^^íbany^^/^rectory 'T h e Courtesy Shop MARCH 24 from influenza reported in Portland RURAL ENTERPRISE PA&E 5 Members of the Wing, Fin and Fleet -Got club of La Grande have issued a T H E M A R T IN L U D W IG 8 HOP statement attacking any Installation d 1 1 Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and Man­ information ! of fish racks in inland streams In east­ This is good advice: “ II you live ager. tAfarin air furnaces, plumbing, ern Oregon, specifically the Wallowa in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live and sheet metal work, tin and gravel ■ w io some other town, trade in that town. “ roofihg, general jobbing in tin and gal­ river, and in favor of a referendum But in these automobile da>suiany re­ vanized iron work, metal skylights and vote to prevent commercial fishing in siding elsewhere find it advisable to do cornices, pumps of all ksnds. the lower Columbia river. at least part Of their buying in the 136 Ferry street, Albany, Ore. larger town. Those who go to Albany Weekly sales records of mills of the Phone 127J. to transact business will find the firms West Coast Lumbermen's association nauied below ready to fill their require­ tor the current year were greatly ex ments with courtesy an t fairness. A ceeded in the week ending March 13. when 108 mills reported bookings ag They deserve the best money gregating 129,372.967 feet. The report J. L IN D A H L , hardware, w ill buy. I f you have to use your ing mills manufactured 107,947,524 • Dinnerware old frame, D O N ’T buy a second- feet and shipped 116,896,947 feet. Tin shop in connection Nearly 260,000 rainbow and cut 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon q u a lity glass- Have th a t exactly perfect. throat trout from the Roaring river hatchery in Linn county were released A Ibany F loral Co. C ut flowers and plants, I Floral art for every in streams of Benton, Linn and Polk and all occasions counties by the state game commis Flower phone 458-J. sion. The fish were all released in Mrs. Henry Landes, who was waters recently closed by the game p E N I R A L T IR E SHOP A f no additional fata, get extra advantages wbea cently elected mayor o f Seattle. yon travel. v? Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ commission, so that they will be given Profit by stopover privileges on 15-day roundtrip charging. 221 W. Second. time to mature. tickets between many Otegon points. Visit at sevetal Ed Falk, Prop. Income tax collection checked by points instead of only one. at Springfield to be used by the main Weekend roundtrip tickers to and from Portland— astburn B ros.— Two big grocery line trains when the Natron cutoff Is the Portland office totaled »1.348,275 01 without stopover— are greatly reduced in cost. Buy stores, 212 W. First and 225 South according to a statement by Clyde G completed this summer. diem for over-Sunday trips- Return lim it is following Main. Good merchandise at the right Tuesday. " Umpqua river jetty work was sus­ Huntley, collector of Internal revenue prices. This amount was from pended when the money which the for Oregon. Tell your agent your tra ve l plans. H e’ ll lite Cafeteria and confectionery port was furnishing became exhaust­ 15,640 taxable returns. On the same gladly advise you regarding a most ad* Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ed. The Jetty lacks about 2600 feet date—March 19—last year, the total vantageous itin e ra ry and urrange lo r a ll ings. Courteous efficient serviee J e w e le r s , of being extended to a point where taxable returns numbered 28,720 and We make our own candies. reservations, including steamship accom­ cash received totaled »1,291,530.62. W. S. D uncan . modations i f necessary. Optometrists and M anufacturing shoaling would be eliminated. In the belief that a »250,000 bond Gladstone voted, 198 to 41, to amend Opticians RD SA LE S A N D S E R V IC E the city charter permitting the bond­ Issue Is the only solution of the prob Tires and accessories ALBA N Y OREGON ing of the city in excess of the pre­ lem of financing many proposed muul Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . scribed limit, with the view of extend­ cipal improvements, the chamber ot Clay P. Moody, Agent Phone 226 ing the water system to connect with commerce of Klamath Falls has for o rtm ille r F u rn itu re Co., fu rn i­ mally indorsed the bond Issue and the Portland Bull Run supply. ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges pledged itself to do everything possible Funeral directors, 427-433 west Firs Substantial reductions in the rates toward having the proposal placed on street, Albany, Oregon. of the Yamhill Electric company which the ballot at the May primary election recently acquired the capital slock of U L L E R G R O C ER Y , 285 Lyon The state highway department of G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n the Tualatin Valley Electric company, (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Oregon expects to spend »7,000,00% Groceries Fruits Produce were announced at the offices of the N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r during 1926 In improvement of roads Phone 263R public service commission In Salem. under Its control, according to a sur- B u s y P e e p le Kiwanis clubmen landscaped the olman & jackson vey of prospective highway construc­ f Clackamas county courthouse grounds Grocery—Bakery Washington, D. C.—Public hearings State Department Outlines U r « tion for the year, issued hy the bureau Everything in the line of eats at Oregon City. Ornamental shrubs E. F. Carlton of Eugene has been were planted and a general plan p( of roads at Washington, D. C. To this on the prohibition question were or­ Opposite Postoffice derstanding of Proposed Dis­ elected executive secretary of the beautification followed out designed sum the federal government will con dered by the senate judiciary commit­ M P K R IA L C A F E , 209 'V . First Oregon State Teachers’ association tribute »1,319,943 from available fed tee. cussion of Reservations. oy Oregon Agricultural college experts. Harold G. Murphy Prop. Senator Walsh, democrat Montana, eral aid funds. An epidemic of spinal meningitis at Phone 665 Discontinuance of street car service Following the action of the state alone opposed the recommendation of W e never close Klamath Falls, which had been prac between Eugene and Springfield will Washington, D. C.—The America* board of control In Increasing the sal a sub-committee of five in favor of tlcally stamped out, has broken out take effect this week, according to an­ A G N K IO E L E C T R IC CO. open hearings. The subcommittee government ha« no objection to a eon- ary of J. Lyman Steed, superintendent Official Strömberg carbur etor sen afresh. nouncement by officials of the South­ of the state school for the deaf, from will conduct the hearings, giving six terence ot nations to discuss the ice station. Couservative prices. A1 The public sertvee commission de­ ern Pacific company In Eugene. Busses »1800 to »2100 a year, beginning Sep days to the wets and an equal number American reservations to the world work guaranteed. 423 W. First nied the petition of the Klamath River are to be used for passenger service tember 1, superintendents ot a num of time to the drys. court, and does not understand that en and money are best when Boom company for a franchise on the between the two cities. The hearings will be confined to such a conference as has been pro­ her of other state institutions have In­ busy. Make your dollars work in Klamath river. Delegations of Indians ftom the dicated that they would seek similar five modification measures before the posed at Geneva would In any way our savings department. A lbany S tate W. A. Cannon of Medford was ap­ Umatilla Indian reservation, accompan­ Increases in their paychecks within committee. One would amend the 18th constitute action on the reservation« B ank . Under government supervision. amendment so that states which were by the league of nation«. pointed state parole officer to succeed ied by Senator Charles L. McNary, the next few weeks. aiunkllo parlors If the United States should take any A copy of the Income tax initiative wet before tho prohibition amendment J. V. Starrett, who retired from the have tried repeatedly during the last (A beauty aid for every need) three years to get the bureau of In­ measure sponsored by the Oregon state would again be wet, with the govern­ part In such a conference it would bo office on August 17 of last year. St. Francis Hotel ment manufacturing, selling and dis­ on the further understanding that It Prop. Winifred Rest Blossom day at Salem, which has dian affairs at Washington to re-es­ grange and the farmers’ union w n i was not the purpose to consider any tributing liquor. tablish the Indian Industrial school at filed with the secretary ot statu «t been an annual event there for several Three of the other four measure! modification or Interpretation ot the Pendleton without success, and any Salem, together with a request that It OSCOE AMES H A R D W A R E years, probably will be set for April proposed to legalize beer; one for 4 reservations as adopted by the senate. 