PUPAI F N T F '?P P 'CF improved uniform international SundaySchool Your » Lesson ' ! _ n F B n F MtT'/lUlTl'P I T Z W A T E R . [)D E v e n , n» S choo l, M o o d y uf C h ic a g o .) 2«. W e s te r n N e w a p a p e r Dean D *BD e In - Lesson for March 28 REVIEW—THE GOSPEL OF JOHN New Home should be made artistic, sanitary and livable. ' These walls should be Alabastined up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each reflect your own individuality and tr throughout be a complete perfect harmony The walls of the old home, whether mansion c made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the It is absolutely necessary if you expect Alabastine results tnat you ask for and secure Alabastine. Avoid kalsomines under various names and insist on the package with the cross and circle printed in red. That is the only way to be sure you are getting the genuine Alabastine. Alabastine is easy to mix and apply, lasting in its results, and absolutely sanitary. tions on each package. Every pocleage of genuine Alabusunt has cross and circle printed in red. Better write us for hand-made color designs and special suggestions. Give us your decorative problems and le t us help you work them out. M IX IN O N I H 1M VTB W IT H C O L D W ATCH tabllsh this truth mid to nccompltsn this glorb us purpose In the lives of all his pupils. January 3.—In this lesson Jesus Is presented as the eternal Word exist­ ing with God before all worlds, the almighty Creator, the Bource of light and life, made flesh In order to reveal God to man. January 10.—John the B aptist tes­ tifies that Jesus Is the Lamb of God. This truth was certified unto him by a voice from heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Him (Matt. 3:16, 17). Andrew, Philip and Na­ thanael corroborate John's testimony by declaring that Jesus Is the Messiah of whom Moses and the prophets did write—the very Son of God. January 17.—Jesus is the hestower w it h f u r t h e r In te rc o n n e c tio n s a p a r t of of eternal life. He Is the only be­ By JO HN D IC K IN S O N S H E R M A N a v a s t s u p e rp o w e r e ys te m e x te n d in g gotten Son of the Father, who gives HE expression, "Pow er on fr o m th e u p p e r p e n in s u la o f M ic h ig a n eternal life to those who believe on th r o u g h o u t W is c o n s in . Illin o is , In d ia n a . Hie Farm ," Increasingly In Him. Since God alone can give life, K e n tu c k y , an d In to V ir g in ia . T h e C o m ­ use everywhere. Is the cen­ m o n w e a lth E d iso n c o m p a n y 's c a p a c ity th at In consequence th e la tte r nan Jesus is divine. He also made th is tral picture of a vision of Is no w SS6.000 k ilo w a t t s , o f w h ic h 160,- lagged behind. January 24__Jesus testifies to the the day when the Amerl- 000 k ilo w a t t s com es fro m th e C r a w f o r d p o in t: Sam aritan woman th at He Is the tin g e la t io n tn C h ic a g o . "Everybody knows, or should know, can farm community shall a H v u e t n u th e e g c e a n p e a r c a ity Messiah. His ability to disclose the o f th is s ta tio n w i l l be he supplied w ith cheap In c re a s e d to 2»5,000 k ilo w a t t s th is y e a r th at the stan d ards of living ami wages ■ecrets of the woman’s h eart and life of th e world, expressed In common electrical energy. No man en d e v e n tu a lly w i ll he e x p a n d e d to convinces her th at He Is divine. 750,000 1 ? $ living In the country needs o r 1.000.000 k ilo w a t t s , m a k in g purchasing power of money, nre al­ January 31.—The creative act by It th e la r g e s t s ta tio n In th e w o rld . T h e most In exact ratio to the amount of yjf to he told what It will s u p e r p o w e r s ys te m Is m e e tin g th e I n ­ which five thousand men, besides wom­ mean to him to have ample low priced | c re a s in g use o f e le c t r ic it y a t r e la t iv e ly power placed at th e disposal of the en and children, were fed from a few w orker: . . - th e fact often over­ power for use about the farm and | lo w e r coats. small loaves and fishes, with a super­ looked Is th a t the use of machinery home. Nikola Tesla, the "electrical | It Is no Recret th a t engineers see In and modern appliances has been a abundance left over, dem onstrates the w liard ," says th at tills power will soon th e n ear future electrical pow er quite great Influence In developing the deity of Jesus. he tran sm itted liy wireless. For the February 7.