DRUGS MARCH 24 RURAL ENTERPRISE AGE 8 HALSEY GARAGE HUDSON & ESSEX ^ D ealer in | TORRANCE econditioning Shop visit to Mrs. Nora Coleman Sun* 1 day. “ LAD Y C a rs | Glenn Chance was here Mon- Good trade* allowed ay beston Hi-apeed W I N D E R M R E ’ S 1 day. Special eale on tire» and tubes up to the 81st of March Brake, P a tro n iz e Y o u r Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMahan We sell tires fo r less than you can buy them for from any FAN " were in Co’ valln Sunday. S E R V IC E S T A T IO N N e ig h b o r h o o d S to re m all order bouse Mrs. Hanna.; Cummings cams by ihe screen's greatest director, 212 East F irs t at., A lbany in home from Peoria Sunday. Phone 379 connection Mr. Stankey is o vner of t> P. P A P M A N Prop. with large woodworking plant here. Ronald Colman Wayne Vsatch is home from W h a t th e A u to s Mr. Minckley has been bed­ Halsey Railroad Time Irena Rich Bert Lytoll the U. of O. for his E aster va* ridden a week with rheum a­ Prescriptions North C o s t th e C o u n tr y tic and for South cation. May McAvoy other ills. 32, 3.24 a. ni. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. C arefully from tbe drama by Mrs. G. Mitzner is ill and Ida 16, 5:15 a, m. 15. 12;45 p. in. New York.—America'» automobile OSCAR W IL D E Com pounded 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. in flag was a t home w lh her from Al­ bill including coat of cars, insurance, 34, 4:08 p. in. 31, 1:34 p. m. flag bany over the week end. Next Sun.— Mon.— Tuea. - T R Y M Y STORE FIRST— upkeep, gasoline and numerous other No». 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers items of expense, totals more than March 28— 29—30 Three new looms have been from south of Eugene. —T H E N A L W A Y S - No. 31, direct connnctien for Marshfield 114,000 000.000 annually, tbe bureau of G L O B E A lbany added to the equipment of the points. industrial technology estimates In a Brownsville woolen mills. “Rome De Luxe” Passengers for s rath of Eugene should report made public here. Future or­ Halsey Happenings D. J. Hayes went home with take train No. 17. der» obtained by the bureau »howed F . B u fo rd M o r r is Sleep Sold Here Halsey-hrownsville stage leaves Hal- (Continued from page 1) * *s son-in- law, Han Nash cf that It costs the average automobile sey at 7 a. in and 12:15 and 8:11 p m ' _ . . - - 1 Gresham, Saturday, after a visit Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. in. and W hat a glorious feeling HALSEY OREGON owner more than $700 a year to own Mrs. Logan has returned to , , re b the ialt(.r 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. and operate his car. it is to escape from th e Corvallis. I . . | Lloyd Hughes of Peoria and of songs and readings, was giv­ The average retail value of cars, In­ deadening effects of a Oren West is running hl. ^ ¡ Bges BeU]ah Carothers and en. cluding accessories, was found -to be Outgoing Mail s a g g in g b e d s p r i n g . wood saw occasionally. Dorothy Mansier were in Halsey $1000. Of the present output, at tbe Mrs. Frank Leeper has the A t the Halsey postoffice maiin When you sleep with rate of 4.000,000 automobiles annually, Thomas Morgan of Plainview, Friday afternoon, the girls flu. j close going north at 11:50 a. m. your spine straig h t— approximately $250,000,000 worth are 91 years old and unmarried, visiting Ernestine Coleman, and 5:20 p. m. Guy Bramwell is making a exported. when you eliminate th e died Saturday. Peter Bilyeu died in Portland Going south, 11:10 a. m. and stay in town. Demonstrating where “the automo- p ressu re on d e lic a te 5:20 p. m. Willard L. Marks of Albany Sunday, aged 70. R. L. Bilyeu Miss Cleona Smith visited at i fcll\ ^ olIa; L ‘ °e8: ? . e nerves—when the whole To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and may run for the republican and Mrs. C. C. Jackson of Halsey a table showing that costs of cars and [ 12 m. M orning stage to Browns­ nomination for state senator. and Mrs. John Nemchick of Har- Oswego Saturday. system clears itself of accessories now stand at approximate­ v ille goes on to C raw fordsville, Donald Margason shot th e 1 ’ ¡«burg are his brother and sis- fa tig u e p o iso n s a n d Mrs. H. W. Chance visited in ly $3.750,000,000 annually; deprecia­ HoPey and Sweet Home. Brownsville Wednesday. tion was estimated at $2,500,000,000; every muscle and nerve nail off a finger last week when ters. he fired an air gun to see if it Miss Beulah Miller and Mi. feels refresh ed —th e n John Quimby nearly cut his upkeep, repairs, $2,000,000,000; drivers was loaded. Paid-for Paragraphs and Mrs. Albert Randle of Mon­ thum b off while cutting wood. 5 wages, $1,600,000,000; gasoline, $1,200,- y o u ’ll a p p re c ia te th e , 000,000; garages, $900,000,000; taxes, mouth drove to Eugene Friday H