NTERPRI Halsey Happenings and County Events fire tru ck tires from out o f town. I town. Oregon’s Vote Happenings in Mrs. Ella Pratt of California Shakespeare Up-to-Date Tells P u b lic Schools Is Expansive is visiting her sister, Mrs. Doings of Our Populace James Johnson. , Motorists’ Terrible Toll The student body is begin« Chronicled in Briel Harry Mason has been house ning work on a play, “Yimmie Salem, Or.—When the voter» of Ore­ hunting, weaif.ig that “smile Paragraphs Yonson’s Yob.” to be given the gon go to the polls at the general elec­ that won’t come off.” latter part of April. The books tion next November they will he con­ S E V E N AGES OF A U TO ACCIDENTS have been sent for. William Corcoran and Delo? Boreal breathoj on us today. fronted with one of the largest ballot* Mrs. Landon was a caller in Clark came over from Corvallis In the history of the state. This was C. J. Straley has a new radio. Tuesday. It is their spring va­ Indicated by a survey of the referen­ Mrs. Coleman’s room Friday to . | dum petitions, proposed constitutional see about starting her son to Clark Smith was in Albany cation. amendments and initiative measures school. last week Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller,1 Miss Esther SeefeJd is back now on file in the offices of the secre­ Mrs. Wheeler visited Albany Mrs. Eliza Brandon and Miss in school after being ill for tary of state. Ruby Schroll went to Albany and Jefferson Thursday. Probably one of the most Important some time. this morning. Ernest Dykstra was absent issues at the November election will Mies N e ttie Spencer made a be the proposed restoration of a state \\ ednesday to have some den­ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foote ano flying tr ip home from C orvallis income tax law, A copy of the pro­ tal work done at Brownsville. David Foote and wife spent Sun­ F riday. posed income tax law sponsored by the •Mrs. Ben Holt visited the day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fales o f Alberta has Robert Parker. Oregon state grange and farmers' un­ chod during assembly Wednes­ bought the H ardesstle property in ion was received at the state depart­ day and also visited the primary The Halsey Odd Fellows go to and near B ro w js v jlle . ment and has been referred to the room. Shedd Saturday night to join in attorney general for ballot title. The The boys’ baseball team was Mrs. W. F , W hite la e n te rta in ­ the meeting which will be fol­ rates under the provisions of this bill dismissed after 2:30 Friday af­ ing her niece, M 's John Audereon lowed by a social time. range from 1 per cent, based on the ternoon and went to Harrisburg of Eugene. first $1000 of taxable income, to 6 per for a practice game, which Har­ Mrs. Charles Green, who has The Christian church has re­ been visiting her parents, Mr. cent for all taxable income in excess risburg won. ceived new song books and is and Mrs. M. E. Gardner, wem ’S seven ages of mankind made no reference to the number [ of $9000. County tests which are taken using them. th « c? T t™ ° ff “ U‘eir prlnle by '"»omoblles. If he had suggests I ----------------------------- to Portland Wednesday. ‘very six weeks were the order Roy S m ith and Vern and Frank LIQUOR POLL DISCOUNTED yf the day Friday. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran and son parod^Zn Hr?a7ouSSunM:C°uncn' “ rolfiht hnre run •ome,b,ni Fitzw ater are boarding out $100 Little Virginia Moore has re- At first the Infant, Anna fo r ru n n in g a ( t i ll near William went to Salem today fot Methodist Temperance Body Believes Killed by a truck while In hlg nurse's arms, overed from an operation for a visit with Willmina at ths H o lle y. Paper Voting No Index And then the careless schoolboy with his marbles, appendicitis enough to be back state tubercular hospital. Washington, D. C.—Newspaper polls in school. Playing In the streets after bis lessons The orchestra and choir at the on prohibition were discounted In a J. P. Templeton and w:fe were Are over. And then the lover, Christian church expect to meet The school board met Wed­ statement by the board of temperance, Absent-minded, walking with a box of candy with Mrs. Donna Cross Friday i'i Albany Ftidfy and Grani. nesday evening to elect teach- Under his arm, to see his loved one, prohibition and public morals of th» Reynolds got a ride home w ih evening to practice. rs for the coming term. Mrs. Is struck by a taxi and hurtled to the ground. Methodist Episcopal church, which them. Shotwell is leaving to spend the Next comes the gay young blood held that the drys are not particlpat Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Walker week there were reported Out for his evening's entertainment, whom ¡ng in them. The index of their worth 'oming year at Los Angeles but have sold their place at Reed­ in Last Sixty miles an hour lands forty years too soon 4 ca«es of chicken- as showing public sentiment Is seen ill the remaining faculty were sport and are still uncertain of pox, th is 14 