—Jesus Is divine, be­ generally In use In factory, farm and m asses of men into more alert If not tim e being, however, electrlcul energy | cause He opened the eyes of the man household, furnished by great central fhore Intelligent hum an beings will continue to he Increasingly sup power stations run by w ater and by Mrs. John 1». Sherm an, president of horn blind. So unusual was this idled by transm ission lines. Many 1 steam anil distributed by Intercon­ the General Federation of Women's miracle th at such a thing was never agencies are working to th e end that nected system s form ing one central- flu b s, applied the sam e thought to heard of “since the world began.” The th is electrlcul power may he generally man whose eyes were opened, con­ lied and highly efficient system. the American housewife In an ad distributed under sutlsfuctory condi­ E lectrical companies are In the b usi­ dress before the National Electric fessed Jesus and worshiped Him as tions. ness to make money, of course, but Light association last fall at Saa the Son of God. ‘'Home Industries reached by good February 14.—Jesus Is the Messiah, th eir fu tu re prosperity depends largely Francisco. The General Federation roads and m otor cars," said Guy E. upon getting many customers. And the Is now completing a "Survey of the the Son of God, because He Is the T ripp, chairm an of the W eatlnghouse Good Shepherd. In the Old T esta­ big companies are working hard on the im o rle a n Home" w ith a view to In company. In a recent address to the ment, Jehovah Is set forth as the True problem s of rural electrification. Engineers* Society of W estern Penn­ Shepherd (Ps. 23, F.zek. 34). The true Or. E. A. White, d irector of th e N a­ sylvania. "power-driven farms, naal- shepherd devotes his life to the wel­ tional Comm ittee on th e R elation of ern appliances In the home and a busy fare of his sheep, even to the extent of laying down his life for them. contented unit would mean th a t the E lectricity to Agriculture, says In This Jesus did, therefore He Is the American rural home has been re­ p art In Pow er P lan t Engineering promised Messiah. established on a nualern baals. For a (C h icag o ): February 21.—Jesus Is divine be­ steady diet Omar Khayyam 's paradise R e v e n te e n s ta te c o m m itte e s on th e In th a h e a r t o f th e h o m a -m a k e r p e r ­ would not be a patch on th u t Utopia, r e la tio n o f e le c t r ic it y to a g r ic u lt u r e f o r m in g h e r d a ily ta s k » In the Id and cause at His command, Lazarus, a w a s t e fu l w a y lu r k » a d la e o n t.n t man dead four days, was raised to If, aa amt when It cornea." ■ rn s e o f In ju a tle a . a re s e n tm e n t v»r life. Superpow er, over which many of our th e d r u d g e r y In v o lv e d In h o m e -m a k in g February 28.—Undivided love to God O ver o th e r In a d e q u a te ly equipped public men are waging wordy buttles. h o m e -m a k e r s spread s an a p a th y and Is m a n s supreme obligation. The Is more of a tendency than a thing. r e s ig n a tio n w h ic h a rg u e s a rre s te d Second Commandment Is like unto the Huperpower la the growth of the power g r o w th an d an In d iffe re n c e to -ta n d First, In that It centers In love. a rd a o f li v in g H o m e -m a k in g In th« Industry along tinea Involving more U n ite d S ta te s to d a y ta th e g re a te s t In - March 7.