erbert Clark of Shedd got benefits which we offer, The Southworths and Moodj'3( $625.000,000; interest on investment, (5c a lin e ) a hand badly mangled in the and returned to Bob Miller's were in H arrisburg Sunday. you in Rome Quality, $500,000,000; tires, $6i8,ooo,ooo; oil, gearing of a tractor Thursday, in the evening and remained till Old paper» for »ale at 5c a bundle De Luxe, The Bed- Mrs. Hugh Leeper has gone to »3°°.ooo.ooo. and insurance, $300.000,- Saturday. but no bones were broken. at the E nterprise office. Ernst Lubitsch CompleteStock City Prices R Parts L U " ’ Wrecking Shop H alsey Pharmacy I G00. Mrs Irm a Shotwell went to Mrs. William R. Landen, Bert Minckley’s niece, and two chil­ dren arrived Wednesday from Titusville, Pa., for a visit. Charles Elliott and family of Eugene and H arry Hook and wife of H arrisburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill Sun­ day. J. C. Bramwell looks more contented with life. Mrs. Bram­ well arrived home from Port­ land Friday for a vacation of a couple of weeks. The Ralph Wade family at peoria are now out from under a three m onths’ quarantine foi D O N ’T M IS S IT. H E A R T H E STO R Y OF scarlet fever. Junior, the last The present assault on the direct p rim ary liw , one to have the disease, will not The attem pt to dictate republican politics and nom inations be able to return to school on ac­ in th is state, count of his eyes being weak. The am bitious program to control the senatorial nom ination Both churches are giving in­ strum ental and vocal musical features by good talent Sunday evening. E. D. Isom is the lead­ er at the Church of Christ. IL W. Chance’s rheumatic knee is improving and he hopes noon to discard crutches. His son I,. V. and wife helped celebrate It is an in te r ts tin g sto r y . his 64th birthday Sunday a t the Paid adv. Alfred E Clark for S 'o a to r campaign committee. Chance home in town. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Forster. Mre. Portland she and ton Mr. F rid ay L is te n in o n R a d io K T B R , P o r t la n d T h u r s d a y , M a rch 28, a t 8:30 p. in. *\c u in g , where was joined by her husband together they went to Gas­ to spend the week end with Shotwell’s grandparents. ALFRED E. CLARK candidate for tbe republican n om iu a tnn for U nited States senator, w ill deliver th» firs t radio political address of the campaign. this year, The purpose later to accomplish the defoat of the senior senator as well. H. A.*Rei>ninger of A lb a n y POrtlaiid-BrOWîlSVÜIe » TfìlCk Harrisburg 1 Line known her*’ havi"* ,ive* Lh tW.‘ B y e rie y ^ t Albany''’ i n a Lake Creek farm which he still owns, has joined the seek Gilbert Carey of Eugene ers a fter the republican nomina­ spent the week end with Halsey Leave Portland at 5 p. m. S a tu r­ tion for county commissioner. relatives. day, Tuesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sudtell re­ Leave H arrisburg at 2:30 p m. Eighteen members of the Mrs. W. F. White and Mrs. cently returned from a trip ot Monday, Wednesday A Friday. Karl Bramwell were at Corvallis several weeks in southern Cali­ u nalb u rn fa m ily and Buford Phone Portland 8226 fornia. They visiter! Mexicali and Morris, Halsey druggist, Miss Thursday. Halsey depot, S w ift A Co. Tia Juana, over the line from Wilma Haverland of Browns- Mrs. J. J. Corcoran, Chester Portland, care Auto F re igh t Ter­ minus. the two southern corners of th • v*^e an*i Miss I’eebler of Albany Curtis and Mrs. Glen Curtis golden state, and found th o st I were at a reunion in Portland drove to Albany Friday. H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T places no worse and no b e tte i! Sunday a t which the patriarch W ill sur«ly appreciale your The W illamette Glee club, ot than western towns in this coui:-' the family, W. A. Eastburn patronage which Alberta Koontz is a mem­ try were in early days. A cor- won a horseshoe tournam ent, ber, is touring in southern Ore respondent writes from Califor- Mrs Ejixa Brandon ,ate, gon. nia to an exchange of * longing, ceived w<1 ln ,h * Wilhelmstrssse. Brasil's threat to veto the German application, i “ 7 7777 “ . „ unless Brasil obtained a permanent Milton A. Miller arid Oswalt seat In the council. by many MIT i . . . German officials to h0B4£ bn sn ,m Floral and Music Shop ,rra tic national committeemei friendly act." which « M a . diplomat- Albany from Oregon. I ic representation». . •» CUT FLOWERS - SHEET MUSIC HALL'S springLuxurious. There is only one genuine Rome De L u xe—let us show it to you. All sizes car­ ried in stock. For w ood or metal beds. cber’s m ill, near C raw fordsville. D ie~ THE BEPSPRINO LUXURIOUS • There It only one genuine X lU lC • R ome Quality D e L ttx t anti It It made only by The Rome Com« peny. W e tell the genuine a a d €©©• I it io t hegithtui