and Burl Betze of Crabtree, as the stage servjce often takes clothing supplies are ample foi day. Enterprise without charge, but tomorrow Another resides at sophomores in medicine, Ronald him there at the end f hi d as a precaution against publish­ South Bend. Wash.,and a biother, this year no "bundle day’’ will Robnett of Albany, sophomore! „ . . . . . . . Mrs. Mae Markham has goni ing an erroneous notice in case Guy C. Stafford, at Ralston, Wash. in business administration and B'ltb fan" ,,e9 a,e “ ov,"8 tod»J be held this year. to Monmouth to attend nonna» of change, they are inserted Olga M. Jackson of Albany, a The Albany chamber of com­ The immediate task of the or- school. only on the same week they art- junior in English, are on the U. merce has sent a memorial to ganization is to provide for the The missionary society served r^ iv e d . Send a fresh notice Happenings in of O. honor roll for their congress asking for the dismis­ 36,000 now in its care and to lunch at the Clayt Smith sale ^ ery week ,f you w,sh ,l Print‘ achievements in those studies sal of unnecessary federal em­ provide if possible some p v o f i u i c for lu i o v i n e of or — P u b lic Schools ed. this winter. ploye's, hang-overs in useless the thousands still homeless. I t Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson H. R. Bierly has bought 100 '->?bs originated during or since is hoped that three years more Miss Nora Pehrsson v.as a __________ I the war. It urges that such jobs may see the task finished. of Corvallis spent Tuesday at Brownsville Christian pleasant caller at schcol Wednes­ J. J. Handsaker, Frank Gibson’s. Missionary Allianoe be wiped off the payroll, and day. Regional Director Miss Agnes Chandler came I. O , O . F. Notice that the president be given pow The local teacher»’ inatilute Evangelistic campaign April er to dismiss every superfluous X»»... from »xu»».^v.v.. Monmouth Wednesday, -v. re­ 1 to 21, with Evangelist P. E. vas held at Brownsville Satur­ Work in the 1st Degree Only three more days for new turning Sunday. I Blackman as the special worker, day. Attending from Halsey Saturday night. A p ril 8 board and commission that clutteis N pPhrsson returned Music in charKe of the pastoro were: Prof. Patton and Mes­ up the country and devours tax subscriptions to the Enterprise ... Banquet and Smoker money. t0 b?n‘-?t ,th,e futld- Eve,r y dollar to*Salem Sunday after spending and other local Services dames Freeland, Shotwell, Kiz­ Practice March 30, April 2. received before the end of this 7? Sunday, a lte r spending cordial er and Coleman. Superintendent (Continned on page 8) C, P. MOODY, Noble Grand week for a new yearly subscnp-lthe sPnng vacat,on at home’ wdcime to all of schools Howard of Marshfield tion to the Enterprise will bo Rev. M r. Gillette visited the W jj q Barker was the principal speaker and forwarded next Monday to the G. McNeil and A. F. Albertson Bertha J. Barker, dealt mainly with school prob­ New Coats, Dresses organization in Portland, which homes the first of the week. 1 Pastors lems. Lyman Patton conducted a will send its receipt therefor to discussion in the afternoon. One and Hats Mrs. Lawrence Zimmerman ------ the payer of the money. The spent a few days with her par- Pine Grove Church interesting feature of the after­ paper will be sent one year and ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chand-! noon was a program put on by A complete and extensive . then stop. You give your dollar, ler last week R e v i v a l services continuing the Brownsville G irls’ Glee club showing, direct from the we give 52 copies of the paper ni , . , i with increased interest and at- and the grades. The session end­ fashion centers, at and the little orphans get food he levival services a tendance, closing on Easter Sun- ed at 4 o’clock. Pine Grove church are being well . . . ’ „7 — ------- and clothing. the Koontz Store, Miss De Etta Robnett of Eu­ attended and will continue all ,,ay * ’\ h a" al'-day. P ^ r a m gene visited high school Tues­ week, there will be special set- Children's meeting is a great Income Tax Less day. vices for the children Easter future. Tuesday, April 6 John' Quimby still wears his Be sure and come. than Last Year Sunday. arm in a sling, the result of The women's missionary socie­ Church of Christ Women of the smaller chopping his wrist instead of a meeting with Washington, D. C.