—Jesus Is divine. Iiecause efficient planta. wider Interconnection d u a tr y In th e w o rld and Ita I m p r o v - He came from God and went to God m e n t 1» a c h a lle n g e to U n c le S a m a n d (John 13:3). Though Jesus boldly ,o auch g ro u p s as a re rep re s e n te d In claimed to be the Lord, yet He stooped th e N a t io n a l E le c tr ic L ig h t a s . a tlon an d th a G e n e r a l F e d e r a tio n o f W o m ­ to render the most menial service to en'» ctuha. Ills disciples. March 14__Jesua claimed equality T he N ational Electric Light asso with God ami therefore asked Ills e la tio n — a noncommercial organiza­ disciples to place their faith In Him tion has long been working on ways as the divine being, just the Raiue as and m eans of applying electrical serv­ In God. par m il» th ia m e a n » r u r a l d la t r lb u t t o n ice to fnrm lng communities Many of lines to rea c h 170 tim e » across th ia March 21__Jesua proved his deity c o n tin e n t— e n d . a t th e m in im u m fig u re the Public U tilities are co operating. by coming forth from the grave. Thia ,.f ,1 000 p e r m ile , W ill r e p re s e n t an The Alabama Power company for ex la the unquestioned seal of His deity. In v e s tm e n t o f »8W .000.000 I t la e a t . ample. Is building 117 miles of experi­ to p re d ic t th a t , to m a k e e le c tric s e rv ic e m ental lines to serve 1.940 rural cus a d o m in a n t f a c t o r In a g r ic u lt u r e tw ic e W ater o f L ife as m uch w i ll ha s pent on th e fa rm s aa tom era and will try out the ninny If ye know what He Is preparing for In th a b u ild in g o f r u r a l d is t r ib u t io n problems In connection with experi­ von ve would he too glad. lie will lin es T h u a It a p p e a rs t h a t th ia Is ment stations. a »1.»00 000,000 u n d e r t a k in g not. it inny t'e. give you a full draught "P ow er on the Farm " looks like n t t 1» c o m in g to he re c o g n is e d t h a t Its ef till ye pome up to the well-head Hnd th e flr a t s te p I» th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f a reality of the n ear future. drink, yea. drink abundantly, of the r a te s y s te m a d a p te d to a g r ic u lt u r e A frets, direct and Indirect will b. In pure river of the w ater of life that n u m b e r o f r u r a l r a te s h a v e r e c e n tly terestlng. It should Improve the c L- Moody. P urpose of Prayer The purpose of prayer 1« to God's will dune. â. O. Gordou. TME OMLY TOOL R flD fD TO a w Alabastine Com pany 1653 G randville A v e., Grand Rapids, M ich . Two V i e w Obedient Optimist—Every cloud has Its silver ck—Just put this parcel lining. rm, James." Pessimist—Yes, until the plating :k—Yes, my d ear—right wears off. \ / \ / M O T H E R :- Fletcher’sCas- toria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. / To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. " T t seems to be eat ier for a rich man T he T reasury departm ent refunded to pass through the eye of a needle $151,OOO.tMM) to taxpayers during the than It Is for a w ayw ard boy to keep last fiscal year, but it kept more than that amount. out of a poolroom. Like tk ii man, thoujandt o) p ro fit g t t ktfd Io (on- nipauon only warn U it T il tell you why they wouldn't insure “ You allowed constipation to become chronic — until finally it resulted in organic disease. "People don’t realize how insidious constipation is. Its first effects are hardly more than annoyances — headaches, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and the like. But in time, as the body is subjected .o continued intestinal poisoning, it may lead to high blood pressure, rheumatism, diabetes or even Bright’s disease. “ Stop constipation if you wish to live long. Take a little Nujol every day—that will keep you regular.” Nujol relieves constipation in Nature’s way Constipation is dangerous fo r sny- tcsrinal muscles. body, Nujol is safe for everybody. Nujol can taken for anT k h o( I t does not affect the stomach and M notabsorbed by the body. M e dical suthonnesapproveN u ol became it is safe, gentle and natural in i t . action. » „h o o t To * inte rna, c|eanlineaa, i t , hould ta k „ | „ | v , n accordance w „ h , he direct.ona on each bottle. U n lik e N u jo l makes up foe s deticiencv— tem porary or chronic— in the supply o f n a tu ra ilu b ric a n tin the intestines. I t softens the waste m atter and thus laxatives, « "d c ln Ask your and begin N u jo l lU T IS U A L L U tA lC A U f For C m ih p d h o t i t does not form a habit discontinued at sny tim e, druggist for N u jo l today to enjoy the perfect health