county Upon a slab in some unfriendly morgue. of influenza, 2 of rr.umps, the statement said. In that "the votes re-elected. their future location. And then the banker, full of worldly pride and honors, 3 «f pneum onia, 11 of scarlet recorded represent a very small frac Miea Jessie Hockensm ith expects fever and 17 of sm allpox. to be back in high school at Cor­ Oren West was one of a goodly vallis next week, after an illneas number who went from here to of a m onth or two. see w restling and other sports at Harvey B. Carr is a foreman Shedd Monday n ig h t and he can e for the Braun, Bryant and Aus­ home specially impressed by P h ilip tin Canning company of Los Tussing's prowess w ith the gloves. Angeles. Who is Harvey B. Carr? Well, he is the man who was married in Eugene last No­ vember and whose name the En­ terprise failed to get. Rev. E. V Stivers of the Christian church, who puts pages in the newspa­ pers advertising meetings and gets the largest congregations in tow n, perform ed the ceremony Halsey is interested because the bride was Rena Walker. Complaint is made that the county sends outside for supplies which Albany dealers would be glad to furnish at the same pricey and that Albany gets I. O . O . F. Notice Work in the 1st Degree S aturday nig ht. A p r il 3 Banquet and Smoker Practice March 30, A p ril 2. C, P. MOODY, Noble Grand Miss Hattie Mitchell, returned missionary from Africa, who had charge of the services at the Christian church Sunday morning, told of her work and sang, “Just as I am,” in the LonKundo language of Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Ped Templeton were guests of Miss Beulah Mil­ ler Sunday. Mrs. Martha Jane Curtis died Wednesday at the home of hei niece, Mrs. Ada Corcoran. She had been ill for two years, but not seriously till two or three months ago. She was 63 years of age and born in Washington county, Iowa. She came to Ore­ gon 34 years ago and has always lived near Shedd. Funeral ser­ vices were at Shedd, conducted by Rev. Mr. Calder of the M. E- church of which she was a mem ber. Her buria was at Oakville cemetery. (Continued on page 8) Jay walks across the street between two mighty deals of finance, And wakes to find Saint Peter quizzing him. Next, the family man, with years upon him, Confused and Jostled In the crowd. Missteps, and dies amid thanksgiving That his last premium was paid up. And last, hoary age, tottering and feeble. Perhaps with crutch, or eye too dimmed with time. An easy victim for some selfish motorist. Sans care, sans thought, saus skill, sans everything—but speed The chart above shows what proportion of all accidents happening to each age group ore automobile accidents. The toll Is highest for the very young and very old This situation is explained partly by the heedlessness o f the young and the Infirmity of old age. Moreover, these two groups are least involved In Industrial accidents which makes their automobile casualties constitute a larger part of their total accidents. tion of the adult population of the ter ritory covered." Terming congressional elections "for many years" referendums on pro hibitlon, the board said that "the drys have won them with monotonous reg ularity and by overwhelming major! ties." Church Notices Schedules of services in local and nearby churches, if received not later than Tuesday at 10 a m., are gladly published in tha Enterprise without charge, but Pine Grove Points Alford Arrows as a precaution against publish­ (By Special Correspondent) ing an erroneous notice in case (By an Enterprise Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Joe Comely of change, they are inserted were Albany callers Tuesday. only on the same week they are went to Eugene Saturday. George McNeil and family F. H. Porter of Portland spent received. Send a fresh notice were visitors at W- D. M cL a re n ’s Wednesday at A. E. Whitbeck’s. every week if you wish it print­ Sunday. ed. Mrs. Parker of Portland visit- Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy and ed her sister, Mrs. Michael Rick- Pine Grove Churoh sons attended church at Oak-'ard, last week. ville Sunday. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kropf and Miss Nora Peherrson is at small daughter visited at Levi Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7.30 home from Willamette Univer­ Hostettler’s Sunday. p. m. sity for the spring vacation. Evangelistic services every Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holt ana Tlie meetings at the Pine little I night this week at 8. daughter of Salem called Grove church are well attended, and will continue all this week. at Lee Ingram’s Sunday. Church of Christ New Coats, Dreses and Hats Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and School, 10. daughter of Ingram Island at­ and daughter Doris visited at Sunday Preaching, 11, tended church at Pine Grove Chester Curtis’ Sunday. C h ristia n Endeavor, 8:30. Sunday. C hoir practice, F rid ay night, Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugene A complete