tlccp» Hill & Co. I t. HA LSEY D ELBERT STA RR Funeral Directsr and Licensed Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T B row nsville, Oregon G E T A C Q U A IN T E D for a dollar. Send $1 for a special 5 -m o n th i' subscription to S U N SE T, the west's great national magazine — the clean, up to-date m on thly for tbe whole fa m ily . Spare- tim e agents wanted. Address 460 F ourth street, San F ra n cisco, Cal. P IA N O m ust be sold— W ill sacri­ fice high-grade piano in storage near her» fo r im m ediate sale. W ill give easy terms to an e“ tab- lisbed home. F »r fu ll particu- lars and where it may he seen address Portland Music Co., 227 S ixth street, P o rtla n d , Ore. Anyone interested in cream sep- uratois should cail at the farm of A . W. D y k s tra , route 1, and see his Im po. ted Belgian M elotte. M r. D ykstra says th a t w ith the self­ balancing howl the M elotte w ill skim as efficiently after ten or fifteen years’ use as when new. I t is said to be q uits a sight to witness his M elotte in operation. We cleared 48c in February, despite the fact th a t we have 500 readers who do not sub­ scribe for the Tribune—Scio Tribune. 1 REFERERS SALE OF R E A LTY ' Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale mad: and entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon W . L. W R IG H T for the County of Linn, Department No. 2, on the 1st day of March, 1426, FUNERAL DIRECTOR in that certain suit therein wherein A. G. Wsggener and E. A. Waggenar his H arrieburg, Ore. wife were plaintiffs and Agnes Struth­ ers, J. E Wsggener, M E. Davidson. Theo. Davidson her husband, M. I. Wsg­ gener, Lvdia Wsggener his wife, Veda Roush, George Roush her husband, George H. Waggenar, Fauline Waggen- er his wife, Oscar P Wsggener, Marga­ ret Wsggener h it wife, Elvira W. Hall, George K. Hall her hatband, frwin G, Wsggener, Mabel Wsggener his wife, Laundry sent Tuesdays V irgil K. Wsggener, Lois Wsggener hit Agency Hub Cleaning Works wife, Georgs E Waggoner, Katherine Waggoner bis wife, Jessie Allen, Minnie I. Lilly, Prank Lilly her husband, Lau­ ABE S PLA CE ra B. Gatchell, L. W. Catchall (hereto­ fore impleaded by name of A. A. Gatch­ N O T IC E ell) her husband, Harry B. Waggoner. of Appointment of Administrstrix Margaret Waggoner his wife, W alter R. Notice is hereby given that the un­ Wagqoner, Amy Waggoner his wife. dersigned by an order of the County Orville V. Waggoner, Orvel C. W «k' court of Linn Connty, Oregon, has been goner, Margaret Waggoner h it wife appointed adnunistrstiix of the estate Ailsa L. Thomson. Henry B. Thomson of Arthur Wesley, deceased All per­ her husband. Daniel S, Waggorer, Mar­ sons having claims against said estate garet E Waggoner, George Roberta, are hereby required to present them the unknown heirs if any af said George w ithin six monihs from the date ot this Roberts if he be deceased, Ills Roberts, notice, with the proper vouchers, to the tlie unknown heirs if snv of said Ilia Rob­ undersigned at her residence in Halsey, erts if he be deceased, Hattie Thompson, iu I.mn County, Oregon. the unknown heirs if any of said Hattie Dated and first published thia 10th Thompson if she he deceased. Charley day of March, 19.’6. ,h* unkno»'> heir» if any of Effie R. Wesley, Admv. of Estate said Charley Roberta if he he deceased, fussing A Tussmg. Attys for Admx. the unknown heirs if any of Susan Rob- 1 f“wbr’<18«. deceseed, and gener­ ally all persons unknown havnig or NOTICE of Appointment of Administrator de claiming an interest or estate in the property in said , uit wore defendants, Boms non with W ill Annexed Notice is hereby given that tht under­ and appointing and directing the under­ signed by an order ot the County Cenrt signed as sole referee to sell the realty of Lino County, Oregon has been hereinafter described, I. theunders.gned appointed a.limmstrstor de bonis non referee, will on Saturday, the 3d dev of with will «„„exej of Mta|e of April, l t ^ a t the hour of 1 o'clock p. David I Isom, deceased. All person« m of said day. at the front door of the having claims against sai l estate uoi «nuthouse at Albany, in Linn County heretofore presented to th . executnx of Oregon, offer end sell at public suction to the highest bidder, for cash, subject wi'th T i . * r* r*qU,rr'1 pre' * nt ,h il" to confirmation of said court, all of the «ene I . »7Of* r T,ou<:her’ to the under, S. F. of the N. E. of sec 21, in tp signed at his residence, about four miles 14 S of range 3 W. of tha W illa m -tte Da’. e ? a ,U,MV 10 1 " meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, con­ Of lilrc h n x ” V^-tsv taining 40 acres Dated and first pub­ lished March 3 lv26 t _ . - Administrator Aforesaid Tussing A Tussmg. Atty a for Admr T Frank Richard, Referee, lusting A Tussmg, Attys, for Plffs A Modern Barber Shop