— Income tax col­ ty had a social towns are now offered the stick of wood. Two tendons Sunday School, JO. lections for the first quarter under Mrs. W. D. McLaren Thursday were severed. opportunity of securing Morning worship, 11 the new revenue law are now expect­ afternoon. Those present were In the baseball game between modern styled apparel Christian Endeavor, 7. ed to reach 1435,000.000, or within Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Tate and Halsey and Tangent Friday the Preaching, 8. the snme as their sisters Id. 000,000 of the collections a year daughter, Mesdames J. S. La -score was 11 to 1 in favor of Cbo»r practice at the home of ago under the higher rates in metropolitan cities. Mar, J. W. LaMar, Grace Wade, Mrs. Donna Cross Thursday »vtn Tangent. The Halsey team was The total prediction at the treasury at a decided disadvantage with George Ghbens, George Bayne. ngs. A wide range of styles eiceeda by 135.000.000 the first esti­ Miller with a badly swollen fin- Githens, George in admirable soft colors, — „ ------- -—, ----- . Bayne, The time for the evening ser- mate of Secretary Mellon on the col­ Georage ger and Konnta, Corbin and la< in Altce Dunn, Martha Nichols and vices has been changed to one- f«»r matron or miss, is lections for this quarter under the re­ all with skinned arms and knees Leighton Bayne and (the latter’ s half hour later. duced tax rates The figures take In offered to choose from. to account only the Income tax col son Seth. Mrs. McLaren served Everybody is going to bring from a recent game. Isom made We urge you to be here lections, but considerable reductions ice cream and cake i t the cloee t f Oggsc/ orj °Ur fiBet'1 *ai-,°Ler*i3g 2*’ the score for Halsey. Miss Vida Albertson was a are expected In the miscellaneous on the above date to see the Sunday school. Come. Bring the meeting. high school visitor Friday. tax collections, since the new law your friends and your eggs. the new creations and low repealed many of these levies Mrs. Austin Bond visited the Clifford L. Garay, pastor. prices Mrs. P. Harms and daughter«, The Increased returns, despite the seventh and eight grades Fri­ lower rates, were attributed by Sec­ Mrs. John Fierstein and Mrs. day. She also spent the week Coats . . £16.75 to .«49.75 retary Mellon to the large profits Herman with her daughter, Mrs. Elbert Anthony of Albanv, M . E. Church Dresses . 9.75 to 29.75 last year and to the stimulation In were callers at the Willbank« Isom. Robert Parker paetor, business which he believes resulted Nats . . . 4.95 to 9.95 Sunday school, 10- home Thursday afternoon. from the anticipation of tax reduction. Preacbing, 11. The Moss family has moved Mrs. Theo Hoflich and daugh Junior 1^-sgue, 3. into the house on Second street TOONTZi ter, Mrs. C. A. Bruckman, Mrs . At the Smith sale Saturday, Ep worth league, 7 (the Pacific highway), recently the junior and senior Endeavor^ D. S. Davis and Mrs. C. E. Davis, Preaching, 8. GOOD 1 bought from J. W. Clark, ann societies purchased an organ to of Albany, were Friday after- Praver-mceting, Thursday, 8. GOODS' a filling station has already be used at their meetings. I noou callers at John Willbanks. Bible StuJy Tueaday, 2. been put in there. Ili Five I* IVA Near N. DO »• East la* oof in Countries '„.“L j a a vtvi K « m e O IIIJV II b a le d a t u r u d y , , i» 4 io . . Z -I. x -a * u v r u i t a n , m b s o