and extensive The Pine Grove orchestra at­ spent last week with her moth­ 7:30. showing, direct from the tended the Peoria community er, Mrs. Michael Rickard. The Christian Endeavor from meeting Friday evening and fui- fashion centers, at Corvallis have charge ol Merle and IJoyd Kropf and! Endeavor will nished music for the occasion. and the church ser­ Ted Comely spent Sunday af-j the Koontz Store, Mrs. J. A. Johnson was pleas­ t?rnoon with their friends, Leo vice at the Christian church next Sunday evening. antly surprised Friday evening, and Ernest Cersovski. This will be wonderfully worth when her sister and family front Mr. and Mrs. Chester Curtis' your while. Come and hear them California arrived for a visit. The topic for consideration at Women ol the smaller Rose McNeil celebrated her at,te.nd^ th.e , fanePal Thursday afternoon auat’ ,Mrs' Jack Curtls- at Shedd ttin morning service will be, towns are now offered the birthday “The Eldershp of the Church.” opportunity of securing with a delightful party, to which Saturday afternoon, Clifford L. Carey, parlor. pupils of the first, second and Miss Lillie Rickard spent the modern styled apparel third grades were invited. Mrs.1 week end at home. Her parents the snme as their sisters blood, Mrs. Eagy and Mrs. N. took her back to her school Sun- M. E. Church in metropolitan cities. IL Cununings weie also present. day, spending the day in Benton Robert Parker pastor. A wide range of styles Mrs. Ellsworth Shedd enter- county. Hunday school, 10- in admirable soft colors, tained the Study club at Shedil E. D. Isom and family spent Preacbing, 11. tor matron or miss, is Thursday. Mrs. J. W. Drinkard Sunday at A. F. Robnett’s in Eu- Junior League, 3. offered to choose from. had charge of a St. Patrick s gene. Miss DeEtta Robnett ac- E pw orth league, 7. pi' gram. Mrs. Dr. Marks compained them home for a few Preaching, 8. We urge you to be here day Pravsr-m ceting, Thursday, 7:30. reported $17.60 net for the chil- days’ visit, on the above date to see dren’s hospital from the silve» I Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 2. - ------- the new creations and low tea. It was decided to renew! .M a rrrie L. L. Haskin, of Albany, will d H e r M o th e r prices give a lecture illustrated with the effort to provide a permanent VERNONIA, Or., March 20. colored lantern slides on the home for the Halsey public 11- Stankev of Vernor.ia wild flowers Coats . . £ 16.75 to £49.75 brary. "China and pottery of our , of Oregon at the . . . 1 m . > . di rnsspd , . . . .. . . . . Mrs. Daisy Gebhart of Methodist church I'nupfathpr-»” w ill on Wednes­ Dresses . 9.75 to 29.75 Forefathers' will be discussed at ^n,any yegt-rday at Albany, the day, March 31, at 8. The slides next bi-weekly meeting, i ecemony being performed Hats . . . 4.95 to 9.95 the from photographs taken by which will be with Mrs. S. J. the Christion church. The are Mr. Haskin, which required ovei Smith. bride’ s daughter. Mrs. Rex Dal- 600 miles travel on foot to se­ GOOD |A Pearl Pehrsaon is home from ¡las, is organi.-.L r i’d pastor of the cure. The lecture is free, but an her school at Moro on account) Albany chuich tn d the ceremony offering will be taken to meet GOODS* vas performed by the daughter. the small expenses. ol ill health. Tuesday, April 6 K oontzq 4 I Kirk Kinks (By an Unterpiiae Ks porter) H. J. Falk was at L. R. Falk’s Thursday evening. The G. J. Rikes were Sunday visitors at H enry Seeield's. A. L. Falk and wife were Brownsville callers Tuesday, C. H. and F. W. Falk were Brownsville callers Saturday. Alex Snodgrass and family visited at H. J. Falk’s Friday. The W. R. Kirks were Albany ind Halsey callers Saturday. C. H. Davidson was at W. R. K irk 'a Wednesday forenoon. R. L. Bilyeu helped his son Cecil with his plowing last week. F. W. Falk completed a ce­ ment tank for W. K. Kirk Sat­ urday. Marion Condra was in this vicinity Friday buying turkey feed. Mamie Falk was absent from school last week on account of illness. Mrs. Clarence GUlette and children spent Tuesday at Cecil Bilyeu’«. Hiram Bierly and Lester Greene went to Klamath Falls Monday. Joe Elliot and family motored to Albany Sunday to see a rela­ tive who is Hl. 'The J. H. Van Nice« attended the all-day meeting of Charity grange Saturday. Ava Falk and small sister Bet­ ty Jean spent Tuesday afternoon at R. E. Bierly’s. Mrs. W. R. Kirk and son James called on Mr«. Alice Jones Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carey of Salem came down to Cecil BU- yeu’ a Tuesday. M r. Carey and daughter Mary, who has been staying with her sister, Mildred Bilyeu, returned to Salem the same day. Mrs. Carey spent the rest of the week visiting the Bil- yeus, Gillettes and E. E. Careys. W L. W ells’ car was disabled in a collision with that of Frank Snow o f Newbcig. Mr. Weils and G.ncvieve were brought homo from E ngine, locals o f tbs smash, by Snow, the car being left for repairs. The Wellies had taken Miss Hattie Mitchell, the Afri­ can missionary, to her home at Springfield.