4. Last year Blossom day was held ittempt to substitute the desired be referred to the attorney-general for per cent beer, one for 2.75 beer and Au authoritative outline ot official The Winchester Store ; school for the proposed sanitarium if ballot title, lu event sufficient signs April 12. opinion made available at the state the other for beer “non intoxicating believed by McNary to be useless. tures are obtained the measure will econd hand Pianos from $185 uj. Florence White, 16, of Rogue River, Twelve tons of blasting powder, de­ tie refurred to tho voters of the state In fact." The fourth would remove re­ department included these observa­ If you want a bargain in a piano no* guard on the girls' high school basket tions: strictions on prescription whisky. is your chance. They're in At condition ball team, sustained a broken right signed to tear 25,000 cubic yards of at the general election In November Senator Means, republican, Colora­ If Is not understood that the league solid rock from a point about 7H miles The measure Is similar to the income Davenport Music House. 409 W. First leg In a game with the girls' team of south of Seaside, was set off Saturday tax measure that was repealed by the do, Is chairman of the subcommittee claims any power or Jurisdiction to Q T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR Jacksonville. by the Motor Investment company, voters of Oregon at the general elec­ and the other members nre Goff, West pass upon reservations relative to the Second street, opposite Hamilton's Mary Jane Brlckley, one of the old Portland contracting firm, which will tion In 1924 with the exception that It Virginia, and Harreld, Oklahoma,, re­ world court or has attempted to do so. store. The situation simply Is that the est residents of Oregon, died Sunday rock ten miles of the Roosevelt high­ Increases slightly the exemptions and publicans, and Reed, Missouri, and “ Sudden Service.” league council has suggested that the at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E way south of Seaside this spring and eliminates fractional percentage rates Walsh, Montana, democrats. aldo Anderson & Son, d is trib ­ E. Pointer, near Middleton, Or., at summer. nations adhering to the world court utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai send representatives to Geneva on the age of 106 years. Pasco Plans Air Mail Jubilee LIQUOR SCANDAL IN CAPITOL Tho public service commission has mera, Essex, Hudson A Huptnobile cars. September 1 to discuss these reserva­ Pasco, Wash.— -Six cities have ac­ Accessories, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin With a minimum temperature of 31 issued an order suspending proposed 1 tions, and this Is not understood to be thin ice formed on Irrigation ditches new gas rates of the Southern Oregon cepted the Invitation of the Pasco Case of Rum Dropped In House Office action by toe league, but by the na­ Building chamber of commerce to take part Iq w b ite ’s Shoe repair service. and frost prevailed over mid-Columbia Gas company, which operates at Med­ tions who must accept the reserva­ Washington, D. C.—Charges and fruit sections last week. Growers, ford, Ashland, Grants Pass and Rose­ the air mall Jubilee April 6. Weuat Opposite Hotel Alban) chee has already planned the part of counter charges during recent prohi­ tions before the United States adher­ however, reported no damage. burg. A public bearing probably will Albany, Oregon Rs program and will bring Queen Paul­ bition debates concerning bootleggers ence becomes effective. The state treasurer drew a warrant be held at Roseburg or Medford If these nations desire to take thia ine ot the seventh Apple Blossom fee- frequenting the eenate and house of In the amount of »472,215 covering in Portland, compared to other coast course there could be no possible ob­ tlval with some decorated automobiles flee buildings received added point S ta tio n terest due in New York city April 1 cities. Is relatively free of tnfluensa. and attendants. Seattle. Spokane, when reports spread that a man had jection. It Is Immaterial to the Unltetl on »23,000,000 of bonds Issued and Recording to reports by the govern­ States whether each nation acts sep- We serve a ll makes W i l l a r d s gold by the state bonus commission. ment health service at Washington, Walla Walla, Pendleton and Yakima dropped a rase of liquor In the house arately or acta after counsel with tha have accepted definitely and will take office budding and fled. and sell others. Announcement was made at an ef­ D. C. Since the first of the present part in the program. While police authoritiee disclaimed Under new managemen ficiency meeting of the Coos Bay Lum year there has no» been a single death knowledge of the reports, prohibition L . M. T aylo r, Prop. ber company officials and workers Rural Fool Halls to Be Taxed enforcement agents Indicated that 121 W . Second, A lb an y. that the company would adopt the South Bend, Wash.—The county they were true and that a sufficiently 4-L minimum wage basis of »3.40 accurate description of the man had rommlsslonera Issued an order requir­ If yon enjoy a good meal, April 1. been obtained for a warrant to be Is­ ing every pool hall In the county out­ and know a good meal when you get it. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schollars of sued. The man was said to have be­ side of the Incorporated towns to ob­ You'll be back, tor you'll not forget it. Medford observed the 64th anniver­ come frightened by the approach of a tain a county license at a cost of »10. Our aim is to please vou. sary of their wedding Schollars is and to pay a county tax of »6 on each police officer. 80 years old and his wife 85. He has pool or billiard table In operation. been a resident of Oregon and Idaho ALBANY Denver Banker Facet Indictment C A P IT A L A N D SU R PLU S since 1866. Denver, Colo.—William W. Etcher, Pasco Preparing for Air Mall Route G EO - M, G IL C H R IS T Pasco, Wash —Preparations for air Freddie Rlchert, 9, son of Mr and president of the closed Capitol Hill Commercial and Savings account« Solicited State hank and vice president of the mall serviee are going ahead hare. Mrs. Chris Rlchert, residents of Two Standard Investment * Securities Workmen are at work clearing and mile, near Bandon, died In Bandon hos company, was charged with embezzle- leveling the landing field In Frey'e pltal from burns sustained while light­ i I at lowest rate of interest ment and larceny as bailee of »100.000 addition The service, beginning April ing a fire In the family kitchen stove Real Estate Insurance with kerosene from the latter firm In an Indictment 6, between Pasco and Elko, will be Three persons are In The Dalles hog is made for the best of us. Re. returned by the county grand Jury dally except Monday. Prompt service. Courteous treatment. pltal In serious condition, suffering m etnhtr, poor ice cream ie not here. W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank o nly not so delicious as ours b ut from spotted fever due to woodtick bnilning, Albany i t is p< a tiv e |y nangerous and un­ Man Fined »3000 on Liquor Charge bites. The patients are Wilbur Bux healthy. W - absolutely guaran­ ton and C. C. Manchester of Grand Hillsboro, Ore.—Frank Nlmchik was tee th a t we do not violate the fined »3009 and sentenced to one year Junction, Colo., and James Malarkey pure food laws either in word or in in the Washington county Jail hy tij yout ay««m ot Cstanh or Dsafncas W hy suffer from headache? of Ashwood, Or., all of whom were deed in com piling 'he ingredients Judge George Bagley. Nlmchik and caused by Catarrh. working on sheep ranches In Wasco Have yo ur eyes examined S.U h f n m U roan fo r the manufacture of the best his wife were recently found guilty on county. P. J. CHENEY fa. CO.. Toledo, Ohio it e cream made, The 7-months-old daughter of Mr. charges of owning a still. Mrs. Nlm­ and Mrs Charles Lambert, residents chik was paroled by the court provid­ at the Snelstrom mill, five miles west ing she pay »500 to the county clerk _____ w ith of Crow, was burned to death when within the next 30 days. the house In which she was sleeping was destroyed by fire. League Officials Like U. S. 8tand Jewelers O ptom etrists, Geneva Satisfaction was voiced in Postal savings bank deposits at A lb a n y league of nations circles over dis Portland decreased »1032 In February J. W S T E P H E N S O N . patches from Washington that the The depositors' balance at Portland is tuay communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the ! state department seems ronvlnced the »1,416,108, by which the bank there TUSSI NG & TUSSING league floes not wish to Inject itself White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. Mr. Haskin, photographer,